For all the police haters on here.......those of you that hate ALL police and believe that ALL police are out to get you and that ALL police are's some questions for you.......
When you're driving down the road and get hit by another car and they take off (a hit and run) who you gonna call? Someone breaks into you house and steals all your precious stuff.....who you gonna call? When someone mugs and hurts your loved one...who you gonna call? Your car gets stolen. ....who you gonna call?
Who are you putting in that category of "police haters" who "hate all police"?
well I don't know CM's posting history, so.........
I can still remember a few months back when he made some asinine comment to set off a few people in the police abuse thread or gun violence thread and then later came back to admit that he doesn't often troll but when he does it's in one of those threads.
In this case, if the comment was true, you come back when people challenge it, not watch it burn. It's bullshit and should be treated as such.
Can we please stop putting police up on a pedestal already? 1) they knew what they signed up for. Don't want to put your life in the line everyday? Then get another job. 2) it's not even top ten most dangerous professions 3) they're more likely to kill someone else than be killed
I tried to thank an officer for his service, monitoring our neighborhood, parking lot and building. Coming home from work and I'm wearing a suit and tie. He returned the compliment by drawing his weapon because he perceived me as some sort of threat.
Very few cops are heros. Most I've had the pleasure of knowing, are assholes. Some, I assume are good people.
I don't believe for one second that you thanked a police officer. And then you fabricate that he drew his wepon on you for thanking him for his service, come on man, don't insult us all.
you are calling him a liar based on absolutely nothing.
So people must believe everything that is typed on these threads as the truth- no matter how ridiculous those words sound?
If I'm honest... I don't believe the story either. For one... it's far fetched- very unbelievable. Secondly... CM's posting history on the subject of police and police authority is extreme. He hardly sounds like the type of person to go out of his way to 'thank' an officer for anything.
Guessing that he is fabricating his story about thanking a police officer, and then the police officer draws his gun on him is an educated guess based on his comments. Referring to CM again, Racism? Read the story I posted two or three times. Tell me what's racist about that? I'll post it again for CM
Guess all you want, it's still a guess, not an "educated guess" (kind of like how your weird assertion that Obama has never used a lawnmower is not an educated guess). And outright saying that someone fabricated a story is the same as saying s/he is lying. Perhaps you meant to say something like you found it unlikely? Improbable? Dubious?
Has Obama ever run a lawnmower? I don't think Trump has either. Just guessing. I ment to say I don't believe CM's story. If it is true, then he's not telling the whole story as to why the policeman pulled the gun on him. It certainly wasn't for thanking him for his service.
I would be really surprised if Obama had NOT ever mowed a lawn. Why in the world wouldn't he have, given his biography? Trump on the other hand... unlikely, lol, and even if he has, maybe only as a child when he lived in a normal house..... Just thought I'd comment on the really important issue of the day: Which president has mowed a lawn.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
this is the reason we live in a police state. this is how structural racism continues to thrive. this i why we have the highest incarceration rates in the world.
police and the military are an untouchable class. do not question their sacrifice. obey.
I must be missing something here. are some equating the prefix "anglo" with "white" or something? it simply means England. lol
If Sessions did not have one of the nation’s deepest résumés of racial prejudice, one could perhaps write off this episode as an awkward rhetorical commendation. Given Sessions’ appalling personal legacy and the special place that sheriffs’ offices hold in the hearts of right-wing extremists, though, Sessions’ most recent dog whistle was simply too loud to ignore.
It’s worth remembering that countless black Americans were lynched, captured, beaten, hosed, tortured, and terrorized with either the overt support or the deliberate indifference of “the people’s protectors” over the course of American history. During most of the time “since our founding,” local law enforcement has played the role of an oppressive force against black Americans, rather than a protective one. One oft-cited study by sociologist Arthur Raper, for example, estimated that “at least one-half” of U.S. lynchings after 1929 were “carried out with police officers participating, and that in nine-tenths of the others, the officers either condone[d] or wink[ed] at the mob action.” Elected local law enforcement officials like Birmingham, Alabama, Commissioner of Public Safety Bull Connor were similarly celebrated in their time by offering “protection” to black Americans in the form of fire hoses, police dogs, and billy clubs. To many people of color, who are still disproportionately targeted by local law enforcement today—even for minor crimes like jaywalking and marijuana possession—the disturbing history of institutional racism in the “historic office” of sheriff may resonate to this day. To today’s white nationalists, however, Sessions’ full-throated embrace of “the Anglo-American heritage” of local sheriffs would mean something else entirely. For decades, far-right extremists have seized upon the mantle of “posse comitatus”—a legal doctrine providing for substantial deference and authority to county sheriffs—as a basis for rejecting the federal government’s authority to enforce civil rights laws. The notion that sheriffs reign supreme over federal law enforcement officers is also a central claim of self-styled “sovereign citizens”—right-wing anarchists who “recognize the local sheriff’s department as the only legitimate government official.” With this context in mind, when Cliven Bundy takes the podium to celebrate sheriffs who have been elected by “we the sovereign people of the county” and proclaims their supremacy over federal law enforcement officials, he and Jeff Sessions are speaking to the same audience in the same language.
this is the reason we live in a police state. this is how structural racism continues to thrive. this i why we have the highest incarceration rates in the world.
police and the military are an untouchable class. do not question their sacrifice. obey.
I must be missing something here. are some equating the prefix "anglo" with "white" or something? it simply means England. lol
If Sessions did not have one of the nation’s deepest résumés of racial prejudice, one could perhaps write off this episode as an awkward rhetorical commendation. Given Sessions’ appalling personal legacy and the special place that sheriffs’ offices hold in the hearts of right-wing extremists, though, Sessions’ most recent dog whistle was simply too loud to ignore.
It’s worth remembering that countless black Americans were lynched, captured, beaten, hosed, tortured, and terrorized with either the overt support or the deliberate indifference of “the people’s protectors” over the course of American history. During most of the time “since our founding,” local law enforcement has played the role of an oppressive force against black Americans, rather than a protective one. One oft-cited study by sociologist Arthur Raper, for example, estimated that “at least one-half” of U.S. lynchings after 1929 were “carried out with police officers participating, and that in nine-tenths of the others, the officers either condone[d] or wink[ed] at the mob action.” Elected local law enforcement officials like Birmingham, Alabama, Commissioner of Public Safety Bull Connor were similarly celebrated in their time by offering “protection” to black Americans in the form of fire hoses, police dogs, and billy clubs. To many people of color, who are still disproportionately targeted by local law enforcement today—even for minor crimes like jaywalking and marijuana possession—the disturbing history of institutional racism in the “historic office” of sheriff may resonate to this day.
To today’s white nationalists, however, Sessions’ full-throated embrace of “the Anglo-American heritage” of local sheriffs would mean something else entirely. For decades, far-right extremists have seized upon the mantle of “posse comitatus”—a legal doctrine providing for substantial deference and authority to county sheriffs—as a basis for rejecting the federal government’s authority to enforce civil rights laws. The notion that sheriffs reign supreme over federal law enforcement officers is also a central claim of self-styled “sovereign citizens”—right-wing anarchists who “recognize the local sheriff’s department as the only legitimate government official.” With this context in mind, when Cliven Bundy takes the podium to celebrate sheriffs who have been elected by “we the sovereign people of the county” and proclaims their supremacy over federal law enforcement officials, he and Jeff Sessions are speaking to the same audience in the same language.
Can we please stop putting police up on a pedestal already? 1) they knew what they signed up for. Don't want to put your life in the line everyday? Then get another job. 2) it's not even top ten most dangerous professions 3) they're more likely to kill someone else than be killed
I tried to thank an officer for his service, monitoring our neighborhood, parking lot and building. Coming home from work and I'm wearing a suit and tie. He returned the compliment by drawing his weapon because he perceived me as some sort of threat.
Very few cops are heros. Most I've had the pleasure of knowing, are assholes. Some, I assume are good people.
I don't believe for one second that you thanked a police officer. And then you fabricate that he drew his wepon on you for thanking him for his service, come on man, don't insult us all.
you are calling him a liar based on absolutely nothing.
So people must believe everything that is typed on these threads as the truth- no matter how ridiculous those words sound?
If I'm honest... I don't believe the story either. For one... it's far fetched- very unbelievable. Secondly... CM's posting history on the subject of police and police authority is extreme. He hardly sounds like the type of person to go out of his way to 'thank' an officer for anything.
Guessing that he is fabricating his story about thanking a police officer, and then the police officer draws his gun on him is an educated guess based on his comments. Referring to CM again, Racism? Read the story I posted two or three times. Tell me what's racist about that? I'll post it again for CM
Guess all you want, it's still a guess, not an "educated guess" (kind of like how your weird assertion that Obama has never used a lawnmower is not an educated guess). And outright saying that someone fabricated a story is the same as saying s/he is lying. Perhaps you meant to say something like you found it unlikely? Improbable? Dubious?
Has Obama ever run a lawnmower? I don't think Trump has either. Just guessing. I ment to say I don't believe CM's story. If it is true, then he's not telling the whole story as to why the policeman pulled the gun on him. It certainly wasn't for thanking him for his service.
I would be really surprised if Obama had NOT ever mowed a lawn. Why in the world wouldn't he have, given his biography? Trump on the other hand... unlikely, lol, and even if he has, maybe only as a child when he lived in a normal house..... Just thought I'd comment on the really important issue of the day: Which president has mowed a lawn.
Yeah, well, good luck with being reasonable, when it comes to Obama.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
I was arrested a few times as a wild and fun loving teenager... i've thanked police many, many times for their civil service in my life, just did it the other day as a matter of fact...
And I've never had one pull their gun on me... ever
Are there bad cops? Yes, just like any profession. Are there assholes that shouldn't be cops? Same answer. Does that mean, in any way, that it's appropriate to paint them all with a broad brush as was done earlier? The answer is obvious
Another day another school shooting This time Parkland, FL near Boca. Clearly multiple kids shot. No numbers yet.
Heartbreaking. When will this insanity end?
Never ever never ever this is America the great in 2018 where you can send your kid off to any school no matter the grade and he/she might not make it home that day !!!!!
Another day another school shooting This time Parkland, FL near Boca. Clearly multiple kids shot. No numbers yet.
alright, that's enough. metal detectors and security at every school in the US. funded by the NRA and the billionaires of the republican party.
No fucking way that would be considered invasion of someone’s rights!!!
Tough fucking shit! I have to walk through a metal detector every time I go to a Bluejackets game and I'm sure its the same at other arenas. They need to have them at every school in the country.
Another day another school shooting This time Parkland, FL near Boca. Clearly multiple kids shot. No numbers yet.
alright, that's enough. metal detectors and security at every school in the US. funded by the NRA and the billionaires of the republican party.
No fucking way that would be considered invasion of someone’s rights!!!
Tough fucking shit! I have to walk through a metal detector every time I go to a Bluejackets game and I'm sure its the same at other arenas. They need to have them at every school in the country.
I agree but as long as the GOP & Orange bafoon are in bed with NRA nothing nada zilch will happen , get used to it and if you have kids or planning on having any school them at home ...
Another day another school shooting This time Parkland, FL near Boca. Clearly multiple kids shot. No numbers yet.
alright, that's enough. metal detectors and security at every school in the US. funded by the NRA and the billionaires of the republican party.
No fucking way that would be considered invasion of someone’s rights!!!
Tough fucking shit! I have to walk through a metal detector every time I go to a Bluejackets game and I'm sure its the same at other arenas. They need to have them at every school in the country.
I agree but as long as the GOP & Orange bafoon are in bed with NRA nothing nada zilch will happen , get used to it and if you have kids or planning on having any school them at home ...
I have two kids in school. 4th and 8th graders. I've never been a believer in home school but if this shit continues I may seriously consider it. I always felt like I lived in a safe community but after the two Police Officers were shot and killed here on Saturday it may not be a safe as things seem.
My prayers and condolences to the families of the victims of the terrible Florida shooting. No child, teacher or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in an American school.
Another day another school shooting This time Parkland, FL near Boca. Clearly multiple kids shot. No numbers yet.
alright, that's enough. metal detectors and security at every school in the US. funded by the NRA and the billionaires of the republican party.
No fucking way that would be considered invasion of someone’s rights!!!
Tough fucking shit! I have to walk through a metal detector every time I go to a Bluejackets game and I'm sure its the same at other arenas. They need to have them at every school in the country.
I agree but as long as the GOP & Orange bafoon are in bed with NRA nothing nada zilch will happen , get used to it and if you have kids or planning on having any school them at home ...
I have two kids in school. 4th and 8th graders. I've never been a believer in home school but if this shit continues I may seriously consider it. I always felt like I lived in a safe community but after the two Police Officers were shot and killed here on Saturday it may not be a safe as things seem.
I don’t blame you my oldest is in 3rd yr @WVU every time we talk on phone I say the same thing , look before entering any class or establishment and get to know the Exits it’s fucking pathetic that we as parents have to think about shit like this !!!!!
My prayers and condolences to the families of the victims of the terrible Florida shooting. No child, teacher or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in an American school.
My prayers and condolences to the families of the victims of the terrible Florida shooting. No child, teacher or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in an American school.
In this case, if the comment was true, you come back when people challenge it, not watch it burn. It's bullshit and should be treated as such.
It’s worth remembering that countless black Americans were lynched, captured, beaten, hosed, tortured, and terrorized with either the overt support or the deliberate indifference of “the people’s protectors” over the course of American history. During most of the time “since our founding,” local law enforcement has played the role of an oppressive force against black Americans, rather than a protective one. One oft-cited study by sociologist Arthur Raper, for example, estimated that “at least one-half” of U.S. lynchings after 1929 were “carried out with police officers participating, and that in nine-tenths of the others, the officers either condone[d] or wink[ed] at the mob action.” Elected local law enforcement officials like Birmingham, Alabama, Commissioner of Public Safety Bull Connor were similarly celebrated in their time by offering “protection” to black Americans in the form of fire hoses, police dogs, and billy clubs. To many people of color, who are still disproportionately targeted by local law enforcement today—even for minor crimes like jaywalking and marijuana possession—the disturbing history of institutional racism in the “historic office” of sheriff may resonate to this day.
To today’s white nationalists, however, Sessions’ full-throated embrace of “the Anglo-American heritage” of local sheriffs would mean something else entirely. For decades, far-right extremists have seized upon the mantle of “posse comitatus”—a legal doctrine providing for substantial deference and authority to county sheriffs—as a basis for rejecting the federal government’s authority to enforce civil rights laws. The notion that sheriffs reign supreme over federal law enforcement officers is also a central claim of self-styled “sovereign citizens”—right-wing anarchists who “recognize the local sheriff’s department as the only legitimate government official.” With this context in mind, when Cliven Bundy takes the podium to celebrate sheriffs who have been elected by “we the sovereign people of the county” and proclaims their supremacy over federal law enforcement officials, he and Jeff Sessions are speaking to the same audience in the same language.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
And I've never had one pull their gun on me... ever
Are there bad cops? Yes, just like any profession. Are there assholes that shouldn't be cops? Same answer. Does that mean, in any way, that it's appropriate to paint them all with a broad brush as was done earlier? The answer is obvious
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
This time Parkland, FL near Boca.
Clearly multiple kids shot. No numbers yet.
-EV 8/14/93
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
Another day in the neighborhood of shootings!!!
Shooter in custody
Wrigley 1 & 2-2018
The children of gun owners kill other children while.they are in school
Wrigley 1 & 2-2018
My prayers and condolences to the families of the victims of the terrible Florida shooting. No child, teacher or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in an American school.