Deadliest School Massacre in US History...........
Posts: 4,440
was in 1927.
Have we gotten more violent, or do we just hear more about it through media? I always here about how fucked up we are becoming and how violent people have gotten. This was almost 100 years ago. So......are we more violent now?
Have we gotten more violent, or do we just hear more about it through media? I always here about how fucked up we are becoming and how violent people have gotten. This was almost 100 years ago. So......are we more violent now?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
We used to publically torture people, burn accused witches and lynch black people.
We've evolved, but we still have a long way to go whether we can realistically ever get there or not.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
In the meantime, how do you explain the fact that the U.S is one of the most violent countries in the World? Why are Canada or Sweden, for example, nowhere near as violent?
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
Can chimpanzee skirmishes tell people anything about their own violent tendencies? One lesson, which may surprise cynics, is that humans are more peaceful than chimps. The rate of killing Dr Mitani reports is between one-and-a-half and five times that seen in human agricultural societies—and between five and 17 times higher than attrition due to warfare among hunter-gatherers, who could have less need to defend territory than farmers.
Although it is generally accepted that chimps fight rival groups for territory and resources, not all of their behaviour is explained easily. Chimpanzees will mutilate chimps they have killed and in skirmishes (it's been suggested to 'make a statement') , chimpanzee mothers were often beaten as the raiders snatched and killed their offspring. Though these assaults on mothers were rarely lethal, patrolling chimps were clearly more likely to batter females than recruit them as mates, suggesting that other motives might drive their violent behaviour.
I'm not trying to make an excuse for the two apes this thread is dedicated to and I'm not trying to give them credit in any way- they deserve their deaths. I'm just saying that most species of apes- including human beings- are prone to violent behaviour. Human beings are a little more sophisticated than other apes, therefore our motivation might be more difficult to explain at times. It just seems overly simplistic to claim that these two losers went on a murder/suicide mission to send a message.
I can't explain the need I feel to pour myself into some subject that is distasteful. If one could accurately explain why we might have the need to dissect things such as the Boston bombing or the Ariel Castro case... one will have made significant progress towards explaining human nature.
The ethologist John B. Calhoun coined the term "behavioral sink" to describe the collapse in behavior which resulted from overcrowding. Over a number of years, Calhoun conducted over-population experiments on rats[1] which culminated in 1962 with the publication of an article in the Scientific American of a study of behavior under conditions of overcrowding.[2] In it, Calhoun coined the term "behavioral sink". Calhoun's work became used as an animal model of societal collapse, and his study has become a touchstone of urban sociology and psychology in general.
Lewis Mumford also referenced Calhoun's work in his The City in History,[10] stating that
“ No small part of this ugly barbarization has been due to sheer physical congestion: a diagnosis now partly confirmed with scientific experiments with rats – for when they are placed in equally congested quarters, they exhibit the same symptoms of stress, alienation, hostility, sexual perversion, parental incompetence, and rabid violence that we now find in the Megalopolis
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
if someone is violent for the sake of violence with no other motivation, that is more in line with lower primates. chimps, even though intelligent, have no political motivation, have no manifestos that they act on to make a statement. they aren't smart enough to make a bomb, they are not smart enough to understand terrorism and the intricacies of it, etc. they are territorial and they fight to express dominance. when do human become violent on such a basic level?? to prove murder you must prove a motive. i don't care who you are, all human killers have a motive, and in the case in the OP this guy was clearly making a statement. he was anti tax, lost an election, so he murdered his wife, blew up a school, and then blew himself up.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I'm not sure if we are arguing or agreeing? You suggest these people have motives. I agree with you, however I think the motivation runs a little deeper than what you offer and is a by-product of our very complicated nature.
If we look at the tip of the iceberg, we see an intent to 'leave a message'; however, there is much more to it than that. For example, the two losers in Las Vegas were 'shaped' into the losers they became. They were indoctrinated into a mentality that saw them express their beliefs in violent fashion against a perceived opponent.
Much like the grooming of suicide bombers, the process which saw them transformed into homicidal maniacs has its roots in the fallibility of human nature. I can't produce a timeline of events (small and large) that were responsible for such attitudes taking hold of these idiots, but we have to acknowledge that these events did occur. This act did not come about haphazardly.
More succinctly: because we are complex... our behaviours are complex. Chimps orchestrate their violence to the level their capacity permits and, sadly, humans do as well. There is a legitimate comparison.
beck, alex jones, fox news, et al, all bear responsibility when these crazy right wingers go on these rampages.
when is the last time someone inspired by huffington post or msnbc, or sirius left have gone on a rampage like this?? what is the common thread for most of these killers??
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Everybody is quick to step aside from these situations and point their finger away from themselves, but there is an inherent level of complicity in these cases that rarely gets pointed out.
Actually quite a few of these shooters of recent past were registered Democrats.
An Arizona Republican running for Congress argued that Democrats commit nearly all the mass shootings in the country. Gary Kiehne, a rancher looking to unseat Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ), made the claim when asked about gun rights at a Republican primary debate on Saturday.
“If you look at all the fiascos that have occurred, 99 percent of them have been by Democrats pulling their guns out and shooting people,” Kiehne said. “So I don’t think you have a problem with the Republicans.”
Kiehne also boasted that he had “more guns and ammo than any one of my competitors.”
Kiehne’s claim that 99 percent of shootings were committed by Democrats is completely false, yet continues to be a persistent myth on the radical right. Roger Hedgecock, a conservative radio host, seems to have originated this message soon after the Newtown shooting, as President Obama was preparing a plan to combat gun violence.
It is tough believe that we are not more violent now.
An article from yesterday that cited 74 school shootings in the US since the tragedy at Sandy Hook.
Maybe we were always violent but at least the consequences of our violence now seems to be much worse. Rather than 1 person snapping and beating another human to death they now take out a handful.
I think it is putting your head in the sand if you think domestic violence (which seemingly has gone on since men and women tried living together) can equate to these rotten asshats shooting people they do not like.
any way you slice it, too much