Be confident in yourself and your abilities. Care less about what others think of you. Don't start smoking the summer before college. It will become a nasty 6-year addiction. You're just getting into this band called Pearl Jam. Join their fan club now. The concert seats you can get will be much better than when you join later.
-Go to a community college and learn a trade instead of going to a 4-year university. You'll graduate sooner, have less debt, and your work will (most likely) always be needed. -Never loan money to people. There are banks for that. -Buy Pearl Jam's vinyl albums when they are released. -Try not to date girls you work with. -Instead of making fun of "band geeks," pick an instrument and join the band!
-Go to a community college and learn a trade instead of going to a 4-year university. You'll graduate sooner, have less debt, and your work will (most likely) always be needed. -Never loan money to people. There are banks for that. -Buy Pearl Jam's vinyl albums when they are released. -Try not to date girls you work with. -Instead of making fun of "band geeks," pick an instrument and join the band!
- Keep going, you're doing fine. Just don't try to be such a grown-up all the time, there's time enough for that later. - Don't get a perm, you look like a member of a hair-metal band when you just let your hair air dry anyway. - Fuck 1992-1995. Those years will pass and at least you will discover your favourite band before the shit hits the fan. - Start looking for a granny-sitter for June 19 1992 now. I know it's a few years until then, but you'll still bite yourself for not finding one and missing the show more than 20 years later. - Tell your mom to shove Christmas tradition, you're not going to eat the bloody fish you are allergic to. - Try to get more face-time with dad, he might not be around as long as you want him to. - Bury the hatchet with the girl sitting next to you in class and save the both of you a wasted year; she'll still be your best friend more than 25 years from now anyway.
You can tell a man from what he has to say - Neil & Tim Finn
They love you so badly for sharing their sorrow, so pick up that guitar and go break a heart - Kris Kristofferson
PJ - Auckland 2009; Alpine Valley1&2 2011; Man1, Am'dam1&2, Berlin1&2, Stockholm, Oslo & Copenhagen 2012; LA, Oakland, Portland, Spokane, Calgary, Vancouver, Seattle 2013; Auckland 2014, Auckland1&2 2024
EV - Canberra, Newcastle & Sydney 1&2 2011
Care less about what others think of you.
Don't start smoking the summer before college. It will become a nasty 6-year addiction.
You're just getting into this band called Pearl Jam. Join their fan club now. The concert seats you can get will be much better than when you join later.
- Pick up the guitar and practice, you idiot
2010: 5/20 NY, 5/21 NY ... 2011: 6/21 EV NY, 9/3 WI, 9/4 WI ... 2012: 9/2 PA, 9/22 GA ... 2013: 10/18 NY, 10/19 NY, 10/21 PA, 10/22 PA, 10/27 MD
2015: 9/23 NY, 9/26 NY ... 2016: 4/28 PA, 4/29 PA, 5/1 NY, 5/2 NY, 6/11 TN, 8/7 MA, 11/4 TOTD PA, 11/5 TOTD PA ... 2018: 8/10 WA
2022: 9/14 NJ ... 2024: 5/28 WA, 9/7 PA, 9/9 PA ----
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
-Never loan money to people. There are banks for that.
-Buy Pearl Jam's vinyl albums when they are released.
-Try not to date girls you work with.
-Instead of making fun of "band geeks," pick an instrument and join the band!
- Don't get a perm, you look like a member of a hair-metal band when you just let your hair air dry anyway.
- Fuck 1992-1995. Those years will pass and at least you will discover your favourite band before the shit hits the fan.
- Start looking for a granny-sitter for June 19 1992 now. I know it's a few years until then, but you'll still bite yourself for not finding one and missing the show more than 20 years later.
- Tell your mom to shove Christmas tradition, you're not going to eat the bloody fish you are allergic to.
- Try to get more face-time with dad, he might not be around as long as you want him to.
- Bury the hatchet with the girl sitting next to you in class and save the both of you a wasted year; she'll still be your best friend more than 25 years from now anyway.
They love you so badly for sharing their sorrow, so pick up that guitar and go break a heart - Kris Kristofferson
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
(damned accountability!)
(just me, or does that kid resemble Patton Oswalt?)