My wife and I were just remembering how happy Ed was after "ALL THE WAY" at Wrigley last year to introduce Ernie "Mr. CUB" Banks and to share the stage with him at "our diamond, our jewel" and experience "one of the greatest moments of my life" with "the GREATEST Chicago Cub of them all, the legendary MR. CUB.....ERNIE BANKS!" Ed gave Ernie his baseball glove from when he was a kid and seeing the band and Ernie SO HAPPY is another reminder for US how grateful for what our family has in life.
Please post what someone selflessly did to make YOU HAPPY! That's it! We will send the winner a VAULT 3 sealed vinyl.
Ten Club made us VERY happy that night with center section P tickets, so we are simply in a mood to do something nice for someone so please don't make up some story or any BS to try to get this record.
Please post YOUR story of what they did to make you HAPPY in this thread between now and 10pm US Central time on Easter Sunday 4/20. You do not have to use their name if you do not want to. One sentence or 100 I don't care.
My wife and I will decide the winner and announce sometime on Monday 4/21.
The vinyl is in great condition and shipping worldwide is on me.
THANK YOU PEARL JAM for helping to remind us what is important in this life! Sincerely, John and Liz.
"In a world full of greed I could never want more....."
Please post what someone selflessly did to make YOU HAPPY! That's it! We will send the winner a VAULT 3 sealed vinyl.
Ten Club made us VERY happy that night with center section P tickets, so we are simply in a mood to do something nice for someone so please don't make up some story or any BS to try to get this record.
Please post YOUR story of what they did to make you HAPPY in this thread between now and 10pm US Central time on Easter Sunday 4/20. You do not have to use their name if you do not want to. One sentence or 100 I don't care.
My wife and I will decide the winner and announce sometime on Monday 4/21.
The vinyl is in great condition and shipping worldwide is on me.
THANK YOU PEARL JAM for helping to remind us what is important in this life! Sincerely, John and Liz.
"In a world full of greed I could never want more....."
Post edited by whoyouare72 on
Dublin 02 Arena - 22/6/10. Belfast Odyssey Arena - 23/6/10. London Hyde Park - 25/6/10. Berlin Wuhlheide - 30/6/10.
Manchester MEN - 20/06/12. Manchester MEN - 21/06/12
Pocket, and hopes to find a ticket. I stood in line next to a lady and her daughter for well over five hours.. Finally a guy came down the line asking why everyone had to go see them.. We all told our stories, and when my lady friend explained that it was her daughter's14 th bd, I offered my 500 to help towards the girl's ticket, and that guy ended up GIVING us his tix! He would NOT let us pay!! So we got tix, and saws crazy show! Just last year I was able to repay the ticket karma, and give someone else a chance to see the band! The Jamily is amazing! Good luck to everyone!
First, when my girlfriend was pregnant with our first child, there was something she did that made me realize just how incredibly generous a soul she is. She had just gotten sick (morning sickness) and I was feeling horrible for her. After cleaning up, she walked into the living room and noticed that I had the posture of someone whose neck and shoulders were stiff. She came up behind me and started to massage me. I couldn't believe that in a moment where she was so vulnerable and defeated, all she wanted was for me to be happy. I thought about not posting this small, personal moment, but really, it was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. It was also foreshadowing of her "right livelihood", as she decided later to go into a career in massage therapy.
The second thing happened when I was in high school in Marin County, California. I worked in the dining room of a very upscale senior living facility as a waiter. There was one lady who scared all the staff. She was just so stern, and if I got something wrong on her place setting for instance, she would slap my hand. Still, I had been taught to respect my elders, and I enjoyed talking with her when she wasn't in a foul mood. I had heard about the critically acclaimed Phantom of the Opera production going on in San Francisco, and somehow it came out during a conversation that I would love to take my grandmother to it if I could afford tickets (she had taken me all over the place, to canyons and old California Missions, even Hawaii). One of the things she had taken me to was a symphony performance, and I knew she would love that show. So one day, I get back to the table to bus the plates and I see that there's an envelope with my name on it. Inside are two tickets for really good seats. You better believe I took my grandma, and we both loved it. A couple of things about this story: first of all, it was forbidden for them to give us tips (I don't know why), so she kind of broke the rules doing this for me. Second, I made a lot of friends there, and it's really sad to think that not a one of them is with us anymore. Mrs. Seidall taught me two very important lessons that day: Don't judge a book by its cover, and practice random acts of kindness!
Do not pick my submission, I don't need the vinyl, just wanted to share a random act of goodness.
My son Auryn came two and a half weeks before his due date. We had gone in to have the doctor check on things because he was breach. It turned out that our doctor detected a severe lack of fluid in the amniotic sac, and scheduled us for a Caesarian that very evening, throwing our birth plan out the window. We had very little time to pack, and our house was a mess. As any parent knows, those first few days are crazy. When we got home after our stay at the hospital, our friends and family had built new shelves as part of a major organization and cleanup effort. There was delicious homemade soup staying heated on the stove, and a fire in the woodstove along with a bunch of wood setup next to it. The place glowed with love. We both cried at how beautiful that gesture was.
I was walking down a sidewalk one evening in mid January in downtown Saskatoon (temps were just hovering around freezing point; hows that for a temp conversion for ya folks.) It was just snowing very lightly. The streetlights were creating a magical ambience as big flakes floated past their glimmer. I was alone, just out for a walk and ahead of me, walking in my direction was a woman in a long dark coat. She was alone, walking slowly with her head up, as if to admire the same thing I was admiring. She wore a small fuzzy hat and had shoulder length straight whitish grey hair. As we approached, our eyes locked briefly and we both shared a smile as she broke the silence in the air with a kind "hello." I replied with "good evening" and returned the smile. We had passed each other, having never known the others struggles in life, yet in that briefest of moments, her one single word and smile, made everything OK.
That was 8 years ago and I still remember it vividly today.
Lope around the arena a while longer when suddenly we heard the girl bust out laughing!! Soon she was laughing so hard she was crying. At this point I made them slow.. And we pulled them
Up. Their mother was in tears. She hugged every single one of us, repeatedly. They had adopted the little girl who was 11 at 4 yrs old, and she had never spoken but one word at a time. But she drew horses all the time.. She had NEVER heard her daughter laugh until that day!! I still cry when I hear her laughter in my head! Greatest feeling in the world!
This January I was working on the Big Day Out tour. I worked Gold Coast, Melbourne and Sydney. At the Sydney show I was standing backstage watching the Cosmic Psychos absolutely tear it up. I was lucky enough to very briefly run into, say a quick hello and shake hands with Jeff (in catering, Sydney) and Mike (on his way to the stage area, Melbourne). Back to Sydney... I see Ed out of the corner of my eye rocking out, Corona in hand, watching Cosmic Psychos with the Mudhoney guys. Anyways, after the show Ed walked down the ramp ad I just said "Hi". He returned the welcome and wandered over (I was wearing a Ramones short, haha). I told him I was working on the tour, have seen them a lot over the years ad was excited to see them that night. He asked how the work was going and if I was having fun. I asked if he'd got much surfing in. I shyly mentioned I had been in the TenClub 18 years (being only 14 at the time). He replied "Really?! Thanks!" as he hugged me and handed me 2 guitar picks! I thanked him and humbly asked if he minded if I have a photo with him. He said "Of course!" and chucked his arm around me as my shakey hand handed my phone to my friend with me (who Ed also introduced himself to and extended his hand in greeting). The photo is now my profile photo on here (and Facebook of course)! He was interesting, and interested. We chatted for about 5 solid minutes. A really nice guy, and it was the last opportunity I had to meet him on the tour, and he was a really nice dude to talk to! Humble and personal! That night they were amazing, as anyone there would attest, nearly 3 hours! That night I had a sense of realization, standing next to my best friend, exhausted from extreme hours and physical work in the heat on tour, my last night on the tour, I'd just met my idol, it was my 10th PJ band show, when Chloe Dancer started I got shivers, then into the chorus of Crown Of Thorns the old emotions took over and I welled up... brilliant night!
Thanks again! These are some great stories on here!
Fingers crossed!
EV - Canberra, Newcastle, Sydney 2011; Sydney 2014.
But I also just want to say a huge thank you to all of the generous people who have contributed to my holy grail (I don't post there because I don't want to bump my own active holy grail thread, lol)! There are donors who know me, and many who actually don't and gave anyway. It's hard to explain how good it feels to have people do that - I am and always will feel so grateful and honoured that anyone gave enough of a shit to donate.
I love this community! ^:)^ And Whoyouare72, very awesome and generous thing to do! Vault #3 is spectacular! And a thread with good vibes is always great to see. :-bd
(and also, my parents!)
Raleigh, NC., 4/20/16, Columbia, SC., 4/21/16, Boston, MA., 8/5/16, Boston 9/2/18 & 9/4/18., Nashville, TN., 4/2/20., Nashville, TN., 9/16/22.EV Solo - Washington, D.C., 8/17/08, Atlanta, GA., 6/24/09, Orlando, FL., 11/27/12.
Around this time, I started going through a deep depression. It was one of the hardest times of my life. But that man did everything in his power to help me through it. He wouldn't accept no for an answer on anything. When it got really bad, he would make sure that I had food. He would make sure that I had a place to stay so I wouldn't have to be by myself. He would go bowling with me (even though he was 82!). We became so close, and never once did he require anything of me, though I did everything I could think of to repay him.
Eventually, I decided to return back home to Tennessee, after being diagnosed with a severe depression that needed more stability to be treated than I had in Utah. I thought the man would forget about me. He didn't. He would check up on me almost every day. Little letters would be sent in the mail with a little bit of cash with a letter telling me to take myself out to eat. He did everything he could to cheer me up, even from afar. When I decided to enroll in college, but couldn't afford to pay for it, he stepped in a paid for my first semester so I didn't have to take out as big of a loan. When he felt I needed a break from the grind, he even paid for my tickets to see EV in Memphis in 2012! He surprised me by sending me 2nd row tickets! It was amazing, and I was so grateful to him.
The amazing thing about this man is that it isn't just me that he is doing this for. He helps people all of the time! He will tell stories of strangers or less fortunate people in his area that he will help. He currently has a college student from Haiti living with him for free so he can save to be a doctor. He just is the most caring, selfless, and generous person I know. He has inspired me to try to do the same with whatever fortune comes my way. Because of him, I make it a goal to help someone in some way every day. He really helped me to change my life and to make it through some of the most difficult challenges.
Thank you for providing a way for me to share this story! He is my adopted grandpa, as I like to call him, haha. And I hope everyone has someone like him in their life.