I despised George Bush more than Obama. They are all the same to me, try that crap with someone that believes there's a difference in the two parties.
did you now? i do not recall a single time you said anything about the traveling and such that all of us had to pay for back then.
and no they are not exactly the same. if they were the same we would be at war with russia right now. bush's terrible decision to go into iraq has insured that we are not going to go to war with russia. yesterday obama dissed russia by calling them merely "a regional power", while bush would have drummed up the fear that we were in immediate danger. sometimes a good leader will show restraint.
Bush spent most of his vacation time clearing brush in Crawford, not jet setting to Hawaii four times a year.
There's lots he can be faulted on, but comparing his vacations to Obama's isn't one of them.
There's lots he can be faulted on, but comparing his vacations to Obama's isn't one of them.