Anyone looking for Falla Sheep blind boxes can get them for $10 bucks apiece from cluttermagazine.com. They are also selling full cases of blind boxes at cost . $120.00 per case of 12 and $5.80 to ship. Just an FYI. I e-mailed the Ron English website and they e- mailed back to me where I could buy.
Post edited by Unknown User on
$250 for a purple vagina?
But I think you can still get singles. :thumbup:
http://pearljam.com/goods/product_info. ... ts_id=2146
flip flip flip!!
Collect them and display them ?
I understand but don't understand it. I just don't get the appeal. They are not something I'd want to look at on the shelf, but to each their own.
I really don't get the appeal, either. And let's be honest - if these weren't sold at Pearl Jam shows or the website, no one would know about them much less care to collect them. But they're associated with PJ so...
... so what?
You are not the only one, but there are some people on here taking runs at people buying these things.
Who cares? I personally don't see the attraction in buying stickers and having people buy stickers for you from shows across the country. Where are you going to place those stickers? Why do it? My experience with stickers is they make a mess of whatever you have placed them on.
Socks? Not for me.
I bought two. Why? Not even sure. Maybe keep. Maybe trade. It wasn't a logical purchase, but it wasn't the worst purchase I ever made either considering it never set me back very much.
Choice is left to the consumer. People could poopoo on everything PJ sells, but ultimately it amounts to nothing more than mocking people for their tastes. Each to their own.
I actually found this because I just bought a poster from him that he was hoping to flip. Got it for $40 under it's original cost!