I'm going to guess that most of pearl jams fans are in their 30's, 40's, and 50's. I really wouldnt expect that demographic to be jumping around like teenagers and 20 yr olds. Ive gone to a few concerts where the mosh pits ruined the show for me. I'm not there to jump around like a mad man. I'm there to listen to the show.
So I guess I'm one of those boring fucks in the GA that don't run around like I'm on pcp. See you guys in the GA in Charlotte!
I was curious if anyone had considered the no mosh pitting, no crowd craziness attitude of the 10C-ers to be a subconscious (or maybe conscious) choice of the fans to respect the band in light of tragedies they've experienced in years past (Roskikde maybe?). I hadn't actually thought about that until tonight.
I'm not old, really, I don't think. But I'm a parent, one of my all time favorite PJ fans is super mellow (and a lawyer), I know some pretty amazing fans that were brave enough to attend shows in their 40's in the early 90's with all the angst ridden young folk (they must be really old now! ) . We might be a little more conscious of our "personal space bubble" these days, a little less rowdy after 20 years, but I really don't think we're "old" or anything. It makes me laugh to see so many of us offering that up as an explanation to our less rowdy behavior. PJ fans are all young at heart!
I'm going to guess that most of pearl jams fans are in their 30's, 40's, and 50's. I really wouldnt expect that demographic to be jumping around like teenagers and 20 yr olds. Ive gone to a few concerts where the mosh pits ruined the show for me. I'm not there to jump around like a mad man. I'm there to listen to the show.
So I guess I'm one of those boring fucks in the GA that don't run around like I'm on pcp. See you guys in the GA in Charlotte!
As a forty - something year old, I am one of those that still jump and and down wildly. I'm not into the old days of pushing and smashing into people, but I do love to move and jump madly which means we are gonna touch at some stage
I can't have a go at any one who wants to be close but doesn't want to move. Although the more energy put in by the audience (IE Hartford) , the more you get back from the band.
One thing I found fascinating in Hartford was the few people in the first 2 rows that did not move through the show - were the fastest to move when picks and other stuff were being thrown out to the crowd!! Really - you gotta give and take - right?
As a forty - something year old, I am one of those that still jump and and down wildly. I'm not into the old days of pushing and smashing into people, but I do love to move and jump madly which means we are gonna touch at some stage
I can't have a go at any one who wants to be close but doesn't want to move. Although the more energy put in by the audience (IE Hartford) , the more you get back from the band.
One thing I found fascinating in Hartford was the few people in the first 2 rows that did not move through the show - were the fastest to move when picks and other stuff were being thrown out to the crowd!! Really - you gotta give and take - right?
Well the reason that most (not all) people line up that early for GA is to make sure they get the swag at the shows. Many people are focused solely on trying to pick up the picks, sets, whatever is around and it certainly shows at times. I'm all for trying to grab whatever you can, since I do it at every show I go to, but once that becomes the driving factor behind why you are there or if you have a good time or not... I'd say those people better rethink what the heck they are doing.
Encore breaks and after the show is the time to free for all to get all the swag. At least in my book, but hey I'm not the one waiting in line for 5 hours.
I'm not saying don't go for the swag - that is really cool, but when you are putting more energy into what you get out rather than what you put in..... I don't know, just getting something off my chest. It isn't really important, but I guess important enough for me to write about
This is a forum which means I can give my opinion and its fuckn annoying when people around you are doing nothing all gig but standing there and as soon as a pick gets thrown somewhere near them, all of a sudden they are pushing people out the way to go get it.
If you read any of my posts you will see Im not telling anyone how to fuckn act any where. Like I said, it's my issue of being annoyed.
Every time this discussion comes up we see two problems. One, that many people don't care at all how their behavior is impacting those around them and, two, that many people are much too concerned with what others around them are doing.
No one has any right to crash into the people around them and dump their beverages. If you are going to Pearl Jam to mosh you are at the wrong show. Rock out all you want, the more the better, but don't make a nuisance of yourself. If you are repeatedly bumping into people you might be part of the problem.
At the same time, the guy next to you has just as much right to enjoy the show as you do. If they are bouncing around too much for your liking and you are in GA, either find a way to deal with it or move to another spot. That is part of the GA experience. You have the freedom to move.
I really hope to never have GA tickets. It sounds like more trouble than it is worth. The lines, the fight for the rail, the sardine conditions...not for me. Give me seats that I won't sit in any day.
I agree with the original poster. GA is meant to be hectic and full of energy. The band feeds off of this energy as does the rest of the crowd. if they wanted people just standing there drinking beers they would have opted for the bolted down seats on the floor. I was in Europe last year and the GA crowds there knew how to enjoy GA. Lots of energy, jumping, a little rough but contained, and it was hot and sweaty. You know - like being at a rock concert! When I was in the pit there I felt like I was not just watching a show I was part of it. I was hoping to see this in the US but it has been mixed. Brooklyn night 1, I was 2 rows off the rail right in front of Mike. I was the only one around me jumping - on Mikes side no less. Everyone else seemed half interested and I was wondering what the heck was going on. I think this is the result of the new lottery based system. The true long time fans who know how to bring it are being shut out while newbies who are more into facebooking during the show are filling up the good seats. Here's the deal - if you are in GA and don't want to jump/dance/rock-out and get offended if someone bumps into you - move to the back or opt for reserved seats. You don't belong up front. There is nothing wrong with wanting to watch the show in your own space with a beer - just do it in the seats. It's a very rare opportunity to see PJ up close in GA and if you're not fully into it you are ruining it for someone else.
+1... GA has been lame. Wish there was more moshing. I asked 7-8 people if they would support me starting a mosh pit and all said "No Way" in Baltimore. I'll report back from Charlottesville and Charlotte, but I'm not expecting anything else different. PJ fans are just too old at heart. Too many parents and lawyers and oldies in 10C.....sorry to say it but it has to be said.
You want a Mosh PIt?
And you're surprised that people around you don't?
Even Pearl Jam doesn't want a mosh pit.....as seen on the doors at Charlottesville and most if not all shows so far on this tour....
It's really funny how some people consider their own space in GA section :fp: they wanna have a beer or two, they wanna relax and enjoy the show, they don't want anyone touching them....well, here is the news:
You don't have your own space in GA section....if you want one then get a fuckin' chair !!!
GA has been lame. Wish there was more moshing. I asked 7-8 people if they would support me starting a mosh pit and all said "No Way" in Baltimore. I'll report back from Charlottesville and Charlotte, but I'm not expecting anything else different. PJ fans are just too old at heart. Too many parents and lawyers and oldies in 10C.....sorry to say it but it has to be said.
I bet a lot of the "oldie lawyer parents" wonder whats up with the guy who expects the crowd to act the same way it did 20 years ago! :?
I was in GA for Pittsburgh. I got to the venue at 2:30 p.m. I was about three rows back between Mike and EV. While I agree that there will be naturally bumping of elbows in the section, it doesn't entitle you to be an asshole. I was jumping, pumping my fist, throwing my arms in the air. However, there was this drunk troll of a woman behind me who couldn't stand and kept barreling into a group of people. That was unacceptable. I almost told security, but a group of people in the pit convinced her boyfriend to pull her out of the area.
As for moshing and crowd-surfing ... Yes, I love GA. No, I don't want to be pushed around. Bumping will happen, but I don't want to be involved in a stampede.
I am very physical at shows, like I said. I don't stand there like a statue. However, just because somebody isn't flailing like a mad person during "Satan's Bed" doesn't make them any less of a fan than you. Enjoy the show on your own terms. Also, the statue people shouldn't get mad at the dude who looks like he's having a seizure during "Save You" (unless of course he runs you over or something).
Pearl Jam fans can be such bossy, judgy assholes. It's like the ultimate dick measuring contest. "I CAN ROCK OUT HARDER THAN YOU SO I DESERVE TO BE IN GA!!!!" Just enjoy the fucking concert and meet some cool people. I didn't know I was being graded on how I perform as a fan at the concert.
GA has been lame. Wish there was more moshing. I asked 7-8 people if they would support me starting a mosh pit and all said "No Way" in Baltimore. I'll report back from Charlottesville and Charlotte, but I'm not expecting anything else different. PJ fans are just too old at heart. Too many parents and lawyers and oldies in 10C.....sorry to say it but it has to be said.
The band has been around 20+ years. Of course their fan base is going to be older. What an ignorant comment. "HEY OLD PEOPLE. TURN IN YOUR FAN CLUB CARDS. TIME TO LET ALL THE 14 YEAR OLDS IN."
A mosh pit at a PJ show. Doesn't really seem... appropriate anymore. Maybe at the next Anthrax show, or the last one I was at... though 15 years ago, I'd love to mosh to MYM.
A lot of it is age. I am old, some shows I will go apeshit some shows I don't. Doesn't mean I enjoy that particular show better than the other. Enjoy the show how you like and I will enjoy the show how I like.
Also, having a chance to see them in GA will be an experience I will cherish and I may want to be more chill, relax and soak it in. It will be amazing and I don't want to miss anything.
That said, I have no problem with others going crazy, pogo-ing or however they want to enjoy it. Just don't get in my face with an elbow, etc. and respect my space.
The only thing that really pisses me of at concerts is people who are having conversations, long drawn out ones, during the damn show.
We were in GA at Wrigley. It was freaking awesome...talking to other die hard PJ fans around us before the show, being about 10 feet from the stage, close enough to look Eddie right in the eye, respectable people around us (it was my first time in GA, so I really have nothing to compare it to and I don't agree with everything posted here, I don't disagree either...) THEN, Ed announces that there is some "weather" on the way...
Let's just say that any of you who are bitching about what goes in GA, please relax. If you were at Wrigley then you know what I'm talking about...the show was amazing, but after the 2 1/2 hour rain delay, we never regained our original spot on the field and there were way more drunk assholes around us by then. My boyfriend and I don't drink!
It's an evil world out there....us PJ die hards must stick together. I don't know what took me so long to become a 10c member. but whatever....
I wish we were rich and didn't have to work, then we would be seeing the entire freaking tour! GA or no GA!
Pearl Jam fans can be such bossy, judgy assholes. It's like the ultimate dick measuring contest. "I CAN ROCK OUT HARDER THAN YOU SO I DESERVE TO BE IN GA!!!!" Just enjoy the fucking concert and meet some cool people. I didn't know I was being graded on how I perform as a fan at the concert.
:thumbup: What defines "rocking out" anyway? Everybody says they are doing it, yet I think there is no consensus on what it truly is. I always feel weird because of that. Do I rock out hard enough for a "diehard"? I'm having fun at my shows. I sing along, I raise my arms, I jump every now and then. But I also just stand there and sway. And go to the bathroom. But is that enough for a "diehard"? :think: :P
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
Pearl Jam fans can be such bossy, judgy assholes. It's like the ultimate dick measuring contest. "I CAN ROCK OUT HARDER THAN YOU SO I DESERVE TO BE IN GA!!!!" Just enjoy the fucking concert and meet some cool people. I didn't know I was being graded on how I perform as a fan at the concert.
:thumbup: What defines "rocking out" anyway? Everybody says they are doing it, yet I think there is no consensus on what it truly is. I always feel weird because of that. Do I rock out hard enough for a "diehard"? I'm having fun at my shows. I sing along, I raise my arms, I jump every now and then. But I also just stand there and sway. And go to the bathroom. But is that enough for a "diehard"? :think: :P
I just want to know who is in GA measuring dicks :think: :oops:
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
I had a blast in the GA in Charlotte. Most were respectful and when people started jumping around, I heard apologies when people stepped on toes or bumped to hard into someone.
Pearl Jam fans can be such bossy, judgy assholes. It's like the ultimate dick measuring contest. "I CAN ROCK OUT HARDER THAN YOU SO I DESERVE TO BE IN GA!!!!" Just enjoy the fucking concert and meet some cool people. I didn't know I was being graded on how I perform as a fan at the concert.
:thumbup: What defines "rocking out" anyway? Everybody says they are doing it, yet I think there is no consensus on what it truly is. I always feel weird because of that. Do I rock out hard enough for a "diehard"? I'm having fun at my shows. I sing along, I raise my arms, I jump every now and then. But I also just stand there and sway. And go to the bathroom. But is that enough for a "diehard"? :think: :P
Listen...I was not trying to argue over who is a diehard and who isn't...I agree with those of you who say that there are just certain people who should not be in GA. All of my PJ shows to date have been awesome, I have no complaints. "Just enjoy the fucking concert and meet some cool people"!!! Well said!
Listen...I was not trying to argue over who is a diehard and who isn't...I agree with those of you who say that there are just certain people who should not be in GA. All of my PJ shows to date have been awesome, I have no complaints. "Just enjoy the fucking concert and meet some cool people"!!! Well said!
I'm sorry, I digressed ...
In Germany, the whole floor is GA. The front is rather rowdy, the middle is the middle and the back is laid back. Something for everybody. Maybe the should just try to enlarge the GA floor over here a bit to make more people happy.
Post edited by Leezestarr313 on
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
I had a blast in the GA in Charlotte. Most were respectful and when people started jumping around, I heard apologies when people stepped on toes or bumped to hard into someone.
and best avatar foto in along time in the forum!!!
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
What defines "rocking out" anyway? Everybody says they are doing it, yet I think there is no consensus on what it truly is. I always feel weird because of that. Do I rock out hard enough for a "diehard"? I'm having fun at my shows. I sing along, I raise my arms, I jump every now and then. But I also just stand there and sway. And go to the bathroom. But is that enough for a "diehard"? :think: :P
Since we old fogey parent 10Cers are so, well... Old, we should just wear our depends undergarments to the shows, then we don't have to go to the bathroom and we can show those youngsters who are really the diehards!
But really, it isn't age that makes us die hards. Or energy level. Or alcohol consumption. Or number of shows attended. Or whatever. It's inside of us. It can't be measured by another person's experience...
I think most people are saying have fun your way and let me have fun my way, just don't be a jerk.
Or we'll have to resort to the previously mentioned dick measuring and assign seating by that. Which is inherently unfair to the female fan base. Unless of course, no dick gets you up front. Then we might as well be at a Justin Bieber show with 15 rows of screaming girls up front.
+1... GA has been lame. Wish there was more moshing. I asked 7-8 people if they would support me starting a mosh pit and all said "No Way" in Baltimore. I'll report back from Charlottesville and Charlotte, but I'm not expecting anything else different. PJ fans are just too old at heart. Too many parents and lawyers and oldies in 10C.....sorry to say it but it has to be said.
You want a Mosh PIt?
And you're surprised that people around you don't?
Even Pearl Jam doesn't want a mosh pit.....as seen on the doors at Charlottesville and most if not all shows so far on this tour....
Yeah I'm all for rocking out, singing, dancing, etc, but I think mosh pits are silly. I might as well just throw myself into the walls while listening I'm not a parent or a lawyer...an "oldie" is a matter of perspective, "the wisdom that the old can't give away," so I'm cool with that
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Since we old fogey parent 10Cers are so, well... Old, we should just wear our depends undergarments to the shows, then we don't have to go to the bathroom and we can show those youngsters who are really the diehards!
But really, it isn't age that makes us die hards. Or energy level. Or alcohol consumption. Or number of shows attended. Or whatever. It's inside of us. It can't be measured by another person's experience...
I think most people are saying have fun your way and let me have fun my way, just don't be a jerk.
Or we'll have to resort to the previously mentioned dick measuring and assign seating by that. Which is inherently unfair to the female fan base. Unless of course, no dick gets you up front. Then we might as well be at a Justin Bieber show with 15 rows of screaming girls up front.
Agreed. But not on the first paragraph. I'm not old and not a parent! And I always had a small bladder :shifty: I made it through the Philly shows in the pit without going during the show though
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
Since we old fogey parent 10Cers are so, well... Old, we should just wear our depends undergarments to the shows, then we don't have to go to the bathroom and we can show those youngsters who are really the diehards!
But really, it isn't age that makes us die hards. Or energy level. Or alcohol consumption. Or number of shows attended. Or whatever. It's inside of us. It can't be measured by another person's experience...
I think most people are saying have fun your way and let me have fun my way, just don't be a jerk.
Or we'll have to resort to the previously mentioned dick measuring and assign seating by that. Which is inherently unfair to the female fan base. Unless of course, no dick gets you up front. Then we might as well be at a Justin Bieber show with 15 rows of screaming girls up front.
Agreed. But not on the first paragraph. I'm not old and not a parent! And I always had a small bladder :shifty: I made it through the Philly shows in the pit without going during the show though
I never take pee breaks during shows ever and I have a teeny bladder too. I just go 15 times before the show. Sometimes I throw myself into walls of the stall to get the moshing started. That's how hardcore I am :P
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
I'm not old, really, I don't think. But I'm a parent, one of my all time favorite PJ fans is super mellow (and a lawyer), I know some pretty amazing fans that were brave enough to attend shows in their 40's in the early 90's with all the angst ridden young folk (they must be really old now!
Maybe it's something else entirely.
I deserve the GA just as much as the next guy.
I can't have a go at any one who wants to be close but doesn't want to move. Although the more energy put in by the audience (IE Hartford) , the more you get back from the band.
One thing I found fascinating in Hartford was the few people in the first 2 rows that did not move through the show - were the fastest to move when picks and other stuff were being thrown out to the crowd!! Really - you gotta give and take - right?
Well the reason that most (not all) people line up that early for GA is to make sure they get the swag at the shows. Many people are focused solely on trying to pick up the picks, sets, whatever is around and it certainly shows at times. I'm all for trying to grab whatever you can, since I do it at every show I go to, but once that becomes the driving factor behind why you are there or if you have a good time or not... I'd say those people better rethink what the heck they are doing.
Encore breaks and after the show is the time to free for all to get all the swag. At least in my book, but hey I'm not the one waiting in line for 5 hours.
'10- MSG 1-2 '11- PJ20
'12- MIA; DeLuna '13- Wrigley; Pitt; Brooklyn 1-2; Philly 1-2; Baltimore; Seattle
'14- Denver '16- Philly 1-2; MSG 2
'17- Pilgrimage Music Fest (Eddie)
'18- Fenway
'10- MSG 1-2 '11- PJ20
'12- MIA; DeLuna '13- Wrigley; Pitt; Brooklyn 1-2; Philly 1-2; Baltimore; Seattle
'14- Denver '16- Philly 1-2; MSG 2
'17- Pilgrimage Music Fest (Eddie)
'18- Fenway
Why not pay attention to the fucking stage, instead of how the others next to you are behaving?
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
If you read any of my posts you will see Im not telling anyone how to fuckn act any where. Like I said, it's my issue of being annoyed.
I agree, everyone enjoys live music differently at different times. The suggestion that you must act a certain way to be in GA is idiotic!
You want a Mosh PIt?
And you're surprised that people around you don't?
Even Pearl Jam doesn't want a mosh pit.....as seen on the doors at Charlottesville and most if not all shows so far on this tour....
You don't have your own space in GA section....if you want one then get a fuckin' chair !!!
I bet a lot of the "oldie lawyer parents" wonder whats up with the guy who expects the crowd to act the same way it did 20 years ago! :?
As for moshing and crowd-surfing ... Yes, I love GA. No, I don't want to be pushed around. Bumping will happen, but I don't want to be involved in a stampede.
I am very physical at shows, like I said. I don't stand there like a statue. However, just because somebody isn't flailing like a mad person during "Satan's Bed" doesn't make them any less of a fan than you. Enjoy the show on your own terms. Also, the statue people shouldn't get mad at the dude who looks like he's having a seizure during "Save You" (unless of course he runs you over or something).
Pearl Jam fans can be such bossy, judgy assholes. It's like the ultimate dick measuring contest. "I CAN ROCK OUT HARDER THAN YOU SO I DESERVE TO BE IN GA!!!!" Just enjoy the fucking concert and meet some cool people. I didn't know I was being graded on how I perform as a fan at the concert.
The band has been around 20+ years. Of course their fan base is going to be older. What an ignorant comment. "HEY OLD PEOPLE. TURN IN YOUR FAN CLUB CARDS. TIME TO LET ALL THE 14 YEAR OLDS IN."
That said, I'm 26.
A lot of it is age. I am old, some shows I will go apeshit some shows I don't. Doesn't mean I enjoy that particular show better than the other. Enjoy the show how you like and I will enjoy the show how I like.
Also, having a chance to see them in GA will be an experience I will cherish and I may want to be more chill, relax and soak it in. It will be amazing and I don't want to miss anything.
That said, I have no problem with others going crazy, pogo-ing or however they want to enjoy it. Just don't get in my face with an elbow, etc. and respect my space.
The only thing that really pisses me of at concerts is people who are having conversations, long drawn out ones, during the damn show.
PJ: 2011-09-03 2011-09-04
Let's just say that any of you who are bitching about what goes in GA, please relax. If you were at Wrigley then you know what I'm talking about...the show was amazing, but after the 2 1/2 hour rain delay, we never regained our original spot on the field and there were way more drunk assholes around us by then. My boyfriend and I don't drink!
It's an evil world out there....us PJ die hards must stick together. I don't know what took me so long to become a 10c member. but whatever....
I wish we were rich and didn't have to work, then we would be seeing the entire freaking tour! GA or no GA!
:thumbup: What defines "rocking out" anyway? Everybody says they are doing it, yet I think there is no consensus on what it truly is. I always feel weird because of that. Do I rock out hard enough for a "diehard"? I'm having fun at my shows. I sing along, I raise my arms, I jump every now and then. But I also just stand there and sway. And go to the bathroom. But is that enough for a "diehard"? :think: :P
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Listen...I was not trying to argue over who is a diehard and who isn't...I agree with those of you who say that there are just certain people who should not be in GA. All of my PJ shows to date have been awesome, I have no complaints. "Just enjoy the fucking concert and meet some cool people"!!! Well said!
I'm sorry, I digressed ...
In Germany, the whole floor is GA. The front is rather rowdy, the middle is the middle and the back is laid back. Something for everybody. Maybe the should just try to enlarge the GA floor over here a bit to make more people happy.
and best avatar foto in along time in the forum!!!
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Since we old fogey parent 10Cers are so, well... Old, we should just wear our depends undergarments to the shows, then we don't have to go to the bathroom and we can show those youngsters who are really the diehards!
But really, it isn't age that makes us die hards. Or energy level. Or alcohol consumption. Or number of shows attended. Or whatever. It's inside of us. It can't be measured by another person's experience...
I think most people are saying have fun your way and let me have fun my way, just don't be a jerk.
Or we'll have to resort to the previously mentioned dick measuring and assign seating by that. Which is inherently unfair to the female fan base. Unless of course, no dick gets you up front. Then we might as well be at a Justin Bieber show with 15 rows of screaming girls up front.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Agreed. But not on the first paragraph. I'm not old and not a parent! And I always had a small bladder :shifty: I made it through the Philly shows in the pit without going during the show though
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"