dankind wrote: My grail. First thing I'll buy if I ever hit the lotto.
ponner1us wrote: dankind wrote: My grail. First thing I'll buy if I ever hit the lotto. Me too, 1st it was Borgata, which I found, now this. Good luck on your search, hopefully we'll both find one!
First thing I'll buy if I ever hit the lotto.
Me too, 1st it was Borgata, which I found, now this. Good luck on your search, hopefully we'll both find one!
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Journey Ends:
I've had no trouble tracking down the poster; it's tracking down the money to buy one that's always the hard part.
If you have the cash, check to see if Thierry Henry still has his (viewtopic.php?f=20&t=205479#p4951925).