Pulled deltoid muscle



  • duska3419 wrote:
    honeslty this thread and your kindness to dispense what knowledge you can to complete strangers on a band forum makes me think I should reboot the mission to get myself fixed. Also I just saw a commercial for NY Presbyterian. So I'm gonna do some more legwork (pun fully intended) and try to get this fixed before next year. :thumbup: Even if that means getting the run around and wasting more time.
    i try to contribute when i can on here. if i know something that might benefit others i am not gonna be selfish with it.
    it is better than me spending my time arguing with people on amt like i normally do :lol::lol:

    lol i caught the pun.

    good luck and let us know how it turns out. i am interested to see what the diagnosis and treatment plan is.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • backseatLover12backseatLover12 Posts: 2,312
    edited September 2013
    chadwick wrote:
    chadwick wrote:
    wow, well done, gst

    so what about actually hearing the rotater cuff explode or whatever it does? that was some sound & dad was not to pleased as his arm went dead like but above his head...
    it is not uncommon to hear things rupture. it is like pulling a rubber band until it breaks. there is a snap there.

    everything pops when it tears, some people just feel it, sometimes people hear it too.

    i was standing on a sideline at a college football game in 1996 or so when a guy fractured his femur right in front of me. now that is a sound i will never, ever forget. both the snap, and the screams that followed it...
    fuck the heck off @ the feeling & the sound of a snapping femur... that is terrible agony i would imagine.

    I broke both femurs in a car accident, compound fractures (exit wounds through skin) and they both broke at both ends of the bone. Didn't hear any sound, didn't feel any pain, just knew I couldn't move them. So glad that I couldn't feel it! The agony was learning to walk again. I'll never run, but that's ok.
    Post edited by backseatLover12 on
  • Hey Gimme, so I did tell my general health dr. about my "strained deltoid" and her solution was to just not lift it for a few days. :lol:
    Biofreeze. It helps.
  • I broke both femurs in a car accident, compound fractures (exit wounds through skin) and they both broke at both ends of the bone. Didn't hear any sound, didn't feel any pain, just knew I couldn't move them. So glad that I couldn't feel it! The agony was learning to walk again. I'll never run, but that's ok.
    oh man, i could not imagine tending to that. both femurs, both open? yikes!

    i have seen several open fractures in my career. had a few open thumb fractures. but mostly both bone forearm fractures. you know, ulna and radius both sticking out of the skin. i have seen 2 open tibia and fibula fractures. one in a hockey game, and one in a football game. the hockey one was hard to tend to because i had to cut through the hockey sock, and then remove the shin guard, just so i could evaluate it. i saw blood on the sock so i knew it was bad. had coach call 911 before i even started trying to cut the sock. the football one was awful. the tibia was sticking out, and it was the cleanest white i have ever seen. imagine the whitest teeth you have ever seen. that is what it looked like.... the tibia was actually bleeding from the inside. like the bone marrow was bleeding. i had never seen anything like that. i just took a bunch of gauze and put pressure on the inside of the tibia to try to stop the bleeding until the ambulance got there. that bony bleeding is something that they do not train you for. you just improvise. the surgery was delayed for a day because they could not stop the bony bleeding. that kid was a junior. he was able to come back and play as a senior but he was never the same player as he was before the injury.

    in situations like that, your body has ways of making you not feel anything. you body releases it's natural pain killers. that is probably why you didn't feel anything.

    glad we have recovered from that :)
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Hey Gimme, so I did tell my general health dr. about my "strained deltoid" and her solution was to just not lift it for a few days. :lol:
    Biofreeze. It helps.
    see, told you to see someone who knows what they are doing... :fp:

    you have to use the arm. how is the tissue going to heal if you do not apply appropriate strain to it? you have to work the muscle so the body knows how to lay down the scar tissue. if you don't stress it, the body lays down a big, disorganized hunk of scar tissue. it is like sticking a wad of chewed up gum in a muscle tear. it is a weak repair that can easily be reinjured. in therapy, you use the arm in such a way so that you can manipulate the scar tissue into healing along the lines of where the stress and forces within the muscle are their greatest. in therapy the scar tissue lines up with the muscle fibers. rest does not allow that to happen, so you get the potential for chronic problems. see an othopedic if you can.

    biofreeze, flexall, ben gay, tiger balm, all of those things are called "counter irritants". they do nothing to promote healing. all they do is create an irritiation on the skin and the result of that irritation is either sensation of warmth or cold. the sensory nerves in the skin are tiny and impulses travel fast across these nerves. the pain nerves are thicker and deeper and the pain signals travel slower across these nerves. this is why pain feels like it is throbbing or constant. the counter irritants create that irritation on the skin, and the sensation of the irritation overrides the pain you feel in the deeper nerves.

    what biofreeze is doing is essentially the same thing as when you scratch an itch.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
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