Pulled deltoid muscle

I go to the gym regularly and have never really pulled a muscle or had muscle injuries (have had plenty bone injuries though). I have some sort of deltoid (anterior shoulder muscle) injury or may have just pulled it a few weeks ago. The pain isn't getting better. Anyone have any ideas of how to treat it without finding a sports rehab person?

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if you are not improving over the course of the next couple of weeks then maybe you have a more serious problem like torn cartilage or ligament (separated shoulder a.k.a. ac joint sprain) and that would require further medical treatment and physical therapy as those will not heal on their own very well. good luck
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It's been a couple weeks, is it too late to ice it? I have been aggrevating it, not realizing the damage done, and thought I could massage the knot out (it's not a knot, I found out). Thanks for your help!
i work in an orthopedic/sports medicine office and i can not remember a single time in the last 6 years when we have made that diagnosis.
most likely it is a rotator cuff syndrome/subacromial bursitis or impingement syndrome. those refer pain to anterior and lateral upper arm. if it is truely anterior, it could also be the biceps tendon. these issues can be stubborn, so i would see a sports medicine physician. you could have an underlying biomechanical issue that could have contributed to your current issue.
if you plan to hold off you can treat conservatively with rest, ice, and anti inflammatory meds. we always recommend aleve, 2 tabs twice a day for 7-10 days then as needed after that. if you can tolerate nsaids, that is.
seriously though, if it were me, i would see a doctor. they can give you all of your treatment options, plus they have the benefit of imaging.
good luck
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
It must be my rotator cuff then, I did it in the gym lifting weights, and it feels like the muscle, not anterior but lateral, so I assumed it was the deltoid. And I assume that it's a strain and with rest and ice/heat after aggravating it to the point of more pain would be sufficient. At least I hope. Thanks Gimme. I see the doc for other reasons tomorrow, so I'll bring it up.
Did you get it from lifting weights?
men can get odd conditions like distal clavicular exostosis, or AC joint arthritis. these are much more difficult to treat because they involve a joint, but they refer to the lateral upper arm and deltoid region as well..
if you can feel a palpable mass, it is most likely musculotendinous in nature, which would lead me to believe rotator cuff involvement or bicipital tendon involvement.
i would not see a general practitioner for an orthopedic problem. most of them do not know how to work it up. they go straight to an mri when most times an x ray series with the appropriate views is much more helpful. worse yet, if they do the wrong workup they end up treating it incorrectly like going for a cortisone injection right off the bat. those people are great with internal med stuff, but leave the orthopedics to the orthopedic or sports medicine specialists.
if you see your md and it is determined to be a muscle strain or tendinopathy, i would HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend physical therapy that utilizes either the ASTYM technique or the Graston technique. these are very, very effective modalities used in the treatment of soft tissue injuries. we have had a LOT of success with both methods. we order PT with Astym or Graston probably 80% of the time. our doctors swear by both of them.
more info on ASTYM- http://www.astym.com/Main
more info on Graston- http://www.grastontechnique.com/
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
the deltoid is the prime mover of the shoulder when raising it forward, backward, laterally, etc. the secondary muscles like the bicep and the rotator cuff assist the deltoid with raising the arm. most times if you have pain raising the arm higher than shoulder level, it will pinch the rotator cuff and create pain. it is called impingement.
you need to see someone to evaluate it, and if appropriate, start you on a home rehab program.
there are always other factors involved like shoulder instability or something, but physical examination is the only way to determine that. shoulder instability makes the rotator cuff muscles work overtime to keep the ball and socket together so over time those muscles strain or weaken.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Wow, thanks man! I really appreciate your insight and the time you put into the description.
i try to help out when i can, and anatomy, kinesiology, biomechanics, and orthopedics are my passion. i talk about this stuff all day every day, so it is no problem to try to offer advice when i can.
good luck, and hope i was able to shed some light on some things..
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
That's a lot of info, thanks! And you're right, it is my rotator cuff. Going to lay low for a few days to see if it improves. Going to see if heat will help.
if it does not improve, look into PT with ASTYM or Graston.
Good Luck!
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
i was standing next to my dad when we were erecting a clubhouse for a family friend's kids. snap/pop went the ol' man's rotator cuff. it was one heck of a noise & not at all nice. from what i understand they require surgery, maybe not all but.....
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
partial tears usually do not require surgery, but they are much easier fixes surgically than the full thickness tears. these can normally be successfully rehabbed with physical therapy and antiinflammatory meds.
a full thickness tear will cause retraction if it is not repaired. retraction is where the half of the muscle furthest from the humeral head actually shortens and withers away and becomes irreparable. some elderly, less active people can function just fine with a complete rotator cuff tear because they do not use their arm as much. if you are a young and active person, you want to fix it so you do not end up with a post-traumatic frozen shoulder or something. those are really bad.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
so what about actually hearing the rotater cuff explode or whatever it does? that was some sound & dad was not to pleased as his arm went dead like but above his head...
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
everything pops when it tears, some people just feel it, sometimes people hear it too.
i was standing on a sideline at a college football game in 1996 or so when a guy fractured his femur right in front of me. now that is a sound i will never, ever forget. both the snap, and the screams that followed it...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Unfortunately I don't possess the OP's knowledge of anatomy to ask treatment advice, but maybe you have some insight into my injury? I fucked up my ankle a couple years ago and saw an awesome orthopedist who said there was a tear in the tendon. He squeezed some part of my food under the ankle bone towards the heel and I SCREAMED in pain. It was fun. Anyway I was supposed to get surgery to sow that shit back up but then the week before surgery my insurance went bye-bye & I was just SOL. So no surgery, but me still walking around in pain all the time. During the next year I had issues with pain and swelling but I was unable to get insurance to do anything about it. I tried to go with clinics and sliding scale hospital stuff but they make it as hard as possible for you to get in to see a doctor and I couldn't get in to see anyone. So around 6 months ago the pain that had been entirely in my ankle all of a sudden was shooting up my entire leg, via the back of the leg. There's some kind of muscle or something in the top part of my butt that hurts 24/7, but is at it's worst when I stand up after sitting or sit up after laying down. I can't sit back, at all. Like if I'm in a char I have to lean forward, or else the pain in my leg is just too intense. If I'm sitting on the train and it lurches to the side or if I'm in a cab that hits a pothole I get a shooting pain in the spot on the top of my butt. It's the kind of pain that causes a noise to escape my throat so people look at me like I'm nuts. That's always fun.
My question is, does it seem like I hurt myself separately on the same leg or could it be that since that torn tendon didn't get sewn up when it was supposed to and I kept walking on it something snapped or something and it fucked up the rest of my leg?
Sorry about the super layman language, I don't really have a clue about this stuff :-(
if you are getting radiating pain in your butt and leg, you need to see someone. it can be something as simple as a piriformis syndrome, or something complicated like sciatica or a low back disc issue/lumbar stenosis. piriformis syndrome is caused mostly from prolonged sitting on hard surfaces which irritates the sciatic nerve, which runs through the piriformis muscle. if the piriformis is damaged or tight, it can put pressure on the sciatic nerve and give you all kinds of pain and tingling into your foot.
i am thinking that your issues are two separate issues and are unrelated. but if the posterior tibialis muscle is involved it could be a contributing factor because the biomechanics of the entire leg and hip are thrown off.
sorry that is so unclear, but if you can let me know the answers of my questions i can help a little more.
and don't worry about layman's terms. i hear it every day in clinic
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I'm not gonna be able to see a doctor until Feb, because insurance.
I'm gonna end up in a wheelchair ain't I?
DO NOT GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH 'posterior tibialis'
numbness on the bottom of the foot is normally not associated with posterior tib dysfunction, but it depends on where the numbness is. most times foot numbness comes from the spine, or sciatica.
you don't sound daft. leg length discrepancies are very common. a huge number of people have them, but not many of them are symptomatic. even a difference of 5 mm can be enough to throw you off. the body has many ways to compensate for leg length discrepancies. one way is the long leg side pelvis can rotate forward in attempt to shorten the long leg. this can result in back and si joint pain because the mechanics are all thrown off. also, the long leg side can cause overpronation of the foot in attempt to shorten that leg. that is what can be causing posterior tib issues because the posterior tib controls pronation of the foot as well. people with "fallen arches" have posterior tib dysfunction..
i am not saying you have any of this stuff, but it is possible. it is impossible to know without examining you. in most cases though, the simplest explanation is normally the correct one.
and sorry for scarring you for life lol... :fp:
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Occam's Razor!!! (Yes, I know that but not what a tibialis is. Philosophy nerd ftw!)
I wanted to see where that thing was so I could see if that's where it hurt but there was a bunch of photos of surgery included in there.... and I'm totally cool with my OWN blood and subdermal nastiness but I can't look at someone elses'. :fp:
Anyway thanks for the input. My non-medically employed friends had suggested I somehow injured my hamstring, but since my physical activity is mostly limited to walking the concrete jungle, climbing the hills of Harlem, and weaving through the most crowded subway station ever during rush hour, I didn't believe I could have a sports injury. I'm gonna youtube some stretches for pos tib and see if I notice any change. That's a totally foolproof way to diagnose myself right? (sarcasm)
C'moooooooooooooooooooooon Obamacare!!!! Mama needs a new leg!
you know, the hamstring is what allows you to walk up hills. in the old days, castles and cities were built on high ground and hills. when an invading army would take over a city, the victorious soldiers would take their swords and cut the hamstrings of the losing soldiers so that they could not walk or run up the hill to try to attack them again. that is where the term "being hamstrung" comes from.....
check out my wealth of worthless medical trivia tonight... :fp: :fp:
sports injury is a misnomer. nonathletes get the same injuries as athletes do. their bodies all work the same way. we are a sports medicine practice, but the vast majority of our patients are not athletes. we are dealing basically with nonsurgical orthopedic problems.
surgery does not bother me. i have watched countless procedures. the visual is not bad for me. but the smell can be pretty bad...
at least you didn't check out webmd
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
also, i never knew you were a badass medical whatever you are classified as. nicely done, gimmietruth
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
that poor kid. he ended up leaving springfield mo a few days later with a titanium rod in his femur. i am not sure if he ever played football again after that. i am thinking not. he was in agony. i will never forget how big his eyes were. just totally freaked out. they started an iv on the field and gave him meds before they even spineboarded him. craziest sports injury i ever tended to. thank god we had doctors on site. you try to prepare yourself for things like this, but you rarely see it happen.
thanks chad. i am an athletic trainer. if you ever see a football game and someone gets hurt, i am one of those dudes who run out to take care of them. i am working in a doctor's office now so i do not cover sports these days. it sounds pretty morbid, but i kinda miss that adrenaline rush when the shit hits the fan though.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
you can thank me if i am right and if it helps... hard to do without seeing a doc for a proper exam and work up though...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I spent the whole summer trying to get to see an ortho. I finally found what I thought was a free clinic which turned out to be sliding scale but I went anyway, spent $100 to see a nurse who told me I needed an orthopedist, which I already knew. They referred me to an ortho clinic which only has hours when I'm in school, but I figured that should be priority so took whatever appointment they gave me. That was in May. They kept calling me and rescheduling my appointment. I was standing in a merch line at Wrigley when they called and rescheduled my appointment for the end of September. I lost my shit and started yelling, which is something I never do, but between the sun, the line, and the history of rescheduling appointments I finally snapped at the poor guy who called me. I did call back later and leave a message apologizing. The appointment was supposed to be for this week. I called to confirm and they didn't have anything booked for me, which I figured was the guy I yelled at getting back at me, which I can't blame him for. The referral I got from the clinic is long expired anyway so I gotta go back and get a new one, hopefully without wasting another $100. In the meantime I tried this with another hospital but they won't let me go straight to an ortho and the regular doctors were booked for two months. I had given up and decided to wait for insurance but I guess I could try the other hospital again. Just gotta find the phone numbers.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."