1 Wrigley Patch & 1 Wrigley Sticker Set: Support The Troops

A great bi-product of these forums is getting to know more fans and people on here and see their generosity. This one had me stopped in my tracks this morning as it is MORE than generous considering the rarity and horrors at Wrigley when it came to merch.
Donated and up for sale where your purchase will go towards helping with care package shipping expenses for Operation Yellow Ribbon, a non-profit I run is:
1 Wrigley Patch (Wrigley version, dark with white border/font), says "Chicago July 19, 2013 Wrigley Field" on it
1 Blue Wrigley PJ sticker
1 White Wrigley PJ sticker
Price: $50 shipped anywhere in the world. I hope this price is a fair balance between raising funds using a very hot commodity coupled with the spirit of Lost Dogs and keeping prices fair for fans. If it's not fair, PM me (no need to post in this thread)
Your donation in exchange for this item goes towards helping our group of volunteers with our shipping expenses of care packages to help raise morale of our brave women and men deployed in harm's way in Afghanistan. For more on OYR of SJ: please visit: http://www.operationyellowribbonsouthjersey.org. From there you can find our Facebook page where we post thank you letters from the Troops.
Payment via PayPal as a "friends/family" payment to avoid their fees please. If you can't do this payment option, please add on 5% to the payment amount.
PMs will be answered in the order they are received with the first person wanting it getting a chance to pay with the 2nd person offering their donation next if 1st buyer backs out etc. I will provide specific payment directions in my reply.
A huge special thank you to the friend of this forum donating these items. Your heart is huge.
Thank you everyone
Donated and up for sale where your purchase will go towards helping with care package shipping expenses for Operation Yellow Ribbon, a non-profit I run is:
1 Wrigley Patch (Wrigley version, dark with white border/font), says "Chicago July 19, 2013 Wrigley Field" on it
1 Blue Wrigley PJ sticker
1 White Wrigley PJ sticker
Price: $50 shipped anywhere in the world. I hope this price is a fair balance between raising funds using a very hot commodity coupled with the spirit of Lost Dogs and keeping prices fair for fans. If it's not fair, PM me (no need to post in this thread)
Your donation in exchange for this item goes towards helping our group of volunteers with our shipping expenses of care packages to help raise morale of our brave women and men deployed in harm's way in Afghanistan. For more on OYR of SJ: please visit: http://www.operationyellowribbonsouthjersey.org. From there you can find our Facebook page where we post thank you letters from the Troops.
Payment via PayPal as a "friends/family" payment to avoid their fees please. If you can't do this payment option, please add on 5% to the payment amount.
PMs will be answered in the order they are received with the first person wanting it getting a chance to pay with the 2nd person offering their donation next if 1st buyer backs out etc. I will provide specific payment directions in my reply.
A huge special thank you to the friend of this forum donating these items. Your heart is huge.
Thank you everyone
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