Wrigley Setlist Shirt: Support The Troops Fundraiser

elwayvedderelwayvedder South Jersey Posts: 9,142
edited August 2013 in Lost Dogs

A very kind and generous fan purchased a Wrigley Setlist T-shirt and has offered it to my non-profit to help raise funds for care package shipping expenses to our brave women and men deployed in harm's way in Afghanistan.

So here's your chance to own it if you missed it here in SHOP or at Wrigley after the show.

Your donation in exchange for this item goes towards helping our group of volunteers with our shipping expenses of care packages to help raise morale of our brave women and men deployed in harm's way in Afghanistan. For more on OYR of SJ: please visit: http://www.operationyellowribbonsouthjersey.org. From there you can find our Facebook page where we post thank you letters from the Troops.

For sale:
Wrigley Set-List Shirt: XL - Never Washed / Never Worn

This item is coming from Canada and I am reimbursing donator his exact shipping expense so:
1) If you live in the US: $55 shipped
2) If you live in Canada: $45 shipped
3) Outside US/Canada: $65 (if it winds up less, I will reimburse you the difference)

Payment via PayPal as a "friends/family" payment to avoid their fees please. If you can't do this payment option, please add on 5% to the payment amount.

PMs will be answered in the order they are received with the first person wanting it getting a chance to pay with the 2nd person offering their donation next if 1st buyer backs out etc. I will provide specific payment directions in my reply.

Thank you to all for helping us help support our Troops. Just in the month of July, we have shipped over 4,200 pounds of goodies at an expense of over $3500 so these items and your purchases truly help. Every penny means something. Thank you so much as I appreciate everyone on these forums and I'm most grateful for your friendship and support. Your generosity cannot be matched by any other fanbase!!
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