Told My Wife to Take a Hike -- UPDATE (Done!)

Now that I've got your attention, if you have a moment, please take a look at my wife Kathy's fundraising page for a walk she is taking in September to raise awareness about PSC, a rare, incurable disease that she has.
And if you can spare it, please consider a donation. If you cannot spare it, a bump or share would be awesome of you as well. EDIT: Also, as hedonist points out below, if you aren't already, please consider becoming an organ donor.
I have been hesitant to post this here because I didn't want it to be tacky, but as my PJ20 concert buddy and longtime 10 Clubber told me, "If it gets just one donation, it's worth it."
I told Kathy that I could offer up some of my Pearl Jam collectibles to entice donations, but she told me not to do that because it didn't seem clean. She wants people to donate because they want to donate.
This is a very scary disease to have hanging over our heads every day, especially with two little ones, but we manage to stay positive for the most part. The worst times are when she has episodes. Both our kids were born naturally, with no epidural or pain meds of any kind, and she has said that childbirth doesn't even come close to the pain she gets from a PSC flare up. Those days, when it rears its ugly head and reminds you it's there, are sullen, but luckily they are few and far between.
Thanks so much for reading.
Edit: With a lot of help from the good folks here and elsewhere, Kathy surpassed her original (and admittedly low) fundraising goal of $2,000. She just updated her page today to thank everyone and raised her goal to $3,000. She put it this way: "Because, why not?"
And if you can spare it, please consider a donation. If you cannot spare it, a bump or share would be awesome of you as well. EDIT: Also, as hedonist points out below, if you aren't already, please consider becoming an organ donor.
I have been hesitant to post this here because I didn't want it to be tacky, but as my PJ20 concert buddy and longtime 10 Clubber told me, "If it gets just one donation, it's worth it."
I told Kathy that I could offer up some of my Pearl Jam collectibles to entice donations, but she told me not to do that because it didn't seem clean. She wants people to donate because they want to donate.
This is a very scary disease to have hanging over our heads every day, especially with two little ones, but we manage to stay positive for the most part. The worst times are when she has episodes. Both our kids were born naturally, with no epidural or pain meds of any kind, and she has said that childbirth doesn't even come close to the pain she gets from a PSC flare up. Those days, when it rears its ugly head and reminds you it's there, are sullen, but luckily they are few and far between.
Thanks so much for reading.
Edit: With a lot of help from the good folks here and elsewhere, Kathy surpassed her original (and admittedly low) fundraising goal of $2,000. She just updated her page today to thank everyone and raised her goal to $3,000. She put it this way: "Because, why not?"
Post edited by Unknown User on
take care.
And good luck to you and your family, Dan.
If y'all make it to Brooklyn, I'm not a hugger, but my wife is.
Even if we don't make it to the shows, we'll seek you out at the preparties to personally thank you.
Here's to hoping that even if people can't make monetary donations, they'll consider going the organ route.
Best wishes to your family.
Absolutely, hedonist. Thank you. I just added that to my original post.
I know that many of us are scraping by with less money in our bank accounts than usual these days, and some of us may have even a little less after Saturday (good luck to all trying!), so those donations really mean a lot. Bumps, shares and considering organ donation mean the world to us as well.
Organ Donation in NYS is so easy,
you just have check it on your drivers license.
I wish I was physically able to do a walk like that-
kudos to the wife on her tenacity and motivation.
The Science is so great now and it is constantly improving.
I am am firm believer in the body follows the mind,
staying so positive and upbeat will help you and your family
over this small temporary obstacle.
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
Cheers and be well,
Kathy is receiving some amazing support from y'all and elsewhere. It's very encouraging, and she got a little sappy earlier. Luckily, that passed.
All the best from LA.
Leeze, Kathy seems like an amazing, strong person because that's exactly what she is. Thank you for being a donor. You might just save someone's life someday.
And I hear you about tapped-out finances. I haven't even been able to sponsor her monetarily yet. Thankfully, the walk doesn't happen till September. I should hope to see a few paychecks before then.
She can also call herself lucky to have such a wonderful, supportive husband
And L.Y.S., her royal awesomeness (my PJ20 partner who actually got me to post this), oodles of gratitude for your support and sponsorship. There's a lot of time between now and the fall tour. Maybe we'll both see you in Hartford. I know that Kathy would love to give you a big ole squeeze in person.
You're not being tacky, I applaud your support. PSC sounds like a dreadful condition. I hope she receives more donations and I wish her good luck and beautiful weather on the day of her walk.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
I know, right? The old bait and switch!
PSC is definitely no picnic, iluvcats, but she is one tough mother. Thanks so much for your well wishes and your outstanding generosity. She's going to take some pictures during her walk. I'll try to post them here when I can.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
Can't spare a donation but will share the link and give bumps.
Unbelievable generosity from you folks. Kathy has already surpassed her goal -- albeit, she set the bar fairly low -- and sponsorship from 10 Clubbers has accounted for over 25% of that, I believe. (Admittedly, math is not my strong suit.)
And, DURP, it's more than fine to post it to Facebook. Neither one of us is on Facebook or Twitter, so that would be awesome. I think there's even an icon on her webpage to do just that. Thanks!
Math has never been my friend either.
Weird thing is I've always done better at math on standardized test. Go figure.
Thank you Dan for sharing this.and Yes,I'm a donor. I've never
heard of this disease before.Awareness is the key.
Thanks, donnaruhl.
You're so right. Awareness is key. Those of you who have just visited her page or shared it via social media or talked about PSC with your family or friends are doing your part to help.
As more people become aware of this disease, the potential builds for more doctors and scientists to dedicate themselves to research on treating/curing it.
Best of luck to you, your wife and your little ones!!!
Thanks again, P&E! Every little bit does help.
We'll try to return the favor with a donation to CFF in the near future.