My Ten Club tickets for MTL: NOT THAT GREAT!!!

hakheadhakhead Posts: 32
edited September 2005 in Given To Fly (live)
Yep, I see you coming with your comments: "if you're not happy, get out of Ten Club", "You should feel lucky that you don't have to fight for your tickets", "every seats is good...".
Well, you know what, for me, row Z (or if you prefered, 26) is not good!!!! Not good at all!!!! I thought this year that after a certain amount of rows, they were going to put us on the sides of the stage in the crowd???? I guess it didn't happen or those seats were not available for MTL but I know one thing: I could barely see anything (I'm not 6,3 and go to hell to anyone saying it's my problem. Some ladies could barely see anything!) and I also had the impression that I couldn't get into the show as much as the other years... Also, I talked to some Ten Club members around me and they actually thought the same thing (I hope some of you that were in MTL around that row will back me up on my comment).
What I find sad in all that is that the next day, in Ottawa, I had Row 17 and it changed the dynamic totally!!! I know that a lot of people will say that the Ottawa show was even better than the MTL show but.... whatever. But I could see the stage better and I didn't feel like.... I don't know... Shit! I honnestly think that the people at Ten Club are doing a great job, don't get me wrong. I also know that I only been in the Fan Club since 99 (It's my fault if I didn't join before, I know; it's my mistake if I didn't make the move in 94 after Vitalogy and got PJ in my head for the rest of my life...) and there's a lot of hardcore fans that were there since the beggining and they deserve the best seats.
My point is that I think after row 20, the seats are not as great anymore and maybe Plan B should be taken; moving the rest of the people on the sides. And I also know that there was some rows behind me with more people from the Ten Club much further from the stage so that's why I'm not complaining too much but just trying to bring up this issue. Hope I'm not going to end up in row 60 tomorrow in TO!!!! At least I still have my ears to hear I guess but I thought that's why the Bootlegs were there for...?
Anyway, I see you coming.... "LET'S GET READY TO RUUUUUUUMMBLLLLE!!!!
"You're not what you own"
Ian MacKaye, Fugazi

Wasn't there: Mtl 1998/08/20, Mtl 2000/10/04, T.O. 2003/06/28, Mtl 2003/06/29, Boston 2004/09/28, Mtl 2005/09/15, Ott 2005/09/16, T.O. 2005/09/19, T.O. 2006/05/10
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • i was in row 32 on the floor in montreal.

    yeah, the view wasnt good, but the concert sure did kick some serious ass.

    in ottawa, i was row 24. again, the view was not that good, but the concert kicked some MAJOR ass.

    i guess it depends on your outlook. i was happy to be there and hear the music. what little i could see, i savored. the music however, was the reason i was there and it made it all the worthwhile.

    to each their own.
  • PJammin'PJammin' Posts: 1,899
    well, even if YOU ARE in 10 Club U STILL have to fight for your tix. i got shut out of the Philly show...but to your point...i agree with U. the floor is only good for a certain amount of rows. after that, it sucks. i would rather be in the nose bleeds than be in row 26. i'm not kidding.
    I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
  • Hey, don't get me wrong. I thought the shows were amazing and I still know that a lot of people were behind me... It's just that after reading what the people at Ten Club were saying before the Canadian tour that after a certain number of rows, they would start putting people on the side of the stage so they could have a better view that I don't understand... If there's an explanation about the process and if they actually couldn't do it like they wish that I will shut up for good... that's all.
    i was in row 32 on the floor in montreal.

    yeah, the view wasnt good, but the concert sure did kick some serious ass.

    in ottawa, i was row 24. again, the view was not that good, but the concert kicked some MAJOR ass.

    i guess it depends on your outlook. i was happy to be there and hear the music. what little i could see, i savored. the music however, was the reason i was there and it made it all the worthwhile.

    to each their own.
    "You're not what you own"
    Ian MacKaye, Fugazi

    Wasn't there: Mtl 1998/08/20, Mtl 2000/10/04, T.O. 2003/06/28, Mtl 2003/06/29, Boston 2004/09/28, Mtl 2005/09/15, Ott 2005/09/16, T.O. 2005/09/19, T.O. 2006/05/10
  • VinceVince Posts: 174
    hakhead wrote:
    Yep, I see you coming with your comments: "if you're not happy, get out of Ten Club", "You should feel lucky that you don't have to fight for your tickets", "every seats is good...".
    Well, you know what, for me, row Z (or if you prefered, 26) is not good!!!! Not good at all!!!! I thought this year that after a certain amount of rows, they were going to put us on the sides of the stage in the crowd???? I guess it didn't happen or those seats were not available for MTL but I know one thing: I could barely see anything (I'm not 6,3 and go to hell to anyone saying it's my problem. Some ladies could barely see anything!) and I also had the impression that I couldn't get into the show as much as the other years... Also, I talked to some Ten Club members around me and they actually thought the same thing (I hope some of you that were in MTL around that row will back me up on my comment).
    What I find sad in all that is that the next day, in Ottawa, I had Row 17 and it changed the dynamic totally!!! I know that a lot of people will say that the Ottawa show was even better than the MTL show but.... whatever. But I could see the stage better and I didn't feel like.... I don't know... Shit! I honnestly think that the people at Ten Club are doing a great job, don't get me wrong. I also know that I only been in the Fan Club since 99 (It's my fault if I didn't join before, I know; it's my mistake if I didn't make the move in 94 after Vitalogy and got PJ in my head for the rest of my life...) and there's a lot of hardcore fans that were there since the beggining and they deserve the best seats.
    My point is that I think after row 20, the seats are not as great anymore and maybe Plan B should be taken; moving the rest of the people on the sides. And I also know that there was some rows behind me with more people from the Ten Club much further from the stage so that's why I'm not complaining too much but just trying to bring up this issue. Hope I'm not going to end up in row 60 tomorrow in TO!!!! At least I still have my ears to hear I guess but I thought that's why the Bootlegs were there for...?
    Anyway, I see you coming.... "LET'S GET READY TO RUUUUUUUMMBLLLLE!!!!

    I had row DD so stop your whining.
    “Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.”
  • If you could read right, my whining included everyone after row 20, including you. Guess you liked your tickets then... good for you. I'm trying to bring an issue so that next time you go see PJ, you can see them better, have a better view and being able to see their everymove and that's your opinion??? You'll go far in life...
    Vince wrote:
    I had row DD so stop your whining.
    "You're not what you own"
    Ian MacKaye, Fugazi

    Wasn't there: Mtl 1998/08/20, Mtl 2000/10/04, T.O. 2003/06/28, Mtl 2003/06/29, Boston 2004/09/28, Mtl 2005/09/15, Ott 2005/09/16, T.O. 2005/09/19, T.O. 2006/05/10
  • VinceVince Posts: 174
    hakhead wrote:
    If you could read right, my whining included everyone after row 20, including you. Guess you liked your tickets then... good for you. I'm trying to bring an issue so that next time you go see PJ, you can see them better, have a better view and being able to see their everymove and that's your opinion??? You'll go far in life...

    Did you see the line of 10C members? Perhaps you should of joined back in 96' if you want better seats.
    “Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.”
  • I was talking about this to the people around me in Montreal. I was seated in section 113 row B. I was saying that my 10c # isnt that good (301xxx) and the people at the back of the floor probably had a better # but worse seats. I'm one of those people who would rather not get the floor because my # is so high that the seats wouldn't be that great. I figured they'd seat maybe the first 15 or so rows, then use the wings, then back to the floor, etc.
  • Hi!
    Well, I understand your frustration, maybe a lot of people will have understood with this tour that being in the club doesn't mean you're going to get great tickets. it simply means that you won't have to buy them from scalpers or wait in line to buy them or whatever. I think past a certain number of years let's say 96, it is useless to think that you can get great seats from the club... But for some tall people, and big fans, I would rather have your tickets than being stuck all the way up there. Maybe a temporary strategy for some of you would be to get 10C tix and still try to get tix when they are released to the general public. That way you can choose which ones you think are better, or where the "next best seats" are. I think, by having seen the line in Montreal, that too many people got in the fan club just to get great tickets... But I think it's hard to get in the first 10-15 rows.

    I have been a member for about 10-11 years and I have been in the 3rd row for the last 3 tours. What I find sad is that I never needed more than one tick but always had to buy a pair. I have always sold the 2nd one to some fan and never to scalpers. Maybe if there were a choice between 1 or 2 tickets and if 10C members were granted only 2 dates out of a tour, some of you could be benefiting a bit more from this program. I wish someone could explain to me how someone can go to every show all across Canada (meaning having enough money and keeping the job that gave you enough money !!!) I always stick to my turff when PJ is touring. i think there shows are like sex: the less you have it the better it feels when you have it!!!!! Peace!
  • earworm wrote:
    I always stick to my turff when PJ is touring. i think there shows are like sex: the less you have it the better it feels when you have it!!!!! Peace!
    WRONG, its like crack, once you get a taste all you ever want is more more more.
    Tell the Captain the boats not safe were drowning, turns out he's the one making waves.

  • You get what you get based on your number. If you've got a shitty number like I do hook up with someone who has a better number. I have a friend who just happens to have a good one but I was still in row V. Guess what? I didn't give a fuck. I was on the floor for the first time. I got a glance of the band now and then but like nothingman44 said, it just isn't about seeing them. It's about feeling the music through your whole body. You know you've had a BLAST when you walk out of a show soaking in sweat from the root of your hair to your toes like I did. I lucked out and got 15th row in Ottawa...and guess what, I didn't see much of them either. Of course the view was better but you still have 15 rows of people in front of you. I'm not short by any means (I'm 5'7") and I still couldn't see over hand and heads. I don't care.

    You can always take your chances and get an extra pair of tickets through Ticketbastard and see if you fair any better. There is ALWAYS someone looking for tickets at the shows and even beforehand when they sell out.
    Opinions are like assholes, everyones got one.

    "do gay midgets come out of the cupboard"

  • I had ten club seats in Kitchener, row 11. I am 5'2" so I really couldn't see much, but the energy around me was awesome.

    In Hamilton we bought ticketmaster tickets and ended up in the balcony beside the stage. The view was amazing. We could see the whole stage, behind the stage and the crowd, but the energy was different. Hardly anyone in our section stood up and people around us left early.

    There were pros and cons to each type of seat. I still think my first choice (next to front row seats of course) would be an awesome wing seat, which people with ten club numbers in the 200xxx range seemed to get in Kitchener.

    I appreciate the effort the Ten Club makes to give fans the best seats possible. I know it doesn't work out for everyone, but they do it with good intentions. It can be difficult to get any tickets at all through Ticketmaster alone. Having said that, I do think it would be cool if they would randomly pick Ten Club members to get the front row, so it's not the same people for more than 1 show.
  • hakhead wrote:
    If you could read right, my whining included everyone after row 20, including you. Guess you liked your tickets then... good for you. I'm trying to bring an issue so that next time you go see PJ, you can see them better, have a better view and being able to see their everymove and that's your opinion??? You'll go far in life...
    Good solid reply to this fucking jackass. Some people just refuse to criticize anything involved with the PJ organization and it annoys the hell out of me.
  • My 2 cents.

    I think that most of the board agrees that you should get your seniority for 1 show then "go to the back of the ten club line" until everybody has had their one show.

    The only reason that seats are bad this tour is cause theres no american tour yet and everyone came. When the american tour happens next summer things will be back to normal. I bet the first 10 rows were 75% americans minimum. Thats fine (well not that its the same people every show) cause I go to their concerts too. I was in Boston and am hapy to have the americans here.

    Anyway, I had some great seats this tour. My number is 306XXX.

    In kitchener I had wicked 10th row wing seats, like they were spectacular. Mikes side, the first wing section infront of the stage.In London, kinda average seats, but better than I would have got at ticket master. Half way back wing seats. Still great view. Hamilton, 24th row floor, which I honestly thought was spectacular. Had never been on the floor before. It was a ton of fun. Not to mention my favorite concert of all time.

    So I am generally impressed so far with the seating. I didn't join till 03.
    I miss you already, I miss you always
    I miss you already, I miss you all day
  • I think floor seats are horrible unless you are in the first 10 rows or so. I have a feeling the 10 Club got pretty much the entire floor in Philly. The only section i see for sale regularly is section 8. other than that I haven't really seen any of the other sections on ebay or brokers sites.
  • Yeah, thats too bad dude, but they were doing side stage seats.
    I went to Kitchener, Montreal and Ottawa. Kitchener I got 11th row right beside the stage on Stone's side, Montreal I got 12th row side stage on Mike's side (one section further in front) and in Ottawa I got 21st row floors. So I saw them from every angle, which was super cool. I definately think the side stage seats are better, although it was definately fun to get onto the floor for my first time ever!
    So yeah, definately no complaints here. It'd be nice if they do the hometown show thing on the next tour, but I sure as hell won't complain if they don't, I'll just be happy to be there!

    "Six million dollars we turned down, to prevent our song to be sung by a cock" E.V. - San Diego, June 5, 2003
  • Thorns2010Thorns2010 Posts: 2,200
    I must have been lucky or something. Or just go to shows where hardly any Tenclubbers go to! In Fargo '03 I was 5th row center, and in Thunder Bay I was 7th row center. My number is 191XXX and I joined in late '99 early '00. So I'd say I'm in the middle of the pack as far as my number is concerned.

    I also went to St. Paul in '03, there I was about....20th row I think. So yeah, the shows where a lot of Ten Club members go to, I wont have great seats. But if I can get to the small shows....good seats!
  • earworm wrote:
    I have been a member for about 10-11 years and I have been in the 3rd row for the last 3 tours. What I find sad is that I never needed more than one tick but always had to buy a pair. I have always sold the 2nd one to some fan and never to scalpers. Maybe if there were a choice between 1 or 2 tickets and if 10C members were granted only 2 dates out of a tour, some of you could be benefiting a bit more from this program.

    I think this is a good idea.

    Allowing members to buy single tickets really might compress the Ten Club section a bit.
  • Jaidra wrote:
    I think this is a good idea.

    Allowing members to buy single tickets really might compress the Ten Club section a bit.

    wouldn't you like to sit with your friends
  • hakhead wrote:
    Yep, I see you coming with your comments: "if you're not happy, get out of Ten Club", "You should feel lucky that you don't have to fight for your tickets", "every seats is good...".
    Well, you know what, for me, row Z (or if you prefered, 26) is not good!!!! Not good at all!!!! I thought this year that after a certain amount of rows, they were going to put us on the sides of the stage in the crowd???? I guess it didn't happen or those seats were not available for MTL but I know one thing: I could barely see anything (I'm not 6,3 and go to hell to anyone saying it's my problem. Some ladies could barely see anything!) and I also had the impression that I couldn't get into the show as much as the other years... Also, I talked to some Ten Club members around me and they actually thought the same thing (I hope some of you that were in MTL around that row will back me up on my comment).
    What I find sad in all that is that the next day, in Ottawa, I had Row 17 and it changed the dynamic totally!!! I know that a lot of people will say that the Ottawa show was even better than the MTL show but.... whatever. But I could see the stage better and I didn't feel like.... I don't know... Shit! I honnestly think that the people at Ten Club are doing a great job, don't get me wrong. I also know that I only been in the Fan Club since 99 (It's my fault if I didn't join before, I know; it's my mistake if I didn't make the move in 94 after Vitalogy and got PJ in my head for the rest of my life...) and there's a lot of hardcore fans that were there since the beggining and they deserve the best seats.
    My point is that I think after row 20, the seats are not as great anymore and maybe Plan B should be taken; moving the rest of the people on the sides. And I also know that there was some rows behind me with more people from the Ten Club much further from the stage so that's why I'm not complaining too much but just trying to bring up this issue. Hope I'm not going to end up in row 60 tomorrow in TO!!!! At least I still have my ears to hear I guess but I thought that's why the Bootlegs were there for...?
    Anyway, I see you coming.... "LET'S GET READY TO RUUUUUUUMMBLLLLE!!!!

    WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! People had better seats then me!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! That's not fair!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I didn't get to sit in the front row!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
  • hahahaha, that's your response?! You need a kleenex with that??! Another case of people that don't know how to read what I said in my comment. I guess there's a lot of people in the 10 club that don't know how to read... including YOU!!!! I would sing;"I'm going to save you fucker..." to you but I think you're a hopeless case!
    CrazyB wrote:
    WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! People had better seats then me!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! That's not fair!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I didn't get to sit in the front row!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
    "You're not what you own"
    Ian MacKaye, Fugazi

    Wasn't there: Mtl 1998/08/20, Mtl 2000/10/04, T.O. 2003/06/28, Mtl 2003/06/29, Boston 2004/09/28, Mtl 2005/09/15, Ott 2005/09/16, T.O. 2005/09/19, T.O. 2006/05/10
  • bobonic wrote:
    wouldn't you like to sit with your friends

    A lot of people end up buying 2 seats and just selling the other off for face value to someone, i have done it, and it looks like i may have to do it again in the future... Allowing single ticket purchases would definitely help matters.
    The Man has a branch office in each of our brains, his corporate emblem is a white albatross, each local rep has a cover known as the Ego, and their mission in this world is Bad Shit.
  • Easiest solution to this problem is do what TM does.

    If they're doing it online or by postcard or however they do it, have a "Best Available" option and a "Side stage/Non-floor" option if its in an arena. I usually have pretty good seats (Rows 14-20 or so) but given the choice, id rather have 8th row in a section on the side of the stage than the 15th row seats on the floor. Makes it a lot easier to see for myself and my girlfriend (who's 5'6"). Plus there's usually more room up there since the seats on the floor are jammed together.
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    8th row in front of mikey awesome seats although my# is 13****
  • 5th row, in front of Stoney, and my Ten Club # is 108xxx. I had NO COMPLAINTS whatsoever with the tix, or in general. I'm just lucky to be in the building to hear and see PJ live.
    i don't mind stealing bread from the mouths of decadence
  • Sorry about it Hakhead... I had wing seats, my number is 238xxx which ain't great but I still had amazing seats. The way I see it there is no way that you can get decent seats for P.J. without the club, a plug or scalpers. I used to buy them on my own and even being first in line for 30 or so hours I was way back... That being said, I will always prefer wing seats if the floor is a seated one. Also, the Montreal show had alot of members attending.
    As for the 10Club tickets policy I think this tour shows that it needs yet another adjustment. I think they should add a policy, maybe there is and I'm not aware of it, for regionality. Meaning that members, in a certain region near a venue (could be by province/district/state/radius of X miles), would be on the regional members list and the reminder would be in the regular list. The 10C could do something like 1 out of 2 pairs (this could be 1/3 or 1/4 even) of tickets gets alloted to a regional member. In my mind this wouldn't affect out of region members soo much but would give the locals an advantage. After all, it's their show.
  • I had side seats 100 level for both shows and was about 15-20 rows back. I stuck with the seats for the montreal show but upgraded to the 9th row for ottawa.. and man was it worth it... for all those pj fans that got shitty tickets put your money where your mouth is and if u like pj so much pay to get better seats...and if u dont have any money then dont go.. get a job...LOSERS
  • In kitchener I had wicked 10th row wing seats, like they were spectacular. Mikes side, the first wing section infront of the stage.In London, kinda average seats, but better than I would have got at ticket master. Half way back wing seats. Still great view. Hamilton, 24th row floor, which I honestly thought was spectacular. Had never been on the floor before. It was a ton of fun. Not to mention my favorite concert of all time.

    Well, in case anyone was concerned about consistancy... I'm also a 306XXX and had the EXACT same seats as you, for all three shows (except i was on Stone's side in Kitchener)....

    i loved the fact that i got to try out both the wings and the floor. i'm 6'0", so i didn't mind 24th row floor... i was also lucky to be on the aisle.
    ~~*~~ ...i surfaced and all of my being was enlightend... ~~*~~
  • edwhoedwho Posts: 811
    There was a girl third row center for the London concert that was maybe 5’ tall.

    She had the misfortune of being directly behind the Super Fan – Male Cheerleader (front center).

    How much of the show do you think she saw?

    I find rows 10 thru 15 (floor center) to be best for sound quality. Does that matter to anyone?

    Once upon a time I had a front row seat to a BSB concert.

    Guess what? I had a camera man in my way the whole concert!

    Make the best of your seat or just move to a better one!

    Singing to an ocean, I can hear the ocean's roar
    The Ocean

    Three Fish

    July 1996 San Francisco

    June 1999 Chicago

  • Your orig post made me think of my San Diego experience. I was on the floor adjacent the lighting/mixing board about 40-45 rows back. When the opening act played and nobody stood, I thought, "well this will be nice". When PJ came, everybody stood, and the angle of my position, height of myself and others around me, and height of stage made it possible for me to see the tops of their heads. My son, who was 12, couldn't see. So I picked him up for at least 1 minute per each song. That's all I could take physically. At the end, I questioned the best seats claim. I met many people who had Ticketmaster seats who were at close corner to the stage and I thought it would be better if PJ took those, if they could, rather than where I sat. There were many heated threads around that time. A lot of name calling, and sh!t flinging. I tried to maintain a clean argument for up the sides. Others argued for hometown 1 show. I'm glad they considered and implemented up the sides. Honestly, at 40 or so rows back, 2 rows up the side would have been the can't-see made into can-see difference. I'd really be bummed if they way it plays out is my # is not early enough to get good floor, but not recent enough to go up the side, and I end up in what's described here. At least in Irvine, with a sloped ampitheatre, even though I was 1/2 way between 1st row and last row, I saw and therefore the experience was like night & day. My 2 requirements at a concert (call me a selfish pig if you want to):
    1. Must be able to hear the performance.
    2. Must be able to see the performance.
    That's all.
    Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
  • People seem to be forgetting the demand for these tickets when they originally went on sale. All the Canadian fans, plus the US fans that were close enough to the cities were scrambling to get these seats. That's a lot of requests for a small number of shows. A regular US tour shouldn't be that bad because there will be more chances to see them, but if you have a higher number, you will still be back a's a fact.

    I guess 10C could go back to one set of tix per 10C member again, to cut down on the number of requests, but ohhhhh, the fucking whining you'd here then. ;)
    "Fuck the talkin', let's start rocking." - E.V. 9-5-00

    8/25/98, 8/21/00, 9/5/00, 4/26/03, 5/3/03, 6/24/03, 9/28/05, 10/03/05, 5/20/06, 6/23/06, EV 8/16/08, EV 6/18/09, 5/20/10, 9/15/11, 10/11/13, 10/27/13, 10/1/14, 8/20/16, 8/22/16, TOTD 11/7/16, 8/18/18, 9/2/18, 9/4/18, 9/11/22, 9/14/22, 9/10/23 coming soon
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