It hurts to say this, but Bob Dylan sucked tonight

Went to see Americanarama in Chicagoland today (mainly for MMJ). So Bob Dylan is the headliner, and Wilco a notch above MMJ. Never saw Wilco before or Dylan. Wilco, not bad, nice vibe, more of a chill concert for sure. Then Bob Dylan...the venerable...legendary....I fucking left 6 songs into his set. Now I know people make fun of his mumble singing, but he is so damn hoarse, sounds like he has marbles in his mouth, you literally understand 3 out of every ten words from his mouth. Much like they used to make fun of Ed for the same thing, but way way worse than I could imagine. I can't say I am a huge fan of BD, but even the songs he played that I knew were almost indistinguishable. Bless his heart for still being out there, but when is enough enough? It was awful. people were leaving in droves literally. We stayed past the first song hoping it would get better, and it did not. I felt like were at a state fair show, but without a pie eating contest. You could see hundreds of phone lights on as people texted during his set. A total shame, and utter disappointment. I feel guilty to say I hated his concert, I feel like the name Bob Dylan should evoke instant super-status, and he just a flat out bad. The venue was half full at best during the night, and by the time we left it was a quarter full. sad sad sad
If you have to pay to see this guy spend your money somewhere else, as it is obvious his name is bigger and better than he is as a performer nowadays.
If you have to pay to see this guy spend your money somewhere else, as it is obvious his name is bigger and better than he is as a performer nowadays.
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PJ - Auckland 2009; Alpine Valley1&2 2011; Man1, Am'dam1&2, Berlin1&2, Stockholm, Oslo & Copenhagen 2012; LA, Oakland, Portland, Spokane, Calgary, Vancouver, Seattle 2013; Auckland 2014, Auckland1&2 2024
EV - Canberra, Newcastle & Sydney 1&2 2011
It was at a time that I was really starting to get into him and the show just stopped that dead in his tracks. I still like plenty of Dylan, but a great show could've cemented my hardcore status.
The only show that was comparably bad was the Les Claypool w/Gabby Lala.
Favorite part of the show was Bob Weir singing 1 of my 2 my favorite Grateful Dead songs.....Ripple
Wouldn't mine Ed singing this at a solo show
Thinking he would have loved to have writen those lyrics
Remember seeing the Grateful Dead at MSG, or at least part of it
What You Giving
I suggest you step out on your Porch.
Run away my son. See it all. Oh, See the World!
Dylan's voice is different, and he rearranges every single song. To me that is damn cool. Think of how many times in 50 years he's played Blowin or All Along? The fact that he's rearranged them and made them almost jam type songs I think is brilliant. Its damn cool that he will be playing the intro to a song that most of the fans have heard for DECADES and no one in the arena knows what the song is until he starts singing.
Anyone hoping Dylan is going to be fawning over the audience and smiling and living it up onstage hasnt followed dylan at all. Thats not him and never been him. I guarantee you he doesnt end the show and then go and mingle and talk with the crowd after the show.
I dont think he should stop touring, and he doesnt. Ever heard of the Never ending tour? I think its absurd to suggest the greatest lyricist of all time should pack it up. He's our Shakespeare, we are lucky to be around when someone as brilliant as Dylan, is alive and actually touring.
the voice is fine as far am im concerned. Thats what smoking 82 cigarettes a day will do to you. But, his last 5 albums have been as acclaimed and beloved as anything he did in the 60's. I dont think he has any incentive or reason to retire.
We all know every word. His songs are as much a part of american culture as that pie you referenced. The fact its hard to understand him doesnt take away his legendary status.
Theres lots of stuff to get lost in other than worrying about not understanding the words. His band is amazing. You know he aint gonna just hire so-so musicians in his band. The 3 times ive seen him, Ive been impressed how alot of the songs have been morphed and altered into just flat out jams. Don't Think Twice is beautiful on record, but its also facinating to see what he did with it live.
Its funny, Dylan is castigated for his voice, yet someone like Tom Waits its all "oh his voice is so cool". I would wager anyone seeing Tom Waits in 2013 wouldnt say "oh he's awful".
Holy cow was it awful. Bob's voice was shot, inaudible and he changed the tempo/format of songs - to almost an unrecognizable degree. Band was very solid, Bob however was not...
Very sad. My poor bro-n-law was damn near distraught, since Newport in the the 60's was some sort of Dylan epic show and this was supposed to be insane.
YouTube some of the videos that were captured that day - people were leaving in bunches...sad...this was over 10 yrs ago...cannot imagine how gruesome it is today.
I'd also comment that Dylan's an acquired taste for sure. Historic songwriter, part of Americana, etc...but definitely a guy whose best days are behind him.
Note that everyone here so far in this thread commented he sounded awful, with few exceptions...on a music board...tells ya something, right?
Be glad you got to see a living legend, sorry he stunk. Cross it off the ol'bucket list my friend.
2.15.22 (EV)~2.25.22 (EV)~2.27.22 (EV)~5.3.22~5.7.22~9.17.24~9.29.24
not pandering to your audience is way different than sucking live. you can do what you want and still be a good performer.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I couldnt disagree more if I tried. " definitely a guy whose best days are behind him",
Really? This isnt some guy who needs to be put out to pasture and is just going through the motions. Again, you clearly havent been following him in the last 15 years. Dylans been on a winning streak dating all the way back to 97. Time out of Mind, Love and Theft, Modern Times, Together Through Life are all widely praised. Time out of Mind, Love and Theft and Modern Times are universally viewed among his greatest albums. This isnt some guy phoning it in. Thats silly. To have preferences in terms of his sound is natural. Some like his 60's period. Others the 70's stuff. Some the 90's stuff. But, the idea that he's a relic 60's act is so far out there, as to be completely obscene.
I visit other boards, something few people on here do. Expecting Rain, Times Have Changed and other dylan sites, and people are as fanatical and love Bob as much as they did back in the 60's. Setlists get posted for every show, bootlegs of current shows are basic 101, and people break down the second by second play by play of any new show. This is a PJ board. Not surprising its not too well versed in Dylan fanaticism. When I saw him in 2002, I saw multiple people, regular Joes, pulling out notebooks every single song, and documenting what the song was. The fanbase of Dylan is more fanatical than just about any other. Those forums arent a collection of people saying "his voice is awful and his best work is behind him".
On the contrary, Dylan's current catalogue and tours inspire as much passion and excitement as they ever did.
"Bob's voice was shot, inaudible and he changed the tempo/format of songs - to almost an unrecognizable degree". Thats your opinion. But as I said, smoking 81 cigs a day is gonna do something to your voice. Ed's voice has changed, why wouldnt Dylans over the course of FIFTY years. I dont know about you, but if I had to play a famous song like Times they are a changing for 50 years, Id want to change it up a little. They are his songs. Reworking them is just another part of the genius. Who wants to play a song exactly like 50 years ago? Never changing and never varying. Have you EVER seen dylan do a single thing in 50 years that didnt matter to him and him alone? Him playing the song and dance man and going up there and playing the songs like he did at age 24 and catering to an audience not willing to music thats been changed and altered, thats his worst nightmare. And its not him.
Calling him a historic songwriter and a part of Americana is selling the guy short. He's way more than that. He is now, and will always be.
Dylan doesnt give a damn. He doesnt care if fans like his show, his music, or if the critics care. He doesnt care if you think his country period was bad or the 80's period was awful. He doesnt give a damn. And thats why he's the greatest songwriter of all time. A true artist.
As I said, its like being alive during the time of Shakespeare. Im going to see him and follow him, and stand in awe no matter what he does. The fact we are all alive for this is only icing on the cake.
not pandering to your audience is way different than sucking live. you can do what you want and still be a good performer.[/quote]
Some people have expectations. And i think thats exactly what Dylan hates, and I have no expectations at all when I see him or any other artist. Hearing music. Thats about the only expectation one should have. Not picking up on the he's not a good performer thing. He;s never been MJ or Brandon Flowers or whoever. Those people who thrive off the audiences energy and are visibly moved and happy to be onstage.
Dylan owes us nothing. He doesnt owe the audience a hello. or a smile. Or a wave. or anything. Anyone waiting for this to happen, again, has only a cursory knowledge of Dylan's career and personality.
Being a good performer is subjective and its also an audience putting unfair expectations on an artist. I dont want Dylan to be anything other than he is. I want to see him play music live. What else is needed?
He plays hundreds of shows every single year, new album or not, every single year. Plays 15 or so songs every night. Throws in some classics. Has an amazing live band. Reworked and rearranged the songs to make them sound different and new. What more can one want?
Its like seeing Paul or Ringo. One of my missions in life is to see both before they die. I will have no expectation beyond seeing them perform music. Seeing a beatle play music is all you could ask for. When that horrible day comes, and the world has no more living Beatles in it, I can take comfort in the fact I loved their music and hopefully got to see some of them perform live. Same with Dylan. Same exact thing.
There will come a time when he's no longer around. I dont think we will know what we've lost. Do I love Sir Pauls new material as much as The White Album? Of course not, but he's one of the greatest musicians of all time, Im going to respect it, and cherish the music because of that.
Not really seeing what the problem is... Just sayin...
People had expectations at Newport 65 too.
I think having any expectation or projecting anything onto Dylan is the biggest mistake anyone could ever make. Dylan doesnt care about it. He just doesnt. His relentless searching, trying new sounds and styles out, then leaving them in the dust to search for other things is the definition of a true artist.
Singing and creating songs and albums is obviously something he enjoys. Why does it matter to him whether you cant discern what he's saying, or whether you think the songs are changed?
I think if he was going for audience and critical approval he would have followed a radically different path musicially and in life.
ENOUGH, please...
You are a Dylan die-hard - borderline fanatic - NOTHING he does you can be fairly critical of. I was not insulting Dylan, making fun of his fans etc. I agreed with the OP - who stated "he sounded awful". Other posters subsequently said the same thing. As did I. You, respectfully, CANNOT DISAGREE (as you have now done in 2 posts) how someone sounds to the ears of someone else. Simply cannot do it. How can you? Chances are you weren't at the Chicago show last night, or the Newport show in '02. He sounded bad to people...thats fine. Let it go musicismylife78. Why is everything here an argument with you? People are allowed to have opinions that differ from you.
Dylan is a legend. Top 5 all time songwriters go. At this time, most people would rather hear his songs being covered then by him.
No matter how many billions of words you type, you will never get someone who thought Dylan sounded bad to say he sounded good. "Oh, musicismylife78 just typed a soliloquy why Dylan has to be great and sound awesome, so now my opinion of what sounded like a record on the wrong speed garbled through a bad speaker now sounds beautiful???"
Glad you love him, are in awe of him and think he sounds wonderful. There are some of us on the planet that think he sounds like he's in pain and unpleasant to the ear. Thats ok.
Keep enjoying Bob, musicismylife78...I'm glad you are such a fan.
2.15.22 (EV)~2.25.22 (EV)~2.27.22 (EV)~5.3.22~5.7.22~9.17.24~9.29.24
Dylans career is a middle finger to all that. They guy has done the protest, the acoustic, the electric, the swing, country, gospel and religious, blues, and every thing in between. In fact, he's known for being ahead of the curve. He was into the political stuff way before it became popular, then when everyone became hippies he moved on. He was into the quiet introspective country stuff, then when it became popular he moved on.
That to me is a major problem. Not of Dylan. But of the audience.
His tickets are so expensive and his concerts are sooooo bad!
I warn people all the time not to waste their money but they don't listen because they think he is a "legend" and then they learn the hard way.
Bob Dylan was easily the worst concert I have ever attended.
I guess you have reading comprehension problems. Ive never said I love everything he;s ever done. I have favorite eras and albums im not keen on. Instead of asking me, you assumed. And it clearly didnt work for you. There are periods and eras of dylan i dislike. Albums i dislike. Songs I dislike. I even posted above about the Beatles and Paul. And said the same thing about them. In fact I think this board is filled with people who are the exact copy of what you said, except they arent dylan fans, they are PJ fans. Im rare on here I think, as I love PJ obviously, but Im also not going to pretend I love every single song and album theyve ever done. Fans by definition are fanatics. Judging by your username you maybe feel the same way about PJ.
Im allowed to post my opinion PJFan. Not everyone agrees with you either. You posted on here, got a few people in agreement and took that as biblical truth that somehow Dylan's a relic and doddering grandfather who should hang it up and that his entire audience hates him. Thats outrageously pompous and naive and childish. You do know that righ? You can go elsewhere to Dylan fan forums and its clear you are off your rocker and that I am correct in this.
You are either high or are making facts up. What evidence could possibly exist to prove "most people want to hear a dylan cover rather than a dylan song sung by him". You do know how you sound right? That is literally a psychotic statement.
You are right, I wasnt at the shows you attended. He sounded bad to you. He sounded fine to me at all 3 shows I saw. You havent a bad experience doesnt effect me. Im not going to lie and say he was awful just because you saw him and he didnt fit your ideal sound. Thats silly.
I agree PJ Fan. Let it go. Not everyone agrees with you that Dylan came off as horrible and a has been. You seem completely unable to accept the fact that not everyone agrees with you. Dylan plays for stadiums of people. Arenas. Thousands of people, I assume, were at the show with you. You really suggesting right now that you speak for those thousands? So everyone in the stadium felt he was awful? You personally talked to everyone? Or did you just talk your brother in law, and then try to pass that fact off as you and your brother in law, were representative of an entire arena of people? Come on, my friend, you cant really be serious!
Your statement also applies to us fans as well. No matter how many people on a PJ message board post about how they dislike Dylan in 2013, thats not going to magically make me change my mind and say "I loved those 3 shows, but now I think they were awful". And lets face it, what, 12 people posted on here? Thats a clear and resounding "I dislike dylan and his voice is awful" cohort aint it?! Come on!
He sounded bad to some people at the 2 shows you saw? He sounded bad to you and your brother in law. Thats about all you can say. Unless of course you took exit polls on your way out and did some better research than just two people!
His voice isnt in his control. It changed, Theres nothing he can do to get it back to the way it was. So he has two choices. Either hang it up and not tour and not sing anymore. Or continue on.
The larger point is that it doesnt matter what people on this board, or any other board, or critics or anyone else says. What makes Dylan great, without question, is he doesn't care what PJfan or anyone else says. He just plays. He'll play hundreds of shows in 2013 just like he has for the last 20 years. Will sell out stadiums. May even release a new album.
Somehow the rantings of someone on a PJ board, I dont think that even enters Dylans mind on iota.
His last 4 have been as well receieved and beloved as any of his 60's albums. And as I said are considered classics among his catalogue. Universally.
To say that his recent work is as acclaimed as his early stuff is one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard.
to each their own. I find it the height of ridiculousness to say he;s a 60s relic act. Ignorance may be bliss, doesnt excuse people for making statements that are not backed up in stuff that can be verified. PJFans statement about "dylan cover songs being what people in 2013 want to hear not Dylan singing them", is the definition of this. Its proposed with I presume a straight face. Although I dont know how thats possible. Plus I studied stats and surveys in college, I majored in a degree associated with it. I damned well know you dont make a statement and claim it as fact, based on 12 people agreeing with you on a message board of ANOTHER BAND.
Anyone who doesnt think his last 4 are now viewed, BY HIS FANBASE as among his greatest, especially TOOM and T&T, just doesnt follow Dylan. Period.
The Dylan of the late 70's, the 80's and much of the 90's was ignored by most people. TOOM especially is considered one of his masterpieces and among the best albums of the 90s.
So what about your short ones filled with the same thing?
Time Out of Mind is hailed as one of Dylan's best albums, and it went on to win three Grammy Awards, including Album of the Year in 1998. Also, the album is ranked number 408 on Rolling Stone's list of The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time in 2003.[1]
Beside being ranked as number 408 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 greatest albums of all time, in both Pazz & Jop's critics poll[36] and Uncut magazine,[37] Time Out of Mind was voted as album of the year.
So yeah, its included on any list with Freewheelin and Bringing it All Back home and Blonde on Blonde. That does make it as acclaimed and beloved as any of his classic era albums.
I first saw him in 1986. Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers opened the show and blew him off the stage. He was awful.
I saw him again in 2000. I enjoyed it very much and went a number of times from 2000-2002. I thought he was very good in this time period.
I then saw him in 2009. He was awful again.
I'm planning to see him next Friday. I hope he's good this time.
- Al Swearengen
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Only show of over 100 that I walked out of: and I did it really early.
Never faced the crowd. Sounded like shit. Unbelievably poor song selections. Just a brutal performer.
* I respect his history, but his present needs to just go away. A very classless performer.
One thing I would correct you on is the idea that Dylan is selling out stadiums. Simply not true. He's not even selling out amphitheaters with help from two of the greatest touring bands of this era right now. And from reports I've heard of the current Americanarama tour, much of the crowd has been leaving during his set....Dylan certainly still plays a ton of shows, but give me the date and venue of the last time he sold out a stadium. If he ever has, I'm sure it's been a long time.
And the reason why he's having trouble selling out shows is most likely because of the general consensus that probably only about half, and that's being generous, of the people that have seen a Dylan show in recent times have actually enjoyed it for anything other than the fact that they saw Dylan.
Personally, I dig what he does now, for all of the reasons you mentioned, and I appreciate the musicianship he displays with his songs, even though his live voice is typically rather disgraceful at this point. But to suggest that people are crazy because they don't get it like we do is the silliest thing in this whole thread. We are actually the minority.
His recent studio output has been stellar, and anyone who hasn't checked his recent albums out are missing out. His vocal delivery is completely different than it was 30-40-50 years ago of course, but unlike his live performances, the vocals are actually pretty pleasant on record. Musicismylife - no love for Tempest? I think it's much better than Together Through Life actually. Modern Times is probably my favorite from the Time Out of Mind - present era......Not sure I would agree that the new stuff is quite as good as the 60's, early 70's work, but it's a completely different style of music, so pretty pointless to compare.
....also, what album are you referring to when you say T&T?
EV Solo: 7/11/11 11/12/12 11/13/12
I messed up typing, T and T should be L and T or Love and Theft from 2001.
Dylan;s career goes through arcs and phases. Anyone who's been around 50 years will have that. His late 70's, much of the 80's, and much of the 90's work was considered a low point of his career. During the Dead and Dylan tours, he'd regularly perform in a sweatshirt with the hood up. He'd open for the Dead and play to a disinterested crowd. But his tours in the 2000's have been as dynamic and electric as anything he's ever done.
Im hesitant to agree with you or any of the others here. You are free to have an opinion about him in 2013 and wwhether you enjoyed the concert is your own bag. My problem is the idea that a thread on a PJ board is somehow a good measure of whether or not the majority of people at his shows feel he is off his game. Naturally the Americanarama show is different than a normal Dylan gig. I cant speak to how he sounds this tour, ive not seen him. But a show like that is bound to be different and have a festival sort of vibe to it, rather than a regular Dylan and an opener gig.
I would assume the majority here dont visit the dylan boards and fansites that number in the thousands. There are dylan boards and all that. One site posts daily and collects every article published each day that mentions Dylan. And his message boards are filled with some of the most fanatical Dylan fans you will find. Ive followed these sites for over a decade now. I can personally tell you the sentiment among these folks isnt what we get in this thread. So I dont believe "we" are in the minority. On this board we are. But Dylan fans are as passionate and rabid about Dylan as they always have been. They post each setlist for the tour, and dissect it, give crowd reports. People post bootlegs of the shows. The threads created for each show arent filled with people complaining about Dylan.
My main problem was the general sentiment on this board, or this thread was that the OP and others seemed to suggest that they spoke for the majority of concert attendees. Which is absurd on its face. This isnt a Dylan forum nor a MMJ or Wilco forum, so trying to gauge audience approval of any of the acts is laughable. The idea that thousands of people are walking out of Dylans shows during this tour I think is probably an exaggeration. All due respect to MMJ, Wilco and Bingham, but the main draw is Dylan. Always have been. Tweedy, and James and Ryan would agree. Dylans like the Stones or Paul or something. No matter who he tours with, he's always the defacto headliner and draw even if he suggests its a shared bill. The idea people would walk out of Dylans set EN MASSE is ridiculous to me. If it can be proven, I will be wrong I guess. But I think its a gross exaggeration.
Dylan has a LARGE fanbase. They are every bit as rabid as any other bands. They pick apart the setlist, debate the song choices, they discuss band changes during the shows (who was that in dylan's band tonight, why wasnt so and so there), and any number of other things. One thing you wont find is a large group of them saying "bob should hang it up".