Hobbes said:Blue Velvet?
Blue Velvet?
Jason P said:The Hard Way?
The Hard Way?
The Waiting Trophy Man said:What the hell kind of movies do you guys watch?
What the hell kind of movies do you guys watch?
Jason P said:I don't think Keanu was in this one.
I don't think Keanu was in this one.
Who Princess said: Jason P said:I don't think Keanu was in this one. Are you sure he doesn't play the monster?
F Me In The Brain said:Lair of the White Worm
Lair of the White Worm
Hobbes said:I heard an ugly rumor that Point Break is being remade. Say it ain't so. />
I heard an ugly rumor that Point Break is being remade. Say it ain't so. />
Hobbes said:I heard an ugly rumor that Point Break is being remade. Say it ain't so.
I heard an ugly rumor that Point Break is being remade. Say it ain't so.
Longueuil said:If it's Mission Impossible, here is the next one
If it's Mission Impossible, here is the next one
One more: The creature tormenting Jesus is in the title of this film.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Mission impossible 1
The producers of this so called "remake" shall be punished in the 8th ring of Dante's Inferno by the demon Geryon.
And yes it was Mission Impossible