I'm stumped on that one dankind. Is it some experimental remake of A Christmas Story or something?
Maybe a hint for those of us that didn't take a film class?
Heh! OK. One scene from this 1925 silent Russian classic (a film that basically perfected the use of the montage technique) that has been imitated in many films that followed is from "The Odessa Steps" sequence in which a baby in its pram is rolling down a series of stairs.
OK, I know what it is now, but I had to look it up so I won't answer. I'm sure somebody knows it as it is highly acclaimed. That's the first I've heard of it though.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
Heh! OK. One scene from this 1925 silent Russian classic (a film that basically perfected the use of the montage technique) that has been imitated in many films that followed is from "The Odessa Steps" sequence in which a baby in its pram is rolling down a series of stairs.
OK, I saw that one in film class too! Battleship Potemkin
Also famous is the scene of the sailor smashing a plate. :ugeek:
I can't believe how my inner nerd is arising!
Lol. I don't know what that is from. But it reminds of Steve Buscemi in Billy Madison after he crosses billy off of his to kill list.
OK, hint: This 1988 schlocky horror film starring scream queen Linnea Quigley (pictured; where the lipstick goes next is nightmarishly freaky) was remade in 2009, and the producers/casting director were awesome enough to pay homage to the original by giving Quigley a role in the remake.
Maybe. I saw Billy Jack more than twice when I was a kid.
And I swear, I never saw any of the sequels!
Billy Jack was very good at kicking the shit out of people.
There was a great spoof of this scene on SNL many years ago, with Paul Simon as Billy Paul.
Man, I watched a lot of bad movies. I think I did see at least one sequel.
SatansFuton FTW!
I guess it's on me then
Raising Arizona
"Where's Junior?"
And since some of us are talking about having taken film classes...
Maybe a hint for those of us that didn't take a film class?
Heh! OK. One scene from this 1925 silent Russian classic (a film that basically perfected the use of the montage technique) that has been imitated in many films that followed is from "The Odessa Steps" sequence in which a baby in its pram is rolling down a series of stairs.
Battleship Potemkin
Also famous is the scene of the sailor smashing a plate. :ugeek:
I can't believe how my inner nerd is arising!
OK, here's our next clue:
Fried Green Tomatoes
Club Paradise
and no more clues for silent russian movies from the 20's!!!
The Wraith
Mmmm... Adrienne Barbeau
Fan-freakin'-TASTIC movie- well done!
Never Too Young to Die
Don't quote it!
I'll repost this one.
OK, hint: This 1988 schlocky horror film starring scream queen Linnea Quigley (pictured; where the lipstick goes next is nightmarishly freaky) was remade in 2009, and the producers/casting director were awesome enough to pay homage to the original by giving Quigley a role in the remake.