Posts: 2,319
Wow! and the way they try to cover this one is more lies....
Wow! and the way they try to cover this one is more lies....
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
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More lies? I'm not sure what you mean. Reading this article, it seems like the IRS is being rather forthcoming in seeking to correct any wrong doing.
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
Lerner said the practice was initiated by low-level workers in Cincinnati and was not motivated by political bias.
There is so much corruption surrounding this Administration it's hard to get up with it all. ... um=twitter
The guy is so right!
Proove this please
I couldn't open the link from pj144 but did it touch down on what I just stated ?
Makes me wonder how many others this has happened to, that weren't noticed and addressed.
And I don't care if it was a low-level thing (really doubt that); things like this require review, sign-offs, approvals - and if they don't, they should.
Really shameful.
Fucking politics.
Added: And the people who did this need to be fired. If the IRS is crooked, I don't need to pay taxes, right?
Where is the accountability?
The Internal Revenue Service, the federal government’s major revenue collection agency, used its power to target and harass conservative organizations. As our nation’s Chief Executive and Administrator, the President and his administration owe the American people answers.
It is an absolutely indefensible abuse of power for our federal government to target groups of citizens based on their political beliefs. Yet, that is exactly what the IRS did to about 75 conservative groups.
On Friday, I sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker John Boehner calling on Congress to investigate this flagrant breach of the public trust. Congress has a constitutional responsibility to get to the bottom of this matter and ensure the transparency this President promised us on the campaign trail.
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
Whole lotta crookedness goin' on.
ah yes, the whiny mcwhinewhine mcenroe
does remind me of today's republicans
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
So sick of this polarizing stuff; no wonder the great divide grows.
"Come together" my ass :evil:
oh love i agree
i vote democrat because to vote outside the parties as, in nader, will only fuck us worse, as in bush
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
Seems he has the same connections Obama has...What!...not surprised...
He's a progressive and donates to the democratic party.....
Shulman served as a board member of the Israel Securities Authority
Through his board membership with the Israel Securities Authority, Shulman is intimately involved with the Bank of Israel Governor, Stanley Fischer, who recently hosted the International Council Of Jewish Bankers and Financiers ....these guys come to mind...Jacob Rothschild, George Soros
His wife is Susan L. Anderson
Senior Program Advisor at Public Campaign
SERIOUSLY???!!! You are going to try and blame this on the JEWS now??? :fp:
You really are the gift that keeps on giving!!
Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt groups, claims that this was all initiated by "low-level workers in Cincinnati" and that "high level officials" had no knowledge of this (which would include Shulman, I presume). I haven't read of anyone being fired, but that statement leads me to believe it would be a few scapegoats at most before they just move on.
Also, the practice in question was submitting any group filing for tax-exempt status with "tea party" or "patriot" in their name to lengthy, intrusive questionnaires that were far beyond the standard.
I'm not optimistic we'll ever get the "why" answered, so we're just left with speculation based on how much of the official statement one believes.
Yeah I am jewphobic!!!.....I'm talking about Bankers and Narcissistic sickos
Only 25% of the 300 scrutinized groups seeking non-profit status were reportedly affiliated with right-wing causes. Whether the rest aligned with left-leaning causes like abortion and climate change will not be known until the entire list is released. The IRS told Gawker today that the full list has yet to be made public. ... ?hpt=ju_c2
I think as the medis pours on the heat and more people at the IRS are exposed we will see who gave the go a head to target these my opinion this is just the beginning of a ugly situation for the government.
has the tea party made a huge issue about hating paying taxes? have they not repeatedly voiced their disdain for taxes? have they not complained that taxes are unfair? does tea party not stand for "taxed enough already"?
seems to me that a group whose entire existance is to rail against taxes is inviting scrutiny from the irs.
what is wrong with making sure that this political entity and the individuals in that group are paying their taxes?
if the shoe were on the other foot, as in a liberal group campaigning against taxes, the republicans would complain if the irs DID NOT go after them.
griping for the sake of griping is all this is. as usual.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
If you would like to understand what is wrong with this and have one minute to spare, allow Dennis Kucinich to explain:
but the shoe is not on the other foot and as is so popular on the AMT...freedom of speach comes to mind,with all your hate for Bush and other Republican politions I would think you would understand that voicing your opinion about government,taxes or anything else you disaprove of should not make you a target by the IRS or any government groups..this is still much as obama wants to "change" it.
doing so would invite the government's attention...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
for simple political affiliation?
I don't think you thought that argument through very far. doesn't it seem like profiling? If it were applied in other areas of life you wouldn't be so quick to approve of selective enforcement....The IRS' strong arm tactics should receive bipartisan hate because all groups have been persecuted by them at one time or another.
I think we should all wait for the IG report to crucify anyone
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
I don't get the Obama want's to change AMERICA argument , like how has America changed from your point of view ....