Women can be as much of an asshole as men PJ_Soul.
Whilst not quite 'defending' this lady, I am just asking why so quick to condemn. Sure, she seemed to have 'snapped' and just disappeared. Not much is said in this article so all is really speculation. But if it were planned, I would have thought someone would do a better job at the planning. It's not like she lived the life of Riley out there. Yes, she was going through troubled times, upset and she was maybe weaker than others. Many cope in her situation - and some much worse. She didn't - she saw a way out.
I would speak of a father in the same situation in the same way.
But here, it would seem that judgement has been made because she was a mother 'Ultimate betrayal, their Mother'
What I'm saying - we don't know what happened. We don't know why. We don't know what kind of life she had (obviously not incredible relationship as she was going through a divorce. We don't know her medical history or anything. Seems some people are more inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to proven killers than a person who seems to have had an 'episode'.
Fair enough... although it did say that she was just sitting there, and 3 homeless people she didn't know approached her and asked her to come to Florida with them, and she just said okay, and left. No planning. She just bailed spur of the moment because it was easier than going home. That's what it sounds like.
She was sitting there, crying. Having heard that she had been denied housing/financial assistance, not quite knowing what she was going to be able to do with raising her kids. Vulnerable - 'kind' people see her, ask her what's up, propose an 'exit' and she takes it... Yes.. probably easier than facing the hardship.
Easier for her.... abandoning your children isn't supposed to be the easier option. That's the problem.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Sometimes it may seem like it. The thought of the responsibilities just too much... How can I put a roof over their heads? How will I feed them? Clothes them? Won't be able to do it - better off without me....
I think we do callen. I think that in general, society believes there is a 'special' bond between mother and children that does not exist between father and children. A mother just can't abandon her children, it's against nature...
Thus one of the comments here when judging the woman saying it was the 'ultimate betrayal. Their mother'. Would it have been deemed as ultimate if it had been the father? Don't know...........
Some incredible thoughts and sharing on this thread.
Do we hold mothers to a higher standard than we do fathers. Fathers leave all the time and it doesn't make the news. Justified?
I was thinking the same thing about mothers at a higher standard and if you think about it how could we not ?
9 months in her womb and the first part of our lives is and sometimes all our lives are spent with her even in an adopted situation it's the woman that showes that compassion and love only a woman can give men on the other hand have been the hunter gatherer taking what they want from the start,it seems that men are expected to be strong and not show pain because they are the "domonit and stronger of the species" I'm not trying to ruffle any fethers but all my life when I looked around me that's what I have noticed and what I was taught, if it wernt for moms we would all have the viking mentality many still do.
Some incredible thoughts and sharing on this thread.
Do we hold mothers to a higher standard than we do fathers. Fathers leave all the time and it doesn't make the news. Justified?
That's what I was thinking. If this were a father everyone would just call him an irresponsible asshole, and that would be the end of it. Double standard.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I think we do callen. I think that in general, society believes there is a 'special' bond between mother and children that does not exist between father and children. A mother just can't abandon her children, it's against nature...
Thus one of the comments here when judging the woman saying it was the 'ultimate betrayal. Their mother'. Would it have been deemed as ultimate if it had been the father? Don't know...........
Some incredible thoughts and sharing on this thread.
Do we hold mothers to a higher standard than we do fathers. Fathers leave all the time and it doesn't make the news. Justified?
I was thinking the same thing about mothers at a higher standard and if you think about it how could we not ?
9 months in her womb and the first part of our lives is and sometimes all our lives are spent with her even in an adopted situation it's the woman that showes that compassion and love only a woman can give men on the other hand have been the hunter gatherer taking what they want from the start,it seems that men are expected to be strong and not show pain because they are the "domonit and stronger of the species" I'm not trying to ruffle any fethers but all my life when I looked around me that's what I have noticed and what I was taught, if it wernt for moms we would all have the viking mentality many still do.
Some incredible thoughts and sharing on this thread.
Do we hold mothers to a higher standard than we do fathers. Fathers leave all the time and it doesn't make the news. Justified?
I was thinking the same thing about mothers at a higher standard and if you think about it how could we not ?
9 months in her womb and the first part of our lives is and sometimes all our lives are spent with her even in an adopted situation it's the woman that showes that compassion and love only a woman can give men on the other hand have been the hunter gatherer taking what they want from the start,it seems that men are expected to be strong and not show pain because they are the "domonit and stronger of the species" I'm not trying to ruffle any fethers but all my life when I looked around me that's what I have noticed and what I was taught, if it wernt for moms we would all have the viking mentality many still do.
Realized women are much tougher than men.....
I think that we have evolved past this idea of using biological impulses to make an argument for or against deliberately abandoning our children. To me, it seems like a cop out for men.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Some incredible thoughts and sharing on this thread.
Do we hold mothers to a higher standard than we do fathers. Fathers leave all the time and it doesn't make the news. Justified?
I was thinking the same thing about mothers at a higher standard and if you think about it how could we not ?
9 months in her womb and the first part of our lives is and sometimes all our lives are spent with her even in an adopted situation it's the woman that showes that compassion and love only a woman can give men on the other hand have been the hunter gatherer taking what they want from the start,it seems that men are expected to be strong and not show pain because they are the "domonit and stronger of the species" I'm not trying to ruffle any fethers but all my life when I looked around me that's what I have noticed and what I was taught, if it wernt for moms we would all have the viking mentality many still do.
PJ_Soul - mother or father 'disappearing' because of bored, want something else, are both assholes. Though a dad would probably just be called an asshole/bastard whilst a mother would be vilified because of this 'higher standard' (how can she abandon HER children?)
In a case where there are major 'issues', where mental health problems may be present, both can equally 'snap'. Which brings me to the sort of stereotypes of the male/female role. Man bringing home the bacon.. a number of times in the news I have seen men losing their jobs or their business having failed, not telling their wifes, living off saving until no more and then either doing a runner or topping themselves - a couple of times taking their kids with them. Triggers could be different, reasons different but both men and women cannot always face life as they 'should' and how society expects.
PJ_Soul - mother or father 'disappearing' because of bored, want something else, are both assholes. Though a dad would probably just be called an asshole/bastard whilst a mother would be vilified because of this 'higher standard' (how can she abandon HER children?)
In a case where there are major 'issues', where mental health problems may be present, both can equally 'snap'. Which brings me to the sort of stereotypes of the male/female role. Man bringing home the bacon.. a number of times in the news I have seen men losing their jobs or their business having failed, not telling their wifes, living off saving until no more and then either doing a runner or topping themselves - a couple of times taking their kids with them. Triggers could be different, reasons different but both men and women cannot always face life as they 'should' and how society expects.
I think it's just absolutely reprehensible for both mothers and fathers, equally.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I don't know..... Lots of turmoil, I would think.
Do we hold mothers to a higher standard than we do fathers. Fathers leave all the time and it doesn't make the news. Justified?
Thus one of the comments here when judging the woman saying it was the 'ultimate betrayal. Their mother'. Would it have been deemed as ultimate if it had been the father? Don't know...........
I was thinking the same thing about mothers at a higher standard and if you think about it how could we not ?
9 months in her womb and the first part of our lives is and sometimes all our lives are spent with her even in an adopted situation it's the woman that showes that compassion and love only a woman can give men on the other hand have been the hunter gatherer taking what they want from the start,it seems that men are expected to be strong and not show pain because they are the "domonit and stronger of the species" I'm not trying to ruffle any fethers but all my life when I looked around me that's what I have noticed and what I was taught, if it wernt for moms we would all have the viking mentality
Surprised this doesn't happen more often.
makes me think of Nazareth song
"only women bleed, only women bleeeeeeeed"
Realized women are much tougher than men.....
In a case where there are major 'issues', where mental health problems may be present, both can equally 'snap'. Which brings me to the sort of stereotypes of the male/female role. Man bringing home the bacon.. a number of times in the news I have seen men losing their jobs or their business having failed, not telling their wifes, living off saving until no more and then either doing a runner or topping themselves - a couple of times taking their kids with them. Triggers could be different, reasons different but both men and women cannot always face life as they 'should' and how society expects.
Interesting food for thought in this thread, on all sides.
wolf, thanks for your honesty. Us fuckers are glad you made it out of that hole and stuck around
Godfather, you too. Sometimes candor like yours - as well as that of others - provides another perspective. Yer alright, man
Yeah probably Alice....been a while...
Godfather's and Wolf's sharing was a treat, truely.