Almost Bathroom Mishap

I am not a big fan of public toilets, but the other day I was in major need. Luckily I had the place to myself, which I prefer (not a big fan of others in the room). I did my thing and just as I was wrapping up another person comes into the stall next to me. I was not real happy about it, but at least I was just about done. I see the shoes under the wall, so I know someone is there – GUH! Then it almost happened, a fear of mine. I flushed the toilet and nothing but rising water happens. I think about the dude next to me and not sure how to warn him about what is about to happen. My heart begins to race, brow begins to sweat and thinking “please o please stop!”. Just then, at the top of the rim it stops, or the brink of overflow! I stayed there for another minute to make sure nothing happened. It seemed secure, so I washed up and got the hell outta there. Thank you for not flowing over and sorry maintenance man.
Anyone have anything like this happen to them? :fp: :fp: :fp:
Anyone have anything like this happen to them? :fp: :fp: :fp:
Post edited by Unknown User on
This place is dead
"Kfsbho&$thncds" - F Me In the Brain - circa 2015
I would have just gotten the hell outta there!
But yeah...I despise public toilets. Only use when it's an emergency and I too want nobody around. But yeah...I would have gotten out of there pronto!
What the hell did you eat?
How much toilette paper did you use?
The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08
Really, you hate your job that much, go find another one. Which I'm sure has happened, because they finally caught whoever it was and they are history.
I liked to know though, why, what makes a person do something like that? What satisfaction could you possibly get out of that?? Disgusting.
Most of this was a waste of time, because I also realized that there was no toilet paper, and I was sweating like a pig. I went back to my apartment, passed the sisters as quickly as possible (who were awake at this point), and got directly in the shower. I never felt so dirty. :fp:
Best poop story EVER!
and you are willing to share this story
On purpose, yeah that is just mean and dumb. This was an accident and not sure what happened. Trust me there was no satisfaction, more fear, terror and embarassment.
You can tell it was a holiday. Hired help was very hard to find, I see.
The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08
Story of my life
Yeah, present day, Im with you... but ten years ago, I was desperate and didnt think I could risk it.
So one night I do my business, flush, hop in the shower, get ready to go out drinking. Roommate and I go out, get good and loaded, get back home around 2:30 or so.
He goes into the bathroom when we get back, flushes and all I can here is "SHIT, ah, SHIT!" Before he had the chance to open up the back of the toilet to stop the waterflow, my previous business came up over the edges. Made a huge f'n mess! For whatever reason, his drunk ass thought it was something he did, so he decided to fix the toilet. He grabs the plunger, I'm watching at this point laughing
Phenomenal story!!
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
Pistachio, you going to Chicago? We may need a camera following you around.
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23