SOLD! EV Batman Guitar Pick: $ for US Troop Care Packages

All proceeds benefit Operation Yellow Ribbon of South Jersey ( where funds will help with shipping expenses of care packages to US Troops deployed in Afghanistan and supporting Operation Enduring Freedom and this also includes a few members from these forums and a brother of another forum member. Thanks to the help of all of you, OYR has been able to send on average, 1500+ pounds of goodies from home each month to our brave women and men in harm's way and away from home. We spend roughly $1200 each month alone on shipping expenses so thank you for your past help!
A generous forum member (with a really cool first name that will stay not named!) has provided this awesome item: The coveted EV Batman Guitar Pick!! I cannot thank this forum member enough for his/her generosity and amount of giving. What a great community we have here and I am forever grateful
Price: $50 shipped. Anywhere in the world.
Thank you and love to you all
A generous forum member (with a really cool first name that will stay not named!) has provided this awesome item: The coveted EV Batman Guitar Pick!! I cannot thank this forum member enough for his/her generosity and amount of giving. What a great community we have here and I am forever grateful
Price: $50 shipped. Anywhere in the world.
Thank you and love to you all
Post edited by Unknown User on
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.