Thanks SPEEDY. Believe me I've tried all that...over and over and over again. At this point I have to admit that I have more of a problem than I thought I did. I've been on every diet known to man...I've invented my own. I've changed my lifestyle a lot recently but its still not doing the job real well. I think I've ruined my metabolism over the years yo-yo-ing so much.
This is a big decision for me. I've backed out of it before. My cardiologist is really keen for this right now, and I really have to agree with him.
I guess like some folks are addicted to heroin and some are addicted to cigarettes, well, I'm an addict, only my addiction is something that every human being needs to survive...but I can't give up.
I'll most likely do it. I hope that you'll help me through it even if you don't agree.
I hope I don't back out again ... I'm a big scaredy cat baby when it comes to this stuff.
Thanks for your opinion.
Im not saying I agree, or disagree, and I wish nothing but the best for you. But how healthy can such a radical type of surgery be on your heart? How much weight is lost in a years time? It just seems to me that there has to be a better way. And trust me, I can eat with the best of them.
I know Speedy and I thank you. My heart is exactly the reason my cardiologist is pushing this.
I am hoping for a vast improvement with my back and leg pain too.
I know its radical. I know I've tried and tried on my own for years and years.
I know I just don't want to be like this. I want to be healthy.
I'm scared and apprehensive but I think at this point, I'm not getting any younger, its not getting any easier and I'm out of other ideas.
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
A healthy diet and a brisk walk each day...
Sure sounds a whole hell of a lot easier than this.
Thanks SPEEDY. Believe me I've tried all that...over and over and over again. At this point I have to admit that I have more of a problem than I thought I did. I've been on every diet known to man...I've invented my own. I've changed my lifestyle a lot recently but its still not doing the job real well. I think I've ruined my metabolism over the years yo-yo-ing so much.
This is a big decision for me. I've backed out of it before. My cardiologist is really keen for this right now, and I really have to agree with him.
I guess like some folks are addicted to heroin and some are addicted to cigarettes, well, I'm an addict, only my addiction is something that every human being needs to survive...but I can't give up.
I'll most likely do it. I hope that you'll help me through it even if you don't agree.
I hope I don't back out again ... I'm a big scaredy cat baby when it comes to this stuff.
Thanks for your opinion.
that's why i said your head needs to be in the right place. some people have the surgery and then gain the weight right back. if you do go ahead with the surgery i hope that you can also get some type of counseling too.
Thanks SPEEDY. Believe me I've tried all that...over and over and over again. At this point I have to admit that I have more of a problem than I thought I did. I've been on every diet known to man...I've invented my own. I've changed my lifestyle a lot recently but its still not doing the job real well. I think I've ruined my metabolism over the years yo-yo-ing so much.
This is a big decision for me. I've backed out of it before. My cardiologist is really keen for this right now, and I really have to agree with him.
I guess like some folks are addicted to heroin and some are addicted to cigarettes, well, I'm an addict, only my addiction is something that every human being needs to survive...but I can't give up.
I'll most likely do it. I hope that you'll help me through it even if you don't agree.
I hope I don't back out again ... I'm a big scaredy cat baby when it comes to this stuff.
Thanks for your opinion.
You can't "ruin" your metabolism. It is what it is. Yes, it changes over time for various reasons, but one can't "ruin" it. Your genetics has a far greater impact on how your metabolism changes as you age than anything you've done. See an endocrinologist, and they do a simple breathing test to let you know how many calories you burn during "normal" activity and what you could if you did simple exercise (like walking).
It's then a simple math problem - more calories than you burn - gain weight. Less calories than you burn - lose weight.
They will also be able to tell you a safe daily caloric range to be in, so you aren't losing weight too fast (yes, you can lose weight too fast and it's not good for you). That combined with a nutritionist (which your endocrin should be able to hook you up with) will get you on the proper road, so you're not depriving yourself of necessary vitamins, etc.
The lap band is not a cure all. It restricts your intake, but plenty of folks "re-learn" how to over eat and put the weight right back on. So, regardless of which route you go, the math problem is still the root of the issue. Yes, there are many, many success stories. But, they all have 1 thing in common beyond the surgery - change in lifestyle.
Just know that Cardiologists treat the heart. They are not (necessarily) weight experts. They may know you need to lose it, but don't necessarily know how best to. Make sure you consult with appropriate specialists to get all the information you need.
Good luck in whatever you do and please take care of yourself.
Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
A healthy diet and a brisk walk each day...
Sure sounds a whole hell of a lot easier than this.
Thanks SPEEDY. Believe me I've tried all that...over and over and over again. At this point I have to admit that I have more of a problem than I thought I did. I've been on every diet known to man...I've invented my own. I've changed my lifestyle a lot recently but its still not doing the job real well. I think I've ruined my metabolism over the years yo-yo-ing so much.
This is a big decision for me. I've backed out of it before. My cardiologist is really keen for this right now, and I really have to agree with him.
I guess like some folks are addicted to heroin and some are addicted to cigarettes, well, I'm an addict, only my addiction is something that every human being needs to survive...but I can't give up.
I'll most likely do it. I hope that you'll help me through it even if you don't agree.
I hope I don't back out again ... I'm a big scaredy cat baby when it comes to this stuff.
Thanks for your opinion.
that's why i said your head needs to be in the right place. some people have the surgery and then gain the weight right back. if you do go ahead with the surgery i hope that you can also get some type of counseling too.
I understand that 100% and have been maintaining a relatively healthy diet and lifestyle for quite a while, its just not helping me take off the weight fast enough for my or my dr's liking. Lots of counseling and groups are all a part of the process. They don't just toss you on the table and then let you go on your way, thank goodness Lots of support on the medical side. Lots of support from my family. Most of them any way, there's always that one person who shoves cake under your nose and laughs about it. ughhhh.
I'm doing my best to be in the right place. I think I've got it You guys help a whole lot, more than you know .
Thanks to you all.
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
The only thing I'm really wondering about dietarily is if I can still have a nice cold beer once in a while. Now that's too yummy on a long hot day
to answer your question, no.
I have known several people who got bariatric and the Lap Band surgery. Since your stomach is so small, you are not allowed carbonated beverages since the carbonation will cause your stomach to expand and causes 'issues' (in the case of LB, it can twist or become dislodged, which can be uncomfortable. In the case of bariatric, well...the contents of the stomach have to go 'somewhere' and it can happen unexpectedly.)
One girl I worked with who had BS, she loved Pepsi, so she would open it in the morning, and let it go flat, then pour it over ice so she could still drink it. She had lost over 150 pounds in a year and a half, but was left with large amounts of skin from the rapid weight loss. She wanted another baby, so she had to hold off on the 'body lift' surgery.
I also know people who lost weight (on both surgeries) but learned to 'cheat' so they gained the weight back.
Whatever route you choose, I wish you the best, remember it's a lifestyle change. You have to keep up with it for the rest of your life to maintain the results.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
The only thing I'm really wondering about dietarily is if I can still have a nice cold beer once in a while. Now that's too yummy on a long hot day
to answer your question, no.
I have known several people who got bariatric and the Lap Band surgery. Since your stomach is so small, you are not allowed carbonated beverages since the carbonation will cause your stomach to expand and causes 'issues' (in the case of LB, it can twist or become dislodged, which can be uncomfortable. In the case of bariatric, well...the contents of the stomach have to go 'somewhere' and it can happen unexpectedly.)
One girl I worked with who had BS, she loved Pepsi, so she would open it in the morning, and let it go flat, then pour it over ice so she could still drink it. She had lost over 150 pounds in a year and a half, but was left with large amounts of skin from the rapid weight loss. She wanted another baby, so she had to hold off on the 'body lift' surgery.
I also know people who lost weight (on both surgeries) but learned to 'cheat' so they gained the weight back.
Whatever route you choose, I wish you the best, remember it's a lifestyle change. You have to keep up with it for the rest of your life to maintain the results.
Thanks Lisa. I had heard about the cheating too, but that's really ridiculous right? To go through all that and then sabotage yourself? No way. I know that's easy to say now, but really.
That body lift surgery has got to be more than extremely painful. A friend of mine had a boob lift and a tummy tuck all at once along with some lipo on her back and OMG the pain she was in, even with strong Rx!!! I've had laparoscopic surgery before for my gallbladder and I know I can handle that..not all that bad really, but the body lift. OMG!
Good for your friend. 150 lbs wow! Good for her!
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Hey Jo! I know 4 people who have had bariatric surgery (2 had the lap band, 2 had a sleeve). All had really great results, aside from one who gained back the weight after her pregnancy. It's definitely a lifestyle change, but you're linked up with lots of support before and after. Best of luck to you!
I'm pretty set on the Lap Band but wondering what people's experiences with the Sleeve have been?
Have you heard their stories?? Any differences?
I'm not really sure why one is chosen over the other - just the doctor's recommendation as to which would be the best option. The 2 with the sleeve have had positive results. Initially the one woman wasn't drinking enough water and became dehydrated. Her job doesn't really allow for her to take regular breaks, so she had to work out how to drink enough fluids and eat enough throughout the day. She also needed support just adapting to environments that weren't supportive for one reason or another - it's a huge adjustment mentally as well as physically. The one woman initially had great results with the lap band, but then gained the weight back throughout her pregnancy. There were a lot of complicating factors going on for her and she didn't have a lot of support around the weight loss. You'll probably be connected with a nutritionist before and after the surgery, as well as a support group and counseling to help adjust to all the changes. Best of luck!
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
“This is a ah another request fulfillment. If none of the other of you like it at least one guy does. Actually it’s a girl, she’s right back there.”
SMILE Eddie Vedder Cleveland 06.....
Thanks guys!
Lap Band is removable and that's a huge plus.
AND they don't cut out all your insides and re-route everything.
I KNOW I need to do this.
I am making an appt with my primary care doc on Monday...the cardiologists have suggested it so getting approval shouldn't be hard. I still have to check with my insurance company to see how much they pay.
Whatever it is, I need to do it. Its obvious to my *finally* that I just can't beat this alone.
Thanks for the support. I'm going to be needing you all to hold my cold wet clammy hand LOL!
absolutely girl
this is a health issue
any kind of surgery is frightening but it sounds as though you've done your homework
do go on and do this for yourself
and as all have said
we are right here for you
OK I've done a complete 180 on the lapband vs. RNY surgery.
After attending some group sessions, meeting with surgeon, surgical team, support team, etc., I've come to the awareness that LapBand is NOT for me. It's not for cheaters. And I am a cheater...when it comes to food.
I was seriously misinformed. I thought that RNY (gastric bypass) was the same as stomach stapling. It is Not. That's an entirely different procedure called the sleeve. I am spending a lot of time talking to those who have had various types of bariatric surgery, and I've researched, researched, researched. In the end, I feel that the RNY Gastric Bypass is the right solution for me.
I hope you can stick with me. I am afraid of chickening out at the last minute. Surgery scares me. Anesthesia scares me more. No need to tell me, I spent a career as a nurse, and I know its safe. I also concentrate on the bad outcomes I've seen, as few and far between as they are, since, well, its ME. And when it comes to ME I'm nervous. So if you hold my hand, I'd be grateful.
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
I know Speedy and I thank you. My heart is exactly the reason my cardiologist is pushing this.
I am hoping for a vast improvement with my back and leg pain too.
I know its radical. I know I've tried and tried on my own for years and years.
I know I just don't want to be like this. I want to be healthy.
I'm scared and apprehensive but I think at this point, I'm not getting any younger, its not getting any easier and I'm out of other ideas.
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
that's why i said your head needs to be in the right place. some people have the surgery and then gain the weight right back. if you do go ahead with the surgery i hope that you can also get some type of counseling too.
You can't "ruin" your metabolism. It is what it is. Yes, it changes over time for various reasons, but one can't "ruin" it. Your genetics has a far greater impact on how your metabolism changes as you age than anything you've done. See an endocrinologist, and they do a simple breathing test to let you know how many calories you burn during "normal" activity and what you could if you did simple exercise (like walking).
It's then a simple math problem - more calories than you burn - gain weight. Less calories than you burn - lose weight.
They will also be able to tell you a safe daily caloric range to be in, so you aren't losing weight too fast (yes, you can lose weight too fast and it's not good for you). That combined with a nutritionist (which your endocrin should be able to hook you up with) will get you on the proper road, so you're not depriving yourself of necessary vitamins, etc.
The lap band is not a cure all. It restricts your intake, but plenty of folks "re-learn" how to over eat and put the weight right back on. So, regardless of which route you go, the math problem is still the root of the issue. Yes, there are many, many success stories. But, they all have 1 thing in common beyond the surgery - change in lifestyle.
Just know that Cardiologists treat the heart. They are not (necessarily) weight experts. They may know you need to lose it, but don't necessarily know how best to. Make sure you consult with appropriate specialists to get all the information you need.
Good luck in whatever you do and please take care of yourself.
I understand that 100% and have been maintaining a relatively healthy diet and lifestyle for quite a while, its just not helping me take off the weight fast enough for my or my dr's liking. Lots of counseling and groups are all a part of the process. They don't just toss you on the table and then let you go on your way, thank goodness
I'm doing my best to be in the right place. I think I've got it
Thanks to you all.
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
to answer your question, no.
I have known several people who got bariatric and the Lap Band surgery. Since your stomach is so small, you are not allowed carbonated beverages since the carbonation will cause your stomach to expand and causes 'issues' (in the case of LB, it can twist or become dislodged, which can be uncomfortable. In the case of bariatric, well...the contents of the stomach have to go 'somewhere' and it can happen unexpectedly.)
One girl I worked with who had BS, she loved Pepsi, so she would open it in the morning, and let it go flat, then pour it over ice so she could still drink it. She had lost over 150 pounds in a year and a half, but was left with large amounts of skin from the rapid weight loss. She wanted another baby, so she had to hold off on the 'body lift' surgery.
I also know people who lost weight (on both surgeries) but learned to 'cheat' so they gained the weight back.
Whatever route you choose, I wish you the best, remember it's a lifestyle change. You have to keep up with it for the rest of your life to maintain the results.
- Christopher McCandless
Thanks Lisa. I had heard about the cheating too, but that's really ridiculous right? To go through all that and then sabotage yourself? No way. I know that's easy to say now, but really.
That body lift surgery has got to be more than extremely painful. A friend of mine had a boob lift and a tummy tuck all at once along with some lipo on her back and OMG the pain she was in, even with strong Rx!!! I've had laparoscopic surgery before for my gallbladder and I know I can handle that..not all that bad really, but the body lift. OMG!
Good for your friend. 150 lbs wow! Good for her!
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Best of luck though.
She has a book and a blog... Might be helpful
Best of luck!
SMILE Eddie Vedder Cleveland 06.....
absolutely girl
this is a health issue
any kind of surgery is frightening but it sounds as though you've done your homework
do go on and do this for yourself
and as all have said
we are right here for you
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
After attending some group sessions, meeting with surgeon, surgical team, support team, etc., I've come to the awareness that LapBand is NOT for me. It's not for cheaters. And I am a cheater...when it comes to food.
I was seriously misinformed. I thought that RNY (gastric bypass) was the same as stomach stapling. It is Not. That's an entirely different procedure called the sleeve. I am spending a lot of time talking to those who have had various types of bariatric surgery, and I've researched, researched, researched. In the end, I feel that the RNY Gastric Bypass is the right solution for me.
I hope you can stick with me. I am afraid of chickening out at the last minute. Surgery scares me. Anesthesia scares me more. No need to tell me, I spent a career as a nurse, and I know its safe. I also concentrate on the bad outcomes I've seen, as few and far between as they are, since, well, its ME. And when it comes to ME I'm nervous. So if you hold my hand, I'd be grateful.
I have chosen some of the best surgeons on the East Coast. Here is a link to learn more: I'm happy to say that my surgeon is Dr. Leonardo Claros.
Thanks for standing with me.
If you are interested, Here's a link to the new post. I thought since I've changed directions, I should probably change the whole thing up.
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~