for all you climate change nuts*



  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Humans caused the hole in the ozone. We consciously stopped the use of aerosol cans and changed our ways. Why is this so difficult for those who deny humans' responsibility in the destruction of our climate to believe? The ozone hole is still there. We can't change the atmosphere back to what it was. So why fight? Why not unify, move on, and do something constructive about the earth???

    I'll tell you why. Because the hole in the ozone was never politicized. Because climate change has been ripped apart by our leaders (Bush administration) and Big Oil, we will forever be warped by politics and not by factual earth science.
  • Jeanwah wrote:
    Humans caused the hole in the ozone. We consciously stopped the use of aerosol cans and changed our ways. Why is this so difficult for those who deny humans' responsibility in the destruction of our climate to believe? The ozone hole is still there. We can't change the atmosphere back to what it was. So why fight? Why not unify, move on, and do something constructive about the earth???

    I'll tell you why. Because the hole in the ozone was never politicized. Because climate change has been ripped apart by our leaders (Bush administration) and Big Oil, we will forever be warped by politics and not by factual earth science.

    I, for one, do not support the green movement. Not because I am ignorant or Bush and oil companies said whatever they said, or whatever other grabage reason the green folks claim of people like me. I refuse to follow it because the crap you all push is worse for the environment then anything you all claim it is better than. E85 produces 20 times more acetaldehyde than regular petrol, making it 2.5 times more damaging to the environment. Using crap like bamboo doesn't save trees. We primarily get it from South America where the farmers cut down the rainforest to grow the bamboo. Rainforest soil is very weak, it only supports about 4 crops. Then they cut down more rainforest to grow more bamboo so that we can be green and "save a tree". Nevermind that a law passed in the 80's made it so that all wood and paper products made in the US must be made from tree's grown on tree farms, resulting in a 40% growth of our wild tree population..and so on..When y'all stop pushing harmful crap, I might join ya.
  • BentleyspopBentleyspop Craft Beer Brewery, Colorado Posts: 11,043
    Global warming is just a liberal plot to,,,,,

    Raise your taxes
    Abort your babies
    Create more government
    Take away your guns

  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Humans caused the hole in the ozone. We consciously stopped the use of aerosol cans and changed our ways. Why is this so difficult for those who deny humans' responsibility in the destruction of our climate to believe? The ozone hole is still there. We can't change the atmosphere back to what it was. So why fight? Why not unify, move on, and do something constructive about the earth???

    I'll tell you why. Because the hole in the ozone was never politicized. Because climate change has been ripped apart by our leaders (Bush administration) and Big Oil, we will forever be warped by politics and not by factual earth science.

    I, for one, do not support the green movement.

    I don't even have to read the rest of whatever you said, because you insist on politicizing the topic with the very. first. sentence. :roll:
  • A couple of weeks ago, my family went to see a documentary Chasing Ice. A National Geographic photographer set up cameras over the globe in places that are covered by glaciers. The cameras were left to record what happened to the glaciers over time. Pretty amazing stuff. I recommend that every one see this film.
    And the sun it may be shining . . . but there's an ocean in my eyes
  • polaris_x wrote:
    i just wish people would take the time to educate themselves instead of falling for lies ...

    I wish you could understand the difference between argument and discussion.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
    While we go on arguing and/or discussing this issue endlessly, the planet keeps warming up. The truth is, approximately 97 % of published scientist believe the current rapid rise global mean temperature is human caused. I don't understand why someone would bother to argue with that. In fact, that amazes me.
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Humans caused the hole in the ozone. We consciously stopped the use of aerosol cans and changed our ways. Why is this so difficult for those who deny humans' responsibility in the destruction of our climate to believe? The ozone hole is still there. We can't change the atmosphere back to what it was. So why fight? Why not unify, move on, and do something constructive about the earth???

    I'll tell you why. Because the hole in the ozone was never politicized. Because climate change has been ripped apart by our leaders (Bush administration) and Big Oil, we will forever be warped by politics and not by factual earth science.

    I, for one, do not support the green movement. Not because I am ignorant or Bush and oil companies said whatever they said, or whatever other grabage reason the green folks claim of people like me. I refuse to follow it because the crap you all push is worse for the environment then anything you all claim it is better than. E85 produces 20 times more acetaldehyde than regular petrol, making it 2.5 times more damaging to the environment. Using crap like bamboo doesn't save trees. We primarily get it from South America where the farmers cut down the rainforest to grow the bamboo. Rainforest soil is very weak, it only supports about 4 crops. Then they cut down more rainforest to grow more bamboo so that we can be green and "save a tree". Nevermind that a law passed in the 80's made it so that all wood and paper products made in the US must be made from tree's grown on tree farms, resulting in a 40% growth of our wild tree population..and so on..When y'all stop pushing harmful crap, I might join ya.

    The only green folks I know are all Martians I don't trust them sons of bitches any further than I can throw them.

    Oh, and I don't push crap. I shovel it.
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • I'm tired of dealing with the talking morons who claim that humans are not to blame for the drastic, terrifying climate change that's happening right now.

    Saying "scientists are still debating the cause."

    No. That is a lie.

    "Scientists" who are are on payroll of the Oil Industry, a few idiot Republicans from Texas and one of the guys Michele Bachmann's husband is currently blowing are showing up on Fox "news," Michelle Malkin's Website of Lies and Anne Coulter's maxi pads, but real scientists are not debating it.

    If you say they are, you are either dumb or full of shit.

    Either way, you're not worth bothering with.
  • I, for one, do not support the green movement. Not because I am ignorant or Bush and oil companies said whatever they said, or whatever other grabage reason the green folks claim of people like me. I refuse to follow it because the crap you all push is worse for the environment then anything you all claim it is better than. E85 produces 20 times more acetaldehyde than regular petrol, making it 2.5 times more damaging to the environment. Using crap like bamboo doesn't save trees. We primarily get it from South America where the farmers cut down the rainforest to grow the bamboo. Rainforest soil is very weak, it only supports about 4 crops. Then they cut down more rainforest to grow more bamboo so that we can be green and "save a tree". Nevermind that a law passed in the 80's made it so that all wood and paper products made in the US must be made from tree's grown on tree farms, resulting in a 40% growth of our wild tree population..and so on..When y'all stop pushing harmful crap, I might join ya.

    I love it when people prove how clueless, uninformed and easy to fool they are.

    It's a gift from baby Jesus.
  • A couple of weeks ago, my family went to see a documentary Chasing Ice. A National Geographic photographer set up cameras over the globe in places that are covered by glaciers. The cameras were left to record what happened to the glaciers over time. Pretty amazing stuff. I recommend that every one see this film.

    Here's a link to the trailer:
    And the sun it may be shining . . . but there's an ocean in my eyes
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
    I'm tired of dealing with the talking morons who claim that humans are not to blame for the drastic, terrifying climate change that's happening right now.

    Saying "scientists are still debating the cause."

    No. That is a lie.

    "Scientists" who are are on payroll of the Oil Industry, a few idiot Republicans from Texas and one of the guys Michele Bachmann's husband is currently blowing are showing up on Fox "news," Michelle Malkin's Website of Lies and Anne Coulter's maxi pads, but real scientists are not debating it.

    If you say they are, you are either dumb or full of shit.

    Either way, you're not worth bothering with.

    Exactly! And if you don't believe Prince of myself or the vast majority of scientists (probably more like 99% rather than the reported 97% since most of those dissenting voices are bought by corporations and big oil )... well... good luck.
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • brianlux wrote:
    I'm tired of dealing with the talking morons who claim that humans are not to blame for the drastic, terrifying climate change that's happening right now.

    Saying "scientists are still debating the cause."

    No. That is a lie.

    "Scientists" who are are on payroll of the Oil Industry, a few idiot Republicans from Texas and one of the guys Michele Bachmann's husband is currently blowing are showing up on Fox "news," Michelle Malkin's Website of Lies and Anne Coulter's maxi pads, but real scientists are not debating it.

    If you say they are, you are either dumb or full of shit.

    Either way, you're not worth bothering with.

    Exactly! And if you don't believe Prince of myself or the vast majority of scientists (probably more like 99% rather than the reported 97% since most of those dissenting voices are bought by corporations and big oil )... well... good luck.

    just to be absolutely ABUNDANTLY clear, I was not "debating" or arguing the science. I didn't KNOW the science. thank you Brian, for clearing that up in the other thread. for people to just simply state "the majority of scientists believe it, so you should too" isn't enough for me, nor should it be for anyone on any topic. I am a "why guy". I need to understand in order to believe. Now that I do (in a remedial sense, at least), I get it.

    getting crass and saying "anyone who believes otherwise is a fool" doesn't help your cause.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782

    just to be absolutely ABUNDANTLY clear, I was not "debating" or arguing the science. I didn't KNOW the science. thank you Brian, for clearing that up in the other thread. for people to just simply state "the majority of scientists believe it, so you should too" isn't enough for me, nor should it be for anyone on any topic. I am a "why guy". I need to understand in order to believe. Now that I do (in a remedial sense, at least), I get it.

    getting crass and saying "anyone who believes otherwise is a fool" doesn't help your cause.

    My apologies, Hugh. I never meant to call anyone a fool. I do think people who intentionally try to mask the truth with lies for the benefit of corporate profit are being foolish at best, but don't mean to call anyone here a fool.

    I respect any efforts of anyone to become more educated on any subject. I hope that is why we are here. I also respect your critical thinking- it is better to become educated than it is to just accept something because someone popular or good looking says its so. We would all do well to examine a subject before making our minds about it. I am sometimes guilty of assuming that by now everyone understands what is widely known about climate change. My bad. I've spent a lot of time studying it. Not everyone has.

    My biggest concern is that people either are not taking a serious look at this crucial issue or they are in denial because they either fear the likely effects of climate change or don't want to think about it because they don't want to change. It just isn't going to go away. There are things we can do to make a difference. There are actions we can take to lessen the impact and if we care at all about young and future generations, it only makes sense to do so.
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • whgarrettwhgarrett Posts: 574
    Why does anyone really care about the environment? Seriously. I am truly being serious here. I just don't get it. I mean I know that lots of animals and stuff suffer I guess, but don't species come and go all the time? :P
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    whgarrett wrote:
    Why does anyone really care about the environment? Seriously. I am truly being serious here. I just don't get it. I mean I know that lots of animals and stuff suffer I guess, but don't species come and go all the time? :P

    Including our own? Absolutely.
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
    whgarrett wrote:
    Why does anyone really care about the environment? Seriously. I am truly being serious here. I just don't get it. I mean I know that lots of animals and stuff suffer I guess, but don't species come and go all the time? :P

    I'll take your question about environment and your comment about being serious at face value-- which is hard to do since you don't seem to have a face. (Hahaha- just kidding). Where's that masked smiley? :lol:

    Human influence on the environment is driving species into extinction at a much greater rate than any time in the past not including periods affected by cataclysmic events such as K-Pg extinction event which ended the Mesozoic Era and was caused by the impact of a massive meteor or the Permian-Triassic extinction event thought to be caused by massive volcanoes.

    Not only are we responsible for a large and accelerated anthropogenic species die off during a relatively calm geological period, but now scientists are also finding that we are causing species to die off faster than species can evolve (see article in link below). The result of this should be obvious as should the reason many of us care about human impact on the environment. ... ies-evolve
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
    Oh and I forgot,

    ...and because, well, because the remaining large mammals besides humans-- elephants, whales, rhinos, and giraffes, certain horses, The Horse (long live The Horse!), and the sleek gazelle-- they have it figured out. I'm pretty sure of that. Not to mention lizards. They know a thing or two. And I'm pretty sure the rocks have it figured out too but they're here for the long haul and they're definitely not talking.

    So if possible and as much as possible, I'd like to find out what it's all about.
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • AusticmanAusticman Posts: 1,327
    My Car's temperature gauge from Sydney on Friday.


    And that celsius. 122 farenheit. And it stayed at that temperature all the way home.
    I can't go the library anymore, everyone STINKS!!
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    Austicman wrote:
    My Car's temperature gauge from Sydney on Friday.


    And that celsius. 122 farenheit. And it stayed at that temperature all the way home.

    Hope you stopped at a gas station shortly thereafter.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    polaris_x wrote:
    i just wish people would take the time to educate themselves instead of falling for lies ...

    I wish you could understand the difference between argument and discussion.

    explain it to me ... it's like we are arguing the world is flat and someone says that if it was round the ground wouldn't be flat below our feet ... how is that a discussion ... arguing that global warming is not man made because the earth is old and temperature records are unreliable is missing the point completely ...
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    A couple of weeks ago, my family went to see a documentary Chasing Ice. A National Geographic photographer set up cameras over the globe in places that are covered by glaciers. The cameras were left to record what happened to the glaciers over time. Pretty amazing stuff. I recommend that every one see this film.

    yeah ... saw that at hot docs this year ... what was interesting was the photographer and subject of the doc was a non-believer before ...
  • polaris_x wrote:
    polaris_x wrote:
    i just wish people would take the time to educate themselves instead of falling for lies ...

    I wish you could understand the difference between argument and discussion.

    explain it to me ... it's like we are arguing the world is flat and someone says that if it was round the ground wouldn't be flat below our feet ... how is that a discussion ... arguing that global warming is not man made because the earth is old and temperature records are unreliable is missing the point completely ...

    did I ever STATE that climate change wasn't a result of mankind? I'm here to learn, not to be talked down to.

    I thanked you for the information in the other thread. Now if we could just stick to facts and step away from sarcasm and dressing down, this would be a much better place.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    did I ever STATE that climate change wasn't a result of mankind? I'm here to learn, not to be talked down to.

    I thanked you for the information in the other thread. Now if we could just stick to facts and step away from sarcasm and dressing down, this would be a much better place.

    if we were sticking to facts ... then much of the stuff posted here would be irrelevant ...

    you have to understand that this topic isn't new ... and that i've responded to sooo many threads that discounts the science of global warming via lies for so long and to have it continually regurgitated is frustrating beyond belief ... imagine you were a cancer activist and someone said smoking isn't related to cancer and their reasoning was that they didn't know how to measure cancer 200 years ago ... you would be frustrated too ... so, is it wrong for me to simply ask people to educate themselves? ... is that dressing down? ... i don't really think so ...
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
    polaris_x wrote:
    did I ever STATE that climate change wasn't a result of mankind? I'm here to learn, not to be talked down to.

    I thanked you for the information in the other thread. Now if we could just stick to facts and step away from sarcasm and dressing down, this would be a much better place.

    if we were sticking to facts ... then much of the stuff posted here would be irrelevant ...

    you have to understand that this topic isn't new ... and that i've responded to sooo many threads that discounts the science of global warming via lies for so long and to have it continually regurgitated is frustrating beyond belief ... imagine you were a cancer activist and someone said smoking isn't related to cancer and their reasoning was that they didn't know how to measure cancer 200 years ago ... you would be frustrated too ... so, is it wrong for me to simply ask people to educate themselves? ... is that dressing down? ... i don't really think so ...

    I appreciate that Hugh and others care enough to learn more about this subject. At the same time, the oft heard analogy that this is a bit like saying we still need more proof that the world is or isn't flat fits. Without meaning to sound arrogant or critical toward anyone here, I think it's time we move on from discussing the reality of anthropogenic climate change and start working on doing what we can to lessen our impact which is causing it. Otherwise we are just twirling in circles.
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • polaris_x wrote:
    did I ever STATE that climate change wasn't a result of mankind? I'm here to learn, not to be talked down to.

    I thanked you for the information in the other thread. Now if we could just stick to facts and step away from sarcasm and dressing down, this would be a much better place.

    if we were sticking to facts ... then much of the stuff posted here would be irrelevant ...

    you have to understand that this topic isn't new ... and that i've responded to sooo many threads that discounts the science of global warming via lies for so long and to have it continually regurgitated is frustrating beyond belief ... imagine you were a cancer activist and someone said smoking isn't related to cancer and their reasoning was that they didn't know how to measure cancer 200 years ago ... you would be frustrated too ... so, is it wrong for me to simply ask people to educate themselves? ... is that dressing down? ... i don't really think so ...

    I would hope that the cancer activist would present the information that I have since been provided and skip all the "go educate yourself" bullshit from the high horse I was served here.

    I come here to learn, and to discuss. Sorry if that inconveniences you.

    why yell when you've already got my ear? :?
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • brianlux wrote:
    I appreciate that Hugh and others care enough to learn more about this subject. At the same time, the oft heard analogy that this is a bit like saying we still need more proof that the world is or isn't flat fits. Without meaning to sound arrogant or critical toward anyone here, I think it's time we move on from discussing the reality of anthropogenic climate change and start working on doing what we can to lessen our impact which is causing it. Otherwise we are just twirling in circles.

    wrong approach. if it was time to move on from the discussion, then why does most of the population not give a fuck about climate change? because they don't fully understand it or buy into it or care about it.

    I mean, I care about the environment, and that wasn't because of my concerns over climate change. I'm just disgusted with the trash heap that our home has become. maybe if people would engage those that are interested in learning more about how it's caused, what the effects will be, and what they can do, instead of dismissing them as uneducated idiots, the cause might get farther than it is.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    I would hope that the cancer activist would present the information that I have since been provided and skip all the "go educate yourself" bullshit from the high horse I was served here.

    I come here to learn, and to discuss. Sorry if that inconveniences you.

    why yell when you've already got my ear? :?

    who's yelling?

    so ... asking someone to educate themselves in inappropriate? ... you came to learn but you're way of learning isn't to ask questions but to pose talking points that have no relevance ... just look at this thread ... someone mentioned the temperature record thing and i addressed it but people keep using it ... so, i'm supposed to keep repeating myself and do all the work while others get to be lazy but yet say they care? ... i'm calling bullshit on that ... if one truly cares - they would go and educate themselves on the topic ... i don't see how that is asking too much ...
  • polaris_x wrote:
    I would hope that the cancer activist would present the information that I have since been provided and skip all the "go educate yourself" bullshit from the high horse I was served here.

    I come here to learn, and to discuss. Sorry if that inconveniences you.

    why yell when you've already got my ear? :?

    who's yelling?

    so ... asking someone to educate themselves in inappropriate? ... you came to learn but you're way of learning isn't to ask questions but to pose talking points that have no relevance ... just look at this thread ... someone mentioned the temperature record thing and i addressed it but people keep using it ... so, i'm supposed to keep repeating myself and do all the work while others get to be lazy but yet say they care? ... i'm calling bullshit on that ... if one truly cares - they would go and educate themselves on the topic ... i don't see how that is asking too much ...

    I thought the purpose of AMT was to discuss and educate ourselves. I'm sorry I didn't prepare enough before I came to class, professor.

    get out of your tower for fuck's sake. I asked some questions, posed some queries, and I get screamed at. finally I get the answers I was looking for, and I'm now being called lazy and full of shit.

    next time you have a question you don't already know the answer to, don't come to me.

    see you around.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    polaris_x wrote:
    I would hope that the cancer activist would present the information that I have since been provided and skip all the "go educate yourself" bullshit from the high horse I was served here.

    I come here to learn, and to discuss. Sorry if that inconveniences you.

    why yell when you've already got my ear? :?

    who's yelling?

    so ... asking someone to educate themselves in inappropriate? ... you came to learn but you're way of learning isn't to ask questions but to pose talking points that have no relevance ... just look at this thread ... someone mentioned the temperature record thing and i addressed it but people keep using it ... so, i'm supposed to keep repeating myself and do all the work while others get to be lazy but yet say they care? ... i'm calling bullshit on that ... if one truly cares - they would go and educate themselves on the topic ... i don't see how that is asking too much ...

    I agree with Polaris; Hugh, we've been discussing climate change on here for YEARS. All of a sudden, you ask for an education on here rather than defending a side, which is great, but you must understand the level of frustration Polaris and Brian may have since they have constantly been championing every environmental thread on here for a long time. It is a lot of work to actually educate someone about the perils of the environment, and you have to understand that it can't be taught simply in a few paragraphs. The best thing to do is to research the topic using reliable scientific sources. I think that's a very fair thing to tell someone eager to learn more.
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