New Man of Steel Trailer

Was never the biggest Superman fan compared to other comic book heroes, but I have to say that this movie looks incredible. :corn:
And so you see, I have come to doubt
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
Post edited by Unknown User on
From the looks of the trailer, Supes is gonna be a bit moody!
Seriously, though, this does look pretty awesome. I'm more excited about this one than Superman Returns ...
"Let's check Idaho."
Supes can be deep at times as he is after all an alien on this planet sometimes feeling very alone; very much like myself
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you. ... 6DJcgm3wNY
I'm rock after watching that.
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
Kinda spoilery but its based on discussion with filmakers and looking at the new trailer... WARNING-ISH ... w-trailer/
While this flick looks cool and dark (as all superhero movies look to be going), they didnt show some goofy ass Clark Kent.
And yeah, the dude form Boardwalk Empire is a good villain. He creeps me out in boardwalk empire.
On the plus side, it can't be worse then the last one, so it has that going for them.
this trailer kicks things up a few notches. i can't wait to see this movie.
stop being negative.
just being realistic. ... tsrc=yahoo
michael shannon's a great actor. glad to see him get this part.
that guy always plays a jerk off
Have you seen Boarkdwalk EMpire. He's NUTS in that! :crazy:
I heard Mud was good. I hope to see it on DVDone day
don't really watch tv shows ... Mud is good - but can wait for dvd or netflix ... no need for big screen big sound
boardwalk is worth watching.
plus it's's not tv.
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
"Let's check Idaho."
Critics aren't being too kind to this one. It's currently 59 percent rotten on rottentomatoes. I still plan to see it this weekend though.
The action does perhaps linger on in the last act, but its not worthy of some of the mixed reviewers low metacritic scores. The story telling, all though not super deep does work for the film.
It's a lotta fun
Then we went and ruined it be sneaking into the end. Top five worst movies ever
Dang I was between seeing both o these today and had the urge to laugh so we saw Rhis is the End. I really wish I had gone with my gut instinct and saw superman. This is the End was pretty bad.