I still think it's more of a vibe killer when people constantly fight what will naturally occur when human beings mix. During one of the early songs of the show I attended, I turned to my friend and innocently _whispered one sentence_ "My god, listen to his voice resonate in this theatre." Some idiot in front of me turns around, and three times louder than my innocuous, very quiet, private comment decides to "SSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" me. Does he not think "SSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" makes any noise? Does he not realize that his choice to engage me created a bigger scene than if I just softly appreciated the beauty of what I was hearing and moved along with the music? Because guess what? I didn't slouch guiltily in my seat, and I didn't "SSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." I told that dude that "nobody shushes me" and I would say whatever I damned well wanted whenever I wanted. He didn't know I was already pissed that I couldn't carry a freaking water bottle in my merch bag while I sipped the growing-warm 20-ounce supersize beer I bought because nobody sells normal sized alcohol anymore. No wonder everyone gets drunk.
This same dude then seat-jumped about half-way through the show, deciding it was okay for him to break his own rule of choice after trying to condescend with me. I then read later on the reviews here that fights broke out at the show I attended -- for what?! Is it really that much worth it? Just leave each to his own and chill the fuck out. Unless someone has thrown up on you, groped your girlfiend, stolen your wallet, or some other bodily harm, let people have their innocent time. If they want to shout "BLLAACCKKK", so what?! Eddie's sound system is loud enough to accommodate it. Nobody is going to miss any songs. Trust me. If you concentrate on the music, you don't notice the bullshit around you.
Honestly, everytime the dude tours, it's the same old, same old. Three solo tours later, everyone should expect other people to make noise by now. Have fun with it or stay home. You are not getting a private viewing anymore than anyone else who pays for a ticket. If Eddie wants his perfect crowd, he should do invite-only audiences of people who pass his good behavior test in advance. Otherwise, he really shouldn't keep doing the "intimate thing." From what I can tell, he hates it more than he enjoys it, and the complaints on this board reflect that audiences feel the same.
i know alot of people jump on you about what u say..but i understand where u coming from..
its a show..like 2-3000 people is there ,you cant police everyone,not talk,no chat,no shout..
then as u say...stay home and see the dvd..
its stupid to get drunk and scream like an idiot during the show
same is to not even breath..
i cant imagine myself to atleast not chat about what we see ,listen and feel with the person im at the show..
btw they do that with a bottle with water....but they do it everywhere tho..not with eddie vedder shows only
i think common sense is the best here..
you gonna talk..you gonna sing along..you gonna clap,,you gonna smile..you gonna chat..you gonna laugh
but not over reacting..is a man alone on stage..with a guitar..cant scream like crazy every minute..
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
I still think it's more of a vibe killer when people constantly fight what will naturally occur when human beings mix. During one of the early songs of the show I attended, I turned to my friend and innocently _whispered one sentence_ "My god, listen to his voice resonate in this theatre." Some idiot in front of me turns around, and three times louder than my innocuous, very quiet, private comment decides to "SSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" me. Does he not think "SSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" makes any noise? Does he not realize that his choice to engage me created a bigger scene than if I just softly appreciated the beauty of what I was hearing and moved along with the music? Because guess what? I didn't slouch guiltily in my seat, and I didn't "SSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." I told that dude that "nobody shushes me" and I would say whatever I damned well wanted whenever I wanted. He didn't know I was already pissed that I couldn't carry a freaking water bottle in my merch bag while I sipped the growing-warm 20-ounce supersize beer I bought because nobody sells normal sized alcohol anymore. No wonder everyone gets drunk.
This same dude then seat-jumped about half-way through the show, deciding it was okay for him to break his own rule of choice after trying to condescend with me. I then read later on the reviews here that fights broke out at the show I attended -- for what?! Is it really that much worth it? Just leave each to his own and chill the fuck out. Unless someone has thrown up on you, groped your girlfiend, stolen your wallet, or some other bodily harm, let people have their innocent time. If they want to shout "BLLAACCKKK", so what?! Eddie's sound system is loud enough to accommodate it. Nobody is going to miss any songs. Trust me. If you concentrate on the music, you don't notice the bullshit around you.
Honestly, everytime the dude tours, it's the same old, same old. Three solo tours later, everyone should expect other people to make noise by now. Have fun with it or stay home. You are not getting a private viewing anymore than anyone else who pays for a ticket. If Eddie wants his perfect crowd, he should do invite-only audiences of people who pass his good behavior test in advance. Otherwise, he really shouldn't keep doing the "intimate thing." From what I can tell, he hates it more than he enjoys it, and the complaints on this board reflect that audiences feel the same.
i know alot of people jump on you about what u say..but i understand where u coming from..
its a show..like 2-3000 people is there ,you cant police everyone,not talk,no chat,no shout..
then as u say...stay home and see the dvd..
its stupid to get drunk and scream like an idiot during the show
same is to not even breath..
i cant imagine myself to atleast not chat about what we see ,listen and feel with the person im at the show..
btw they do that with a bottle with water....but they do it everywhere tho..not with eddie vedder shows only
i think common sense is the best here..
you gonna talk..you gonna sing along..you gonna clap,,you gonna smile..you gonna chat..you gonna laugh
but not over reacting..is a man alone on stage..with a guitar..cant scream like crazy every minute..
Thanks for speaking truth against conventional wisdom . . . you are a man with common sense and a man who understands human nature.
First off, I think Ed does a pretty good job of tactfully handling the obnoxious screaming fans at these shows. But it is a major problem. I think some of the problem is that Ed engages the crowd and even encourages responses at various times throughout the show, and many people are not mature enough to handle that. Then Ed gets annoyed (along with most everyone else) when those who can't handle that opportunity, and become a distraction to the whole show and experience. I would think he would know what is going to happen.
I guess my question is: How should this problem best be handled? Should Ed come out and clearly lay the rules from the start, or would that risk turning the many idiots in the crowd against him, and make it worse?
Or, should they send out a venue rep prior to to Ed taking the stage to say "If you are screaming at the artist you will be removed, and we will enforce that"? In the way that such behavior would not be tolerated at 99% of the other performances that take place in these smaller performing arts center venues.
Yeah, "It is a major problem." And, "How should this problem best be handled?" They should make an announcement beforehand, you'll be kicked out, etc.?
Ahhhhahhahahaaha.. Gimme a break.. A little annoying, at a small theater for a mellow solo show but settle down. This thread is like the Anal-Uber fans on here that get mad if people are talking, or, god forbid, sitting down at a PJ show. I know, I know, they must not be as big or as knowledgeable a breed of fans if they are annoying you.
Remember the old saying about being upset: "It doesn't make you mad - you make you mad."
The big problem is the alcohol. Yes, the venue and Ed make a lot of money this way, but they could disallow drinking in the seating area and only allow it at the bar. To be honest, since he overcharges for merch, and his tickets are pretty expensive, it would seem they are already making enough money, and they could get rid of the alcohol altogether. It really is the main problem.
OR, instead of focusing so intensely on use of cameras, he could have the ushers/bouncers focus on removing the people who are talking through the entire set. I assure you that camera use is way less annoying than people talking and not being able to hear the show. The flash might annoy my view, but at least I could HEAR the music, which is why we're all there.
Manchester had a lot of yelling and crowd noise. People were being rude during Glen's set as well, talking all the time; I know some people only got in late cause there were huge queues at the merch stand.
London had bits of it, but it was fine for the most part. Amsterdam was perfect, regarding security as well as crowd, and the atmosphere of the place was really beautiful.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
Look, I was trained in classical music. One of the number one rules I learned from all my teachers was this: Learn to perform past all the audience distractions. If Ed is such a pro, then he can play his little ukulele just fine even with the local yokels yacking in aisle three. Give me a break, people. His uke has four strings and the songs consist of two or three chord changes. It's not Bach or Wagner he's playing. If he can't handle a few folks singing along or woo-wooing in between, then maybe he ought not try.
I guess you missed the news story about how a guy's cell phone kept going off, loudly, during the final movement of Mahler 9 at the New York Philharmonic earlier this year. Alan Gilbert actually stopped the concert and confronted the culprit.
There's a time and a place for everything. Being a drunken jackass is more or less acceptable at a football game or a PJ concert -- at a solo acoustic show, not so much. Whether or not Ed can handle the distraction is not the point. The point is, other people paid good money to see/hear the artist, not some random drunk person.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
I like the idea of the rest of the crowd yelling, "This is not for you" after the first yell.
After the 2nd yell, the crowd should yell, "Never was for you."
After the 3rd yell, the crowd should yell, "F You."
That would be fun.
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
FTL didn't disappoint tonight......
Many typical self indulged loudmouths.
IMO you could tell from the start Ed knew what to expect.
Blatant disregard for the no pics/video (disclaimer...I videoed a little but at least I tried to hide it). Inopportune yelling of stupid shit, etc. Unfortunately you come to expect it when you live here BUT....
Enough negative..............Thanks Ed and Glen for the beautiful show.
I have no problem with people yelling and applauding at the proper times. It's when the artists are trying to talk and someone yells out "Porch" that gets a little irritating.
Posted this on Facebook the other day. Pretty much where I stand on the crowd issue after seeing five Ed solo shows since 2008:
Some fans are too drunk and others are too excited, but many are just the right amount of both who fell in love with the music twenty years ago and want to hear him play it. That they don't always understand he is trying to do a different thing now isn't necessarily their fault. A drunk asshole is just an asshole, but an excited fan is just that...a fan.
Posted this on Facebook the other day. Pretty much where I stand on the crowd issue after seeing five Ed solo shows since 2008:
Some fans are too drunk and others are too excited, but many are just the right amount of both who fell in love with the music twenty years ago and want to hear him play it. That they don't always understand he is trying to do a different thing now isn't necessarily their fault. A drunk asshole is just an asshole, but an excited fan is just that...a fan.
i know alot of people jump on you about what u say..but i understand where u coming from..
its a show..like 2-3000 people is there ,you cant police everyone,not talk,no chat,no shout..
then as u say...stay home and see the dvd..
its stupid to get drunk and scream like an idiot during the show
same is to not even breath..
i cant imagine myself to atleast not chat about what we see ,listen and feel with the person im at the show..
btw they do that with a bottle with water....but they do it everywhere tho..not with eddie vedder shows only
i think common sense is the best here..
you gonna talk..you gonna sing along..you gonna clap,,you gonna smile..you gonna chat..you gonna laugh
but not over reacting..is a man alone on stage..with a guitar..cant scream like crazy every minute..
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Thanks for speaking truth against conventional wisdom . . . you are a man with common sense and a man who understands human nature.
Yeah, "It is a major problem." And, "How should this problem best be handled?" They should make an announcement beforehand, you'll be kicked out, etc.?
Ahhhhahhahahaaha.. Gimme a break.. A little annoying, at a small theater for a mellow solo show but settle down. This thread is like the Anal-Uber fans on here that get mad if people are talking, or, god forbid, sitting down at a PJ show. I know, I know, they must not be as big or as knowledgeable a breed of fans if they are annoying you.
Remember the old saying about being upset: "It doesn't make you mad - you make you mad."
OR, instead of focusing so intensely on use of cameras, he could have the ushers/bouncers focus on removing the people who are talking through the entire set. I assure you that camera use is way less annoying than people talking and not being able to hear the show. The flash might annoy my view, but at least I could HEAR the music, which is why we're all there.
Manchester had a lot of yelling and crowd noise. People were being rude during Glen's set as well, talking all the time; I know some people only got in late cause there were huge queues at the merch stand.
London had bits of it, but it was fine for the most part. Amsterdam was perfect, regarding security as well as crowd, and the atmosphere of the place was really beautiful.
I guess you missed the news story about how a guy's cell phone kept going off, loudly, during the final movement of Mahler 9 at the New York Philharmonic earlier this year. Alan Gilbert actually stopped the concert and confronted the culprit.
There's a time and a place for everything. Being a drunken jackass is more or less acceptable at a football game or a PJ concert -- at a solo acoustic show, not so much. Whether or not Ed can handle the distraction is not the point. The point is, other people paid good money to see/hear the artist, not some random drunk person.
After the 2nd yell, the crowd should yell, "Never was for you."
After the 3rd yell, the crowd should yell, "F You."
That would be fun.
03 - Tampa
08 - Tampa
12 - DeLuna Fest, EV Orlando 1 & 2, EV Ft Lauderdale 1 & 2
13 - Wrigley!!! ,Brooklyn 1 & 2, Hartford, OKC, Seattle
14 - Leeds, Milton Keynes, St Louis
16 - Ft Lauderdale, Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, Wrigley 1 & 2
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Many typical self indulged loudmouths.
IMO you could tell from the start Ed knew what to expect.
Blatant disregard for the no pics/video (disclaimer...I videoed a little but at least I tried to hide it). Inopportune yelling of stupid shit, etc. Unfortunately you come to expect it when you live here BUT....
Enough negative..............Thanks Ed and Glen for the beautiful show.
Some fans are too drunk and others are too excited, but many are just the right amount of both who fell in love with the music twenty years ago and want to hear him play it. That they don't always understand he is trying to do a different thing now isn't necessarily their fault. A drunk asshole is just an asshole, but an excited fan is just that...a fan.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
Fair point actually.