Eddie solo shows and crowd yelling

First off, I think Ed does a pretty good job of tactfully handling the obnoxious screaming fans at these shows. But it is a major problem. I think some of the problem is that Ed engages the crowd and even encourages responses at various times throughout the show, and many people are not mature enough to handle that. Then Ed gets annoyed (along with most everyone else) when those who can't handle that opportunity, and become a distraction to the whole show and experience. I would think he would know what is going to happen.
I guess my question is: How should this problem best be handled? Should Ed come out and clearly lay the rules from the start, or would that risk turning the many idiots in the crowd against him, and make it worse?
Or, should they send out a venue rep prior to to Ed taking the stage to say "If you are screaming at the artist you will be removed, and we will enforce that"? In the way that such behavior would not be tolerated at 99% of the other performances that take place in these smaller performing arts center venues.
I guess my question is: How should this problem best be handled? Should Ed come out and clearly lay the rules from the start, or would that risk turning the many idiots in the crowd against him, and make it worse?
Or, should they send out a venue rep prior to to Ed taking the stage to say "If you are screaming at the artist you will be removed, and we will enforce that"? In the way that such behavior would not be tolerated at 99% of the other performances that take place in these smaller performing arts center venues.
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All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
but if same person keeps it up and its obviously not entertaining...an usher/security should have the right to go over and shut him up...or put him in the back lobby/ concorses...
If every one of the 3000 people at the show each did a shout-out or two, that would be a lot of crowd yelling over 2 1/2 hours.
I would prefer if people would just be quiet and enjoy the show.
Very distracting during Glens set especially. So fucking rude. I just don't understand people's need for attention. (No matter how drunk you are. No excuse! I love to drink at shows and have no problem being respectful!)
Best audiences were definitely in Amsterdam...very quiet, everyone was in for Glen already, very respectful in general. Maybe it is indeed the pot making the difference.
It does seem to get out of hand at Ed's shows, not sure why because it was hardly an issue at Chris Cornell or Ben Harper at Carnegie Hall. I mean, there were yellers, but nothing disrespectful and they were generally in between songs. The most cringeworthy one for me was at one of the 2010 Beacon shows when someone yelled "PLAY GUITAR" at Ed. People seem to have more of a sense of entitlement when it comes to Ed/PJ, probably because they have invested so much in them. I think Ed should say something upfront and when someone gets out of hand, the people around should feel free to eject said trouble maker.
At the Bowery Chris Cornell show, there was some good natured yelling in between songs which Chris engaged in. I support these yellers 100%. Then there was the chick that kept on yelling "PLAY BLACK RAIN NOW" when Chris was singing Thunder Road acoustic. LOVED the way he handled it (see around 1:17): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PyBQf3C-_A
I'll admit, on Nov. 6, I was one of the people in the crowd shouting out "OBAMA WON!" before Ed had announced it... we were just excited after getting a text from someone keeping us up to date on the results and I figured Ed would stop and announce it (he actually went one more song before getting it "officially" and telling the crowd)... and then when he was asking "what do you want to hear" I shouted out for Picture in a Frame (geniuses in the crowd were asking for Footsteps and Jeremy, when Ed picked them out to be "electoral representatives" for their section). But these fanviews I've been reading about people walking up to the stage to ask to sing Hunger Strike (which, any one should realize, Ed does not even play guitar on), and just shouting out really stupid stuff constantly... it's just ridiculous.
I think he needs to start the show off with an announcement of some kind. I saw Bruce on his solo tour in the 90s and after the first 1 or 2 songs he said "In this setting, I'd appreciate if you don't whoop and holler during the songs... I've actually built up quite a good deal of confidence over the years, so I'll make it through ok if you're just quiet."
New Mexico Pearl Jam Fans (New Mexico, USA) on Facebook!
Also, its still rock and roll...even your most expierenced alcohol drinkers will have 1 or 2 too many...
And Ed's a drinker himself, so i think he's a lil more tolerant...
a few here and there...it's always going to be expected...
but i agree with most ya'll on here...
Get the ejection seats ready....specially the "freebird!!" dipshit
you would think that would make people be MORE respectful, not less..People have no couth anymore..
Do they feel it builds some sort of bond with Ed, or does it make them feel as if they are part of the show?
What makes the Brady Theater great is also what makes it terribly annoying. The acoustics were designed before powered amplification existed. Anything you say can be heard by the entire theater.
Glen and Eddie both alluded to the issues of the audiences lack of RESPECT last night.
i guess annoying ved is better to some people than not having any rapport at all with him.. people are so twisted in the head that its not even funny.. Id like to blame alcohol or something but anyone who gets tanked up enough to make an ass of themselves at a vedder solo show is fucked to begin with anyhow..
This needs to happen, someone needs to be made an example of since it seems to be a re occurring problem...
Was there booze sold at the actual venue? I wish every music venue would ban drinking (not saying it would totally prevent drunken- ness but it would help if people can't keep getting tanked during the show)Venues make quite a profit off of these drunken idiots so i doubt it will ever change . I saw a concert recently where there was no alcohol and although people were bummed it was so much more enjoyable. No puking, no screaming, no falling into people, no rushing the stage, no spilling beer on the person in front of you. It was nice. This is why joints need to be handed out and the booze needs to be banned.. (i get that some people can drink without becoming obnoxious but those people are few and far between it seems.)
I saw were out west, it was really hard to just remain seated
let alone quiet. Others had a much worse time of it than I did.
Milwaukee may go down as the most rowdy of what I have seen,
also maybe distracting too, unfortunately.
I think it just took a bit to get the PJ out of us and into the Ed acoustic mode.
My favorite parts of the fan views is reading what Ed said,
so no, please don't ever stop interacting and giving us more of a glimpse
into that lovely mind and heart.
The shows are so very special I really wouldn't change a thing!
Maybe just get to one again someday...hot dog!
Yeah there was beer sold at the venue. Bud Light, Bud & Shock Top. In a way that's kind of telling isn't it? It's Oklahoma 3.2 beer. I think most people drank at nearby bars before coming to the theater. It was noticeable to me how many people were drunk before the show started. I've lived in KC for the past several years and haven't noticed an audience like that, since, well seeing Buddy Guy recently in KC, sadly. Some people drink themselves stupid. Some people don't pace themselves or know their limits. And you get a lot of people who get upset when you confront them about their behavior, because they feel entitled to shout whatever they please. I hope tonight is better.
"maybe it me or it maybe you"
6/19/95 Red Rocks
9/11/98 MSG
11/19/12 EV solo Tulsa
7/19/13 Wrigley 10/19/13 Brooklyn 2 10/21/13 Philly 1 10/22/13 Philly 2 10/25/13 Hartford
10/08/14 Tulsa 10/09/14 Lincoln
9/26/15 NYC Global Citizen
4/16/16 Greenville 4/28/16 Philly 1 4/29/16 Philly 2 5/1/16 MSG 1 5/2/16 MSG 2 8/7/16 Fenway 2 8/20/16 Wrigley 1
4/7/17 RRHOF New York City
9/2/18 Fenway 1 9/4/2018 Fenway 2
9/18/21 Asbury Park
2/4/22 EV Earthlings NYC 2/6/22 EV Earthlings Newark 9/11/22 MSG 9/14/22 Camden
9/3/24 MSG 1 9/4/24 MSG 2 9/7/24 Philly 1 9/9/24 Philly 2
I usually take a few (non-flash) pictures at venues, but I notice that I get way more engaged and enjoy the show waaaay more when I pay full attention to the stage. That said, it goes the same when people are being rowdy, rude, or just plain being dicks.
Was nice last night though when this one woman wouldn't sit down and just kept dancing (during "Sometimes" no less) and was blocking the view for everyone behind her. Turns out she wasn't even in her seat so when the original "owners" showed up, there was a raucous and she ended up getting forcibly removed to a standing ovation of everyone that was around/behind her.
The Brady staff handled themselves very well last night.
Eddie Vedder: WM3 Benefit 2010, Tulsa Night Two 2012.
The funny thing about the drinking -- at the venue I attended (Detroit, where everyone post-show complained but I didn't hear a single shout, fight, or whatever from where I sat), I bought a beer at the beginning. I also wanted to take a bottle of water into the theatre to drink later in the show. This way I wouldn't have to get up and disturb people around me. The woman at the bar took the cap off my water and tossed it, and I was like, "I really wanted to save this for later. Can I have another one with the top left on?" She said (honest god's truth) "At the request of the performer, all bottle tops must be removed from drinks at the point of sale." I was like, what the fuck? What did he think I would do, throw the cap at him? Ed thought he could decide when I drink my water? Fuck him. I was so pissed that I said, "keep the water" and instead got up twice during the show to buy water just to piss everybody else off, too.
Look, I was trained in classical music. One of the number one rules I learned from all my teachers was this: Learn to perform past all the audience distractions. If Ed is such a pro, then he can play his little ukulele just fine even with the local yokels yacking in aisle three. Give me a break, people. His uke has four strings and the songs consist of two or three chord changes. It's not Bach or Wagner he's playing. If he can't handle a few folks singing along or woo-wooing in between, then maybe he ought not try. And if you can't tolerate the social experience that any concert is, classical or uke-folk, then I suggest you all stay home and watch Water on the Road in your living room instead. I for one will be happy to do just that. Multi-millionaire, anonymous-donor-PAC-fundraiser-solo-Ed won't be getting any more of my money.
So like Ed himself has come to say quite frequently recently: If you don't like what I have to say, I don't have time to care.
You can yell all you want at loud rock gigs, cause there's a big enough PA system to keep me and everyone else from hearing your crap for the most part. However, this is not tthe case for accoustic gigs, and I really don't get why it's so hard for people to shut up for 2 hours. Me and everyone else paid to hear Eddie sing and tell his stories, and not to listen to whooping, screaming, chatting, or whatever else some drunks feel the need to share with the whole audience. That has nothing to do with a concert being a social experience, it's just someone who desperately needs attention trying to get his 15 seconds of fame.
This place is dead
"Kfsbho&$thncds" - F Me In the Brain - circa 2015
As far as the Ed shows and the noise, I don't think anyone is complaining about the whooping in between songs. That is how we show Ed our appreciation for what he does. It's when the whooping occurs during the stories and the songs that people mind.
The whole alcohol thing should be limited to the lobby. If you cannot wait for 2 hours to drink alcohol, I think you've got bigger problems than hearing live music.
Most venues insist on retaining the cap from a water bottle....it is not some sort of EV-only policy.
Venues rely on alcohol sales for a huge portion of their income, so abolishing the sale of booze would make it unfeasible to do a show without raising the ticket prices.
When people yell at quiet shows, it hinders the vibe, so I don't think EV's ego is the issue.
Luckily, Eddie doesn't have to listen to advice from classical music teachers.....I am sure he is capable of plucking his uke when people hollar, but perhaps, he cares enough about the crowd to hush those who choose to yell at inopportune times.
This same dude then seat-jumped about half-way through the show, deciding it was okay for him to break his own rule of choice after trying to condescend with me. I then read later on the reviews here that fights broke out at the show I attended -- for what?! Is it really that much worth it? Just leave each to his own and chill the fuck out. Unless someone has thrown up on you, groped your girlfiend, stolen your wallet, or some other bodily harm, let people have their innocent time. If they want to shout "BLLAACCKKK", so what?! Eddie's sound system is loud enough to accommodate it. Nobody is going to miss any songs. Trust me. If you concentrate on the music, you don't notice the bullshit around you.
Honestly, everytime the dude tours, it's the same old, same old. Three solo tours later, everyone should expect other people to make noise by now. Have fun with it or stay home. You are not getting a private viewing anymore than anyone else who pays for a ticket. If Eddie wants his perfect crowd, he should do invite-only audiences of people who pass his good behavior test in advance. Otherwise, he really shouldn't keep doing the "intimate thing." From what I can tell, he hates it more than he enjoys it, and the complaints on this board reflect that audiences feel the same.