freedoms ? how did that get slipped in between the Nuge and republicans
great question though..would you call obamacare and having to pay or lose your current insc. becausea employer's lays off or charges you more on your check to help offset obamacare a freedom lost ?
Well, because I thought one of the greatest threats from Obama is that he is going to take away our guns... one of Ted Nugent's main talking points.
I'm just wondering... how many guns has the governemnt taken away from you... for example.
Regarding affordable access to Health Care Services... you have auto insurance, right? Don't you believe that everyone that drives should have auto insurance?
And I'm not going to accept any answer that involves people who don't drive. Strictly speaking... every person you see operating a vehicle on your drive to and from work... don't you believe they should all have car insurance... just in case they crash into you?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
freedoms ? how did that get slipped in between the Nuge and republicans
great question though..would you call obamacare and having to pay or lose your current insc. becausea employer's lays off or charges you more on your check to help offset obamacare a freedom lost ?
Well, because I thought one of the greatest threats from Obama is that he is going to take away our guns. i'm just wondering... has anyone taken away any of your guns... for example.
Regarding affordable access to Health Care Services... you have auto insurance, right? Don't you believe that everyone that drives should have auto insurance?
And I'm not going to accept any answer that involves people who don't drive. Strictly speaking... every person you see operating a vehicle on your drive to and from work... don't you believe they should all have car insurance... just in case they crash into you?
And one of the greatest threats from fear mongers on the other side was taking away our abortions.
I think you have missed the repercussions of Obamacare.
This can not be compared to car insurance. The repercussion from that is one
can not drive without liability limited insurance. There are repercussions for millions
with Obamacare that may cause them to be uninsured :fp:
Wait...the Nuge hit a nerve with that ridiculous statement about pimps and whores?
Think about it... does anyone here think that Pimps and Prostitutes actually go out and vote?
That's what I was wondering. I mean I voted for Obama and I've never once been paid for sex...well except for that one time, but that was more of a misunderstanding :think: :shifty: :oops:
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Wait...the Nuge hit a nerve with that ridiculous statement about pimps and whores?
Think about it... does anyone here think that Pimps and Prostitutes actually go out and vote?
That's what I was wondering. I mean I voted for Obama and I've never once been paid for sex...well except for that one time, but that was more of a misunderstanding :think: :shifty: :oops:
I've seen the Pimps and Whores on Hollywood Boulevard... trust me, they probably haven't see the Sun in the sky for the past decade. They ain't a political voting bloc to be rekoned with.
And i don't recall the Obama fundraiser at the Pimps and Whores Convention in Las Vegas... anyone remember that?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Think about it... does anyone here think that Pimps and Prostitutes actually go out and vote?
That's what I was wondering. I mean I voted for Obama and I've never once been paid for sex...well except for that one time, but that was more of a misunderstanding :think: :shifty: :oops:
I've seen the Pimps and Whores on Hollywood Boulevard... trust me, they probably haven't see the Sun in the sky for the past decade. They ain't a political voting bloc to be rekoned with.
And i don't recall the Obama fundraiser at the Pimps and Whores Convention in Las Vegas... anyone remember that?
I didn't get an invite...but damn if that doesn't sound like a good time!
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
THE NUGE !!!!!!!! you guy's are doing just what uncle Ted set out to do which is to get the attention he's looking for...suckers !!!!! but don't feel bad your not alone
the fact that you talk so much about him tells me he has struck a nerve and maybe some of what he says...deep down inside you agree with :shock: (lord have mercy say it aint so).
I will leave the obamaites to simmer in the maggot cream soup they have made for them selfs
and soon...mark my words, you all will regret the choice of voting for obama soon enough
the guy is a disaster waiting to happen ...again...looks like nobody learned the first time but
it's o.k only 4 years left how much damage can one fool do to this country in 4 years.....soon enough
you will see.
Do you need any more tissues for all the crying your doing , c'mon man up and admitt you & your party were wrong totally wrong about this election ...
THE NUGE !!!!!!!! you guy's are doing just what uncle Ted set out to do which is to get the attention he's looking for...suckers !!!!! but don't feel bad your not alone
the fact that you talk so much about him tells me he has struck a nerve and maybe some of what he says...deep down inside you agree with :shock: (lord have mercy say it aint so).
I will leave the obamaites to simmer in the maggot cream soup they have made for them selfs
and soon...mark my words, you all will regret the choice of voting for obama soon enough
the guy is a disaster waiting to happen ...again...looks like nobody learned the first time but
it's o.k only 4 years left how much damage can one fool do to this country in 4 years.....soon enough
you will see.
THE NUGE !!!!!!!! you guy's are doing just what uncle Ted set out to do which is to get the attention he's looking for...suckers !!!!! but don't feel bad your not alone
the fact that you talk so much about him tells me he has struck a nerve and maybe some of what he says...deep down inside you agree with :shock: (lord have mercy say it aint so).
I will leave the obamaites to simmer in the maggot cream soup they have made for them selfs
and soon...mark my words, you all will regret the choice of voting for obama soon enough
the guy is a disaster waiting to happen ...again...looks like nobody learned the first time but
it's o.k only 4 years left how much damage can one fool do to this country in 4 years.....soon enough
you will see.
what the hell is wrong with you?
I'm mad as hell and wont take it anymore
forget the Nuge this is way beyond him he just talks and has no control over anything...just his opinion.
the real issue is will obama do us right as a country..I hope so but I can't help the feeling I have in my gut
I am truely wishing and praying for the best at this point.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
I am truely wishing and praying for the best at this point.
I think we can all agree to this, Godfather.
we been doing this since birth... basically.
yes we have but now I/we have children and grandchildren and things just seem to matter more so I worry more than I used to, I realize that I rant a bit and it may be unimportant to most of you but to me it means something.
this is the type of thread which compels me to throw in my two bits.
If we take away all the slurs, all of what highly paid mouthpieces have to say and just trim this thread down to what the ALL of you are saying, this is what I get: we are NOT nearly so divided as others would like us to think we are dammit! One of you posted a comment about how Nugent is playing us and we let it happen again and again. This is the move in the ageless power dance we must learn to counter. Divide to conquer needs to be seen as a simple little game we no longer play — like a patty cake patty cake.
this is the type of thread which compels me to throw in my two bits.
If we take away all the slurs, all of what highly paid mouthpieces have to say and just trim this thread down to what the ALL of you are saying, this is what I get: we are NOT nearly so divided as others would like us to think we are dammit! One of you posted a comment about how Nugent is playing us and we let it happen again and again. This is the move in the ageless power dance we must learn to counter. Divide to conquer needs to be seen as a simple little game we no longer play — like a patty cake patty cake.
I totally agree - I may have many differences of opinion with Republicans (I'm Democrat), but I have to believe the majority of Republicans are better than Ted Nugent, and Donald Trump who thinks he can get anything he wants just by throwing money around (didn't work). I move in many circles in my life, and people don't talk like Ted Nugent, even when I'm sure they look at things differently than I do. I think the majority of folks want the same things - peace (let's get those troops home to be with their families), and a decent life for their families, and a decent life for all Americans.
R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
this is the type of thread which compels me to throw in my two bits.
If we take away all the slurs, all of what highly paid mouthpieces have to say and just trim this thread down to what the ALL of you are saying, this is what I get: we are NOT nearly so divided as others would like us to think we are dammit! One of you posted a comment about how Nugent is playing us and we let it happen again and again. This is the move in the ageless power dance we must learn to counter. Divide to conquer needs to be seen as a simple little game we no longer play — like a patty cake patty cake.
I totally agree - I may have many differences of opinion with Republicans (I'm Democrat), but I have to believe the majority of Republicans are better than Ted Nugent, and Donald Trump who thinks he can get anything he wants just by throwing money around (didn't work). I move in many circles in my life, and people don't talk like Ted Nugent, even when I'm sure they look at things differently than I do. I think the majority of folks want the same things - peace (let's get those troops home to be with their families), and a decent life for their families, and a decent life for all Americans.
I agree with you both. That's why I titled this thread the way I did-- Nugent doesn't represent the average Republican. Maybe it's in desperation that they've allowed him and some other crack pots out there to appear representative of them. I know one guy who was a big Sarah Palin fan. I really think he basically just wanted someone to step up and be a little more assertive and stand out from the drab and non-motivating herd. Once he saw what a joke she is he distanced himself from his initial praise of her. I don't always agree with this guy but like JaneNY said, he and most of his fellow Republicans are much better people than Nugent and Trump. They want what most people want- good and effective leaders.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
or maybe paying a higher tax rate just because you earn over $250,000 a year.....this is how the dem's think :fp:
actually I disagree with this. I think the percentage should be the same for all. I got slammed pretty hard from some of the left for saying that too. they already pay more because the percentage of more IS more, so why should they have to pay even MORE? I don't get it.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
or maybe paying a higher tax rate just because you earn over $250,000 a year.....this is how the dem's think :fp:
actually I disagree with this. I think the percentage should be the same for all. I got slammed pretty hard from some of the left for saying that too. they already pay more because the percentage of more IS more, so why should they have to pay even MORE? I don't get it.
Agreed. No two standards. No division. Proportionately... everyone the same. It's the fairest... yes?
"My brain's a good brain!"
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
All political threads lead to talk of the economy and taxes. :fp:
But since this has gone there- here's one I heard- what about this idea (I'm not sure myself): no sales tax on essential items (food, clothing etc), only on non-essentials (yachts, jewelry, etc)?
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
All political threads lead to talk of the economy and taxes. :fp:
But since this has gone there- here's one I heard- what about this idea (I'm not sure myself): no sales tax on essential items (food, clothing etc), only on non-essentials (yachts, jewelry, etc)?
That's how it is in jersey...and I love no taxes on clothing or shoes
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
All political threads lead to talk of the economy and taxes. :fp:
But since this has gone there- here's one I heard- what about this idea (I'm not sure myself): no sales tax on essential items (food, clothing etc), only on non-essentials (yachts, jewelry, etc)?
That's how it is in jersey...and I love no taxes on clothing or shoes
up until Brian Mulroney became PM in Canada, there was only provincial tax. No federal. And Alberta was so rich with oil they didn't even have provincial tax, so the price tag is what you paid. Imagine that. they still have no provincial tax, and the GST used to be 7%, but now it's 5%. So in Manitoba we pay 12% on pretty much everything.
just make marijuana legal and tax the shit out of it. deficit solved.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
yes we have but now I/we have children and grandchildren and things just seem to matter more so I worry more than I used to, I realize that I rant a bit and it may be unimportant to most of you but to me it means something.
this i respect. freedom of speech and the heartfelt action to follow through. finally we agree on something besides nugent's music being half assed.
Well, because I thought one of the greatest threats from Obama is that he is going to take away our guns... one of Ted Nugent's main talking points.
I'm just wondering... how many guns has the governemnt taken away from you... for example.
Regarding affordable access to Health Care Services... you have auto insurance, right? Don't you believe that everyone that drives should have auto insurance?
And I'm not going to accept any answer that involves people who don't drive. Strictly speaking... every person you see operating a vehicle on your drive to and from work... don't you believe they should all have car insurance... just in case they crash into you?
Hail, Hail!!!
I think you have missed the repercussions of Obamacare.
This can not be compared to car insurance. The repercussion from that is one
can not drive without liability limited insurance. There are repercussions for millions
with Obamacare that may cause them to be uninsured :fp:
Think about it... does anyone here think that Pimps and Prostitutes actually go out and vote?
Hail, Hail!!!
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
I've seen the Pimps and Whores on Hollywood Boulevard... trust me, they probably haven't see the Sun in the sky for the past decade. They ain't a political voting bloc to be rekoned with.
And i don't recall the Obama fundraiser at the Pimps and Whores Convention in Las Vegas... anyone remember that?
Hail, Hail!!!
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
believe it or not some do.....or they use to anyway.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Is that before or after their afternoon heroin break?
Hail, Hail!!!
Do you need any more tissues for all the crying your doing , c'mon man up and admitt you & your party were wrong totally wrong about this election ...
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I'm mad as hell and wont take it anymore
forget the Nuge this is way beyond him he just talks and has no control over anything...just his opinion.
the real issue is will obama do us right as a country..I hope so but I can't help the feeling I have in my gut
I am truely wishing and praying for the best at this point.
I think we can all agree to this, Godfather.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
yes we have but now I/we have children and grandchildren and things just seem to matter more so I worry more than I used to, I realize that I rant a bit
If we take away all the slurs, all of what highly paid mouthpieces have to say and just trim this thread down to what the ALL of you are saying, this is what I get: we are NOT nearly so divided as others would like us to think we are dammit! One of you posted a comment about how Nugent is playing us and we let it happen again and again. This is the move in the ageless power dance we must learn to counter. Divide to conquer needs to be seen as a simple little game we no longer play — like a patty cake patty cake.
I totally agree - I may have many differences of opinion with Republicans (I'm Democrat), but I have to believe the majority of Republicans are better than Ted Nugent, and Donald Trump who thinks he can get anything he wants just by throwing money around (didn't work). I move in many circles in my life, and people don't talk like Ted Nugent, even when I'm sure they look at things differently than I do. I think the majority of folks want the same things - peace (let's get those troops home to be with their families), and a decent life for their families, and a decent life for all Americans.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I agree with you both. That's why I titled this thread the way I did-- Nugent doesn't represent the average Republican. Maybe it's in desperation that they've allowed him and some other crack pots out there to appear representative of them. I know one guy who was a big Sarah Palin fan. I really think he basically just wanted someone to step up and be a little more assertive and stand out from the drab and non-motivating herd. Once he saw what a joke she is he distanced himself from his initial praise of her. I don't always agree with this guy but like JaneNY said, he and most of his fellow Republicans are much better people than Nugent and Trump. They want what most people want- good and effective leaders.
actually I disagree with this. I think the percentage should be the same for all. I got slammed pretty hard from some of the left for saying that too. they already pay more because the percentage of more IS more, so why should they have to pay even MORE? I don't get it.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Agreed. No two standards. No division. Proportionately... everyone the same. It's the fairest... yes?
But since this has gone there- here's one I heard- what about this idea (I'm not sure myself): no sales tax on essential items (food, clothing etc), only on non-essentials (yachts, jewelry, etc)?
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
up until Brian Mulroney became PM in Canada, there was only provincial tax. No federal. And Alberta was so rich with oil they didn't even have provincial tax, so the price tag is what you paid. Imagine that. they still have no provincial tax, and the GST used to be 7%, but now it's 5%. So in Manitoba we pay 12% on pretty much everything.
just make marijuana legal and tax the shit out of it. deficit solved.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
In less than a week.
that would be a riot
outrageous I enjoy!
Only one problem- he'd shoot the losers.
Hey, maybe we can sell the idea to SNL.