For sale: Lots of PJ stuff!!

elwayvedderelwayvedder South Jersey Posts: 9,142
edited November 2012 in Lost Dogs
The following items are for sale with all proceeds (after expenses, shipping etc) benefiting Operation Yellow Ribbon of South Jersey. For those that remember, I have been a volunteer of The Yellow Ribbon Club, which is winding down it’s operations. 90% of the members including myself formed a spin-off to The YRC as we do not want to stop the mission of showing support for those deployed to Afghanistan, far from home, and in harm’s way.

In fact, many Pearl Jam fans and members of these exact forums have been recipients of care packages in the past and a lot of that goes because of the help of people like you. So it could be said that your help here helps Pearl Jam fans too!!

For more on the main missions of Operation Yellow Ribbon of South Jersey, now run by your’s truly, please visit

Neil Young - Harvest 2012
The Holographic poster created by Justin Hampton for the Class of 72 show at The Food Gallery in London. Signed and embossed by Hampton. Mint condition
Price: $60 with tracking

Ed Vedder 2011 US Tour Sniper
Price: $3 shipped

Brad Klausen AP poster for 2011 Buenos Aires show
Price: $65 shipped with tracking

Brad Klausen AP flight to Mars Seattle 2011
Price: $40 shipped with tracking

Justin Hampton Brad poster 2002
Price: $55 shipped with tracking

Pearl Jam Brad Klausen Camden June 2008 poster
Waiting for confirmation if Night 1 or Night 2. Will update thread when known.
Price: $35 Shipped with tracking

Pearl Jam Brad Klausen Hartford 2008 poster
Price: $55 Shipped with tracking

Emek/Mouse Pearl Jam Stockholm 7/7 2012 poster
Yes, I know this poster is still available in goods but it was donated. Its cheaper here for most (depending on where you live)
Price: $35 Shipped with tracking

Pearl Jam Pensacola Beach 12 Cliver / Pendleton – Show poster
Cliver vs Pendleton Deluna Fest poster purchased at the show. It was put in the tube by one of the Merch guys and is a little bent on one side but could certainly be framed out.
Price: $35 shipped with tracking

Any questions, feel free to PM me. I thank everyone in advance for their assistance and support. I am sure I am missing something so just PM me as this is a lot to manage. Just go easy on me if I did miss something ;)
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