Two of my closest friends- one from Zagreb, the other from Belgrade. They taught me a whole bunch of Serbo/Croatian words and terms. Unfortunately, many of them do not respect the all-ages aspect of this forum so I can't repeat many of them here. But they also translated a bunch of Mujo/Haso/Fata jokes for me. Some of them are hysterical.
interesting & also cool...
so , dude, are you from these countries down here or maybe relatives in ex Yugoslavian countries...?
Two of my closest friends- one from Zagreb, the other from Belgrade. They taught me a whole bunch of Serbo/Croatian words and terms. Unfortunately, many of them do not respect the all-ages aspect of this forum so I can't repeat many of them here. But they also translated a bunch of Mujo/Haso/Fata jokes for me. Some of them are hysterical.
Funny... Yeah, some jokes are hysterical and stupid...
Interesting, cause my American friends were trying to find some jokes about Croatians this summer. When I told them there were none, they made something up.. Anyways,I told them that jokes about Mujo&Haso are popular and funny, they asked about that. But you gotta live around here to understand..not all, but prolly most. I just find it funny that you actually know some jokes, understand them (I guess they explained a lil bit more ), and you're waaaaaay on the other side of the planet. It's a small world!
Hehe, so what terms do you know? Let's see...
Picku materinu!
back on topic, can't wait till the boys get here! And they will next year. Woohoo. I'm going to Zagreb, Belgrade and wherever I can get to... I'm so EXCITED right now!!!
The STONES are playing in Belgrade this summer too!
Im living in Romania for a little and Belgrade is about a 9 hour train ride for me. If the rumors are true about Pearl Jam playing be sure you post again and we'll meet up for the show!
what are you doing in Romania...?
i was there for 6 months and i didn't like it at all - i was at Ploiesti and Bucurest... are you studying there?
kickass...i live in romania...finally a close destination
the first Romanian Pearl Jam fan i know of, at least on this board...
cheers to you bro...
what town are you from...
write me PM we'll talk some more ... i'm interested about the stuff thats happening in Romania cause i have a couple of friends there studying at some universities....
hej,kako nisam videla tvoj replay...
i ja se iskreno nadam da ce oni prihvatiti ponudu i da nece doci do nekih velikih problema na kosovu, i da ce oni odrzati taj koncert...
ima jos fanova iz srbije na ovom forumu...jedan je mislim crazymarko ne mogu da se setim tacno nicka, a ako bude bilo koncerta srescemo se tamo...inace mail cu ti poslati na private...
p.s. imam drugaricu iz makedonije! nateracu je da te kontaktira...mozda bude nesto....
i ja se nadam da ce se koncert konacno desiti i da cemo vidjeto Pearl Jam u Belgradu...
vidim da ima nas vise nego sto sam mislio... pozdrav do CrazyMarko...
a ukoliko bude koncert(Bice naravno ali ipak... ;-) ) nadam se da cemo se svi mi fanovi sa boarda sresti prije koncerta i se podruzimo malo vise nego citati se na ekran ovako kao sada...
pozdravi tvoju drugaricu i kazi njoj da jos uvijek nisam sreo djevojka koja je Pearl Jam fan... Sve rokerke koje sam sreo slusaju samo HIM i su zaljubljene u Ville Vallo ... zamisli? a samo da znaju da je momak homic... :-(
nema veze... ja inace imam djevojka i sam u vezi skoro 2 i po godina tako da neka se tvoja drugarice ne nada uopste na nesto drugacije osim prijateljstvo :-) ...
pozdrav veliki i citamo se na board, na mail, u Private Massages itd...
i ja se nadam da ce se koncert konacno desiti i da cemo vidjeto Pearl Jam u Belgradu...
vidim da ima nas vise nego sto sam mislio... pozdrav do CrazyMarko...
a ukoliko bude koncert(Bice naravno ali ipak... ;-) ) nadam se da cemo se svi mi fanovi sa boarda sresti prije koncerta i se podruzimo malo vise nego citati se na ekran ovako kao sada...
pozdravi tvoju drugaricu i kazi njoj da jos uvijek nisam sreo djevojka koja je Pearl Jam fan... Sve rokerke koje sam sreo slusaju samo HIM i su zaljubljene u Ville Vallo ... zamisli? a samo da znaju da je momak homic... :-(
nema veze... ja inace imam djevojka i sam u vezi skoro 2 i po godina tako da neka se tvoja drugarice ne nada uopste na nesto drugacije osim prijateljstvo :-) ...
pozdrav veliki i citamo se na board, na mail, u Private Massages itd...
ma,vazi videcemo se!obavezno...
i ona ima dugogodisnjeg decka, ja se malo zezam...ali ona ne voli pearl jam...
ona slusa reggae....
tako, pa se vidimo,i hope
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
A human being that was given to fly...
and guys, how does pearl jam`s show look like?
what kind of a feeling is it, when u stand in the big crowd of people who share the same ideas and feelings as you?
i would really like to try it soon....
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
A human being that was given to fly...
Hehe, so what terms do you know? Let's see...
Picku materinu!
Ok, first of all, pardon my grammar. I have no relatives from there, and my friends are not standing over my shoulder right now. So this is what they've taught me. That I can use, and I understand what I'm saying. Furthermore, as a disclaimer, what you are about to read is not intended for, or directed at anybody on this board.
My Serbo/Croat words & terms:
Jedes, di si, jebo te
Idemo, jebo te
Jedes govna
Serem te u rakiju
Pisam te u rakiju
Jebo te saren ker
Jebo te avlianer
Jebo te lipitsaner
Jebo te nilski konj u nostrovu
Jebo te grbadeva
Neka te grbadeva pljune u salatu
Gusio pile
Shamarate meimuna
Drkati kurac
Popi proljev
Popi sracu sa slama
Ja emam sracu 3 metra dugracu
Prdnem te u uste
moj te kara iz ormara
Idi u picu materinu
Olizi me machoro
Jebem ti mater
Prci kozu
Neka te skacovac lepresha u dupe
Neka te patak odgrizi u kurac
Neka te noj metne glava u dupe
Neka te slon metne kljove u dupe
Ne seri
Pusi kurac
Popousi mi krastovu kurac
Other words:
Dobro utro
Dobro dan
Se jedni te
Nema ne cemu
Havala sa sve
Ja emam
Te emas
Ti si
trulu rupu
paljube [te u guzicu]
That's all I can think of right now. Again, this post was to answer a specific question and not intended at anyone.
Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
Thank you for this thread. It BREATHes life into my dream of seeing PJ in Europe for the first time since Pink Pop 2000. June would be perfect. It's cold and I'm between snow storms so any talk of summer is welcome.
P.S. HUP AJAX! Beat Arsenal.Gotta say this even if hopes are slim.
"Buy the ticket,take the ride"
Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
"If I wanted you to understand, I would have explained it better"
Johan Cruijff
Ok, first of all, pardon my grammar. I have no relatives from there, and my friends are not standing over my shoulder right now. So this is what they've taught me. That I can use, and I understand what I'm saying. Furthermore, as a disclaimer, what you are about to read is not intended for, or directed at anybody on this board.
My Serbo/Croat words & terms:
Jedes, di si, jebo te
Idemo, jebo te
Jedes govna
Serem te u rakiju
Pisam te u rakiju
Jebo te saren ker
Jebo te avlianer
Jebo te lipitsaner
Jebo te nilski konj u nostrovu
Jebo te grbadeva
Neka te grbadeva pljune u salatu
Gusio pile
Shamarate meimuna
Drkati kurac
Popi proljev
Popi sracu sa slama
Ja emam sracu 3 metra dugracu
Prdnem te u uste
moj te kara iz ormara
Idi u picu materinu
Olizi me machoro
Jebem ti mater
Prci kozu
Neka te skacovac lepresha u dupe
Neka te patak odgrizi u kurac
Neka te noj metne glava u dupe
Neka te slon metne kljove u dupe
Ne seri
Pusi kurac
Popousi mi krastovu kurac
Other words:
Dobro utro
Dobro dan
Se jedni te
Nema ne cemu
Havala sa sve
Ja emam
Te emas
Ti si
trulu rupu
paljube [te u guzicu]
That's all I can think of right now. Again, this post was to answer a specific question and not intended at anyone.
OH PLEASE,PLEASE DON`T SWARE IN THIS swear like a trooper...(that`s how we say about people who often say dirty words) i`m listening to that swears every day......
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
A human being that was given to fly...
Hehe, ima nas jos. CrazyMarko, u pravu si. Cula sam se snjim. Inace, drago mi je da ima jos ljudi na forumu iz ovih krajeva, iz bivse Juge hehe.
I jedva cekam da PJ dodje tu malo kod nas.
I have no idea what you guys are saying.
I always think it's special when foreign languages are spoken among people in this place. But there's something extra special seeing the two of you doing it.
... and the will to show I will always be better than before.
ej, skontaj ovog lika sto mu je bogat vokabular srpskog!
ja sam jos uvijek poprilicno skeptican u vezi te vijesti prije svega zato sto je Blic objavio. ne vjerujem dok ne procitam na sajtu,mada tek tada bi mi se zavrtilo u glavi. ali nada poslednja umire. ako ne dodju, idemo da ih pratimo po evropi.
Knowledge is a tree, it's growing up just like me. Keep an open mind people...
Hello there!!!
Finally, I'm going to write few words, cause every day I visit this Pit, research, read and f***** live (in my dreams ) PJ's North and Latino tour!!!! I must admit that I'm little bit tired of waiting to see, hear and of course, FEEL them in Belgrade (I live in Panchevo-city which is far away 13km from the capital). So, I'm GRANDIOSO (it sounds funny, isn't it?) FAN of PEARL JAM since 1992 and till today I listen their songs and think about them every day... Nine years ago I was on PJ concert in Budapest, actually on November 16th, 1996. Now, I'm FULL LOADED for that new, ESOTHERIC experience in Belgrade and everywhere around Europe!!!
VIVA LA 2006!!!
p.s. ....I'm girl too....:)
...i ja sam devojchica, takodje...:))
Ehehej!!:) Imate velik pozdrav iz Slovenije!!! Upam, da boste videli PJ v Hrvatski in u Srbiji! Fingers crossed! I ja dolazim down there hehe Ako ne, vidimo se u Ljubljani!!!
Ajde sretno!
2000 Ljubljana
2006 Vienna, Zagreb
2007 Munich
2009 Berlin
2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin 2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2 2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin 2019 EV Firenze
Pa ljudi moji, koliko nas ima tu na forumu iz ex-Juge. ne mogu vjerovat. sve vise i vise. bas mi je drago. Pozdrav svima novima i starima. hehe, ajde, valjda cemo se i svi mi negdje naci, malo uopznat prije koncerata, a biti ce ih tu kod nas, hoce, hoce jedva cekam!
Ehehej!!:) Imate velik pozdrav iz Slovenije!!! Upam, da boste videli PJ v Hrvatski in u Srbiji! Fingers crossed! I ja dolazim down there hehe Ako ne, vidimo se u Ljubljani!!!
Ajde sretno!
Hey You!!!
I hope that we'll meet not only in Serbia, but in Slovenia, too!!!
p.s. If you maybe know Edward Clug who lives in Slovenia-Maribor, please, send the best regards to him from me-Sarah!!!
Hey You!!!
I hope that we'll meet not only in Serbia, but in Slovenia, too!!!
p.s. If you maybe know Edward Clug who lives in Slovenia-Maribor, please, send the best regards to him from me-Sarah!!!
...and in CROATIA...and in Bosnia...and in, I can't wait!!!
Ok, first of all, pardon my grammar. I have no relatives from there, and my friends are not standing over my shoulder right now. So this is what they've taught me. That I can use, and I understand what I'm saying. Furthermore, as a disclaimer, what you are about to read is not intended for, or directed at anybody on this board.
My Serbo/Croat words & terms:
Jedes, di si, jebo te
Idemo, jebo te
Jedes govna
Serem te u rakiju
Pisam te u rakiju
Jebo te saren ker
Jebo te avlianer
Jebo te lipitsaner
Jebo te nilski konj u nostrovu
Jebo te grbadeva
Neka te grbadeva pljune u salatu
Gusio pile
Shamarate meimuna
Drkati kurac
Popi proljev
Popi sracu sa slama
Ja emam sracu 3 metra dugracu
Prdnem te u uste
moj te kara iz ormara
Idi u picu materinu
Olizi me machoro
Jebem ti mater
Prci kozu
Neka te skacovac lepresha u dupe
Neka te patak odgrizi u kurac
Neka te noj metne glava u dupe
Neka te slon metne kljove u dupe
Ne seri
Pusi kurac
Popousi mi krastovu kurac
Other words:
Dobro utro
Dobro dan
Se jedni te
Nema ne cemu
Havala sa sve
Ja emam
Te emas
Ti si
trulu rupu
paljube [te u guzicu]
That's all I can think of right now. Again, this post was to answer a specific question and not intended at anyone.
LOL Your swearing and dirrrty words just made me laugh, I mean LOL
Pretty impressive, I must say (even though some ppl find it offensive) but it's cool, I think it's funny)
Most of the terms are Serbian, Croatians use some terms and words, but lil different. It's pretty much similar, I understand it, and the rest of us from these territories will
Now when you know how to speak, maybe you can come over when they tour Europe
We'll prolly gonna need some kind of meet-up, like most American fans usually have I've always wanted to have one here, so I can actually talk to some Euro fans (not that I mind Americans or Canadians, I love them)..It would be cool to meet some ex-Yu Jammers, if you guys know what I mean. So, who's in? we gotta do something before the tour...
I have no idea what you guys are saying.
I always think it's special when foreign languages are spoken among people in this place. But there's something extra special seeing the two of you doing it.
Thanks. We're just all TO excited about upcoming Euro tour... and the fact that there's more and more ppl from former Yugoslavia on the pit... It's great, and I thougt I was the only one..well, one of the fer. But now there's lots of us. Hehe
Languages are awesome, I love them, I'm always for a word or a phrase in a foreign language. And it's also PJ thing too, Eddie usually speaks or tries to say something in a language wherever the country is they're playning. It connects fans, people around the world and connection between the band and their fans at the shows is more special
ej, skontaj ovog lika sto mu je bogat vokabular srpskog!
ja sam jos uvijek poprilicno skeptican u vezi te vijesti prije svega zato sto je Blic objavio. ne vjerujem dok ne procitam na sajtu,mada tek tada bi mi se zavrtilo u glavi. ali nada poslednja umire. ako ne dodju, idemo da ih pratimo po evropi.
ma, me je uvek ubijalo u pojam-uciti stranca psovke,kletve itd...
a, ajd vidi onaj sajt o kojem govori killroy kako se vec zove, na prethodnoj stranici teme...
neki slovenski sajt na kojem pise da su pj medju onim izvodjacima koji sviraju u blizini,juna `06. godine...
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
A human being that was given to fly...
Hello there!!!
Finally, I'm going to write few words, cause every day I visit this Pit, research, read and f***** live (in my dreams ) PJ's North and Latino tour!!!! I must admit that I'm little bit tired of waiting to see, hear and of course, FEEL them in Belgrade (I live in Panchevo-city which is far away 13km from the capital). So, I'm GRANDIOSO (it sounds funny, isn't it?) FUN of PEARL JAM since 1992 and till today I listen their songs and think about them every day... Nine years ago I was on PJ concert in Budapest, actually on November 16th, 1996. Now, I'm FULL LOADED for that new, ESOTHERIC experience in Belgrade and everywhere around Europe!!!
VIVA LA 2006!!!
p.s. ....I'm girl too....:)
...i ja sam devojchica, takodje...:))
cool...blago vi ste ih svi videli,culi osetili...a ja jos uvek nisam!
znamo da si devojcica:) vidi se u nicku!
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
A human being that was given to fly...
interesting & also cool...
so , dude, are you from these countries down here or maybe relatives in ex Yugoslavian countries...?
talk to you later
Funny... Yeah, some jokes are hysterical and stupid...
Interesting, cause my American friends were trying to find some jokes about Croatians this summer. When I told them there were none, they made something up.. Anyways,I told them that jokes about Mujo&Haso are popular and funny, they asked about that. But you gotta live around here to understand..not all, but prolly most. I just find it funny that you actually know some jokes, understand them (I guess they explained a lil bit more
Hehe, so what terms do you know?
Picku materinu!
back on topic, can't wait till the boys get here! And they will next year.
what are you doing in Romania...?
i was there for 6 months and i didn't like it at all - i was at Ploiesti and Bucurest... are you studying there?
the first Romanian Pearl Jam fan i know of, at least on this board...
cheers to you bro...
what town are you from...
write me PM we'll talk some more ... i'm interested about the stuff thats happening in Romania cause i have a couple of friends there studying at some universities....
i ja se nadam da ce se koncert konacno desiti i da cemo vidjeto Pearl Jam u Belgradu...
vidim da ima nas vise nego sto sam mislio... pozdrav do CrazyMarko...
a ukoliko bude koncert(Bice naravno ali ipak... ;-) ) nadam se da cemo se svi mi fanovi sa boarda sresti prije koncerta i se podruzimo malo vise nego citati se na ekran ovako kao sada...
pozdravi tvoju drugaricu i kazi njoj da jos uvijek nisam sreo djevojka koja je Pearl Jam fan... Sve rokerke koje sam sreo slusaju samo HIM i su zaljubljene u Ville Vallo ... zamisli? a samo da znaju da je momak homic... :-(
nema veze... ja inace imam djevojka i sam u vezi skoro 2 i po godina tako da neka se tvoja drugarice ne nada uopste na nesto drugacije osim prijateljstvo :-) ...
pozdrav veliki i citamo se na board, na mail, u Private Massages itd...
i ona ima dugogodisnjeg decka, ja se malo zezam...ali ona ne voli pearl jam...
ona slusa reggae....
tako, pa se vidimo,i hope
A human being that was given to fly...
just in my dreams...:)
A human being that was given to fly...
Now, that's one way thow to crash the party... Thanks.
They'll be in Europe before you even say Belgrade, Montana.
You'll see...
me too...
just in dreams... 2 times till now... and it was cool, even in a dream...
what kind of a feeling is it, when u stand in the big crowd of people who share the same ideas and feelings as you?
i would really like to try it soon....
A human being that was given to fly...
Ok, first of all, pardon my grammar. I have no relatives from there, and my friends are not standing over my shoulder right now. So this is what they've taught me. That I can use, and I understand what I'm saying. Furthermore, as a disclaimer, what you are about to read is not intended for, or directed at anybody on this board.
My Serbo/Croat words & terms:
Jedes, di si, jebo te
Idemo, jebo te
Jedes govna
Serem te u rakiju
Pisam te u rakiju
Jebo te saren ker
Jebo te avlianer
Jebo te lipitsaner
Jebo te nilski konj u nostrovu
Jebo te grbadeva
Neka te grbadeva pljune u salatu
Gusio pile
Shamarate meimuna
Drkati kurac
Popi proljev
Popi sracu sa slama
Ja emam sracu 3 metra dugracu
Prdnem te u uste
moj te kara iz ormara
Idi u picu materinu
Olizi me machoro
Jebem ti mater
Prci kozu
Neka te skacovac lepresha u dupe
Neka te patak odgrizi u kurac
Neka te noj metne glava u dupe
Neka te slon metne kljove u dupe
Ne seri
Pusi kurac
Popousi mi krastovu kurac
Nilski konj
Ker, Avlianer
Other words:
Dobro utro
Dobro dan
Se jedni te
Nema ne cemu
Havala sa sve
Ja emam
Te emas
Ti si
trulu rupu
paljube [te u guzicu]
That's all I can think of right now. Again, this post was to answer a specific question and not intended at anyone.
P.S. HUP AJAX! Beat Arsenal.Gotta say this even if hopes are slim.
Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
"If I wanted you to understand, I would have explained it better"
Johan Cruijff
I must admit, the list is really impressive.
A human being that was given to fly...
A human being that was given to fly...
A human being that was given to fly...
I have no idea what you guys are saying.
I always think it's special when foreign languages are spoken among people in this place. But there's something extra special seeing the two of you doing it.
ja sam jos uvijek poprilicno skeptican u vezi te vijesti prije svega zato sto je Blic objavio. ne vjerujem dok ne procitam na sajtu,mada tek tada bi mi se zavrtilo u glavi. ali nada poslednja umire. ako ne dodju, idemo da ih pratimo po evropi.
Finally, I'm going to write few words, cause every day I visit this Pit, research, read and f***** live (in my dreams
VIVA LA 2006!!!
p.s. ....I'm girl too....:)
...i ja sam devojchica, takodje...:))
Ajde sretno!
2006 Vienna, Zagreb
2007 Munich
2009 Berlin
2010 Dublin, Belfast, Berlin, Venice
2011 Montreal, Toronto 1&2
2012 Manchester 1&2, Amsterdam 1&2, Prague, Berlin 1&2, EV Manchester
2013 Worcester 1&2, Brooklyn 1&2
2014 Amsterdam 1&2, Manchester 1&2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin
2017 EV Firenze, Taormina 1&2
2018 Amsterdam 1&2, Padova, Prague, Krakow, Berlin
2019 EV Firenze
Hey You!!!
I hope that we'll meet not only in Serbia, but in Slovenia, too!!!
p.s. If you maybe know Edward Clug who lives in Slovenia-Maribor, please, send the best regards to him from me-Sarah!!!
...and in CROATIA...and in Bosnia...and in, I can't wait!!!
Pretty impressive, I must say (even though some ppl find it offensive) but it's cool, I think it's funny)
Most of the terms are Serbian, Croatians use some terms and words, but lil different. It's pretty much similar, I understand it, and the rest of us from these territories will
Now when you know how to speak, maybe you can come over when they tour Europe
We'll prolly gonna need some kind of meet-up, like most American fans usually have
Languages are awesome, I love them, I'm always for a word or a phrase in a foreign language. And it's also PJ thing too, Eddie usually speaks or tries to say something in a language wherever the country is they're playning. It connects fans, people around the world and connection between the band and their fans at the shows is more special
Yes, everywhere
BTW, poslala sam ti PM, procitaj malo...
a, ajd vidi onaj sajt o kojem govori killroy kako se vec zove, na prethodnoj stranici teme...
neki slovenski sajt na kojem pise da su pj medju onim izvodjacima koji sviraju u blizini,juna `06. godine...
A human being that was given to fly...
znamo da si devojcica:) vidi se u nicku!
A human being that was given to fly...