Rock On Romney!

aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
edited October 2012 in A Moving Train
a brilliant business man talking to a street organizer with no idea about economy
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305
    What happened to facts?
    I'm inclined to say that Romney won the debate--Obama let far too many chance go by--but he took the Chris Christie approach: be a blowhard and hope that that resonates with people.

    Romney doesn't know of a tax break for shipping jobs overseas?

    NY Times Fact Checkers:

    Tax Break for Shipping Jobs Overseas
    "Annie Lowrey: It is true. The tax code currently does allow companies to deduct certain expenses when they move operations overseas. As part of its plan to aid the manufacturing sector and promote job growth, the Obama administration has proposed ending this deduction, and giving tax credits to companies moving jobs back to the United States."
    Everyone knows about that tax break.

    Fact Check: Education Cuts

    The candidates traded a series of charges on education, including whether Mr. Romney’s tax cuts would lead to lower government support for public education. Mr. Obama said the House budget authored by Mr. Romney’s running mate, Representative Paul D. Ryan, would cut “the education budget up to 20 percent.”
    Mr. Romney rejected the charge. “I’m not going to cut education funding,” he said. “I don’t have a plan to cut education funding.”
    But in the past Mr. Romney has said he would do just that.
    In a speech to donors in Florida in the spring overheard by reporters, Mr. Romney said he would either merge the federal Education Department with another agency “or perhaps make it a heck of a lot smaller.”
    The House budget that Mr. Ryan authored and Mr. Romney has said he largely supports includes large cuts to federal programs, but does not specify how they would be distributed across the federal government. The White House, which vehemently opposed the budget, calculated that if the cuts were distributed evenly across departments and programs, it would mean eliminating 38,000 teachers and aides for poor children in 2014 and 27,000 special education teachers and support staff. In addition, 200,000 children would be dropped from Head Start and other early education programs.

    Fact Check: Government 'Takeover' of Health Care

    Mr. Romney said in the debate that Mr. Obama’s health care overhaul would allow the federal government to “take over health care,” an assertion rejected by the president.
    The 2010 health care law clearly expands the role of the federal government. But it also builds on the foundation of private health insurance, providing subsidies for millions of low- and moderate-income people to buy private insurance.
    Under the law, close to 30 million Americas are expected to gain health coverage, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
    Many of them would receive insurance through the expansion of Medicaid. The federal government will initially pay the entire cost of Medicaid coverage for newly eligible beneficiaries and would never pay less than 90 percent.
    In addition, the federal government would subsidize the purchase of private insurance for millions of people with incomes up to four times the poverty level (up to $92,200 for a family of four). Private insurers would thus have many new customers.
    Projections by the nonpartisan office of the actuary at the Department of Health and Human Services show that federal, state and local government health spending will account for nearly 50 percent of all health spending in the United States by 2021, up from 46 percent in 2011. The federal share of all health spending is expected to rise to more than 31 percent, from slightly less than 29 percent.
    The changes reflect the expansion of Medicaid eligibility and the new subsidies for private insurance, as well as the increase in Medicare enrollment as baby boomers join the program.
    When Mr. Romney and other Republicans complain of a federal takeover, they are referring to more than spending and enrollment in government health programs. They say the new health care law will require most Americans to purchase “government-approved insurance” or pay a new tax. The tax issue was at the heart of the Supreme Court’s much-debated 5-4 decision in June to uphold the president’s health care overhaul law, the Affordable Care Act.
    Republicans also say that health insurance will be subject to much more federal regulation, specifying the types of benefits that must be offered; the value, or generosity, of the benefit package; and many other details.
    Mr. Obama and other Democrats say these standards are needed to make sure consumers get real protection, not just “bare bones” coverage."

    Style is nice, and Romney looked better--more prepared, more confident; but, there was no substance.

    Anyway, even despite this, he won tonight. He simply made a better impression.
  • whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305
    Romney Revives Debunked 'Job-Killer' Claims On Health Care Reform

    Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney repeated charges that President Barack Obama's health care law will kill jobs -- a claim at odds with Congressional Budget Office projections and the effects of Romney's own health care law in Massachusetts.

    "I just don't know how the president could have come into office, facing 23 million people out of work, rising unemployment, an economic crisis at the -- at the kitchen table, and spend his energy and passion for two years fighting for Obamacare instead of fighting for jobs for the American people. It has killed jobs," Romney said.

    The Congressional Budget Office disagrees, noted in June. According to the nonpartisan agency's estimates, health care reform will reduce the workforce by 0.5 percent. That's mostly because people would choose to retire early or work fewer hours, reported.

    If the national experience under Obamacare mirrors what happened in Massachusetts under Romney's similar health care law, job losses won't be a major issue. Employment trends in Massachusetts since Romneycare took effect have mirrored national trends, concluded a report issued by the Urban Institute in June. "The evidence from Massachusetts would suggest that national health reform does not imply job loss and stymied economic growth," said the report.

    The health care law will require employers with at least 50 full-time workers to offer health benefits or pay a financial penalty to the government, which would then provide tax credit subsidies that low- and middle-class people can use to defray the cost of health insurance purchased on regulated exchanges. Smaller companies would be exempt from that requirement and those with up to 25 employees can get tax credits toward health benefits.

    -- Jeffrey Young
  • ShawshankShawshank Posts: 1,018
    I don't care for either candidate, but...Romney destroyed the President tonight...mainly because the President was extraordinarily weak. You have people that will vote for Obama no matter what and others that will vote for Romney no matter what...but I would bet my left nut that it's going to be Romney if he keeps this up. He's going to swing the undecided unless he drops out of the race.
  • WOW Romney is ready! He is presidential! He is postive, informed, experienced and solid on all levels!

    Obama is not used to being out of his comfort zone! He was exposed tonight! He looked unprepared, inept, confused and lost! His performance seemed rehearsed and not from the heart! He looked down all night and this was the first time I ever saw Obama like this!
    Theres no time like the present

    A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!

    All people need to do more on every level!
  • The FixerThe Fixer Posts: 12,837
    edited October 2012
    score after 4 years and 1 debate...

    romney and GOP 2, incumbent donkey promises 0

    remember the slogan 'change'? That's the best the country can hope for

    Get some Mitt... :clap:
    Post edited by The Fixer on
  • London BridgeLondon Bridge USA Posts: 4,733
    It's funny how people think that because Romney won a debate, he will win the election. There are 2 more debates :fp:

    Also, let's not forget the president doesn't have unlimited time to prepare for these debates. Unlike Romney, Obama still has the responsibity of being the president.
  • The FixerThe Fixer Posts: 12,837
    It's funny how people think that because Romney won a debate, he will win the election. There are 2 more debates :fp:

    Also, let's not forget the president doesn't have unlimited time to prepare for these debates. Unlike Romney, Obama still has the responsibity of being the president.

    no one said romney will win. as we all know, the electoral college is the dumbest thing ever created. if obama loses it will be surprising to all.

    the more obama talks about failed promises and dumb ass policies...the better chance mitt has

    keep talking mr president!!!!!!!!!

  • usamamasan1usamamasan1 Posts: 4,695
    Op, yes. Very articulate.

    "I don't just talk about it, I've been there"
  • Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 9,325
    aerial wrote:
    a brilliant business man talking to a street organizer with no idea about economy

    What makes you think he's a brilliant business man?
  • What I learned tonight...

    Republicans don't really support anything. They just hate "liberals."

    Romney changes his position every few minutes... sometimes mid-sentence. He lied his whole way through that debate and actually claimed to support things that the Republicans here have railed against. That doesn't matter to our OP and professional trolls... they just want Romney to win... cuz... cuz.

    Romney lied about what was in his tax non-plan, he lied about pretty much everything. But that doesn't matter to the OP... he's a Romney man because... um....

    Ugh. :fp:
  • The Fixer wrote:
    as we all know, the electoral college is the dumbest thing ever created. '

    Uh... funny... 8 years ago, all the Republicans were saying "well.. this is why the electoral college was created... to give the smaller states a larger voice..."

    Now it's the stupidest thing ever created.

    I agree with that... it would have given us President Gore.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    aerial wrote:
    a brilliant business man talking to a street organizer with no idea about economy

    What article or t.v programme did you lift the above sentence from?
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    A) I can't wait for fact check....

    B)It's hard to debate a liar.....

    C) I don't want a voucher system for Medicaid....
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    Funny how people twist the words to fit their agenda then call it a lie,
    they take a sentence and leave half off... did they stop listening?
    no I think bias refuses to listen.
    Funny how because they hate so much they just assume others do too :?

    I agree Romney did a great job last night. I feel the same for Obama.

    It was our Presidents 20th wedding anniversary last evening I hope they had
    a nice celebration to honor their love, their children, their life,
    the things that really matter on a personal human level.
    He's just a man.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    pandora wrote:
    Funny how people twist the words to fit their agenda then call it a lie,
    they take a sentence and leave half off... did they stop listening?
    no I think bias refuses to listen.
    Funny how because they hate so much they just assume others do too :?

    I agree Romney did a great job last night. I feel the same for Obama.

    It was our Presidents 20th wedding anniversary last evening I hope they had
    a nice celebration to honor their love, their children, their life,
    the things that really matter on a personal human level.
    He's just a man.

    romney lied about his tax plan and covering pre-existing conditions...ha ha, that's funny....ha ha...

    he was honest about changing Medicare into a voucher system....ha ha, so funny...
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    inmytree wrote:
    pandora wrote:
    Funny how people twist the words to fit their agenda then call it a lie,
    they take a sentence and leave half off... did they stop listening?
    no I think bias refuses to listen.
    Funny how because they hate so much they just assume others do too :?

    I agree Romney did a great job last night. I feel the same for Obama.

    It was our Presidents 20th wedding anniversary last evening I hope they had
    a nice celebration to honor their love, their children, their life,
    the things that really matter on a personal human level.
    He's just a man.

    romney lied about his tax plan and covering pre-existing conditions...ha ha, that's funny....ha ha...

    he was honest about changing Medicare into a voucher system....ha ha, so funny...
    please be much more specific I fear your color is showing perhaps?
    I am open to listening to exactly how he lied but please not half sentences or twists.

    Whats so funny? not that I don't enjoy a good laugh.
    I assume you are being sarcastic :?

    I'm in the 54 to 57 age range which was said last evening I should listen closely.
    I have read about the voucher system and personally am ok with it.

    It won't be easy to fix our country, we all must take hardships and give a little.
  • badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    Didn't GWB get smashed in all the debates vs Kerry??? Look how that election turned out. (Of course if you believe it was legit)
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    badbrains wrote:
    Didn't GWB get smashed in all the debates vs Kerry??? Look how that election turned out. (Of course if you believe it was legit)

    True. If that giddy little frat boy could make it through the debates and win the Presidency then it doesn't say much for their importance.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    i watched like 10 mins of the debates last night and i would say romney definitely won the part i saw mainly because obama was very weak ... he talked way too much and he was unprepared ...
  • badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    Byrnzie wrote:
    badbrains wrote:
    Didn't GWB get smashed in all the debates vs Kerry??? Look how that election turned out. (Of course if you believe it was legit)

    True. If that giddy little frat boy could make it through the debates and win the Presidency then it doesn't say much for their importance.

    Does anybody remember the 04 debate vs Kerry when all the newspapers were trying to figure out what GWB had under his jacket, looked like some box as if he was a robot. That was some strange shit....
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    badbrains wrote:
    Byrnzie wrote:
    badbrains wrote:
    Didn't GWB get smashed in all the debates vs Kerry??? Look how that election turned out. (Of course if you believe it was legit)

    True. If that giddy little frat boy could make it through the debates and win the Presidency then it doesn't say much for their importance.

    Does anybody remember the 04 debate vs Kerry when all the newspapers were trying to figure out what GWB had under his jacket, looked like some box as if he was a robot. That was some strange shit....

    It was probably the book 'My Pet Goat'. It took him until 9/11 to make it to page 5.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    pandora wrote:
    please be much more specific I fear your color is showing perhaps?
    I am open to listening to exactly how he lied but please not half sentences or twists.

    Whats so funny? not that I don't enjoy a good laugh.
    I assume you are being sarcastic :?

    I'm in the 54 to 57 age range which was said last evening I should listen closely.
    I have read about the voucher system and personally am ok with it.

    It won't be easy to fix our country, we all must take hardships and give a little.

    my color...? um...yeah...

    and glad you're ok with a voucher system...methinks that tune will change when you have to shop for insurance....
  • aerial wrote:
    a brilliant business man talking to a street organizer with no idea about economy


    Like a teacher and a student.

    Another chapter to his "Historic" Presidency... An historic ass-handing that will go down for all time as the worst debate performance of all time.
  • $90 Billion to Solyndra....

    Mitt tells Obama ,"You dont pick the winners and the losers, you just pick the losers!"


    better than a paid day off...
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    The Fixer wrote:
    as we all know, the electoral college is the dumbest thing ever created. '

    Uh... funny... 8 years ago, all the Republicans were saying "well.. this is why the electoral college was created... to give the smaller states a larger voice..."

    Now it's the stupidest thing ever created.

    I agree with that... it would have given us President Gore.

    What's funny is you have taken 1 post by someone called "The Fixer" on a Pearl Jam messageboard to try and say that all republicans are hypocrites about the Electoral college. Now that is some fine spin! :lol:
    hippiemom = goodness
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Big Bird Weighs in last night's debate....

  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    inmytree wrote:
    pandora wrote:
    please be much more specific I fear your color is showing perhaps?
    I am open to listening to exactly how he lied but please not half sentences or twists.

    Whats so funny? not that I don't enjoy a good laugh.
    I assume you are being sarcastic :?

    I'm in the 54 to 57 age range which was said last evening I should listen closely.
    I have read about the voucher system and personally am ok with it.

    It won't be easy to fix our country, we all must take hardships and give a little.

    my color...? um...yeah...

    and glad you're ok with a voucher system...methinks that tune will change when you have to shop for insurance....
    Please explain...
    would it be because I have to pay more? My plan not as good?
    You see, I don't think the Federal government should take care of me at any age.
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    $90 Billion to Solyndra....

    Mitt tells Obama ,"You dont pick the winners and the losers, you just pick the losers!"


    better than a paid day off...
    This did look bad for our President and the remark about him being beholding to certain
    companies. Of course the same is true for most all the past Presidents, I would assume...
    being beholding.
  • ShawshankShawshank Posts: 1,018
    $90 Billion to Solyndra....

    Mitt tells Obama ,"You dont pick the winners and the losers, you just pick the losers!"

    Obama lost this debate by his reactions more than anything else...when things like this were hurled at him on any topic he just kind of stood there...shaking his head like " got me"...he seemed ashamed, embarrassed, weak, and incompetent...everything a President should NEVER exhibit. It was like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar and being dressed down by his father on why that was wrong. I'm hoping he turns it up in the next debates, because this was just beyond pathetic.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    $90 Billion to Solyndra....

    Mitt tells Obama ,"You dont pick the winners and the losers, you just pick the losers!"


    better than a paid day off...

    facts:>>>> ... -solyndra/

    (click on the link for a cleaner read)

    Romney’s $90 billion lie about green jobs and Solyndra
    OCTOBER 4, 2012

    Of all the lies in last night’s debate, I think the one that annoyed me the most was Mitt Romney’s massive, overbearing lie about green jobs.
    He claimed that Obama had put $90 billion in one year into loan guarantees for green energy companies like Solyndra, and that half of them had failed. Leaving debate listeners to think $45 billion in taxpayer money had been lost. (Full transcript is on the next page.)

    It appears that, as with so many things, this factoid is the result of a garbled post from the right-wing blogosphere. In this case, it’s a July post based on research by a Heritage Foundation intern that took every failing green energy company that had gotten any government money from any source and lumped them all together.

    In addition to Solyndra, these included:

    Raser Technology, the now-bankrupt darling of Utah’s GOP Senator Orin hatch that got a Treasury Dept. grant
    Beacon Power, which did get a loan guarantee and did go bankrupt (but has since been sold, so the government is getting most of its money back),
    Tiny Thomson River, which only got a piddling $5 million for a Montana power plant conversion (which the Treasury hopes to recoup).
    Mountain Plaza Inc., a Tennessee company that only got $424,000 as part of an EPA program.
    Romney appears to have get his “half have failed” claim by:
    Taking the 12 assorted firms the Heritage Foundation listed that did fail.
    Making an apples and oranges mixup with the 30 firms that got loan guarantees in the Solydra program (12 is almost half of 30, even though the two numbers have nothing to do with each other)
    Finally, he mashed that into the full $90 billion clean energy stimulus program.
    The facts:
    The actual dollar amount that went to the loan guarantee program: $16.1 billion. Not $90 billion.
    The actual number of failures: For the loan guarantee program, just 3, out of 30.
    The actual cost to the taxpayer: Probably less than $2 billion by the time it’s all done. Not $45 billion.
    And it was over 4 years, not one single year.
    Far from being poured down the drain by failed companies, the$90 billion went to infrastructure and investment, so it created good jobs and led to long-term savings:
    About $2 billion to Clean Energy Equipment Manufacturing to build plants that manufacture windmills and solar
    $3 billion for research and development into capturing and sequestering carbon dioxide for “clean coal“.
    $3 billion for job training for the green energy workforce
    $6 billion to the auto industry to help establish factories to manufacture batteries for electric cars and other components of advanced vehicles
    $10 billion for needed modernization of the electric grid
    $18 billion for high-speed rail and mass transit
    $21 billion for renewable electricity generation, including wind turbines and solar panels
    $29 billion for energy efficient homes, including $5 billion for improvements in the homes and apartments of low-income households
    Oh, and – guess what? The ARRA did hire teachers. $50 billion directly to schools, students, and worker training.
    And what were the results of that spending? Stephen Lacey at Grist sums it up:
    Renewable electricity production has doubled in the last four years
    We’ve built some of the most innovative “first of a kind” renewable energy projects in the world
    Content sourced from domestic wind manufacturing has doubled
    We’ve created more than 100,000 direct and indirect jobs in the solar industry
    And we’ve leveraged $100 billion in private investments.

    Red Green & Blue (
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