Martial Law is coming? Why didnt someone tell me? ... ata_player
JEsse Ventura thinks Martial law is coming. Apparently there are Fema camps where they will imprison families and they have huge stockpiles of coffins.
Could thee be any truth to these conspiracy theory folks?
JEsse Ventura thinks Martial law is coming. Apparently there are Fema camps where they will imprison families and they have huge stockpiles of coffins.
Could thee be any truth to these conspiracy theory folks?
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I can definitely see a few scenarios where Marital Law would regionally take place throughout America. It would be spurred by economic problems and displeasure of the youth, in my opinion. Think Greek riots, but worse.
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I don't think so. Aside from isolated incidents in isolated cities during isolated events, we've never really had martial law, and we've had much tougher times than this in our past.
Who knows... We've never had our dollar collapse either.
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On martial law happening, lets just say I am prepared:
1. isolated bugout location and escape plan to get there
2. food and seed stored
3. assorted small arms/semi-atomatic rifles, plenty of ammo. (hunting and self-defense)
4. several thousand $ in silver coins and bars
5. medical supplies
Anyone living in a big city might want to think about an escape plan... power grid down, most spoiled in 48 hours. Total anarchy ensues. In a national economic collapse, it has been said that half of Ameriica's population would die or be killed within 2 years.
Got a buddy who lives in Atlanta, a medical doctor- he just bought a giant brushguard for his Grand Cherokee... ...and it ain't for brush.
Hopefully it will never happen, but if it does, I plan on being part of the surviving half...
Get off the Ron Paul juice
When does this movie open?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I've tried and tried, but I can't take preppers seriously at all.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I have my own opinions, but yeh Ron Paul is crazy:
<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" - In the Fire (demo)</a> by <a href="
he covered this in his show ... I like him
but you know in case of a horrible emergency ...
the country must be prepared to save lives also
We don't even have our earthquake preparedness shit together!
Hopefully never, but if it does, you'll have a front door view in Philly.
Here's a free public safety briefing: If you live in Philly, and do not already own a weapon- might want to think about it.
Wait, I thought Bush bought these before he fired up the weather machine and sent Katrina to New Orleans b/c he wanted to kill all the African-Americans there...
I can't keep up with all these 'facts".
Yes, and I believe the FEMA camps were there for the 1999 Bill Clinton declaring martial law conspiracies as well.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I dont know why I even talk to these people. I wasnt set on changing the man, but he called me a zombie idiot sheep for not believing this stuff. There's no reasoning with some folks who really think the govt is riding in their backpack and trying to kill them.
:wave: but they are!
You're in good company, Jonny. I have a friend that often tells me the same think. Thankfully, she hasn't done something crazy like run off to South America!
that is not the fear of the government, that is the fear of people...
but people will never take kindly to being controlled if even for their
own safety ...
we are the land of the free the land of the brave
when the shit hits the fan there is always more than one way to skin a cat
and who's this that is skinning cats ...
those who are prepared of course
Or don't stockpile shit and brag about that?
Or don't stockpile shit and don't brag?
Well hell.
I'm going to semi-stockpile and possibly mention it once in a while to no one in particular.
Totally agree with this post. The preppers show is hysterical to me. Guy A tells the world via TV about all the crap he has stored for dooms-day. He also discloses the exact location of where all his crap is and how to get to it.
Very wise, Guy A... very wise.
Don't you think it would be smarter to not say anything about it? Isn't the point of having a gun to ward off those who will try to grab your stuff? Isn't the point of having a super-secret hide-out, the fact that it's 'hidden'? Then their off bragging about it. It's kinda funny.
I do think there's reason to be prepared given our economic environment and what the Fed is doing to our currency - maybe invest in a bit of precious metals, plant some food and have a bit of canned food on stock.. and... maybe, just maybe if you're so inclined have a hunting gun. I do think shit could hit the fan - economically and it could be ugly in "certain places". But, I do not think living underground for years on end will ever be necessary.
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See that's the exact kind of info one shouldn't divulge...
I once met a person who thought seizing all corporate profits in the US would improve our economy.
Whats your point, other than you once met a nutjob, and continue to talk to people just like him?
You are the reason I have the weapons...