Chinese teen kills nine in knife attack

Lesson to those of you that think only people with guns can devastate a community with mass killings. This is a good lesson that it's not the gun, it's the crazies. ... 29246.html ... 29246.html
Post edited by Unknown User on
great point, indeed...
imagine the damage this "crazie" would have caused if had a AR-15...oh wait...what was your point again....?
But this is still one knife attack with multiple victims vs. a damn sight more gun attacks with multiple victims.
Thank god he didn't have an automatic gun, could have been so much worse.
Terrible 9 dead 5 wounded...
to bad that there was not a hero there with a gun to stop this guy.
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
So the answer will allways be guns .....
I know you're being sarcastic jose...just reminds me how this mentality is exactly why there are so many guns in the USA and so many gun deaths. If everyone reacted in this way, the market simply demands more guns. Its a scary cycle.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Pretty much this. More cars kill people (lets ban those) than guns by A LOT annually worldwide but lets punish the overwhelming majority of gun owners for the few crazies out there.
Oh fuck me. :roll: I'm sure cancer kills more people than guns, too. And I'm pretty sure we're doing every damn thing we can to stop that. How is it punishing all these responsible gun owners to make guns less accessible? How is anyone going to suffer having to wait a little longer to get their precious piece of metal? How is it going to hurt anyone that they are made sure to be responsible gun owners, before they get to purchase firearms?
And speaking of cars, I wonder how many of the deaths by motor vehicle have been premeditated? And out of those, how many have killed multiple people (nine, twelve people), and not just the driver, for example? And how many cars were originally built with the purpose to kill or wound other human beings?
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
You know... you are not supposed to kill people with your car, right? I don't know what you use your car for... but, I use mine to go to work and back. I don't park it next to my bed with the motor running in case I need to run over someone breaking into my house in the middle of the night.
And think about it... just run the numbers. How many people do you know that owns and drives a car? Do all of those people own guns?
How many times do you use your car? Every day? How many times a day?
Now... if every one who owns and operates a car... owned a gun and fired it as often as they use their car... don't you think the numbers would change?
Hail, Hail!!!
Good job there's no easy access to guns in China, or it would have been a lot worse.
Comparing cancer esearch is a bit of a stretch to gun control questions?
You're a responsible car driver...but then again there is an overwhelmingly majority of responsible gun owners too. Probably more responsible gun owners percentage wise than car owners...yet it's the guns that are the the cars must be the problem. Ban the cars!!
Or just improve road safety, and the quality of driving tests.
China and India are the biggest culprits when it comes to traffic fatalities. In India the main problem is bad infrastructure. In China the main problem is the pathetic driving lessons, and test - a test that can simply be paid for. Also, the police don't enforce any traffic rules. So people here drive how they want to.
To say we should ban cars is ridiculous. Not that anyone's saying that all guns should be banned. What people are calling for is tougher restrictions on gun ownership. Just as there should be tougher tests, and enforcement when it comes to driving cars in the countries I mentioned, and a few more places.
But really, alcohol only kills the one person whose body it enters. Liver failure isn't contagious. Someone in a car is not likely to kill a lot of people in one go.
Alcohol and cars are pretty much only involved in the deaths of people who decide to use them in a way they're not meant to be used. You're not supposed to drink yourself to death, nor are you supposed to drive your car off a bridge, not to mention get in your car while drunk and mow someone down while speeding along the roads.
But what are guns for? The real, original, hey-I've-invented-a-gun purpose is to kill and maim other people. The fact that people are so eager to give weapons to anyone who wants one (because it's their right), with little to no control, hear someone having shot five, nine, twelve human beings with ease, and then say "Hey, they're killing less people than alcohol, nothin' I can do", is so mind-boggling I can't even think straight.
Yes, it is ultimately the user's fault. But why is it so important to give others the means to shoot up the neighbourhood in a fit of anger? Make it such an easy option that they don't even have time to think about crashing their car into a tree, or drowning their sorrows in vodka before six other people are dead? I don't get it.
If I don't make sense I do apologise, it is late and I'm going to bed.
You are missing the point. And I know you are not one of those bumper slogan spewing gun nuts. You are a rational guy that can apply logic and reasoning to a discussion.
The numbers of gun related death will increase when you bring the numbers of guns closer towards equaling the number of cars on the road... and increasing the gun usage to the same as the average car's usage. Then, your NRA comparison of gun deaths vs. vehicular death would hold truths.
Example: Let's make it simple.
We'll say there are 1,000 people who own cars out there. Those 1,000 people use their cars 4 times a day, on average.
Of the 1,000 people, 10 of them own guns. They use their gun maybe 26 times a year (which sounds like alot, but I'm figuring hunting trips, weekend drives to shoot targets... just to keep it simple).
There will proably be more car related deaths. I get that. But the reason is simply because there are more cars out there and they are being used a lot more than the guns.
Now... if there were 1,000 guns that every one shot 4 times a day (or 1,460 time a year), you would be able to compare gun related deaths to car related deaths because the numbers would be equal.
In very basic terms, 1,000 is not equal to 10, and 1,460 is greater than 26, so you cannot compare the to because it would be like comparing apples to Volvos.
Okay... let's take it into reverse.
Let's reduce the number of cars on the road to equal the amount of gun owners. And let's reduse the car usage to equal the same a the gun usage.
Are you telling me that you don't think the number of vehicular fatalities would be reduced?
If you think the number of vehicular deaths would remain the same... please, explain that reasoning to me.
Hail, Hail!!!
Agreed. But let's not give too much credit to the Chinese for saving lives.
I personally don't own a gun and never will. I don't like them, but I support people's right s to have them. I have a bigger chance of being killed by an auto. I still say band the cars.
But like I sadi more cars kill people annually than guns. Alcohol kills more people. Oh, here's the shocker...more people die in alcohol related crashes than by guns. Ban the cars and the alcohol!
This is why I say ban the cars. Just think of the lives that will be saved and the benfit to the enviroment.
It's funny that some of the same posters who came waiving the constitution in the thread about the borders, walls, guns, etc. don't waive the constitution when it comes to gun control.