*** EV Tour London 1 Fanviews Here 7/30/12 ***



  • JacksterJackster Posts: 14
    Really Amazing night. My first time for Eddie Solo and It was even better than expected. People were ok, just the fact of the flashes during first song, but then 2 magic hours. I Wish i could have been tonight too, but completely impossible. I guess i will not see tonight setlist until some days later, i don't want to start crying watching what i miss.

    Thank you, Eddie. And please, come back soon to Europe.
    2000 Barcelona
    2006 Vitoria, Madrid
    2007 Madrid
    2009 Berlin
    2010 Berlin, Bilbao, Lisbon
    2011 PJ20 1&2
    2012 Berlin 1&2, Copenhagen, EV London 1
    2014 Milano, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm
    2017 EV Dublin
  • did he mentioned something about brazil? I heard he said something about planning to play here...
  • CloudDog23CloudDog23 Posts: 147
    did he mentioned something about brazil? I heard he said something about planning to play here...
    He mentioned Brazil in relation to "Lester The Traveller", and possibly in relation to random places to try and stop members of the crowd claiming they were from specific locations, he ended on "Hell" and people still cheered, to which Eddie replied "I thought i recognised you".

    2000/05/29 Wembley Arena, London, UK
    2006/04/20 The Astoria, London, UK
    2006/08/29 Gelredome, Arnhem, Netherlands
    2007/06/18 Wembley Arena, London, UK
    2009/08/18 O2 Arena, London, UK
    2010/06/25 Hyde Park, London, UK
    2012/06/20 MEN Arena, Manchester, UK
    2012/07/30 Hammersmith Odeon, UK (Eddie Vedder solo show)
    2013/02/10 O2 Academy Islington, UK (Brad)
    2013/09/19 O2 Academy Brixton, UK (Soundgarden)
    2014/07/08 first direct Arena, Leeds, UK
    2014/07/11 MK Bowl, Milton Keynes, UK
    2017/06/06 Hammersmith Odeon, UK (Eddie Vedder solo show)
    2018/07/17 O2 Arena, London, UK
    2022/07/08 Hyde Park, London, UK
    2022/07/09 Hyde Park, London, UK
    2024/06/25 Co-op Live, Manchester, UK
  • pdalowskypdalowsky Doncaster,UK Posts: 15,100
    Another fantastic evening .....

    Vedder is an absolute class act.

    I knew it was going to be good. I just don't think I could imagine exactly how good. These nights are so special - just so happy he did make it to Europe
  • pdalowskypdalowsky Doncaster,UK Posts: 15,100
    Oh and should definitely add :-

    All hail Glen Hansard - a hidden gem. So happy to finally be on that page .... Off to shop at amazon :)
  • rtwilli4rtwilli4 Posts: 261
    This was a special night for me for several reasons.

    To make a long story short, my wife and I have battled and battled over the past few years just to be able to live in the same country. It's been a very difficult time for both of us, and as everyone does in diffucult times, I've often turned to music (PE and EV) to keep me going.

    As of January '12, my wife and I are both working and living together in London. It's not my first choice of places to live, but we're together.

    As my wife and I were locking our bikes up in front of the Apollo, I looked at her and said "I never would have thought that I would be able to ride my bike from my house to an Olympic Event, then ride home to for a snack and a beer, then get back on my bike and ride 10 minutes to an Eddie Vedder show." She looked back at me and smiled and said "London's not so bad eh?"

    Other highlights were:

    "Trouble" - a song I grew up listening to with my father on the way to school
    "Elderly Woman" - One of my wife's favorites, this was her first show
    Everything from ITW, especially "Society" and "Guaranteed" - those songs describe my life very well
    "Hide your love away" - another one of my wife's favorites - her late father introduced her to the Beatles
    "Falling Slowly" - GH and EV sound amazing together
    "Arc" - such a cool way to end a show - really showcases Ed's voice

    This wasn't my first EV show and I was also at London 2 last night. Every show is special, and I don't really enjoy ranking them. London 1 hit me pretty close to home though, as it reminded both my wife and I of our fathers and also gave us both some confirmation that all of our hard work has paid off. We are finally together and happy and a lot of that became realized on Monday.
  • burtschipsburtschips Posts: 734
    This show was great, I loved it from Glen Hansard all the way through to Hard Sun.
    I saw EV in Vancouver in 08 and it's really cool to see how the solo shows have developed... he's a much more assured solo performer now and seemed really at home in the Apollo.
    I travelled down from Norwich had a few beers and met up with a mate for the show. I actually thought the crwod were in general very well behaved and respectfully enthusiastic, some of the comments here are a bit up-tight imho. Better behaved than when I saw Neil Young at the Apollo on his acoustic tour!
    A highlight for me was the cover of Good Woman leading into the reworked Betterman and then Hide Your Love Away... I think there's a cool relationship between the songs, for me anyway, and Good Woman is an amazing song.
    Second highlight was Open All Night into The End into Arc... woaaa... spine tingling really.
    There were a couple fo guys in front of us from Copenhagen, one of them needed a piss from about half way through the first set, he was like a yoyo, kept getting up shuffling along hearing the next track turning on his heels and sitting back down, he just couldn't bring himself to leave the auditorium. When he finally did make it out after the first set he was gone a while!
    Thanks Eddie for a great show, please head this way again as soon as you can.
    Salut baloo
  • janemathiesonjanemathieson Cornwall, UK Posts: 72
    A night I had looked forward to for soooo long and I am so disappointed, upset, frustrated :cry:

    Before anyone thinks that this is about the gig, the venue, etc, it's not

    What I remember of the gig it was simply amazing.... Glen Hansard has such a beautiful lilt to his voice and Eddie's voice is hypnotically entrancing, the emotion he conveys through every song simply wells me up!

    So... why am I so unhappy?

    I made a huge mistake... I have Takayasu's Arteritis which has left me with heart failure and chronic fatigue to name just a few complications.... I was stupid enough to believe that I could cope with the gig after travelling up from Cornwall that day. Instead I crashed midway through Eddie's set, 1 minute fine, the next my boyfriend says my head was in my lap... I have no memory of it, I know he had to help me out to get some water on my face and raise my bp and heart rate... so after years of waiting and knowing that I will probably never have the opportunity to see Eddie solo again I have no real feelings....

    We saw PJ at Manchester 2 and we travelled up the day before, I was tucked up in bed by 7.30pm, had a lazy day and coped (even though it took me over a week to recover!).

    So I have learnt a lesson the hard way, the harshest way possible, feeling that I missed out on a gig I was "at" is almost worse than not having been there at all.
  • desolatejoydesolatejoy London Posts: 349
    Jackster wrote:
    Really Amazing night. My first time for Eddie Solo and It was even better than expected. People were ok, just the fact of the flashes during first song, but then 2 magic hours.

    Thank you, Eddie. And please, come back soon to Europe.

    All the gripes about whooping & flash photography have been slightly exaggerated I think & i'd be in full agreement with the above quote.
    Eddie handled the two issues really well with humour & a knowing cynicism especially at the start of his set with the "5 faces" he pulled, as well as later in the show seeing what countries he could get people to cheer for, ending with the question "Hell?" which of course got the biggest response of all! ;)
    The atmosphere was electric & I think the audience really did play their part to help build this, even as early as Glen's set, which was excitedly received (rightly so as it was a strong, impassioned performance). People have got to remember some fans had travelled hundreds of miles to be there so perhaps should be forgiven for being a little over zealous :lol: (except for the guy who jumped on the stage at the very end to steal a memento - don't ruin it for us all buddy! :x That's just the sort of thing that could scare a camera shy man like Ed back into hiding...)

    Anyhow...the show!
    My friend & I hit a huge bit of luck getting 'upgraded' from seats in row Z to a pair in ROW A :shock: , apparently for nothing more than settling into what we thought would be our spot for the night nice & early!
    We hurried down to find that the entire middle front row was filled with people that had been offered the same opportunity & it built an instant bond between us (hello to everyone, you know who you are ;) )

    The front of the set had a good mix of material with only 2 PJ songs in the first 9 tracks giving it a much more personal feel than the arena band shows, like Eddie was taking us through his own favourite tunes. They sped along at quite a pace due to the songs short nature with highlights being Without You, More Than You Know & a crowd pleasing I Am Mine.

    Before we knew it, with Ed's disarming anecdotes between songs, we were into the initial quartet of Into The Wild numbers which, with a change of backdrop brought a expansive, sunny mood to the Apollo as Glen joined Ed for Long Nights to round it off before going solo again on a beautiful Good Women.
    A brace of love songs later though is where the gig really stepped up a notch as Lukin thumped along and with the crowd enthralled Ed led us on a stomp & clap-along acoustic version of Porch, everyone acting as a mass rhythm section dropping out at the more operatic vocal parts before joining back in to propel the song to its sharp end. :shock: SUBLIME! (I think I may have high fived someone at this point which I NEVER normally do, EVER! )

    After a quick break Ed was soon joined again by Glen for a thoughtful Society and a heart wrenching Falling Slowly on which their voices seemed perfectly matched, my friend now gazing longingly at the pair content for seeing the song she thought Mr Hansard had left out of his solo set.
    Another change of mood as Ed donned a summer hat and the lights dropped low as just a single spotlight on the floor in front of him gave off a glow like a midnight campfire. The Apollo fell deathly silent as the gentle pluck & poetry of The End saw Eds voice sounding at it's most vulnerable of the evening.

    For the finale Ed & Glen cloaked in white lab coats were wholly visible as the house lights came up & Hard Suns repetitive chorus had the audience, by this point gathered at the front of stage, swaying & singing, smiles as round & sparkling as the great big ball of fire itself! :D

    By the time I reached home that night I thought that was it. Over.
    I would never have to go & see a Pearl Jam or Eddie solo show again.
    It couldn't get better than that? Could it?...
    Until the following evening & the news of the London night 2 set starts to appear! AMAZING! Oh to have been there... And that's the point, no matter how high you get on your PJ experience or near to the ultimate set list or version of your favourite song, maybe, just maybe, next time around they'll surpass all your expectations. Whether you've traveled hundreds of miles or come along for your first time you will be rewarded. And handsomely ;)
    Wembley Arena, London - 28/10/96
    Wembley Arena, London - 30/05/00 
    Wembley Arena, London - 18/06/07
    02 Arena, London - 18/08/09
    Hammersmith Apollo, London - 30/07/12 EV Solo
    Bowl, Milton Keynes - 11/07/2014
    Hammersmith Apollo, London - 06/06/17 EV Solo
    O2 Arena, London - 18/06/18
    O2 Arena, London - 17/07/18

    It's an art to live with pain, mix the light into grey...
  • aennilaennil Posts: 415
    I don't why i haven't read all of your experiences of the concert before now.... but thank you, it has been great to hear that all of you guys enjoyed it as much as i did!

    The funny thing is that in the memory of the concert i keep reliving, i have totally blocked out all the audience-woop'ing and -yelling and the cameraflashes. I had forgotten all about the guy sitting next to me, constantly taking pictures or typing on his phone, until i read your comments....
    All i remember is Eddies voice, the feeling as if being in the middle of his livingroom while he just wanted to share some of his favourite songs with us on a regular monday evening, and the sound of the fingerpicking of ukeleles... is was truly amazing!
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