"I get into a state of consciousness that I can't explain. It is about feeling and not thinking. I get positive chills and insight into things that I can't get to any other way. It is Healing of the Soul." - Mike McCready
Great set. However, I thought the crowd were pretty tame tonight. I was at Manchester 1 about 8 from the front and it was well and truly rocking - I couldn't have stood still if I'd tried. Last night I was about 3 from the front on Stone's side and I stood and watched the whole gig - which was great for a change, to get that close and see what was going on. A few people tried to jump around at times and got told to calm down! I couldn't believe it. I've never sen this at a PJ gig before. Anyway, the Manchester 1 crowd got a bit of stick after Manchester 2, so I'm just saying it was chalk and cheese compared to what I experienced last night. Still a great gig though, really hot and a great sound where I was.
I totally agree with you. I have never gotten as many elbows in my side, pushes and angry stares in a PJ show ever when starting to jump around to the faster songs. It really bummed me out as I had so much energy coming into this show.
I feel like some people believe because they have queued for an entire day to get into the front rows they then own the floor and expect to be able to stand with no pushing and shoving interrupting their moment they have been waiting and queueing so long for. These people need a reality check, its not their floor and their show. Its a rock n roll show with the greatest kick ass band ever!
I always keep my elbows down, always appologise if I bump in to someone a bit too rough, but some people just shouldnt stand in the front rows.
The response from some of the people in front ruined my experience a bit. Luckily I had some really cool people next to me as well!
yeah, you simply have to join and jump too.
but few guys made me laugh, trying to push forward thru us saying that they got friends upfront ... we all have friends upfront ....
14/6/00 Prague 22/9/06 Prague 12/6/07 Munich 15/8/09 Berlin 22/06/10 Dublin 23/06/10 Belfast 30/06/10 Berlin 26/06/12 Amsterdam 02/07/12 Prague 04/07/12 Berlin 05/07/12 Berlin 07/07/12 Stockholm 09/07/12 Oslo 10/07/12 Copenhagen 25/6/14 Vienna 26/6/14 Berlin 1/7/18 Prague 3/7/18 Krakow 5/7/18 Berlin
Great set. However, I thought the crowd were pretty tame tonight. I was at Manchester 1 about 8 from the front and it was well and truly rocking - I couldn't have stood still if I'd tried. Last night I was about 3 from the front on Stone's side and I stood and watched the whole gig - which was great for a change, to get that close and see what was going on. A few people tried to jump around at times and got told to calm down! I couldn't believe it. I've never sen this at a PJ gig before. Anyway, the Manchester 1 crowd got a bit of stick after Manchester 2, so I'm just saying it was chalk and cheese compared to what I experienced last night. Still a great gig though, really hot and a great sound where I was.
I totally agree with you. I have never gotten as many elbows in my side, pushes and angry stares in a PJ show ever when starting to jump around to the faster songs. It really bummed me out as I had so much energy coming into this show.
I feel like some people believe because they have queued for an entire day to get into the front rows they then own the floor and expect to be able to stand with no pushing and shoving interrupting their moment they have been waiting and queueing so long for. These people need a reality check, its not their floor and their show. Its a rock n roll show with the greatest kick ass band ever!
I always keep my elbows down, always appologise if I bump in to someone a bit too rough, but some people just shouldnt stand in the front rows.
The response from some of the people in front ruined my experience a bit. Luckily I had some really cool people next to me as well!
I've been to many rock/metal concerts and I almost expect people to jump around and have as much fun as they possibly can. I've seen Slayer, Metallica and a bunch of other death, black and progressive metal bands live. They only thing I can disagree with here is the fact that you can't jump around like that if you're not looking who is standing behind you. I several times almost fell on the ground because a guy right in front of me weighted 3 times as much as me and of course he was drunk so he couldn't control himself. That is a problem for me. And I also have the right to stand up front to watch my favorite band. It's just not fun to be at a concert and only be 5'4 and thin - And fainting too because I couldn't get air since majority in there was tall men. Well, I got out alive. And I loved the experience. I wished for a more lively crowd and less drunken big guys pushing me on the ground. I didn't tell him anything.. Everyone has their own ways. I although could have got bad hurt if I landed on the ground with him on top of me.
The point is. Have fun and JUMP AROUND. Just look who is behind you before doing so. Were I stood up front I couldn't even jump. The crowd was too tight and hot. I loved the show.
Met Dimi in the queue, sorry didnt get time to proper chat - I was holding up the line - next time I see you we getting a photo!
Oh wow, the Forum was a hot box! Me and my tour life partner were about ten 'rows' from the front around centre and I have to appolgies to anybody I sweated on. I was dripping after X, who were as great as ever. We got treated to the whole of PJ invading one of their songs, was awesome to see Matt up front sharing a mic and Ed playing his Uke next to Billy Zoom. Pretty magical shit, plus Mike came out for another and Ed, erasing my fears that he would be taking it easy due to illness, treated us to one last Devil Doll. Really sad to see X finish there support run, but very happy to have been introduced to their music.
A bunch of young guys pushed through and some couples, the ladies didn't hold it together though and after some drama the guys were forced to go with them to the side...thankfully my wife toughed it out. Great setlist, all tour they've been bringing it and this show I got LBC, Cropduster, Glorified G and Habit. Was also pleased by a couple of harmonica songs, even though Smile was under sad circumstances...Jeff on guitar and Stone on bass with Ed messing up actually turned out to be a joy. Had some top sing-a-longs with Stone who was in fine voice. Bit of comedy when Ed told Mike they were going to play Baba (not sure if that was set listed) and he had his Yellow Ledbetter guitar on, Ed pretend to get fed up waiting while the change was made and said Goodnight walking off stage. The music soon madevhim turn on his heels for some tambourine flinging fun.
Dude next to us found a very expensive silver sony compact with a lens attached on the floor by our feet...we held it up for a while during the encore and hung around at the end of the show hoping the owner would come looking, but no luck. My wife handed it in to security so hopefully it found it's way back to it's owner.
I've felt totally spoilt this Summer and want to thank the band for not just coming to Europe but playing such a wicked string of shows...was a dream come true to have been a small part of it all. Seeing the band clink their beer bottles together round the back as Mike wrapped up Yellow Ledbetter really was a sweet moment. They looked rightfully pleased with a job very well done.
Just back from Copenhagen, having always wanted to attend the last show of a tour, and this one did not disappoint. Not only that, but it was the 19th anniversary of my very first show (Slane Castle, Ireland - 10 July 1993). That day was the very first time I ever heard RVM, Glorified G, Small Town (vs. hadn't been released yet), or Baba O'Riley, so it was great to have them as part of this set.
On Immagine in Cornice, Ed talks about a "two-shirt show" as an indicator that it was a special one. Well, this might just have been the first "four-shirt show" - the CND shirt, the Rocky shirt, a shirt with a vinyl spindle adapter on it, and ending up wearing matching X shirts with Mike. In the queue, lots of folk had been talking about Ed's voice from the last few shows (this is the only show other than the Isle of Wight that we made it to). But he threw caution to the wind since it was the last night to get through and held nothing back - even if he did spend and inordinate proportion of the show blowing his nose.
A quick note about X: I've loved their music for quite a few years, and I had been really excited about getting to see them in Costa Rica last year, but I was disappointed. Exene's voice seemed off and they weren't very tight. In Copenhagen it was a different story. They were absolutely fantastic, and really seemed to be loving it. And when all of PJ came out to join them for The World's a Mess, it was hysterical - Ed & Jeff on ukes, Matt and Stone on tambs and Mike on crazy dance duty. It was pretty obvious a fun night was in the offing. Mike came back for New World and Ed added a third voice to Devil Doll (note to Sea - that's missing from X's set list on page 1). (My girlfriend thought it was really cute when Ed planted a little kiss on Exene's head when he left the stage.)
I had been worried about the show, remembering how rough it was in 2007. But you couldn't have cherry-picked a better crowd. It reminded me of the crowd in Dublin in 2006 in that even though the energy was electric from the very beginning, where we were (on the rail, just to the left of Mike) there was absolutely no pressure or pushing. It was perfect and made the show all the more enjoyable.
Small Town is a great starter for creating an intimate, friendly feel to a show, and it kept that feel all the way through. The crowd singing the guitar part on Evolution (and after) was overwhelming, and the band were loving it. Aside from playing Love Boat Captain, there was surprisingly no mention of Roskilde, though my girlfriend's theory is that the Berlin '10 speech was the last word and the decision to look forward, not back. That said, Love Boat Captain was especially poignant, and Mike in particular looked pretty cut up.
Speaking of death, Ed's speech about Dennis Flemion having contributed the words to Smile was really sweet and moving (I hadn't heard he had died) and maybe being upset about it was the reason for his complete brain-fart on the song. Or maybe Dennis just took his words back...
Corduroy was one of the finest versions I can remember, with an absolutely colossal finish, and Mike's solos on that and on Present Tense were gorgeous. During Even Flow, I saw Jeff watching Mike lose his mind with what looked like a cross between awe and brotherly pride.
Given some of the things they've pulled out on this tour (Hitchhiker, Bugs etc), I was expecting a more diverse setlist, but Cropduster was the only song I've never heard live. It was a nice surprise (as was Push Me Pull Me - always fun), and a better song than it gets credit for. But if they were going to play a Riot Act song, I would have preferred Half Full or Thumbing My Way. Also, sad to see that Better Things was scratched from the setlist (making for a very short first set). I really would have liked to hear that one.
That's all the complaints - even though, after getting really excited after (apparently) hearing Tom Petty play Here Comes My Girl during the soundcheck, he didn't show. With a show this good, he wasn't needed and I forgot that we were even expecting him.
There was something of a theme running between the great Wishlist improv tag about greed and war, Insignificance and Glorified G - all bound together by Ed's comments comparing Boeing in Seattle to windfarms in Denmark.
The old-school tryptych of Why Go, State and Porch rounded out the first set a little too early but in a blistering fashion. I don't know whether it was the strains on his voice but Ed sang the SolaT choruses in a lower register, and it made for a nice, different version.
The encores more than made up for the short main set. I actually remember thinking at some point during Alive that maybe they just won't stop playing at all. Footsteps was unexpected and beautiful, and worked well with Just Breathe. (Just Breathe is a great song to have your girl by your side for, even if she's spent 2 hours staring at other men, who - being rock stars - are for cooler than you'll ever hope to be. :roll: sorry Tru...) Given to Fly and Unthought Known made me wish it was an outdoor show where we could see the sky. And The Fixer was, as always, just really great fun.
Ed started taking up request signs from the crowd, Bruce-style, and I saw Ole, Hard to Imagine, Habit. He threw back Who You Are (which made me sad), and I'm really glad Jeff didn't see the Sweet Lew sign. I think Mike did, and thankfully kept schtum. So it was all the more surprising when they then went into Jeremy. It was a particularly fine version, though. I was expecting the end there, after 6 songs, so RVM was an amazing bonus. And like some other people have said, to get both Porch and RVM... That was something.
Every second song of the second encore also seemed like a bonus. When I was expecting Better Man, we got Habit first (from the pizza box requests earlier, and it was a blinder). When I was expecting Alive, we got Crazy Mary first, and when I was expecting Yellow Ledbetter, we got Baba first. Better Man was truly brilliant - with a full Save it for Later tag, plus an improv. It also held a particular meaning for me this time around which made it all the more special. Ed distracted us from Mike and Boom's Crazy Mary duel by coming down and pouring wine into everyone's water cups before giving the bottle to my fellow Irishman just behind me.
Alive was tremendous - both Mike and Ed came down off the stage and got up close and personal with the front row, which really brought that whole communal, celebratory vibe to a climax. (Ed in PJ20: "There's a communal exchange. There's obviously a line between who's on stage and who's in the crowd... but not really.") Ed's words for the touring fans before Alive were so heartfelt and moving. Just as Stone started the song, and before Mike kicked in, I caught Mike's eye, put my hand to my heart and mouthed "Thank you". He repeated the same gesture to me, with a little bow, and then started thanking everyone else, individually, pointing at everyone in turn and mouthing "Thank you" to each of us. It was a really beautiful moment.
It was wonderful to hear Baba O’Riley for the first time since my first show, exactly 19 years ago to the day, and, even though the houselights had been up since Alive, I couldn't imagine them ending the tour with anything other than Yellow Ledbetter. Mike looked all choked up again, and as he finished, Stone walked over and gave him a really big cosy hug. You could just tell that the band were as moved by it all as we were. I cannot imagine how it felt for those who did all or most of the tour, because it felt pretty special to me, having done only 2 shows, with 2 weeks between them. But as always, there was such a sense of community amongst everyone, and it was wonderful to be part of it, to see some old friends again and meet some new ones - some of whom, I hope we'll see in Manchester and London in a few weeks for Ed's shows.
PS: the community goes beyond the tour. We would have had a much harder time getting home last night after our flight was delayed for four hours, if it hadn't have been for the kindness of touring-fan strangers on a plane. Thanks Ian and Ruth.
93: Slane
96: Cork, Dublin
00: Dublin
06: London, Dublin
07: London, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
09: Manchester, London
10: Dublin, Belfast, London & Berlin
11: San José
12: Isle of Wight, Copenhagen, Ed in Manchester & London x2
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Small Town is a great starter for creating an intimate, friendly feel to a show, and it kept that feel all the way through. The crowd singing the guitar part on Evolution (and after) was overwhelming, and the band were loving it. Aside from playing Love Boat Captain, there was surprisingly no mention of Roskilde, though my girlfriend's theory is that the Berlin '10 speech was the last word and the decision to look forward, not back. That said, Love Boat Captain was especially poignant, and Mike in particular looked pretty cut up.
Alive was tremendous - both Mike and Ed came down off the stage and got up close and personal with the front row, which really brought that whole communal, celebratory vibe to a climax. (Ed in PJ20: "There's a communal exchange. There's obviously a line between who's on stage and who's in the crowd... but not really.") Ed's words for the touring fans before Alive were so heartfelt and moving. Just as Stone started the song, and before Mike kicked in, I caught Mike's eye, put my hand to my heart and mouthed "Thank you". He repeated the same gesture to me, with a little bow, and then started thanking everyone else, individually, pointing at everyone in turn and mouthing "Thank you" to each of us. It was a really beautiful moment. [/i]
First things first: this is a FANTASTIC fanview, mate. Utterly fantastic. Something else that's fantastic is THAT communal feeling between the band and us fans. I just finished re-watching PJ20, and those words of Ed's you just recited, I think of them really often, because it really is a very large part of what makes this band so special, here exemplified by Mike's gesture, which is in itself so heartfelt it really just moves me.
As for Roskilde, yea, I think they don't want to keep re-emphasizing what a painful experience it was. For us present, for the band and mostly the affected families. It'll always be a part of them, but time for move forward.
Damn, I hope they show up on our shores again real soon.
Did anyone else stand in the bizarre long waiting line before the gig? That must have been 400 meters long! But even when you were at the very end of it, when they opened the doors, you got in pretty quick - about 10 minutes I'd say. I was saying to my father "they probably lead all the people into a huge meat grinder, no way that they can actually lead so many people in the hall at this speed" - but obviously they could! It was a huge relief when we got in. The Forum itself maybe "doesn't look like much when you get in" (Ed quote) but I thought it had a good atmosphere. Definitely warmer then the o2 World in Berlin which really (!) disapointed me - I hope they never play there again!).
X played their first song just as we picked up the beautiful poster and I have to say, that I enjoyed them very much this evening. Missing them in Prague and seeing them in Berlin two days in a row didn't left much of an impression but this time, I thought they were really good. The PJ guest spots were a nice gesture, but apart from Ed's vox on Devil Doll, it wasn't really more than that. After X's gig I dropped nearly 15 EUR for two beers (0,4 l) which was just mindblowing...in a bad way! And I was complaining about Berlin's beer price with 9 EUR for a whole litre!!! My thought when most of the people in line before me payed for 5 of these - danish people must be very wealthy
Then Pearl Jam came on - the show itself was, of course, really special! This being my eight gig, I had 7 (!) song premiers (Last Exit, LBC, Cropduster, Wishlist, Footsteps, Smile, Habit) - I never thought the day would come when I see Habit live - thank you thank you thank you to the one who was requesting it! Anybody in the setlist thread wanted to know, which "Speaking as..." Ed used in the song - it was the album one "Speaking as a child of the 90s". And of course, every show with Insignificance is a good one - this song is simply stunning and I'm so glad I catched it a second time now! Ed butchered Smile quite badly but it was cool anyway. I also really like what wolfamongwolves said about "maybe Dennis taking his words back" (hey man, is this name taking from the Will Oldham song?). Push Me Pull Me is always a blast - I have seen it now 3 times out of the 11 times it was played and it keeps getting better! Someone also pointed out, that Cropduster was being played in Europe for the first time - I couldn't believe that but according to the statistics on this site it's true :shock: I loved that song for a long time!
Oh, one thing - I thought that the opening with Small Town into Last Exit was a real blast. It looks kind of strange on paper but wait until your hear the boot!
After X's gig I dropped nearly 15 EUR for two beers (0,4 l) which was just mindblowing...in a bad way! And I was complaining about Berlin's beer price with 9 EUR for a whole litre!!! My thought when most of the people in line before me payed for 5 of these - danish people must be very wealthy
hey, 15 euros for 2 beers you found expensive? I felt like a rich man in Copenhagen when coming back from Oslo... 11 euros for a SINGLE BEER!
14/6/00 Prague 22/9/06 Prague 12/6/07 Munich 15/8/09 Berlin 22/06/10 Dublin 23/06/10 Belfast 30/06/10 Berlin 26/06/12 Amsterdam 02/07/12 Prague 04/07/12 Berlin 05/07/12 Berlin 07/07/12 Stockholm 09/07/12 Oslo 10/07/12 Copenhagen 25/6/14 Vienna 26/6/14 Berlin 1/7/18 Prague 3/7/18 Krakow 5/7/18 Berlin
First things first: this is a FANTASTIC fanview, mate. Utterly fantastic. Something else that's fantastic is THAT communal feeling between the band and us fans. I just finished re-watching PJ20, and those words of Ed's you just recited, I think of them really often, because it really is a very large part of what makes this band so special, here exemplified by Mike's gesture, which is in itself so heartfelt it really just moves me.
As for Roskilde, yea, I think they don't want to keep re-emphasizing what a painful experience it was. For us present, for the band and mostly the affected families. It'll always be a part of them, but time for move forward.
Damn, I hope they show up on our shores again real soon.
Thanks! I totally agree. There is no "us and them" with Pearl Jam. It's symbiosis, baby!
(hey man, is this name taking from the Will Oldham song?)
You're the only person who's ever spotted that, but yep. Good call.
93: Slane
96: Cork, Dublin
00: Dublin
06: London, Dublin
07: London, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
09: Manchester, London
10: Dublin, Belfast, London & Berlin
11: San José
12: Isle of Wight, Copenhagen, Ed in Manchester & London x2
After X's gig I dropped nearly 15 EUR for two beers (0,4 l) which was just mindblowing...in a bad way! And I was complaining about Berlin's beer price with 9 EUR for a whole litre!!! My thought when most of the people in line before me payed for 5 of these - danish people must be very wealthy
hey, 15 euros for 2 beers you found expensive? I felt like a rich man in Copenhagen when coming back from Oslo... 11 euros for a SINGLE BEER!
I know exactly how you feel. Prices in Oslo were crazy high.
After X's gig I dropped nearly 15 EUR for two beers (0,4 l) which was just mindblowing...in a bad way! And I was complaining about Berlin's beer price with 9 EUR for a whole litre!!! My thought when most of the people in line before me payed for 5 of these - danish people must be very wealthy
hey, 15 euros for 2 beers you found expensive? I felt like a rich man in Copenhagen when coming back from Oslo... 11 euros for a SINGLE BEER!
I know exactly how you feel. Prices in Oslo were crazy high.
Can't say we didn't warn you guys . Makes you wonder how Scandinavian teens manage to be amongst the demographic in Europe that drinks the most!
Awesome end to this tour ('only' 4 shows for me - Amsterdam 1&2, Oslo and Copenhagen). Actually cried during Alive thinking how great this has all been for me and remembering 12 years ago.
I know exactly how you feel. Prices in Oslo were crazy high.
Can't say we didn't warn you guys . Makes you wonder how Scandinavian teens manage to be amongst the demographic in Europe that drinks the most!
Hm yeah it's kind of common knowledge that you alcohol prices are really high - I was shocked nonetheless Also 5,00 EUR for 0,4l of Soda...but I have to say, that the prices for water/soda were very high at every venue...is it just me or does anyone else think that they should charge you FAR less for water than for every other drink?
Awesome end to this tour ('only' 4 shows for me - Amsterdam 1&2, Oslo and Copenhagen). Actually cried during Alive thinking how great this has all been for me and remembering 12 years ago.
Awesome end to this tour ('only' 4 shows for me - Amsterdam 1&2, Oslo and Copenhagen). Actually cried during Alive thinking how great this has all been for me and remembering 12 years ago.
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
It was great to hear, and it's been a long time. Thanks.
93: Slane
96: Cork, Dublin
00: Dublin
06: London, Dublin
07: London, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
09: Manchester, London
10: Dublin, Belfast, London & Berlin
11: San José
12: Isle of Wight, Copenhagen, Ed in Manchester & London x2
Awesome end to this tour ('only' 4 shows for me - Amsterdam 1&2, Oslo and Copenhagen). Actually cried during Alive thinking how great this has all been for me and remembering 12 years ago.
They're fantastic! The band with X and Exene leaning back in full howl is brilliant. To say nothing of airborne Ed&Jeff. Well done.
93: Slane
96: Cork, Dublin
00: Dublin
06: London, Dublin
07: London, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
09: Manchester, London
10: Dublin, Belfast, London & Berlin
11: San José
12: Isle of Wight, Copenhagen, Ed in Manchester & London x2
I feel like I should give everybody from foreign countries, who attended the show in Copenhagen, a sincere apology on behalf of Denmark.
I´m not an expert in logistics or in charge of how to run a venue and handle this many people, but it was embarrasing to find soda/beer prices sky high when you had to wait in line for almost an hour to get anything. Also it was impossible to go to the bathroom. I saw a foreign girl who had simply pissed her pants because she couldn´t get out in time. I remember the look on her face.
Also the waiting line outside berfore the show was like 3000 meters long and once you got inside, the heat was unberable and one was in constant lack of fresh air.
Add to this that if you wanted to go outside for a few minutes to cool off you couldn´t access the building again with your ticket!
I find it embarrasing that Denmark can´t handle this stuff and I think it´s a shame that foreigners visit our country and have these experiences :fp:
Roskilde 2000, Berlin 2006,
Athens 2006, Dusseldorf 2007, Copenhagen 2007, New York NY 1 + 2 2008, Berlin
2009, London 2009, London 2010, Berlin 2010, Manchester 2 2012, Berlin 1 2012,
Stockholm 2012, Oslo 2012, Copenhagen 2012, Amsterdam 1 + 2 (EV solo) 2012,
Amsterdam 1 + 2 2014, Stockholm 2014, Oslo 2014, Leeds 2014, Milton Keynes
2014, Heartland Festival DK (EV solo) 2017, Berlin 2018, Barcelona 2018, Copenhagen 2022, Prague 2022 (Cancelled)
I feel like I should give everybody from foreign countries, who attended the show in Copenhagen, a sincere apology on behalf of Denmark.
I´m not an expert in logistics or in charge of how to run a venue and handle this many people, but it was embarrasing to find soda/beer prices sky high when you had to wait in line for almost an hour to get anything. Also it was impossible to go to the bathroom. I saw a foreign girl who had simply pissed her pants because she couldn´t get out in time. I remember the look on her face.
Also the waiting line outside berfore the show was like 3000 meters long and once you got inside, the heat was unberable and one was in constant lack of fresh air.
Add to this that if you wanted to go outside for a few minutes to cool off you couldn´t access the building again with your ticket!
I find it embarrasing that Denmark can´t handle this stuff and I think it´s a shame that foreigners visit our country and have these experiences :fp:
u dont have to say that...dont apologize cos of how was some things at a venue..
we had a great time at your country..lovely country with lovely people..
no complains at all..sure the venue was like we was at a sauna...lol.and big lines too.but nothing to do with the lovely country u are from..i love it!!!im sure most of the fans,if not all from foreign countries.
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
I feel like I should give everybody from foreign countries, who attended the show in Copenhagen, a sincere apology on behalf of Denmark.
I´m not an expert in logistics or in charge of how to run a venue and handle this many people, but it was embarrasing to find soda/beer prices sky high when you had to wait in line for almost an hour to get anything. Also it was impossible to go to the bathroom. I saw a foreign girl who had simply pissed her pants because she couldn´t get out in time. I remember the look on her face.
Have to admit that I was wandering how slow they could be in the beer lines? I couldnt serve beer that slow even if I tried to.
People working in the venue should come and see how 12 thousand thirsty Finns are server beer every other 20 minutes in between hockey periods. They could really learn something
Hotness was unbearable and IHMO the Danish crowd was far less impressive than a couple of nights ago in Stockholm.
Still, two excellent PJ gigs in less than a week. A dream come true. Hopefully they could finally arrive to Helsinki as well, we´ve been waiting for 20 years for the guys.
Remember how bouncy the floor was? Yeah it was hot as he'll, but really bouncy...perfect for Corduroy and Given To Fly.
true ..and for Baba as well
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Love it.
yeah, you simply have to join and jump too.
but few guys made me laugh, trying to push forward thru us saying that they got friends upfront ... we all have friends upfront ....
I've been to many rock/metal concerts and I almost expect people to jump around and have as much fun as they possibly can. I've seen Slayer, Metallica and a bunch of other death, black and progressive metal bands live. They only thing I can disagree with here is the fact that you can't jump around like that if you're not looking who is standing behind you. I several times almost fell on the ground because a guy right in front of me weighted 3 times as much as me and of course he was drunk so he couldn't control himself. That is a problem for me. And I also have the right to stand up front to watch my favorite band. It's just not fun to be at a concert and only be 5'4 and thin - And fainting too because I couldn't get air since majority in there was tall men. Well, I got out alive. And I loved the experience. I wished for a more lively crowd and less drunken big guys pushing me on the ground. I didn't tell him anything.. Everyone has their own ways. I although could have got bad hurt if I landed on the ground with him on top of me.
The point is. Have fun and JUMP AROUND. Just look who is behind you before doing so. Were I stood up front I couldn't even jump. The crowd was too tight and hot. I loved the show.
Take care
Denmark Copenhagen Forum 10-07-2012
Oh wow, the Forum was a hot box! Me and my tour life partner were about ten 'rows' from the front around centre and I have to appolgies to anybody I sweated on. I was dripping after X, who were as great as ever. We got treated to the whole of PJ invading one of their songs, was awesome to see Matt up front sharing a mic and Ed playing his Uke next to Billy Zoom. Pretty magical shit, plus Mike came out for another and Ed, erasing my fears that he would be taking it easy due to illness, treated us to one last Devil Doll. Really sad to see X finish there support run, but very happy to have been introduced to their music.
A bunch of young guys pushed through and some couples, the ladies didn't hold it together though and after some drama the guys were forced to go with them to the side...thankfully my wife toughed it out. Great setlist, all tour they've been bringing it and this show I got LBC, Cropduster, Glorified G and Habit. Was also pleased by a couple of harmonica songs, even though Smile was under sad circumstances...Jeff on guitar and Stone on bass with Ed messing up actually turned out to be a joy. Had some top sing-a-longs with Stone who was in fine voice. Bit of comedy when Ed told Mike they were going to play Baba (not sure if that was set listed) and he had his Yellow Ledbetter guitar on, Ed pretend to get fed up waiting while the change was made and said Goodnight walking off stage. The music soon madevhim turn on his heels for some tambourine flinging fun.
Dude next to us found a very expensive silver sony compact with a lens attached on the floor by our feet...we held it up for a while during the encore and hung around at the end of the show hoping the owner would come looking, but no luck. My wife handed it in to security so hopefully it found it's way back to it's owner.
I've felt totally spoilt this Summer and want to thank the band for not just coming to Europe but playing such a wicked string of shows...was a dream come true to have been a small part of it all. Seeing the band clink their beer bottles together round the back as Mike wrapped up Yellow Ledbetter really was a sweet moment. They looked rightfully pleased with a job very well done.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/spagmaster ... 543236006/
On Immagine in Cornice, Ed talks about a "two-shirt show" as an indicator that it was a special one. Well, this might just have been the first "four-shirt show" - the CND shirt, the Rocky shirt, a shirt with a vinyl spindle adapter on it, and ending up wearing matching X shirts with Mike. In the queue, lots of folk had been talking about Ed's voice from the last few shows (this is the only show other than the Isle of Wight that we made it to). But he threw caution to the wind since it was the last night to get through and held nothing back - even if he did spend and inordinate proportion of the show blowing his nose.
A quick note about X: I've loved their music for quite a few years, and I had been really excited about getting to see them in Costa Rica last year, but I was disappointed. Exene's voice seemed off and they weren't very tight. In Copenhagen it was a different story. They were absolutely fantastic, and really seemed to be loving it. And when all of PJ came out to join them for The World's a Mess, it was hysterical - Ed & Jeff on ukes, Matt and Stone on tambs and Mike on crazy dance duty. It was pretty obvious a fun night was in the offing. Mike came back for New World and Ed added a third voice to Devil Doll (note to Sea - that's missing from X's set list on page 1). (My girlfriend thought it was really cute when Ed planted a little kiss on Exene's head when he left the stage.)
I had been worried about the show, remembering how rough it was in 2007. But you couldn't have cherry-picked a better crowd. It reminded me of the crowd in Dublin in 2006 in that even though the energy was electric from the very beginning, where we were (on the rail, just to the left of Mike) there was absolutely no pressure or pushing. It was perfect and made the show all the more enjoyable.
Small Town is a great starter for creating an intimate, friendly feel to a show, and it kept that feel all the way through. The crowd singing the guitar part on Evolution (and after) was overwhelming, and the band were loving it. Aside from playing Love Boat Captain, there was surprisingly no mention of Roskilde, though my girlfriend's theory is that the Berlin '10 speech was the last word and the decision to look forward, not back. That said, Love Boat Captain was especially poignant, and Mike in particular looked pretty cut up.
Speaking of death, Ed's speech about Dennis Flemion having contributed the words to Smile was really sweet and moving (I hadn't heard he had died) and maybe being upset about it was the reason for his complete brain-fart on the song. Or maybe Dennis just took his words back...
Corduroy was one of the finest versions I can remember, with an absolutely colossal finish, and Mike's solos on that and on Present Tense were gorgeous. During Even Flow, I saw Jeff watching Mike lose his mind with what looked like a cross between awe and brotherly pride.
Given some of the things they've pulled out on this tour (Hitchhiker, Bugs etc), I was expecting a more diverse setlist, but Cropduster was the only song I've never heard live. It was a nice surprise (as was Push Me Pull Me - always fun), and a better song than it gets credit for. But if they were going to play a Riot Act song, I would have preferred Half Full or Thumbing My Way. Also, sad to see that Better Things was scratched from the setlist (making for a very short first set). I really would have liked to hear that one.
That's all the complaints - even though, after getting really excited after (apparently) hearing Tom Petty play Here Comes My Girl during the soundcheck, he didn't show. With a show this good, he wasn't needed and I forgot that we were even expecting him.
There was something of a theme running between the great Wishlist improv tag about greed and war, Insignificance and Glorified G - all bound together by Ed's comments comparing Boeing in Seattle to windfarms in Denmark.
The old-school tryptych of Why Go, State and Porch rounded out the first set a little too early but in a blistering fashion. I don't know whether it was the strains on his voice but Ed sang the SolaT choruses in a lower register, and it made for a nice, different version.
The encores more than made up for the short main set. I actually remember thinking at some point during Alive that maybe they just won't stop playing at all. Footsteps was unexpected and beautiful, and worked well with Just Breathe. (Just Breathe is a great song to have your girl by your side for, even if she's spent 2 hours staring at other men, who - being rock stars - are for cooler than you'll ever hope to be. :roll: sorry Tru...) Given to Fly and Unthought Known made me wish it was an outdoor show where we could see the sky. And The Fixer was, as always, just really great fun.
Ed started taking up request signs from the crowd, Bruce-style, and I saw Ole, Hard to Imagine, Habit. He threw back Who You Are (which made me sad), and I'm really glad Jeff didn't see the Sweet Lew sign. I think Mike did, and thankfully kept schtum. So it was all the more surprising when they then went into Jeremy. It was a particularly fine version, though. I was expecting the end there, after 6 songs, so RVM was an amazing bonus. And like some other people have said, to get both Porch and RVM... That was something.
Every second song of the second encore also seemed like a bonus. When I was expecting Better Man, we got Habit first (from the pizza box requests earlier, and it was a blinder). When I was expecting Alive, we got Crazy Mary first, and when I was expecting Yellow Ledbetter, we got Baba first. Better Man was truly brilliant - with a full Save it for Later tag, plus an improv. It also held a particular meaning for me this time around which made it all the more special. Ed distracted us from Mike and Boom's Crazy Mary duel by coming down and pouring wine into everyone's water cups before giving the bottle to my fellow Irishman just behind me.
Alive was tremendous - both Mike and Ed came down off the stage and got up close and personal with the front row, which really brought that whole communal, celebratory vibe to a climax. (Ed in PJ20: "There's a communal exchange. There's obviously a line between who's on stage and who's in the crowd... but not really.") Ed's words for the touring fans before Alive were so heartfelt and moving. Just as Stone started the song, and before Mike kicked in, I caught Mike's eye, put my hand to my heart and mouthed "Thank you". He repeated the same gesture to me, with a little bow, and then started thanking everyone else, individually, pointing at everyone in turn and mouthing "Thank you" to each of us. It was a really beautiful moment.
It was wonderful to hear Baba O’Riley for the first time since my first show, exactly 19 years ago to the day, and, even though the houselights had been up since Alive, I couldn't imagine them ending the tour with anything other than Yellow Ledbetter. Mike looked all choked up again, and as he finished, Stone walked over and gave him a really big cosy hug. You could just tell that the band were as moved by it all as we were. I cannot imagine how it felt for those who did all or most of the tour, because it felt pretty special to me, having done only 2 shows, with 2 weeks between them. But as always, there was such a sense of community amongst everyone, and it was wonderful to be part of it, to see some old friends again and meet some new ones - some of whom, I hope we'll see in Manchester and London in a few weeks for Ed's shows.
PS: the community goes beyond the tour. We would have had a much harder time getting home last night after our flight was delayed for four hours, if it hadn't have been for the kindness of touring-fan strangers on a plane. Thanks Ian and Ruth.
96: Cork, Dublin
00: Dublin
06: London, Dublin
07: London, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
09: Manchester, London
10: Dublin, Belfast, London & Berlin
11: San José
12: Isle of Wight, Copenhagen, Ed in Manchester & London x2
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
First things first: this is a FANTASTIC fanview, mate. Utterly fantastic. Something else that's fantastic is THAT communal feeling between the band and us fans. I just finished re-watching PJ20, and those words of Ed's you just recited, I think of them really often, because it really is a very large part of what makes this band so special, here exemplified by Mike's gesture, which is in itself so heartfelt it really just moves me.
As for Roskilde, yea, I think they don't want to keep re-emphasizing what a painful experience it was. For us present, for the band and mostly the affected families. It'll always be a part of them, but time for move forward.
Damn, I hope they show up on our shores again real soon.
X played their first song just as we picked up the beautiful poster and I have to say, that I enjoyed them very much this evening. Missing them in Prague and seeing them in Berlin two days in a row didn't left much of an impression but this time, I thought they were really good. The PJ guest spots were a nice gesture, but apart from Ed's vox on Devil Doll, it wasn't really more than that. After X's gig I dropped nearly 15 EUR for two beers (0,4 l) which was just mindblowing...in a bad way! And I was complaining about Berlin's beer price with 9 EUR for a whole litre!!! My thought when most of the people in line before me payed for 5 of these - danish people must be very wealthy
Then Pearl Jam came on - the show itself was, of course, really special! This being my eight gig, I had 7 (!) song premiers (Last Exit, LBC, Cropduster, Wishlist, Footsteps, Smile, Habit) - I never thought the day would come when I see Habit live - thank you thank you thank you to the one who was requesting it! Anybody in the setlist thread wanted to know, which "Speaking as..." Ed used in the song - it was the album one "Speaking as a child of the 90s". And of course, every show with Insignificance is a good one - this song is simply stunning and I'm so glad I catched it a second time now! Ed butchered Smile quite badly but it was cool anyway. I also really like what wolfamongwolves said about "maybe Dennis taking his words back"
Oh, one thing - I thought that the opening with Small Town into Last Exit was a real blast. It looks kind of strange on paper but wait until your hear the boot!
hey, 15 euros for 2 beers you found expensive? I felt like a rich man in Copenhagen when coming back from Oslo... 11 euros for a SINGLE BEER!
You're the only person who's ever spotted that, but yep. Good call.
96: Cork, Dublin
00: Dublin
06: London, Dublin
07: London, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
09: Manchester, London
10: Dublin, Belfast, London & Berlin
11: San José
12: Isle of Wight, Copenhagen, Ed in Manchester & London x2
It was me ... !!!!
Can't say we didn't warn you guys
My photos are at http://www.flickr.com/photos/whaley/tags/lastfm%3Aevent%3D3137357/
Hm yeah it's kind of common knowledge that you alcohol prices are really high - I was shocked nonetheless
PJ - Auckland 2009; Alpine Valley1&2 2011; Man1, Am'dam1&2, Berlin1&2, Stockholm, Oslo & Copenhagen 2012; LA, Oakland, Portland, Spokane, Calgary, Vancouver, Seattle 2013; Auckland 2014, Auckland1&2 2024
EV - Canberra, Newcastle & Sydney 1&2 2011
I really like your photos!
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Merci pour Habit to you!
It was great to hear, and it's been a long time. Thanks.
96: Cork, Dublin
00: Dublin
06: London, Dublin
07: London, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
09: Manchester, London
10: Dublin, Belfast, London & Berlin
11: San José
12: Isle of Wight, Copenhagen, Ed in Manchester & London x2
They're fantastic! The band with X and Exene leaning back in full howl is brilliant. To say nothing of airborne Ed&Jeff. Well done.
96: Cork, Dublin
00: Dublin
06: London, Dublin
07: London, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
09: Manchester, London
10: Dublin, Belfast, London & Berlin
11: San José
12: Isle of Wight, Copenhagen, Ed in Manchester & London x2
I´m not an expert in logistics or in charge of how to run a venue and handle this many people, but it was embarrasing to find soda/beer prices sky high when you had to wait in line for almost an hour to get anything. Also it was impossible to go to the bathroom. I saw a foreign girl who had simply pissed her pants because she couldn´t get out in time. I remember the look on her face.
Also the waiting line outside berfore the show was like 3000 meters long and once you got inside, the heat was unberable and one was in constant lack of fresh air.
Add to this that if you wanted to go outside for a few minutes to cool off you couldn´t access the building again with your ticket!
I find it embarrasing that Denmark can´t handle this stuff and I think it´s a shame that foreigners visit our country and have these experiences :fp:
Roskilde 2000, Berlin 2006, Athens 2006, Dusseldorf 2007, Copenhagen 2007, New York NY 1 + 2 2008, Berlin 2009, London 2009, London 2010, Berlin 2010, Manchester 2 2012, Berlin 1 2012, Stockholm 2012, Oslo 2012, Copenhagen 2012, Amsterdam 1 + 2 (EV solo) 2012, Amsterdam 1 + 2 2014, Stockholm 2014, Oslo 2014, Leeds 2014, Milton Keynes 2014, Heartland Festival DK (EV solo) 2017, Berlin 2018, Barcelona 2018, Copenhagen 2022, Prague 2022 (Cancelled)
we had a great time at your country..lovely country with lovely people..
no complains at all..sure the venue was like we was at a sauna...lol.and big lines too.but nothing to do with the lovely country u are from..i love it!!!im sure most of the fans,if not all from foreign countries.
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Have to admit that I was wandering how slow they could be in the beer lines? I couldnt serve beer that slow even if I tried to.
People working in the venue should come and see how 12 thousand thirsty Finns are server beer every other 20 minutes in between hockey periods. They could really learn something
Hotness was unbearable and IHMO the Danish crowd was far less impressive than a couple of nights ago in Stockholm.
Still, two excellent PJ gigs in less than a week. A dream come true. Hopefully they could finally arrive to Helsinki as well, we´ve been waiting for 20 years for the guys.
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Loved Baba both times, but Copenhagen was best.