He's in the news! ...

so I have been wanting to find out more...
these are excerpts from his book in 2000 ... might have to pick it up.
Boy that one quote hit my heart about the sheeping of Americans
but thank goodness we have seen many now who will stand up and be heros
in the face of personal danger.
Ted has quite a sense of humor and a bigger than life enthusiasm
44 concert dates scheduled this spring summer :shock:
these are excerpts from his book in 2000 ... might have to pick it up.
Boy that one quote hit my heart about the sheeping of Americans
but thank goodness we have seen many now who will stand up and be heros
in the face of personal danger.
Ted has quite a sense of humor and a bigger than life enthusiasm
44 concert dates scheduled this spring summer :shock:
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"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
i know it happens. i met a women in the rainforest up in western washington and she works at this lodge and she told us her neighbor saw a cougar out back in the nearby woods. someone shot it and they strung it up and butchered the big cat and ate the fucker. she made me sick to my stomach and in my head i was telling her off bigtime and i even resorted to despicable name calling.
it felt beautiful to me by calling her foul names.
if she wasn't our waitress at the lodge i believe i may have been rude. honestly i wished i was a big nasty broad. i'd have slapped her fucking stupider than she is.
ted nugent quoates are not inspiring to me at all.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Me not so much.
I think the quote about people hiding in the face of danger though spot on
After 911, which was after these quotes, taught people to fight to save a life.
As a group as a collective power. Ted was right about that ... fighting back.
So much of his stuff is tongue in cheek, his humor attention getting.
Perhaps you can relate, your humor is sometimes similar and I find
both entertaining, as you know or guessed.
Ted, he eats what he kills.
As the other thread mentioned really no different then eating a cow or chicken.
I was shocked at the 44 concert dates really why I posted ... I had no idea! :shock:
I guess he still has a following musically.
I wonder if anyone here has seen him live or read his book? Well that will admit to.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
but we have covered that quite a bit.
I have done a little more research on him
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_QjEL0uUgo I know some people that
agree with him on this subject, I have listened to their words and Ted minces none here.
however, i do believe in protecting ourselves and all that stuff with guns.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
now older, I really disagree with how he lives, but that's not for me to judge. sometimes I hear his music, stranglehold, and pearl jam is so against that general mindset I feel an inter-conflict inside me saying, is it really okay to listen?
If I'm in the mood, I will and if not I won't. don't have anything to do with pj or ted's way of life. Music is the common denominator here.
just saying my 2c.
New Orleans LA 7/4/95 reschedule 9/17/95
Chicago IL 1998, 10/9/00, 06/18/03, 05/16/06, 05/17/06
08/23/09, 08/24/09, Lolla 08/05/07
Champaign IL 4/23/03
Grand Rapids MI VFC 10/03/04
Grand Rapids MI 19May06
Noblesville IN 05/07/10 Cleveland OH 05/09/10
PJ 20 2011
Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Seattle WA 2013
St. Louis MO, Milwaukee WI 2014
Tampa FL, Chicago IL, Lexington KY 2016
Missoula MT 2018
And really I don't see a problem with eating a cougar.
And I don't care about his or Eds political views.
I have never seen him perform live and only know the big radio hits.
I was going to delve deeper and see if he has any music I might like that never made the charts.
thanks for your input
I still love the music! That's the connection ... like Amy mentioned.
a simple yes/no answer is all it takes to answer this question.
if ed shot elephant on his annual safari to Africa would you view him the same as you do today?
again... yes or no is all you need say
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
He is a one-hit wonder from the 70s who stays relevant by making incendiary comments that he knows will get people rilled up and talking about him. "Hey look at me!!!"
At least if you don't like Pearl Jam's politics, and they aren't playing their politics like Nugent does, then you still have their music. I know two Ted Nugent songs and they're both from the 70s. What has he done lately?
And good for Ft. Knox for canceling his performance there. The only way to fight back against him is to hit him where it hurts..in the pocketbook!
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I have wrongly judged others based on my values, lacking insight and compassion
for what I thought was their values and how they chose to live their lives.
I will not do that again, not in the case of hunters, because they hunt does not make them bad
or any less human than I.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owIF9DyZ ... re=related I found this song I liked
old rocker still doing pretty good ... fun!
fans, like we would be disappointed if one of PJ's concerts were cancelled.
It seemed a bit immature on the part of our administration....
like retaliation towards one using their freedom of speech.
he's a fucking idiot, to put it nicely.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
He's not an idiot. He has differing points of view from conservative society... but he's not an idiot. In fact, it's tough not to agree very strongly with some of his views such as the one he presents regarding our pathetic judicial system. We hear over and over again the repeat offences by scumbags that, quite frankly, need killing. We're far from enlightened when we pat ourselves on the back thinking we have serviced someone and then are forced to track them down again after another innocent member of society crosses their path.
I would say that the 'idiots' are the 'enlightened ones' that keep evolution and natural selection from occurring. Pedophile... you need death. Violent crime... you need death too.
Disagree with this? Crime maybe hasn't hit close enough to home yet. Hugh... you're Canadian. How do you feel about Michael Rafferty? Do you actually think we are better off going through massive court expenditures and institutionalizing him for even more expenditures instead of alloting that money to our education and medical systems? Ted thinks we're idiots for doing so. I tend to agree with him.
You can disagree with him- but you cannot call him an idiot for having a different point of view- even if he presents it a little stronger than what you might like to hear.
By the way... love my Tool Salival!
your view is the idiots are the ones that keep natural selection from occuring? REALLY? kill or be killed? this is the society you want to live in? because natural selection has absolutely nothing to do with killing the "bad ones", it's just killing the weak to strengthen the herd. the pedophiles aren't the weak, their victims are. pedophiles are predators.
I think you might want to rethink your stance on this. it's a pretty dangerous line of thinking.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
so your solution is what? kill a man without due process so we can give our children more books? I believe in due process. I think the benefits of it to society far outweigh the economics.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Let's not get carried away here. Kill or be killed? That's not what I stated. I stated that Ted Nugent's stance on 'dead offenders' versus 'repeat offenders' is much more palpable for my personal tastes than feeble efforts to rehabilitate those that are simply beyond rehabilitation.
We've gone too far the other way. To illustrate my point, we have one local degenerate with over 40 convictions to his credit that was recently arrested... sigh... again... with pictures of young ones playing in their school playground. He took those pictures because people who share the same position as you have allowed for such opportunity.
Maybe a compromise? Say, 20 convictions for child molestation. Then death. Fair enough?
A little quicker process and a quicker, more appropriate ending would be okay with me.
well you are the one who said that natural selection is a fair premise. natural selection = kill or be killed. natural selection involves predators and prey. the prey is generally the weak, or the vulnerable, hence, the victims in the animal kingdom.
it's funny that you equate the failures of the justice system with my stance. I truly believe that as a society we need to be much tougher on crime and criminals; the system is broken, if it ever worked in the first place is even up for debate. so I personally have allowed for no such opportunity, and to suggest such is kind of an insult I might add. you don't have to be one with the Nuge to be effective.
and no, not fair enough. tough on crime, but death to no one.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
unfortunately the reason we have a much slower process is because too many people were being wrongly convicted due to unfair processes.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I can debate this all night and, credit being given, it sounds as if you can as well. I'm not really prepared to do so, but I need to state the following:
People with soft stances on crime have given countless creeps several opportunities to prove they are worthless. I'm sorry you took offence to my comment, but it's fair to say we are on opposite ends of the spectrum. On my end of the spectrum, Mr. Kaza would not have been haunting the schoolgrounds of Kamloops after proving- several times- that's what he was going to do.
You have suggested that the system (one is left to assume you mean judicial or penal system) is broke (beyond debate), yet you put forth no suggestion for repairing it. Perhaps if you could suggest a more appropriate system- one that will not allow for perpetual losers to thrive- I might be able to soften my stance.
Lastly, death is extreme. In all honesty, I used it as a figure of speech and perhaps made my position a little stronger than I should have presented. Put more accurately, but with obvious sarcasm to emphasize my point, I'm tired of the country club prisons: 3 squares, air-conditioning, X-Box, cable television, supervised and unsupervised 'day trips', etc. I'd prefer a gulag style prison... with a 'bit' of death where appropriate (Rafferty needs it).
well I'll suggest it when asked, my good man! quite simply and very generally, stop the revolving door let's-give-this-guy-another-chance-because-he-was-abused-as-a-kid and oh let's-give-this-guy-double-credit-for-time-served bullshit. double credit time served? I have no idea where that originated, but it makes no sense. what's the point of that? my boss doesn't arbitrarily give me double my salary for no reason, so why do convicted felons get half off their sentence for no reason?
and so this person was abused. so what? does that mean he won't reoffend? NO! it means he probably WILL! so try to rehabilitate him, and if it doesn't work, lock the fucker up. it's that simple. we can't just HOPE he won't do anything and let him go because we feel sorry for him.
our judges are way too soft. it's getting sickening to see someone get convicted only to get half what the Crown asks for. it's almost like you have to ask for death just to get the guy kept in jail.
I'm fairly socially liberal, but I don't get why people think that translates into soft on crime. you do the crime you do the fucking time. end of story.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Well, it sounds as if we are more alike than what it did when we started out. I have to agree with you regarding judges- what do they do? They do not actually 'judge' at sentencing... they cite precedence (actual work done by other judges), shrug their shoulders and then race off to the golf course.
We'll still have to agree to disagree on the appropriateness of the death penalty.
both of you are intelligent and articulate in stating your views, nice
when opposing views can meet up a bit, thanks for the input also.
I believe that debate may have stemmed from Ted's youtube video
about self defense I posted earlier.
it was compelling for me and I wholeheartedly agree with Ted
I am not a proponent of the death penalty,
perhaps it may seem ironic then... I believe it is our basic right
and duty to defend and protect ourselves, our loved ones and our property.
Ted is wild west I guess and I must be a little of that too.
Another interview showing his down to earth common sense attitude about
a huge issue facing our country with a few chuckles and a great tune to go along with!
have you ever executed someone? and if not, do you think you could do it? why, or why not?
have you ever been in prison? where are these country club prisons for murderers and pedophiles that you speak of?
do you think it's POSSIBLE for a person to be wrongfully convicted of one of these crimes we are speaking of? how do you feel about killing innocent people?
do you have any idea how expensive it is to sentence someone to death? maybe if you did, you would re-think your stance on killing pedophiles (which unfortunately, there are MILLIONS of). or maybe you just think we should do away with due process? shoot 'em dead right in the courtroom maybe?
as you've already mentioned, these people are sick. some can and should be rehabilitated, some are beyond that. but for you to suggest that they should all be executed is absurd.
i don't think you've thought this through much.
....i think maybe we should go back to branding...for repeat sex crime offenders. there's a suggestion.
but I was really speaking to his book and outrageous character...
I have included songs though
trying to remain 'good'