The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
For my brother to call me tomorrow. He has a firework hook up in New Mexico and should be setting me up with some of the good stuff that's illegal here in AZ. Mortars and those type of things. He gave me a couple samples that are barely over the law here but will be fricking awesome. My brother is going through his stash and will let me know if it is worth me doing the 1 1/2 hour drive on Friday to his place to load up. Thats the call I am waiting for. For New Years we will be going to the factory in New Mexico and getting all the good stuff in December.
Tom Brady & Donald Trump, BFF's Fuckus rules all Rob Seattle
If it's me, I didn't puke wedding cake either. Give me a few weeks. My felonious sister is having her hippie shin-dig wedding on the 11th.
I'm glad neither of you puked! I actually like some wedding cake, regular cake just doesn't taste the same. I went on a road trip after my wedding...we are cake the entire way.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
that new Showtime internet service to come on Hulu next month
Even if their movies, aside from old live action Disney and old Universal movies, are meh for the most part.
I'm waiting for the inevitable rate increase from hulu that will come from this. Interesting how HBO and Showtime picked different models on how to do internet only packages.
I'm waiting for the wife to get out of the bath so we can go to the gym. Who bathes before the gym anyways. I walk out of that place smelling like a wet dog on a humid day.
Showtime is still going with Apple, though. It's a buck cheaper on Hulu. Starz is the only one that hasn't caved in yet. Epix has their movies on Amazon and Netflix and even live feeds of their channels on that new Sling TV cordless cable service on Roku.
I'm waiting for Crackle to stop malfunctioning on both Roku and Apple. In the meantime, I'm using airplay on my iPhone to watch on my flat screen.
My mamaw to get here to Oregon from KY...she's moving here to live with my mom....and I'm super excited because I adore her....and she'll be here on July 21st which is also my hubby's I'm super stoked!!! It's happening soon!
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
I will post some pics on Friday when I get back. No mortars this round (too short of notice) but there are some M80's, some roman candles, some kick ass bottle rockets (no cheap stuff from Mexico, the head is the width of a nickle) and some illegal fountains for here in AZ. Here is one of the ones I am getting. Keep in mind we cant have anything that goes more than 15' in the air in my town. The real hook up starts for new years and I am happy to share with my degenerate brethren if anyone needs/wants the good stuff.
I did not. I did want to poke her in the eye. I had to explain that we can't leave liquid filled pieces in the window because they start growing things. I also had to explain that we can't put fiber items in the windows because of fading. Oh, she kept redisplaying things. She is Monday only. I have her or Julia, the bitch from the west.
Pam and I did have a good laugh yesterday when I was speaking to one of the people in charge of ordering and trying to explain the decline of quality of a giclee print we received. Out of my mouth poured the description that the item we had received was like what you'd see at one of those starving artist sales. (You know the ones. They are advertised at local hotels and they are really crappy hotel art.) Pam's response was classic, "Once that came out, you just couldn't take it back!" Um, no. I couldn't. I wouldn't anyhow. The artist also incorrectly numbered her items. The print names are hokey and when they ordered from her, apparently they asked that she leave the titles off. She did not. I don't think we'll be ordering work from that artist again. (It's bad stuff anyhow and I have no idea why they placed a reorder.) So incredibly gross.
Toni is back today! I love her and at least I get 2 Toni days a week! (She's the one who went to Pixies with Dave and me and to Hellyeah and J Roddy with Mark and me.) Girlfriend is fun and goofy and she doesn't yell at me.
- Christopher McCandless
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
Fuckus rules all
- Christopher McCandless
I'm waiting for Crackle to stop malfunctioning on both Roku and Apple. In the meantime, I'm using airplay on my iPhone to watch on my flat screen.
Tattooed Dissident!
Fuckus rules all
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Fuckus rules all
Tattooed Dissident!
Can start my new job!
going back to bed
Pam and I did have a good laugh yesterday when I was speaking to one of the people in charge of ordering and trying to explain the decline of quality of a giclee print we received. Out of my mouth poured the description that the item we had received was like what you'd see at one of those starving artist sales. (You know the ones. They are advertised at local hotels and they are really crappy hotel art.) Pam's response was classic, "Once that came out, you just couldn't take it back!" Um, no. I couldn't. I wouldn't anyhow. The artist also incorrectly numbered her items. The print names are hokey and when they ordered from her, apparently they asked that she leave the titles off. She did not. I don't think we'll be ordering work from that artist again. (It's bad stuff anyhow and I have no idea why they placed a reorder.) So incredibly gross.
Toni is back today! I love her and at least I get 2 Toni days a week! (She's the one who went to Pixies with Dave and me and to Hellyeah and J Roddy with Mark and me.) Girlfriend is fun and goofy and she doesn't yell at me.
And she isn't an anti-textite.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1