I think that Ed fucks up that song more often than he gets it right. But I don't care - I've come to regard him fucking it up as part of it's charm....and his!
The best ones are when he fucks it up so badly that he stops and makes a comment about it ("Ugh! Shit!") before continuing.
And yes....for anyone wondering...I am easily entertained.
Last Exit from Alpine I in '98, second verse, i think, he flubs it, band keeps playing a little and Ed finally says "Ah Fuck it lets go to the next one!"
This right here is brilliant! I don't think I've ever heard that one...I'll have to go and check my boots!
I'm on Facebook - facebook.com/christopher.leesye1
1998 Brisbane 2
2003 Brisbane 1
2006 LA 1 & 2
2008 LA 2, San Diego 1 (EV)
2009 LA 1, 2, 3 & 4, San Diego
2011 St. Louis (EV)
2012 Tulsa 1 & 2 (EV)
2013 Chicago, Dallas & OKC
Sometimes, San Fran 2 06, Opened the show, to quote Ed, while the band was playing waiting for him to sing, he said "I forgot the Fucking words" so they just stop playing, then it was on to the next song
Sometimes, San Fran 2 06, Opened the show, to quote Ed, while the band was playing waiting for him to sing, he said "I forgot the Fucking words" so they just stop playing, then it was on to the next song
Pretty bad.
Also vote for State College Satans Bed (which wasn't so much a lyrical flub as a we haven't practiced this together at all in 8 years but we will play it anyway flub)
And Las Vegas Last Kiss (missed two out of three verses I think)
I was at all 3 of these shows! I'm are there are more from shows I've never even heard the bootleg of...
But... How has no one mentioned Alive from the 2000 tour in, I think, Spain or maybe England? Alive! The song played more than any other! What a fuck up. It's maybe the funniest flub.
And on Sometimes... That is the only time I've heard that song. :( well, 1/3 of it....
ABQ 93, Las Cruces 95, ABQ 98, Bridge School 10/30/99, Lubbock 00, ABQ 00, Denver 03, State College 03, San Diego 03, Vegas 03, PHX 03, D.C. 03, Camden 7/5/03, NYC 7/8/03 + 7/9/03, Vegas 06, San Francisco 7/15/06 + 7/16/06 + 7/18/06, Kansas City 10, [EV:ABQ 11/6/12], Chicago 13, PHX 13, Denver 14--PJ24!, Telluride 16, Chicago 8/20/16, Chicago 8/18/18, Phoenix 22, Denver 22, Vegas 5/16/24
New Mexico Pearl Jam Fans (New Mexico, USA) on Facebook!
But... How has no one mentioned Alive from the 2000 tour in, I think, Spain or maybe England? Alive! The song played more than any other! What a fuck up. It's maybe the funniest flub.
San Sebastian and Dublin were both terrible. San Sebastian was the worst of the 2, I think the whole band just fucked up Alive!
2000: Manchester
2006: Dublin; Leeds; Arnhem
2007: London
2009: Manchester
2012: Manchester I & II : EV Manchester : Soundgarden Shepherds Bush
2013: Brad Manchester : Soundgarden Manchester
2014: Amsterdam I & II; Berlin; Leeds; Milton Keynes 2018: Berlin; London II; Boston II
Its kinda got to the point where its not a normal show if he doesn't screw up!
2000: Manchester
2006: Dublin; Leeds; Arnhem
2007: London
2009: Manchester
2012: Manchester I & II : EV Manchester : Soundgarden Shepherds Bush
2013: Brad Manchester : Soundgarden Manchester
2014: Amsterdam I & II; Berlin; Leeds; Milton Keynes 2018: Berlin; London II; Boston II
But... How has no one mentioned Alive from the 2000 tour in, I think, Spain or maybe England? Alive! The song played more than any other! What a fuck up. It's maybe the funniest flub.
San Sebastian and Dublin were both terrible. San Sebastian was the worst of the 2, I think the whole band just fucked up Alive!
now u mention 2000,true about San Sebastian..(ehhhh..,what the fuck part is brilliant.
so much to be a proffecional band....we did smoke a lot of hasish..lets go ,who gives a fuck.... )
but Lisbon 2000 is epik.....!!!
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Also at his solo show in Honolulu in '09 he just couldn't remember the words to Crazy Mary so he pulled a fan up on stage who sat on the floor in front of him and coached him through it.
nice at least he knows where he can get help if needed
Yeah, State College 03 Satan's Bed but cut him some slack. They weren't prepared to break that one out.
I don't mind the lyrical flubs but to fuck up the same songs over and over is a little ridiculous.
Immortality gets messed up a lot. Especially on the 2000 boots. I am not sure he has ever sang Whipping correctly. One of the Spain shows in 2000 is the worst fuck-up of Alive ever. I think that got mentioned below. Breath is a total crap shoot, especially in 2003. He even screwed up the lyrics in the official video for World Wide Suicide! Got Some is never the same twice. I went back and listened to Hartford 2008 the other day. Great show, but he mumbles his way through a surprising amount of lyrics.
Its funny and all, but if Stone or Mike fucked up that much everyone would be upset.
The worst two I've seen haven't really been lyric flubs, but were horrible none the less.
I'm Open - Hartford '06 before he remembered how to play it.
Love Boat Captain - Camden '08
2006: Hartford 2008: Camden 2, Hartford 2010: Hartford 2013: Wrigley, Worcester x2, Hartford 2015: NYC 2016: Philly 2, MSG x2, Boston 2, (TOTD Philly 2, MSG) 2018: Prague, Krakow, Berlin, Boston x2 2022: San Diego, Sacramento, Las Vegas
the first night of last year's Bridge School he stopped after screwing up Neil's Long May You Run. The next night Neil came out and helped him through it. awesome.
the first night of last year's Bridge School he stopped after screwing up Neil's Long May You Run. The next night Neil came out and helped him through it. awesome.
He must have really fucked it up, because I could have sworn that he tried to play Don't Cry No Tears.
Its funny and all, but if Stone or Mike fucked up that much everyone would be upset.
THIS :!:
If anyone but Ed eff'd up that much they'd probably be out of a job.
Regardless, I'm just glad we always have a chance to hear so many rarities/ obscure songs as opposed to the same sampling every show.
Side note: Whilst reading through this thread & listening to PJ Radio, I heard quite a few flubs . Still, for my money, almost nothing compares.
6/01/06 E.Rutherford NJ.
Ed says "this one's for the connisseur" before the band breaks out w/Alone.
Midway through the song Ed forgets the 2nd verse, mumbles a bit, can't remember the lyrics and the band just stops playing. The crowds going nuts yelling "play it again" so after about a minute they launch right back into the spot they left off and finish up beautifully.
Before the next song Ed says kind of apoligitically "At least I know this one" as the first chords of Jeremy are heard, but as soon as he starts to sing he forgets the opening lyrics to this one too. hee-hee.
Also at his solo show in Honolulu in '09 he just couldn't remember the words to Crazy Mary so he pulled a fan up on stage who sat on the floor in front of him and coached him through it.
See these are the things us fans love the most. Thats why its so heart breaking that they would remove COME BACK from the 2011 Toronto boot. I believe it was Toronto.
I agree with dwhite that these are the things the fans love the most! I find it so endearing when Ed forgets the words. I was at Bridge last year when he forgot the words to Don't Cry No Tears, but later on sang it beautifully!
By the way,I believe it was the Edmonton 2011 show that they removed Come Back from. I have listened to that version on YouTube, and I honestly don't see that much wrong with it. What do others think?
The beauty that is Love Boat Captain from Vancouver Sept 2, 2005...what a
trainwreck...he just kept saying "fuck".
So funny to me
By the way,I believe it was the Edmonton 2011 show that they removed Come Back from. I have listened to that version on YouTube, and I honestly don't see that much wrong with it. What do others think?
I thought it was because Mike missed his solo? - But you're right.... wasn't Ed's worst version of it!
The thing I like most about time is that it's not real. It's all in the head. Sure, it's a useful trick to use if you want to meet someone at a specific place in the universe and have tea or coffee- but that's all it is- a trick. There is no such thing as the past. It exists only in the memory. There is no such thing as the future. It exists only in our imagination. If our watches were truly accurate, the only thing they would ever say is "Now". That's what time it is. It's "Now". - Damien Echols
Nothing As It Seems, Palace of Auburn Hills MI, Oct 7 2000
ed "That was my fuck up, I just want everyone to know, it was MY fuck up. The worst fuck
up all tour, that was me, all me....did I mention how forgiving Detroit is?"
Yes, we were, who cared!!! It was amaaaaazing!!!
Goes on to "Speaking of car crashes...." & dedicates Last Kiss to Ralph Nadar
Can barely remember everyones Birthday around me, let alone one childhood song for my Grandkids...
"Pop goooes the weasel...nah na na the mulberry bush...mah do de monkey something, somethin...."
Imagine having, knowing & being able to sing hundreds of songs?? Love em all & don't cut them out!!!
I was just telling my husband about Running Back to Saskatoon (a Guess Who song) in Saskatchewan last fall, where Eddie invites a fan up on stage to sing it because he doesn't know all the lyrics. I was telling him how cool it is when a group has to improvise like that because I just read an article in The Washington Post this morning that Bruce Springsteen uses a teleprompter. We're going to see him tomorrow in DC, and I know it's going to be an incredible performance (never seen him live), but I kinda wish I didn't know that he uses a teleprompter. I'd rather have real than perfection.
Indifference - Rio 11. Kills the song completely but still quite amusing....
Like a book among the many on a shelf...
Dublin 02 Arena - 22/6/10. Belfast Odyssey Arena - 23/6/10. London Hyde Park - 25/6/10. Berlin Wuhlheide - 30/6/10.
Manchester MEN - 20/06/12. Manchester MEN - 21/06/12
I think that Ed fucks up that song more often than he gets it right. But I don't care - I've come to regard him fucking it up as part of it's charm....and his!
The best ones are when he fucks it up so badly that he stops and makes a comment about it ("Ugh! Shit!") before continuing.
And yes....for anyone wondering...I am easily entertained.
This right here is brilliant! I don't think I've ever heard that one...I'll have to go and check my boots!
Male, 34
I'm on Facebook - facebook.com/christopher.leesye1
1998 Brisbane 2
2003 Brisbane 1
2006 LA 1 & 2
2008 LA 2, San Diego 1 (EV)
2009 LA 1, 2, 3 & 4, San Diego
2011 St. Louis (EV)
2012 Tulsa 1 & 2 (EV)
2013 Chicago, Dallas & OKC
Pretty bad.
Also vote for State College Satans Bed (which wasn't so much a lyrical flub as a we haven't practiced this together at all in 8 years but we will play it anyway flub)
And Las Vegas Last Kiss (missed two out of three verses I think)
I was at all 3 of these shows! I'm are there are more from shows I've never even heard the bootleg of...
But... How has no one mentioned Alive from the 2000 tour in, I think, Spain or maybe England? Alive! The song played more than any other! What a fuck up. It's maybe the funniest flub.
And on Sometimes... That is the only time I've heard that song. :( well, 1/3 of it....
New Mexico Pearl Jam Fans (New Mexico, USA) on Facebook!
San Sebastian and Dublin were both terrible. San Sebastian was the worst of the 2, I think the whole band just fucked up Alive!
2006: Dublin; Leeds; Arnhem
2007: London
2009: Manchester
2012: Manchester I & II : EV Manchester : Soundgarden Shepherds Bush
2013: Brad Manchester : Soundgarden Manchester
2014: Amsterdam I & II; Berlin; Leeds; Milton Keynes
2018: Berlin; London II; Boston II
Bootleg Reviews: http://pjbootlegreviews.blogspot.com/
Berlin - August 15, 2009
Lisbon - July 10, 2010
Berlin - June 26, 2014
Zurich - June 23, 2022
2006: Dublin; Leeds; Arnhem
2007: London
2009: Manchester
2012: Manchester I & II : EV Manchester : Soundgarden Shepherds Bush
2013: Brad Manchester : Soundgarden Manchester
2014: Amsterdam I & II; Berlin; Leeds; Milton Keynes
2018: Berlin; London II; Boston II
Bootleg Reviews: http://pjbootlegreviews.blogspot.com/
so much to be a proffecional band....we did smoke a lot of hasish..lets go ,who gives a fuck....
but Lisbon 2000 is epik.....!!!
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
I don't mind the lyrical flubs but to fuck up the same songs over and over is a little ridiculous.
Immortality gets messed up a lot. Especially on the 2000 boots. I am not sure he has ever sang Whipping correctly. One of the Spain shows in 2000 is the worst fuck-up of Alive ever. I think that got mentioned below. Breath is a total crap shoot, especially in 2003. He even screwed up the lyrics in the official video for World Wide Suicide! Got Some is never the same twice. I went back and listened to Hartford 2008 the other day. Great show, but he mumbles his way through a surprising amount of lyrics.
Its funny and all, but if Stone or Mike fucked up that much everyone would be upset.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
I'm Open - Hartford '06 before he remembered how to play it.
Love Boat Captain - Camden '08
2008: Camden 2, Hartford
2010: Hartford
2013: Wrigley, Worcester x2, Hartford
2015: NYC
2016: Philly 2, MSG x2, Boston 2, (TOTD Philly 2, MSG)
2018: Prague, Krakow, Berlin, Boston x2
2022: San Diego, Sacramento, Las Vegas
He must have really fucked it up, because I could have sworn that he tried to play Don't Cry No Tears.
THIS :!:
If anyone but Ed eff'd up that much they'd probably be out of a job.
Regardless, I'm just glad we always have a chance to hear so many rarities/ obscure songs as opposed to the same sampling every show.
Side note: Whilst reading through this thread & listening to PJ Radio, I heard quite a few flubs
See these are the things us fans love the most. Thats why its so heart breaking that they would remove COME BACK from the 2011 Toronto boot. I believe it was Toronto.
By the way,I believe it was the Edmonton 2011 show that they removed Come Back from. I have listened to that version on YouTube, and I honestly don't see that much wrong with it. What do others think?
So funny to me
I thought it was because Mike missed his solo? - But you're right.... wasn't Ed's worst version of it!
ed "That was my fuck up, I just want everyone to know, it was MY fuck up. The worst fuck
up all tour, that was me, all me....did I mention how forgiving Detroit is?"
Yes, we were, who cared!!! It was amaaaaazing!!!
Goes on to "Speaking of car crashes...." & dedicates Last Kiss to Ralph Nadar
Can barely remember everyones Birthday around me, let alone one childhood song for my Grandkids...
"Pop goooes the weasel...nah na na the mulberry bush...mah do de monkey something, somethin...."
Imagine having, knowing & being able to sing hundreds of songs?? Love em all & don't cut them out!!!
Dublin 02 Arena - 22/6/10. Belfast Odyssey Arena - 23/6/10. London Hyde Park - 25/6/10. Berlin Wuhlheide - 30/6/10.
Manchester MEN - 20/06/12. Manchester MEN - 21/06/12
I hate that song...it terrified me when I was a kid...having survived a horrific car accident on Christmas Eve,1964...Misson Street, San Francisco...
painful still