the president must smoke marijuana

how can a government, a group or someone make marijuana illegal to consume? what kind of despicable ruling and almighty holier than thou bullshit dictators pass such a bill into common law?
they squash/squish out the small guy and basically like a evil monsterous army, they run over and through each and every city swinging their flags preaching control and utter nonsense.
i am bewildered at what is going on. disoriented is not enough, said the amusement park ride to law-way.
law-way being crooked jokesters. they laugh a lot at us and toss our sorry asses into jail cells for using marijuana.
look at the evil marijuana user sitting behind bars.
can you believe it? actually being arrested for using a weed in a spiritual connection with the earth, sun and sky. to be free as if winged.
if i were in congress on in a state seat of power i would be sick to my stomach knowing i am a scumbag sending folks to jail, keeping them in prisons, and for ruining peoples' lives, for this i would be sick to my stomach and i would not feel very good.
i would not be proud of myself, my colleagues and what we stand for. and in most cases i would be a drunkard. yes a habitual alcohol user whom is obese, bald, and whom frequently verbally abuses is wife.
i am law.
how can a government, a group or someone make marijuana illegal to consume? what kind of despicable ruling and almighty holier than thou bullshit dictators pass such a bill into common law?
they squash/squish out the small guy and basically like a evil monsterous army, they run over and through each and every city swinging their flags preaching control and utter nonsense.
i am bewildered at what is going on. disoriented is not enough, said the amusement park ride to law-way.
law-way being crooked jokesters. they laugh a lot at us and toss our sorry asses into jail cells for using marijuana.
look at the evil marijuana user sitting behind bars.
can you believe it? actually being arrested for using a weed in a spiritual connection with the earth, sun and sky. to be free as if winged.
if i were in congress on in a state seat of power i would be sick to my stomach knowing i am a scumbag sending folks to jail, keeping them in prisons, and for ruining peoples' lives, for this i would be sick to my stomach and i would not feel very good.
i would not be proud of myself, my colleagues and what we stand for. and in most cases i would be a drunkard. yes a habitual alcohol user whom is obese, bald, and whom frequently verbally abuses is wife.
i am law.
for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Post edited by Unknown User on
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
***raises hand***
I'm sure that Barry has partaken his share, if not now, then certainly in the past
and i'd be willing to bet that if it were up to him and not the "real" powers that be
these pot laws would change federally
you KNOW how i feel about it, chadwick
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
pipe, however you enjoy, every once in awhile.
happening to a pot smoker. You see all these individuals arrested for drunk driving, people
dying from prescription drugs and doesn't seem the government has plans of making those illegal or much
harder to purchase. We can only hope someday it will happen, but until then, just don't get caught!!
i have NO problem with it
i use it medically now (for the most the interest of full disclosure
IRONIC thing is..if I still lived in NJ I would be eligible for the Medical Pot Card..even though they have not set up dispensaries yet .. is that crazy or what?
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
As far as sharing the fact that I smoke it, I only do so with those I'm close to or those who have no material impact on my life.
like us
love it!
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
One day a government will have the balls and brains to legalize it and reap the rewards instead of spending millions to fight it.
can you believe it? to actually place a soul behind fences, metal bars, and razor wire because they smoke grass?
this only costs endless billions. baffling really. this is how big uncle sam works. uncle sam is a piece of trash and has no real interest in your wellbeing.
would any of you be shocked that at the seaports and border crossings containers are allowed through that are full of marijuana? the government allows this. it is a fact. others go down to make things look good like the law-way cowboys are doing their jobs. all that tax money and confiscated money and items are really doing a good job on fighting drugs.
what a staged act. all these events. a smoke screen of bullshit.
and in some prisons, marijuana users are behind bars longer than repeatedly convicted pedophiles. :wtf: :crazy:
this country has done lost its mind.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Medical weed is available here.
This appeared in the local newspaper recently.
Medical marijuana licences tough to score in Windsor and Essex County
'There's a big stigma'
Read more: ... z1nQFTdbOy
Seems that science is finding plenty of positive health benefits...
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
no problem...what about the pharmaceuticals? what role are they playing in keeping it illegal? i mean if they could patten the plant we'd probably be able to jog on down to the store and get weed by now.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
aka tommy chong
how weed won the west
grass - narrated by woody (the dude off cheers)
and a couple others where the name escapes me.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
why can't the president wear casual attire, jump the plane and jet off to his home skillet's pad over in thailand, grab some badassness and some hot ass thailand women and party big prez style? these idiots are in stuffy uncomfortable suits and stupid ass dress shoes that always rub ya on the heel area.
i think our global leaders dress like jokes. suits are for idiots.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
i will look this up.
is this it?
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
the one with woody is called weed won the west is excellent as well.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
"when I was a kid, I inhaled...frequently...that was the point" Barack Obama
And yet he managed to become president one day...
Government officials laugh about it as if it's no big deal...they acknowledge past use as if it's no big deal....but they won't support decriminalization - if they're in power....sometimes they support it if they're in an opposition partiy. They use it for political gain only, because they're beholden to the prohibtion system structure/lobby....Not many politicians can gain any real, visible traction against that structure. ( We had one, but he was taken from us just as he gained a stage worthy of his integrity :()
Meanwhile, the US maintains the most populated (FOR PROFIT) prison system on the planet, with HALF it's prisoners there for marijuana. And the talkng heads just sit and make jokes about it not being a big deal, everyone has done it, etc...instead of uh...maybe mentioning the hypocrisy of frequent past use while supporting prohibition? Pointing out the prison stats?
Knowing the politicians and media won't stand up to it, the mostly silent public majority becomes perhaps the most hypocritical of all. So many admit the policy is flat out wrong....but they have too much to lose, or something better to do than fight for 'a pothead's right to smoke'. It should be a bigger public priority than it is.....a majority of Canadians have favoured reforms for decades now......yet the Cons are going hardline, media is not rabid enough, if not complicit, and the public seems way too indifferent. We're headed down the superprison highway.
And thanks to you, I had this song in my head first thing this morning:
Clutch - Wille Nelson
Blackjack booted demons
Have surrounded my home
Got dogs and 'copters
and keep ringing my phone
Well I don't know if I'm coming or going
If it's them or me
Oh, but one things for certain
Willie Nelson only smokes killer weed
Now they're breaking my windows
Banging on my doors
Got me down and hog-tied
Rifling through my drawers
Boss demon tells me
Oh how he would like to kill me
Save your bullets tough guy
My disease does that for free
Well I don't know if I'm coming or going
If it's them or me
Oh, but one things for certain
Willie Nelson only smokes killer weed
The Union - The Business Behind Getting High .
Cannabiz is also good - a CBC doc, centred around Grand Forks BC, and some very cool people
There are a TON of documentaries on the topic...and virtually all of them reach the same conclusions.
Pot legalization activists caught in a 'cannabis conundrum'
Douglas Quan ... story.html
About 75 years ago, parliamentarians sounded the alarm over an emerging "menace" — marijuana — that if left unchecked, could have "far-reaching, poisonous and demoralizing effects" on the country's youth, according to debate records.
A front-page Globe and Mail article from 1937 said the "narcotic evil" had the potential to cause insanity and turn "quiet, respectable youths into raving murderers."
How far we've come.
Today, marijuana is accepted as a medical treatment. Stores peddle all forms of paraphernalia, from ganja party games to bong cleaners. And some groups are lobbying to end pot prohibition altogether.
Even though the Harper government remains firmly opposed, the pro-legalization movement has picked up some allies in recent weeks. A majority of Liberal party delegates voted to support legalization at their convention and four former attorneys general in British Columbia came forward to declare prohibition a "failure," joining groups of police officers, provincial health officers, academics and politicians who've done the same.
A trending topic on Twitter last week was #IfWeedWereLegal.
But it's not all high-fives and hookah parties on the pro-legalization front. Activists acknowledge deep divisions within the movement over what the best post-prohibition model should be.
Should there be heavy government restrictions on production, distribution and consumption, or a hippie-dippy free-for-all? Control in the hands of a few or open to everyone?
"There is a lot of division among activists regarding what model should replace prohibition. Many relationships have been strained because of it, too, unfortunately," said Vancouver activist Jodie Emery, wife of the "Prince of Pot," Marc Emery. "Even some of my own friends and I strongly disagree about where to go from here.
"It's a cannabis conundrum."
There are a lot of things members of the movement agree on.
They concur that prohibition has failed because it has created a black market, overrun by violent gang members and because the drug's availability and consumption — including among teenagers — has not fallen, despite billions of dollars spent on enforcement.
They agree that legalization is a better way to go because police resources would be freed up to deal with more serious crimes and that it would boost tax revenues.
They firmly reject doomsday scenarios trotted out by the anti-legalization crowd. No, there won't be a sudden decline in workplace productivity. No, park benches won't be suddenly awash with people high on dope.
Sure, there might be a bit of a spike in consumption at the beginning.
Vapour lounges and Netherlands-style cannabis cafes could open up, as well as schools offering pot-entrepreneur and cultivation classes. No doubt, there will be growth in secondary and tertiary industries, such as vaporization-device manufacturing and "bud and breakfasts."
But day to day, the average citizen won't see all that much difference, activists say.
"I don't think that things would change that much on the street," said Eugene Oscapella, an Ottawa lawyer and member of the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition. "People will smoke, eat a little more than now and will be a bit more visible, but . . . it is primarily about pulling back the curtain than creating a new play."
Stephen Easton, a professor of economics at Simon Fraser University, who has studied the subject, agrees.
"While it may become popular, it will share the consumption spectrum with all our other intoxicants and be relegated to one vice among many. Legal and widespread, but hardly dominant," he said.
But what our society will look like if pot becomes legal — and how visible marijuana will be — will depend to a large extent on what sorts of regulations lawmakers impose. And within the pro-legalization movement, members are all over the map when it comes to which blueprint is best.
Vancouver activist David Malmo-Levine, who many years ago, fought the constitutionality of prohibition laws all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada and lost, envisions a marijuana industry modelled after the wine industry in B.C.'s Okanagan Valley — lots of commercial growers of varying sizes, producing hundreds of varieties.
A post-prohibition world, he says, has to be one that is inclusive, doesn't deny consumers a variety of choices of strains and potencies, and doesn't push aside companies and private citizens who want a piece of the commercial pie.
"This is of value to those who wish to reduce unemployment and share the wealth," he said. "I want a ma-and-pa-friendly form of legalization."
It's fine to want to spread the wealth, says legalization supporter Line Beauchesne, a criminology professor at the University of Ottawa. But you also need stringent regulations to ensure the quality of the product.
Her main concern? Big companies — with deep pockets — will try to lobby the government to water down regulations. Look at the example of big tobacco, she said.
"The tobacco industry showed us that a plant can be totally transformed to enlarge the clientele and transformed to create a more addictive drug."
A similar debate exists over how marijuana should be distributed. While some activists, such as Malmo-Levine, favour making licences available to everyone, others say restrictions are needed.
Beauchesne thinks marijuana only should be sold through government-run drug stores. That's the best way to prevent access to children and to ensure proper training for vendors, she said.
Mark Haden, a Vancouver author and educator on drug policy, prescribes an even more restrictive model. He envisions government-run apothecaries that are hospital-clean with a low-key street presence. Advertising would be banned, and so would any form of branding on product packages.
In the U.S., where 16 states now allow some form of medical marijuana, some dispensaries have reportedly turned to bikini-clad models and buxom "budtenders" in newspaper ads and YouTube videos to draw attention to their weed-related wares.
Marijuana is not something that should be glamorized, Haden said. In fact, the goal should be to make marijuana look as "boring" as possible.
Like prescription pill bottles, marijuana packaging should provide plain information about concentration, dosage and strain, and warning labels to not smoke and drive.
"Our history with alcohol is problematic as alcohol is a branded product which is advertised and glamorized. We receive many contradictory messages about alcohol, based on the different agendas of the different players," he said.
"Having an apothecary model would allow for a fresh start without contamination of the pro-consumption model."
But Toronto activist Matthew Mernagh, who favours distribution of marijuana through outlets modelled after provincial liquor stores (instead of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario, there could be a Cannabis Control Board of Ontario, for instance), said he is not opposed to product branding or advertising.
In fact, Mernagh, who is in the midst of a court battle over the country's medical-marijuana laws, said one day he would love to mass-produce a strain of marijuana and market the heck out of it.
"We'd probably put my face on it," he laughed, adding that his TV ads could be modelled after Russell Oliver, the Toronto cash-for-gold business owner known for running cheesy, low-budget commercials.
"If you can't have fun with marijuana on some levels, it'd make my life miserable," he said.
But Mernagh added that some profits could be re-directed to drug awareness and media literacy campaigns.
One illustration of how heated the debate within the legalization movement could get was seen in 2010. Californians were voting on a historic ballot measure that would allow individuals to possess and grow small amounts of marijuana and local governments to tax and regulate the drug's cultivation and sale.
Jodie Emery flew to Oakland, the epicentre of the Proposition 19 initiative, to rally supporters, excitedly telling people that visitors to the state could soon "Go to Disneyland" and "Go to a cannabis cafe."
But back in Vancouver, fellow activist Malmo-Levine was using social media to denounce the initiative, calling it "fake legalization."
Malmo-Levine says he opposed the measure because it would have placed too many restrictions on who could grow and distribute marijuana. Instead of "legalization for all," it would've been legalization for a "lucky few."
His comments didn't sit well with other activists, who called him a "turncoat" and a "traitor." Some even suggested he was opposed to Prop. 19 because he was making money in the black-market economy.
There are a raft of other issues that lawmakers will have to decide if Canada ever pursues legalization: What environmental regulations should be imposed on cultivation? What should the tax rate be? What age restrictions should be imposed? Should personal grows be allowed? What restrictions should be imposed on outdoor and indoor use? How do we deal with the potential influx of "narco tourists?" And should we erase the criminal records of those previously convicted of pot possession?
No doubt, the transition to a post-prohibition world will be slow, and there'll be lots of experimentation between provinces, experts say.
"I don't mind being initially strict on it out of an abundance of caution," and then maybe easing up over time, said Oscapella, the Ottawa lawyer.
Emery admits she's torn. She understands the point of view of "old-school" activists who want limited regulation. At the same time, she realizes that the only way prohibition is going to be lifted is if grassroots activists work with "establishment" types to reach a solution, which may mean they don't get everything they want at the beginning.
"We're not going to legalize by holding 4-20 rallies every year," she said, referring to the annual holiday when pot lovers gather to celebrate cannabis.
Serving a five-year sentence in the U.S. for selling marijuana seeds online, Emery's husband, Marc, via email, echoed the need for accommodation from all sides.
While he still believes the ideal model of legalization is one with "no controls" on who may cultivate and distribute cannabis or how much they can grow, he also recognizes that progress in politics is incremental.
"So, we chip away at the absolute prohibition in whatever way is politically feasible," he said.
Of course, wouldn't it be ironic if, after all the effort to make legalization a reality, no one bothered to smoke it anymore, one Twitter poster hypothesized last week.
"No fun in doing something you can't get in trouble for, right?"
Read more: ... z1nR6N5kqF
I agree it should be a bigger priority...especially since it being proven to offer major health benefits.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
that's an excellent article...unfortunately legalization won't happen under Harper...
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
going to watch the doc zone one...seen all the others...which are all excellent.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
you'll never get anything legalized with arguments like this...I'm getting too old for this shit