I believe in ghosts. I've never had any experiences witht hem but I've known people who have. My aunt an duncle just moved forma house that may have been haunted. My oldest cousin had already graduated college and moved out by the time they bought that house but she always got a creppy feeling whenever she spent the night in the room they designated as hers. They had a woman come a couple times a week and clean and she often saw someone in her peripheral vision upstairs when my aunt was downstairs and nobody else was home. My aunt heard footsteps when nobody else was home once.
I also had some friends in college who rented a house off campus during our sophmore year. It was an ancient house in a not-so-great area (the kind of house that was so old that you had to step over the toilet seat in order to get to the shower). They had a few nights where they heard things that kept them awake and one of them once saw a woman at the top of the stairs at the other end of the hall when he opened the door to his room to go downstairs. He ran back into his room, shut the door, and hid under the bed like a little kid. I visited that house once and never wanted to go back. I didn't see anything but the place was just creepy and unpleasant.
I believe there are those things that we just cannot account for. It neither means they exist or do not.
Personally, a friend's parents lived in an old Hollywood duplex that they swear was haunted. They told us about some weird shit... like all 4 burners going full blast... the toilet flushing while they were both in bed... losing items such as car keys or brand new pair of vice-grips... then, having them show up in a real obvious place, like the middle of the living room floor.
They said they had a seance with some psychic who told them it was a young woman who died there when the structure was a boarding house, before the remodel into a duplex. She supposely died of a gas leak.
They believed it... I believe they believed it. But, I can't say for sure, one way or the other because i don't know.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
However, singular simple story, the other night when I came home for lunch at 3 am I sat on my couch with only the bathroom light on. I saw something run from room to room, As soon as I had my mind dismiss it ...as being tired and seeing things, in that split second of thought of dismissal - a loud thud and the light flickered.
Do you believe or don't you in spirits, ghosts, entities, whathaveyou? Why or why not? Any experiences?
I have always questioned this...but few things have happened over the last year and change that make me think yes...still not 100% convinced, and maybe I am seeing what I want to see, but it meant a lot to me
My Dad passed away last november rather unexpectedly. He spent his time in GA and MN. Luckily he had a healthcare directive and will that told us exactly what he wanted. He didn't want a large service. In GA it wasn't... really just family. In my home town however there was a rather large outpouring of support. Hundreds of people were telling us they were coming to the service. Flash forward to the day...we were forecast to get about 3 inches of snow...we end up with about 15 and it is about -5f without the 35 - 40 mph winds. Long story short, about 45 people were able to actually make it.
Flash forward to almost a year later I am getting married. He passed away late in November...in my home town paper the day my wedding anouncement was in the paper, on the very next page....literally folded against each other was a picture of my Dads hockey team from 1971...completely unrelated reason...either way it was weird and cool.
then...day of my Wedding...it hasn't snowed in weeks, we get a pretty bad snow storm up here...normal for Minnesota I guess, except for the fact we didn't get any snow for weeks on the other side of the day as well...I really did feel like it him popping in to say hello...
I certainly feel my dad around me, and these few examples and other stuff certainly allow me to continue to feel that...I have no idea if they are simply coincidences or not...but I know what I am choosing to believe in this case
I think our perceptions make the world around us to an extent. the way we receive new experiences tends to be seen through and reinforce those perceptions. If you really feel like there are spirits around you or you get the feeling that they are real...then they are very real to you. Sometimes people who see those things are labeled crazy, nutty, whatever...but that doesn't change how real those things were to those "crazy" people. My hope is that a person's perceptions don't lead them to do harm to others or themselves purposely.
it is always fun to think about this kind of stuff and wonder what is on the other side of this existence...
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
it is just like anything else. we know a little about supernatural phenomena, but there is a ton that we don't know about it and a ton that we can not explain. i am fascinated by those shows about paranormal events and hauntings. i have wasted entire friday nights watching that one show, i think it might be ghost hunters, where they go into a supposed haunted place for 4 or 5 hours and broadcast the whole thing.
shows like the one where all of the celebrities go on there and tell all of their ghost stories kind of make me not believe though, because most of those people are actors and they make a living dabbling in fiction, so i take those shows with a grain of salt.
i have an old book from the 70's called myseries of the unexplained or something along those lines that deals with ghosts and aliens and loch ness monster and sasquatch and things like spontaneous human combustion and unexplained random cattle mutilations. i have not seen that book in nearly 20 years but i have always wondered why i have not heard about any cases of spontaneous human combustion in 20 years...
i don't know whether these things are real or not, but i am definitely interested it them.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
This subject fascinates me because I'm not sure how much belief in these things and openness to them play a part.
I don't think energy necessarily dies with life...not sure exactly what happens to it though. I've heard of many strange experiences from people I respect, so...I dunno.
I will say this, though...
In April 2009, a few months after my father died, Danny's lung collapsed and he had surgery on it for the second time. It was terrifying for both of us and so goddamned painful for him. When he was home recovering, I did OK for the most part between working and caring for him.
About two weeks into it, I'd come home for lunch, laden with groceries, medication, stress. Headed back to work near tears and unable to catch my breath.
I get on the elevator to go down to my car, and I got this strong scent of my father. Can't describe it, but it was HIM...like when he'd bear-hug me and I'd breathe him in. I just felt him there.
It comforted me but broke my heart too. It felt like he was telling me, "hang in there, hon, it'll all be OK."
jeesh...my eyes teared up just thinking about that.
A few months later, coming home from work, got that same sense of him. It made me smile and feel at peace.
Do you believe or don't you in spirits, ghosts, entities, whathaveyou? Why or why not? Any experiences?
yes..it's energy and it's very real in my opinion, I could be wrong but then again...you may be right I might be crazy but maybe it's a lunatick you've been looking for..
joking aside..yes I do and as I said it's energy of some sort maybe left by the dead maybe something else I don't know for sure but what ever it is it's here.
you know, now that i think back i remember a story my mom told me years ago. i think i was 14 or 15. my grandfather, her dad, was killed in a car accident in 1978. i was not quite 3 yet when it happened. i remember her telling me at 14 or 15 that he died in march and my mom and dad were looking at houses to buy at that time. they ended up buying one and moved into it in july or august of 78. my mom said that a few weeks after they had moved in she was out mowing the front lawn and she felt like someone was behind her watching her. she would turn around and nobody was there. this went on as she was passing back and forth past the main window in the front of the house, as you do when cutting the grass. she got close to where the street was and she stopped and let the mower shut off. she wiped her face with a towel and looked up in the direction where she felt the presence and saw an apparition that looked like her dad. she started to walk toward him because my dad was on the other side of the house working on the car and she glanced away from the apparition, yelled for my dad, and looked back to where the apparition was and it had disappeared. she said that my mom and dad had been having problems back then and she was really anxious and upset about things, but after that she felt an overwhelming sense of calm and reassurance. she could never explain it and my dad never saw any sort of apparitions. she believes that it was her dad coming back to give her reassurance that everything was going to be ok.
i did not really believe it at the time, and from what i had heard up until that point was that spirits tend to stay where they were comfortable in life, like their old home, or wherever they happened to have passed away. when she told me the story i asked "mom, if grandpa has never seen this house and did not know where we lived, how did he appear here?" she could not answer that, but my mom has never lied to me or embellished her stories about anything else, so i tend to believe her.
she said she had seen him twice since that initial time all at trying times for my extended family. my mom was his first child and she is kind of the matriarch for the extended family now. when i see her this weekend i will ask about those 3 episodes and see if i can get some more information. man i have not remembered this story in over 20 years so i am sure i am leaving something out...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
Sorry for the above- I just love both those pieces of music.
Were it not for a few personal experiences I 'd have to say, no, I don't believe in anything that has no empirical proof. And I have in empirical proof for the following experiences but I know they happened:
In 1971 or '72 I lived in a very old four story building in San Francisco's Mission District. My room mate came home one day and told me that he had just talked to a rather mysterious woman who lived on the first floor who told him the building was haunted by a ghost and she described the ghost in great detail. My roommate told me that the day before he heard this from her he had briefly seen in our apartment a glimpse of someone who looked exactly as the woman had described.
A few weeks later, my roommate and I were sitting in the living room playing cards when suddenly a draft blew through the room (all the windows were closed). Something caught our attention over the door frame leading into the room and we both looked up at it at the same time. We looked at each other with shock on both our faces and each in turn described what we saw: a frightening looking horned glowing red figure resting atop the trim of the door frame. The image only lasted a few seconds but we both saw the same thing.
I have no explanation for these things but they really happened.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Creepy stuff! I actually try not to think about this stuff too much or I get all paranoid....
This isn't really a ghost story, more along the lines of cosmic coincidence.... but I think it's all related.
The last few years of my grandma's life were spent in a nursing home. She suffered from a rare degenerative decease similar to Alzheimer's but with physical effects similar to Parkinson's. Anyway, in late stages she sort of reverted back to some childhood tendencies and she slept with this stuffed lamb every night for years. We called him Lamb and we actually almost had him cremated with her, but then decided that poor Lamb didn't deserve that and now my aunt has him (my family is a little strange—in a fabulous way). The day my grandma died I made my husband take me out for a drive. We stopped at one set of traffic lights and my heart just about stopped when I saw through the rear window of the car ahead of us a stuffed lamb laying on the back of the seat--and not just any lamb, an exact replica (down to the flower in its mouth) of the one my grandma slept with.
Ok, that actually doesn't sound like that big a deal when I read what I wrote, but it seemed a huge coincidence at the time, like the universe telling me she was still around somewhere.
My old dog used to see things though, I swear. Every once in while she would stop part way up the stairs leading to the kitchen and start to growl while staring at the top of the stairs. She was big dog and really friendly, but she would just get this fierce look and snarl like I'd never hear any other time. She'd also stare into my closet and do it. Used to freak me out! She actually died the same year as my grandma and I fully believe the two of them were kindred spirits.
Great stories guys! I always believed in it all but thought that only certain people experience ghosts in general. Until yesterday.
A friend of mine lives in an 18th century farmhouse and of course I ask if it was haunted the first time I visited last month and asked about any stories because I'm fascinated. They told me a few stories, but nothing happened that was out of the ordinary when I spent the night. I visited her again the other day and spent the night again, sort of forgetting about the house having a past. When the power went out when we were eating dinner, I was unfazed because the power goes out relatively often where I live, but they were a little alarmed and said it never really occurs there. We were cleaning up after dinner by candle light and I saw a shadow move across a door way in a back room. I wasn't really alarmed because I know how eyes can play tricks on you in the dark, but my friend noticed that I had saw something and I just downplayed it, because well, the power was out and we didn't need to be any more alarmed!
We hung out for the evening in front of the immense fire place which was great. Went to bed but of course I was somewhat on edge so I didn't sleep well. I heard the power turn back on. Morning came, I heard my friend's husband and daughter get ready for school and work and leave. About a half hour later I heard activity downstairs and thought that my friend had gotten up. It was almost 8 am, figured I was up for the day and thought she was up but checked her bedroom door and it was still closed. I thought that was odd, but maybe she closed her door before going downstairs. This noise I heard was constant activity, it sounded like kitchen chairs were being moved along with general movement. I took my time going downstairs, convinced that she was up. Not calling her name I went down the stairs but slipped and caught myself while descending, letting out a yelp. By the time I got down the stairs, it was completely silent and found no one in any of the rooms, and not a thing out of place. My friend was still sleeping upstairs. When she got up, she says she hears that sort of thing all the time as well as footsteps in the attic, and sees shadows as well, no big deal. Yeah, maybe to her it was no big deal...
back in 1982-83 my brother and lived in a double wide mobil home in Lakeside Ca. when he met his soon to be wife she and her sisters would stay the night all the time and would tell me in the morning that the place is haunted,I had always heard foot steps walk down the hall and into the kitchen and thought ..ahhh no biggie they ain't hurting anybody, then my brother and Tiffany moved out and I was living there alone and that's when things got really weird , when I would go to bed or just take a nap after work I could feel my mind and intire body go into a really strange sleep and once it started i could not stop it..it's like I was awake but I couldn't move or talk and I would actually see me..my body asleep on the couch or in bed like I was looking from over the top of me,I could even look around the room and go into different rooms..go back and see me still sleeping there and it felt very scary then one night this started to happen again and tried to fight it off but I could feel 3 small ..people..beings or what ever sitting on my ankels legs and waist and the one sitting on my waist was holding down my sholders and I couldn't sit up and I tried to get them off but they were just holding me down and it felt like they were laughing at me,I coulden't hear them but I could feel it, then I got so angry I threw my uper body up as hard as I could and all I could do is spit at the one in front(I could not use my arms)
and just at that point I woke up and realized I spit all over my blankets around my waist and feet and it was hard to catch my breath and was sweating like a hooker in a cop car.after I moved out of that house it only happened a few times,one time at a bro's house on the east coast and when I told him I saw him walk around the room as I slept it tripped out but gave me a book to read on "astreal projection"..just to freaky for me.
I thought I had a ghost in my house, but it turned out I just bought a lot of rum for awhile there.. :P
One weird thing happened to me in 1998.
I was having a bad string of luck for about a month, and I sat on my porch drinking with my roomate one day. We had a magic eight ball -- you know -- the kind you ask a question and shake it and it tells you insightful answers..
well, i shook it and i didnt like what it said to one of my questions (dont remembe the ? though)so I smashed it in the driveway and it rolled out onto the road, spewing black ink all over. A few day later I was walking with my same friend in Walmart, and a magic eight ball rolled out from an aisle and as we turned to look down that aisle, there was nobody there. And we werent even in the toy section. it was housewares or something. Still spooks me out a bit.
I'm captivated by this thread and the wild happenings!
Godfather, I've read a tiny bit about astral projection and not sure if it'd freak me the hell out (which I think it would) or if I'd just breathe and go along for the ride (which I hope I could).
One weird thing happened to me in 1998.
I was having a bad string of luck for about a month, and I sat on my porch drinking with my roomate one day. We had a magic eight ball -- you know -- the kind you ask a question and shake it and it tells you insightful answers..
well, i shook it and i didnt like what it said to one of my questions (dont remembe the ? though)so I smashed it in the driveway and it rolled out onto the road, spewing black ink all over. A few day later I was walking with my same friend in Walmart, and a magic eight ball rolled out from an aisle and as we turned to look down that aisle, there was nobody there. And we werent even in the toy section. it was housewares or something. Still spooks me out a bit.
That may be the freakiest story yet! I find a lot of toys creepy anyway, and that would just seal the deal.
Godfather, I've read a tiny bit about astral projection and not sure if it'd freak me the hell out (which I think it would) or if I'd just breathe and go along for the ride (which I hope I could).
I read a book by Dean Koontz a long time ago called The Door to December. It was based around astral projection. It was one of the scariest books I've ever read.
So my grandma passed away a few days ago. My mom and aunt were with her in her bedroom waiting for her to pass.
My mom said at one point the ceiling in the room got dark and cloudy. The air got really thick, the temperature dropped and their hairs stood up from static.
My mom looked at my aunt and said, are you seeing and feeling what I am and my aunt confirmed.. My athiest aunt then looked at my mom in complete fear and said "do you think we should call a priest?" :shock:
Not to mention, my other aunt was on her way to my grandmas from work when she saw a small religious cross decoration on the parking lot ground. Being Catholic herself, she threw it into her purse, thinking nothing of it to check it out later.. When she got to my grandma's she pulled it out of her purse and saw written on it "God Bless Dorothy".... Dorothy is my grandma's name! :shock: :shock: :shock:
i think after someone passes away their spirits hang around... postively i know there are angels :angel:
since i was a kid i've experianced a number of instances...so i'll just stick to some of the most meaningful to me
when my dad died in '97...being a daddy's girl i took it pretty hard and yeah i was the one that sensed something was wrong from 3000 miles away (that's it's own story) anyway within a couple of hours after he passed i went out on my back deck and looked up and there was a bald eagle repeatedly circling right overhead...well my dad was a WWII navy veteran, patriotic is putting it mildly, he very involved in veterans organizations...i still get choked up now recalling that 'sign'.
also when my kids & i went down to his funeral he was def making his presence known in their house. a container no where near the edge of the counter coming off & hitting the floor, another instance of the same thing but with a knife when no one was within several feet of those objects. a few times he turned off (they didn't burn out) the lights...
after my mom passed away in '00 about 6 months later in my house, the porch light would go on & off by itself...that went on for weeks. there was unexplained banging noises coming from my kitchen. then one evening my son & i were just discussing school stuff....i was standing in the kitchen as he stood in the dining room; when this glass candle thingy (like an oil lamp chimney) which was a good 5-6 inches from edge of the kitchen island in between us jumped up in the air and crashed to the floor :wtf: my son said 'holy shit! WTF was THAT!?' i replied "i'm pretty certain that was your grandma" then began sweeping up all the broken glass
of course than there's signs from my authentic angel :angel: ... it's a bit too unique for me to post about on the board but i'll gladly tell anyone wanting to know...just pm me about it
back in 1982-83 my brother and lived in a double wide mobil home in Lakeside Ca. when he met his soon to be wife she and her sisters would stay the night all the time and would tell me in the morning that the place is haunted,I had always heard foot steps walk down the hall and into the kitchen and thought ..ahhh no biggie they ain't hurting anybody, then my brother and Tiffany moved out and I was living there alone and that's when things got really weird , when I would go to bed or just take a nap after work I could feel my mind and intire body go into a really strange sleep and once it started i could not stop it..it's like I was awake but I couldn't move or talk and I would actually see me..my body asleep on the couch or in bed like I was looking from over the top of me,I could even look around the room and go into different rooms..go back and see me still sleeping there and it felt very scary then one night this started to happen again and tried to fight it off but I could feel 3 small ..people..beings or what ever sitting on my ankels legs and waist and the one sitting on my waist was holding down my sholders and I couldn't sit up and I tried to get them off but they were just holding me down and it felt like they were laughing at me,I coulden't hear them but I could feel it, then I got so angry I threw my uper body up as hard as I could and all I could do is spit at the one in front(I could not use my arms)
and just at that point I woke up and realized I spit all over my blankets around my waist and feet and it was hard to catch my breath and was sweating like a hooker in a cop car.after I moved out of that house it only happened a few times,one time at a bro's house on the east coast and when I told him I saw him walk around the room as I slept it tripped out but gave me a book to read on "astreal projection"..just to freaky for me.
this. i have been unable to move while sleeping, but not sleeping, like all fucked up or something,,attacked really. i don't fuck around with these candy ass demonid little shits. i fight back as much as i can. and like you say, it is difficult. this could be the old hag syndrome or something.
i am a dick though. i invited them to come play. sometimes things show up. this has been going on since i was a baby. i'm probably one of the freakest bastards on here. yes ghosts and the like are everywhere.
i am a psychic fucker like nobodies business. shit is constantly at me, 24x7 energy zooming around and through me.
i've seen and heard spirits, been attacked by them, been saved by guarding angels many times, saw little demons on fire in a house we lived in up in the attic, a pile of lumber and a demon about 1fttall all ablaze and goin .. im like, fuck off, im out of here and sleepin with grandma
saw my grandma 6 months or so after her passing. saved me and my family from a log truck accident and within seconds of stupid shit logs smashing us...
the other side follows us around, parralel universes and the like
i get messages from my father and brother quite often
the most bizarre dreams one can imagine
So my grandma passed away a few days ago. My mom and aunt were with her in her bedroom waiting for her to pass.
My mom said at one point the ceiling in the room got dark and cloudy. The air got really thick, the temperature dropped and their hairs stood up from static.
I'm sorry about your grandma. My sister was a nursing home director for 20 years and told me that the place she worked at had some ghosts, but that on a consistent basis, residents who were dying always spoke to the nurses of experiencing and sometimes seeing a deceased loved one in their rooms days before their death. She said this happened all the time.
I hope this doesn't come off as a crass question...but do you think those visions are in the dying person's mind (quasi-hallucinations?) or a real - for lack of a better word - experience?
One of my many aunts - they're all gone now, unfortunately; my mom, the youngest, is the only one left of eight children - had a horrific stroke (aren't they all) in the late 90s. In a rare and subsequently-lucid moment, she told me that at some point in her mindmist, she saw two of her sisters who had already died...they were on the gangplank of a huge ship, suitcases in hand.
My aunt said she was ready to join them, but they told her no - it wasn't her time yet and she couldn't come aboard. She lived for another decade, most of them in semi-awareness.
Godfather's post has prompted me to contribute my story:
Back in university (around 1992), I awoke one night hearing suppressed giggling from both sides of my bed. Then, it was as if an electric switch was turned on and my bed became energized buzzing beneath me.
Within seconds of this happening (I'm getting chills as I write this), the four corners of my comforter were pulled hard and downward- sucking me into my mattress.
I was panic-stricken- this was fucking intense. I tried to call out and resist, but the comforter was pulled too tight for me to do anything.
About 4-5 seconds later, I pushed up off my bed and the comforter- light as a feather- flew off me. I also yelled as I became free of my confinement. It was a strange, surreal yell- one I had never heard come from my body before (there was definitely a good dose of intense fear influencing the nature of my 'gasp'). The tiny voices I had heard faded away and I kneeled on my bed sitting there going, "Holy Fuck. What the Hell?"
I was reading Helter Skelter at the time which may have had my imagination running wild; however, the 'experience' I had was very physical- this was no dream.
"My brain's a good brain!"
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
Great stories, excellent thread, Jeanwah!
Dreams can seem supernatural sometimes as well. When I was 8 or 9 or 10 or so I had a dream that I was being attacked by an evil spirit. I became semi-conscious but couldn't move a muscle and even though I was partly awake I still felt the evil spirit coming for me. Finally, with great effort I was able to start moving and got up. I walked down the hall toward my parents bedroom for their comfort and reassurance and just before I reached their bedroom door I found I couldn't move again. I can't remember what happened after that.
Another weird thing that happened to me was riding the M street car in San Francisco one late night. It was passing through the tunnel under Twin Peaks and the car was picking up spead like crazy and bouncing around a lot. Suddenly the car bounced very hard and derailed and smashed into the wall. Everything flew forward from impact. It was a mess and everyone was badly injured and dying. And then suddenly the car reached the other side of the tunnel and everything was fine but I was shaking very badly.
I'm glad shit like this doesn't happen to me any more!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I also had some friends in college who rented a house off campus during our sophmore year. It was an ancient house in a not-so-great area (the kind of house that was so old that you had to step over the toilet seat in order to get to the shower). They had a few nights where they heard things that kept them awake and one of them once saw a woman at the top of the stairs at the other end of the hall when he opened the door to his room to go downstairs. He ran back into his room, shut the door, and hid under the bed like a little kid. I visited that house once and never wanted to go back. I didn't see anything but the place was just creepy and unpleasant.
Personally, a friend's parents lived in an old Hollywood duplex that they swear was haunted. They told us about some weird shit... like all 4 burners going full blast... the toilet flushing while they were both in bed... losing items such as car keys or brand new pair of vice-grips... then, having them show up in a real obvious place, like the middle of the living room floor.
They said they had a seance with some psychic who told them it was a young woman who died there when the structure was a boarding house, before the remodel into a duplex. She supposely died of a gas leak.
They believed it... I believe they believed it. But, I can't say for sure, one way or the other because i don't know.
Hail, Hail!!!
However, singular simple story, the other night when I came home for lunch at 3 am I sat on my couch with only the bathroom light on. I saw something run from room to room, As soon as I had my mind dismiss it ...as being tired and seeing things, in that split second of thought of dismissal - a loud thud and the light flickered.
Im like okay.
I have always questioned this...but few things have happened over the last year and change that make me think yes...still not 100% convinced, and maybe I am seeing what I want to see, but it meant a lot to me
My Dad passed away last november rather unexpectedly. He spent his time in GA and MN. Luckily he had a healthcare directive and will that told us exactly what he wanted. He didn't want a large service. In GA it wasn't... really just family. In my home town however there was a rather large outpouring of support. Hundreds of people were telling us they were coming to the service. Flash forward to the day...we were forecast to get about 3 inches of snow...we end up with about 15 and it is about -5f without the 35 - 40 mph winds. Long story short, about 45 people were able to actually make it.
Flash forward to almost a year later I am getting married. He passed away late in November...in my home town paper the day my wedding anouncement was in the paper, on the very next page....literally folded against each other was a picture of my Dads hockey team from 1971...completely unrelated reason...either way it was weird and cool.
then...day of my Wedding...it hasn't snowed in weeks, we get a pretty bad snow storm up here...normal for Minnesota I guess, except for the fact we didn't get any snow for weeks on the other side of the day as well...I really did feel like it him popping in to say hello...
I certainly feel my dad around me, and these few examples and other stuff certainly allow me to continue to feel that...I have no idea if they are simply coincidences or not...but I know what I am choosing to believe in this case
I think our perceptions make the world around us to an extent. the way we receive new experiences tends to be seen through and reinforce those perceptions. If you really feel like there are spirits around you or you get the feeling that they are real...then they are very real to you. Sometimes people who see those things are labeled crazy, nutty, whatever...but that doesn't change how real those things were to those "crazy" people. My hope is that a person's perceptions don't lead them to do harm to others or themselves purposely.
it is always fun to think about this kind of stuff and wonder what is on the other side of this existence...
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
shows like the one where all of the celebrities go on there and tell all of their ghost stories kind of make me not believe though, because most of those people are actors and they make a living dabbling in fiction, so i take those shows with a grain of salt.
i have an old book from the 70's called myseries of the unexplained or something along those lines that deals with ghosts and aliens and loch ness monster and sasquatch and things like spontaneous human combustion and unexplained random cattle mutilations. i have not seen that book in nearly 20 years but i have always wondered why i have not heard about any cases of spontaneous human combustion in 20 years...
i don't know whether these things are real or not, but i am definitely interested it them.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
This subject fascinates me because I'm not sure how much belief in these things and openness to them play a part.
I don't think energy necessarily dies with life...not sure exactly what happens to it though. I've heard of many strange experiences from people I respect, so...I dunno.
I will say this, though...
In April 2009, a few months after my father died, Danny's lung collapsed and he had surgery on it for the second time. It was terrifying for both of us and so goddamned painful for him. When he was home recovering, I did OK for the most part between working and caring for him.
About two weeks into it, I'd come home for lunch, laden with groceries, medication, stress. Headed back to work near tears and unable to catch my breath.
I get on the elevator to go down to my car, and I got this strong scent of my father. Can't describe it, but it was HIM...like when he'd bear-hug me and I'd breathe him in. I just felt him there.
It comforted me but broke my heart too. It felt like he was telling me, "hang in there, hon, it'll all be OK."
jeesh...my eyes teared up just thinking about that.
A few months later, coming home from work, got that same sense of him. It made me smile and feel at peace.
yes..it's energy and it's very real in my opinion, I could be wrong but then again...you may be right I might be crazy but maybe it's a lunatick you've been looking for..
joking aside..yes I do and as I said it's energy of some sort maybe left by the dead maybe something else I don't know for sure but what ever it is it's here.
And Ghosts:
i did not really believe it at the time, and from what i had heard up until that point was that spirits tend to stay where they were comfortable in life, like their old home, or wherever they happened to have passed away. when she told me the story i asked "mom, if grandpa has never seen this house and did not know where we lived, how did he appear here?" she could not answer that, but my mom has never lied to me or embellished her stories about anything else, so i tend to believe her.
she said she had seen him twice since that initial time all at trying times for my extended family. my mom was his first child and she is kind of the matriarch for the extended family now. when i see her this weekend i will ask about those 3 episodes and see if i can get some more information. man i have not remembered this story in over 20 years so i am sure i am leaving something out...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Were it not for a few personal experiences I 'd have to say, no, I don't believe in anything that has no empirical proof. And I have in empirical proof for the following experiences but I know they happened:
In 1971 or '72 I lived in a very old four story building in San Francisco's Mission District. My room mate came home one day and told me that he had just talked to a rather mysterious woman who lived on the first floor who told him the building was haunted by a ghost and she described the ghost in great detail. My roommate told me that the day before he heard this from her he had briefly seen in our apartment a glimpse of someone who looked exactly as the woman had described.
A few weeks later, my roommate and I were sitting in the living room playing cards when suddenly a draft blew through the room (all the windows were closed). Something caught our attention over the door frame leading into the room and we both looked up at it at the same time. We looked at each other with shock on both our faces and each in turn described what we saw: a frightening looking horned glowing red figure resting atop the trim of the door frame. The image only lasted a few seconds but we both saw the same thing.
I have no explanation for these things but they really happened.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
This isn't really a ghost story, more along the lines of cosmic coincidence.... but I think it's all related.
The last few years of my grandma's life were spent in a nursing home. She suffered from a rare degenerative decease similar to Alzheimer's but with physical effects similar to Parkinson's. Anyway, in late stages she sort of reverted back to some childhood tendencies and she slept with this stuffed lamb every night for years. We called him Lamb and we actually almost had him cremated with her, but then decided that poor Lamb didn't deserve that and now my aunt has him (my family is a little strange—in a fabulous way). The day my grandma died I made my husband take me out for a drive. We stopped at one set of traffic lights and my heart just about stopped when I saw through the rear window of the car ahead of us a stuffed lamb laying on the back of the seat--and not just any lamb, an exact replica (down to the flower in its mouth) of the one my grandma slept with.
Ok, that actually doesn't sound like that big a deal when I read what I wrote, but it seemed a huge coincidence at the time, like the universe telling me she was still around somewhere.
My old dog used to see things though, I swear. Every once in while she would stop part way up the stairs leading to the kitchen and start to growl while staring at the top of the stairs. She was big dog and really friendly, but she would just get this fierce look and snarl like I'd never hear any other time. She'd also stare into my closet and do it. Used to freak me out! She actually died the same year as my grandma and I fully believe the two of them were kindred spirits.
A friend of mine lives in an 18th century farmhouse and of course I ask if it was haunted the first time I visited last month and asked about any stories because I'm fascinated. They told me a few stories, but nothing happened that was out of the ordinary when I spent the night. I visited her again the other day and spent the night again, sort of forgetting about the house having a past. When the power went out when we were eating dinner, I was unfazed because the power goes out relatively often where I live, but they were a little alarmed and said it never really occurs there. We were cleaning up after dinner by candle light and I saw a shadow move across a door way in a back room. I wasn't really alarmed because I know how eyes can play tricks on you in the dark, but my friend noticed that I had saw something and I just downplayed it, because well, the power was out and we didn't need to be any more alarmed!
We hung out for the evening in front of the immense fire place which was great. Went to bed but of course I was somewhat on edge so I didn't sleep well. I heard the power turn back on. Morning came, I heard my friend's husband and daughter get ready for school and work and leave. About a half hour later I heard activity downstairs and thought that my friend had gotten up. It was almost 8 am, figured I was up for the day and thought she was up but checked her bedroom door and it was still closed. I thought that was odd, but maybe she closed her door before going downstairs. This noise I heard was constant activity, it sounded like kitchen chairs were being moved along with general movement. I took my time going downstairs, convinced that she was up. Not calling her name I went down the stairs but slipped and caught myself while descending, letting out a yelp. By the time I got down the stairs, it was completely silent and found no one in any of the rooms, and not a thing out of place. My friend was still sleeping upstairs. When she got up, she says she hears that sort of thing all the time as well as footsteps in the attic, and sees shadows as well, no big deal. Yeah, maybe to her it was no big deal...
and just at that point I woke up and realized I spit all over my blankets around my waist and feet and it was hard to catch my breath and was sweating like a hooker in a cop car.after I moved out of that house it only happened a few times,one time at a bro's house on the east coast and when I told him I saw him walk around the room as I slept it tripped out but gave me a book to read on "astreal projection"..just to freaky for me.
One weird thing happened to me in 1998.
I was having a bad string of luck for about a month, and I sat on my porch drinking with my roomate one day. We had a magic eight ball -- you know -- the kind you ask a question and shake it and it tells you insightful answers..
well, i shook it and i didnt like what it said to one of my questions (dont remembe the ? though)so I smashed it in the driveway and it rolled out onto the road, spewing black ink all over. A few day later I was walking with my same friend in Walmart, and a magic eight ball rolled out from an aisle and as we turned to look down that aisle, there was nobody there. And we werent even in the toy section. it was housewares or something. Still spooks me out a bit.
Godfather, I've read a tiny bit about astral projection and not sure if it'd freak me the hell out (which I think it would) or if I'd just breathe and go along for the ride (which I hope I could).
Strange goings-on in this world.
I love it.
That may be the freakiest story yet! I find a lot of toys creepy anyway, and that would just seal the deal.
I read a book by Dean Koontz a long time ago called The Door to December. It was based around astral projection. It was one of the scariest books I've ever read.
My mom said at one point the ceiling in the room got dark and cloudy. The air got really thick, the temperature dropped and their hairs stood up from static.
My mom looked at my aunt and said, are you seeing and feeling what I am and my aunt confirmed.. My athiest aunt then looked at my mom in complete fear and said "do you think we should call a priest?" :shock:
Not to mention, my other aunt was on her way to my grandmas from work when she saw a small religious cross decoration on the parking lot ground. Being Catholic herself, she threw it into her purse, thinking nothing of it to check it out later.. When she got to my grandma's she pulled it out of her purse and saw written on it "God Bless Dorothy".... Dorothy is my grandma's name! :shock: :shock: :shock:
since i was a kid i've experianced a number of instances...so i'll just stick to some of the most meaningful to me
when my dad died in '97...being a daddy's girl i took it pretty hard and yeah i was the one that sensed something was wrong from 3000 miles away (that's it's own story) anyway within a couple of hours after he passed i went out on my back deck and looked up and there was a bald eagle repeatedly circling right overhead...well my dad was a WWII navy veteran, patriotic is putting it mildly, he very involved in veterans organizations...i still get choked up now recalling that 'sign'.
also when my kids & i went down to his funeral he was def making his presence known in their house. a container no where near the edge of the counter coming off & hitting the floor, another instance of the same thing but with a knife when no one was within several feet of those objects. a few times he turned off (they didn't burn out) the lights...
after my mom passed away in '00 about 6 months later in my house, the porch light would go on & off by itself...that went on for weeks. there was unexplained banging noises coming from my kitchen. then one evening my son & i were just discussing school stuff....i was standing in the kitchen as he stood in the dining room; when this glass candle thingy (like an oil lamp chimney) which was a good 5-6 inches from edge of the kitchen island in between us jumped up in the air and crashed to the floor :wtf: my son said 'holy shit! WTF was THAT!?' i replied "i'm pretty certain that was your grandma" then began sweeping up all the broken glass
of course than there's signs from my authentic angel :angel: ... it's a bit too unique for me to post about on the board but i'll gladly tell anyone wanting to know...just pm me about it
angels share laughter
i am a dick though. i invited them to come play. sometimes things show up. this has been going on since i was a baby. i'm probably one of the freakest bastards on here. yes ghosts and the like are everywhere.
i am a psychic fucker like nobodies business. shit is constantly at me, 24x7 energy zooming around and through me.
i've seen and heard spirits, been attacked by them, been saved by guarding angels many times, saw little demons on fire in a house we lived in up in the attic, a pile of lumber and a demon about 1fttall all ablaze and goin .. im like, fuck off, im out of here and sleepin with grandma
saw my grandma 6 months or so after her passing. saved me and my family from a log truck accident and within seconds of stupid shit logs smashing us...
the other side follows us around, parralel universes and the like
i get messages from my father and brother quite often
the most bizarre dreams one can imagine
some say im coocoo
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I'm sorry about your grandma. My sister was a nursing home director for 20 years and told me that the place she worked at had some ghosts, but that on a consistent basis, residents who were dying always spoke to the nurses of experiencing and sometimes seeing a deceased loved one in their rooms days before their death. She said this happened all the time.
One of my many aunts - they're all gone now, unfortunately; my mom, the youngest, is the only one left of eight children - had a horrific stroke (aren't they all) in the late 90s. In a rare and subsequently-lucid moment, she told me that at some point in her mindmist, she saw two of her sisters who had already died...they were on the gangplank of a huge ship, suitcases in hand.
My aunt said she was ready to join them, but they told her no - it wasn't her time yet and she couldn't come aboard. She lived for another decade, most of them in semi-awareness.
"and it makes me wonder"
Back in university (around 1992), I awoke one night hearing suppressed giggling from both sides of my bed. Then, it was as if an electric switch was turned on and my bed became energized buzzing beneath me.
Within seconds of this happening (I'm getting chills as I write this), the four corners of my comforter were pulled hard and downward- sucking me into my mattress.
I was panic-stricken- this was fucking intense. I tried to call out and resist, but the comforter was pulled too tight for me to do anything.
About 4-5 seconds later, I pushed up off my bed and the comforter- light as a feather- flew off me. I also yelled as I became free of my confinement. It was a strange, surreal yell- one I had never heard come from my body before (there was definitely a good dose of intense fear influencing the nature of my 'gasp'). The tiny voices I had heard faded away and I kneeled on my bed sitting there going, "Holy Fuck. What the Hell?"
I was reading Helter Skelter at the time which may have had my imagination running wild; however, the 'experience' I had was very physical- this was no dream.
Dreams can seem supernatural sometimes as well. When I was 8 or 9 or 10 or so I had a dream that I was being attacked by an evil spirit. I became semi-conscious but couldn't move a muscle and even though I was partly awake I still felt the evil spirit coming for me. Finally, with great effort I was able to start moving and got up. I walked down the hall toward my parents bedroom for their comfort and reassurance and just before I reached their bedroom door I found I couldn't move again. I can't remember what happened after that.
Another weird thing that happened to me was riding the M street car in San Francisco one late night. It was passing through the tunnel under Twin Peaks and the car was picking up spead like crazy and bouncing around a lot. Suddenly the car bounced very hard and derailed and smashed into the wall. Everything flew forward from impact. It was a mess and everyone was badly injured and dying. And then suddenly the car reached the other side of the tunnel and everything was fine but I was shaking very badly.
I'm glad shit like this doesn't happen to me any more!