Dave Matthews rip-off on American Idol



  • LiftedLifted Posts: 1,836
    i honestly dont see the comparison to dave at all. his voice doesnt sound like daves. the only thing they have in common may be the dress attire, sandals and an acoustic guitar and looking like a college student. If anything the guy on AI is closer to a jack johnson type than dave.

    perhaps you've never actually listened to dave matthews either then. seriously, what are you smoking?

    try this one out...skip to the 1:20 mark


    this dude looks and sounds just like dave when he's performing. there's nothing to argue about. if you disagree, you're just arguing to argue. if you don't have a problem with him completely mimicking someone else's style then that is just fine and your prerogative...but to deny that he is doing it is asinine.

    ...also...was unaware that dave matthews wore sandals while performing. funny that that's one of the similarities you picked out.
  • Lifted wrote:
    i honestly dont see the comparison to dave at all. his voice doesnt sound like daves. the only thing they have in common may be the dress attire, sandals and an acoustic guitar and looking like a college student. If anything the guy on AI is closer to a jack johnson type than dave.

    perhaps you've never actually listened to dave matthews either then. seriously, what are you smoking?

    try this one out...skip to the 1:20 mark


    this dude looks and sounds just like dave when he's performing. there's nothing to argue about. if you disagree, you're just arguing to argue. if you don't have a problem with him completely mimicking someone else's style then that is just fine and your prerogative...but to deny that he is doing it is asinine.

    ...also...was unaware that dave matthews wore sandals while performing. funny that that's one of the similarities you picked out.

    how many acoustic guitar wielding frat boy looking guys have been popular lately? You obviously, as ive pointed out multiple times have never set foot on a college campus. in april and may you see kids on every bench on campus with guitars playing these types of songs.

    off the top of my head, i can think of jack johnson, xavier rudd, early ben harper, donovan frankenreiter, matt costa, brett dennen who play similar type tunes that wouldnt be out of place at some campfire beach singalong. and the list of acoustic singer songwriters who have been popular all decade long, from Damien Rice, to John Mayer. to Josh Radin, Cary Brothers, Iron and Wine, some Bright Eyes and on and on, is endless.

    Why pick out dave as an influence and say he is copying him? the guy in the video could be as influenced by Welcome to the Cruel world era Ben Harper, or Jack Johnson or damien rice or John Mayer.

    You obviously havent been following musical trends the last decade. frat boys with guitars singing those types of songs is ubiquitous.

    dave may be an influence, but why not accuse him of copying John Mayer? its ignorant to not delve into this issue in a deeper manner than "he sounds like he;s a dave ripoff". What musician sounds completely unique?

    Im a fan of bright eyes, lifted, and i know you are. Conor isnt immune to this either. He released several of my favorite records of all time this past decade, but he sounds like his influences as well.

    As i said before, we cant escape our influences. Even Radiohead cant.
  • i think you may need to check out the singer songwriter genre of the last decade if the only person you think of as doing that sort of music is dave matthews.

    a guy with an acoustic guitar who sings those types of songs is hardly unique. dave matthews may be one of the more successful examples of that genre or style of music, but he's hardly alone.

    Hell the guy could be as influenced by James Taylor or carole king 1970's singer songwriter types as opposed to anything else

    i definitely see some similarities, the voice inflections, and the way he dances, the lfting up of his feet, are all dave-esque, but again, john mayer does similar inflections with his voice and is known for doing those types of dances as well.
  • LiftedLifted Posts: 1,836
    edited February 2012
    musicismylife - really unbelievable how you've managed to take a simple thread about a guy on american idol trying to be dave matthews and use it to woo us once again with your vast musical knowledge.

    i listen to plenty/enough singer songwriters for my taste, but thanks for telling me what i should be listening to.

    fyi - i set foot on a college campus 3 times a week. i see plenty of college kids and fail to see your point.\\

    the video speaks for itself. i don't think i need to further defend the fact that this guy is specifically emulating dave matthews.

    try this out...do a google search. phil phillips dave matthews. see how many links you'll find. you act as if i'm the only one who has recognized this guy ripping off dave matthews. it's actually all over the internet. like i said...you are the only one who doesn't see it.
    Post edited by Lifted on
  • DewieCoxDewieCox Posts: 11,430
    He's got alot more goin on that's comparable to Dave Matthews than a standard fratboy acoustic rocker. He gets some similar facial expressions which seem really forced, the way he starts dancing( when Jlo mentions a James Brown thing). Not familiar with all the artists that musicismylife mentioned, but Dave has a really identifiable guitar style and it's totally different from at least Jack Johnson and James Taylor.

    When John Mayer got big I can remember gobs of comparisons to Dave. Since he's somehow become some sorta modern day guitar hero that's mostly ended, but he still does the Dave vocal thing in the stuff I hear.
  • DewieCox wrote:
    He's got alot more goin on that's comparable to Dave Matthews than a standard fratboy acoustic rocker. He gets some similar facial expressions which seem really forced, the way he starts dancing( when Jlo mentions a James Brown thing). Not familiar with all the artists that musicismylife mentioned, but Dave has a really identifiable guitar style and it's totally different from at least Jack Johnson and James Taylor.

    When John Mayer got big I can remember gobs of comparisons to Dave. Since he's somehow become some sorta modern day guitar hero that's mostly ended, but he still does the Dave vocal thing in the stuff I hear.

    I was more concerned with the blanket idea that anyone with that voice or dance moves is somehow automatically a rip off.

    I love PJ. But i hate to break it to people, pearl jam has identifiable influences. Ed would say this to our faces if he was here. Im not sure why sounding like another artist is an unforgivable sin.

    What artist in the last 20 years, hasnt sounded like their influences?

    Great point about the Mayer and Dave connection. And I would argue he's still a really respected guitarist. I'd say hes one of the best of our generation. The facial expressions are similar to mayer though as well as dave.

    guitar style, or the style of how you play the guitar is but one aspect of this guys persona and any artists persona. He has a look. And a vocal styling. He plays a certain type of guitar and plays it a certain way.

    what im arguing is to seperate dave as his only influence is silly because im sure the guy has listened to more than dave, and additionally, as ive pointed out, acoustic guitarist singer songwriters are a dime a dozen. Is the song that guy played more like a Room For Squares era John Mayer or a Dave song? How can you seperate that from one another?

    I'd encourage anyone here who isnt familiar with the bands and artists i listened to above to listen to them.

    im not sure how sounding like another artist is a bad thing. The Beatles, Radiohead, Elvis, The Grateful Dead, Johnny Cash, all great artists, but to suggest none of them sound like someone else or their influence is ignorant at best
  • Lifted wrote:
    musicismylife - really unbelievable how you've managed to take a simple thread about a guy on american idol trying to be dave matthews and use it to woo us once again with your vast musical knowledge.

    i listen to plenty/enough singer songwriters for my taste, but thanks for telling me what i should be listening to.

    fyi - i set foot on a college campus 3 times a week. i see plenty of college kids and fail to see your point.\\

    the video speaks for itself. i don't think i need to further defend the fact that this guy is specifically emulating dave matthews.

    try this out...do a google search. phil phillips dave matthews. see how many links you'll find. you act as if i'm the only one who has recognized this guy ripping off dave matthews. it's actually all over the internet. like i said...you are the only one who doesn't see it.

    im not trying to prove anything. you turned it personal, when you called me names, accused me of smoking something as of course i couldnt possibly have a valid point, and that if i disagreed with your point, or opinion then i was arguing for arguings sake.

    my main point was to suggest the obvious. dave matthews isnt unique in his style of music. like him or dislike him. and to tell me this phil phillip is aping dave, which implies a lesser quality artist, I assume the OP wasnt praising phil phillip by calling him a rip off.

    If you choose to compare artists to other artists and fail to bring in the larger musical climate, i dont really have any sympathy for that.

    If you are aware of the artists i mentioned thats fine. if you arent thats fine as well. But ultimately, i think the main point is, yes, Dave is an influence. But so are every single musician i mentioned in my above post. I dont think you can say Dave is any more an influence than John Mayer, or Brett Dennen to this guy. Or Ray Lamontagne.

    I think peoples influences are more complex than one artist. I think this guys influences are more complex than that. Who was ever influenced only by one artist and one artist only, ever?

    the point about the college campuses seemed to me to be pretty straightforward. I went to college. I went to college in the mid to late part of this past decade. I was living on campus and observed kids and students looking similar to dave and john mayer and everyone else i mentioned. the style of music this phil phillip is singing isnt unique, nor is it exclusively dave type music. He could be as influenced by the whole surf rock sound of last decade as anything else.

    How does Mayer fit into this? I assume you know what john mayer looks and sounds like. What he sounds like on Room For Squares. What instruments he plays and how he plays them? What his face looks and contorts to while singing? And how he dances? Right? So, how is his persona seperable from that? How do you say, he's a dave ripoff and not a John Mayer ripoff?

    I dont think or expect everyone to be experts in music. Not everyone has time to do that. I do think if you arent aware of something, or have a surface view of something its going to be evident though.

    This guy is as influenced by the surf rock sound of early ben harper and john mayer as he is by dave.
  • you started this thread to bash this phil phillip guy. thats your right. But your stated view point was that since he was a rip off in your point of view, this meant he was lesser and rubbish.

    People like soundalikes or people who are influenced by other artists, if they like those artists.

    Pearl Jam sounding like their influences is fine. And people are myopic in their views. They tend to view bands they have major respect for as being peerless and being a band that is above sounding like their influences.

    Influences and sounding similar to other artists is common and is common in most art forms, music or otherwise.

    the most important band of our generation and the most famous song of the 90's was a stated ripoff of the Pixies. and he pixies themselves were influenced by certain bands

    The beatles in later years were influenced by Ravi Shankars sitar. One could argue one of the most famous and beloved George Harrison songs is a Shankar ripoff.

    The Stones could be accused of being a blues ripoff band. same with elvis.
  • i view the cursory view of it as being similar to seeing a band with mop tops and saying "oh thats a band influenced by the beatles or is a beatles rip off". what band isnt influenced by the beatles number 1, and number 2, what other influences do they have.
  • LiftedLifted Posts: 1,836
    you turned it personal, when you called me names

    what name did i call you besides 'musicismylife'?
  • LiftedLifted Posts: 1,836
    i view the cursory view of it as being similar to seeing a band with mop tops and saying "oh thats a band influenced by the beatles or is a beatles rip off". what band isnt influenced by the beatles number 1, and number 2, what other influences do they have.

    why do you find these over-the-top rants necessary? and then you wonder why you get under people's skin? are you really that passionate about this thread? cause i'm certainly not. the similarities between phil phillips and dave matthews are uncanny. simple as that. as i said, do a google search with the two...you'll find tons of discussion about it all over the internet. i call it a rip-off and you call it inspiration. whatever. either way, it's a valid observation.
  • Lifted wrote:
    you turned it personal, when you called me names

    what name did i call you besides 'musicismylife'?

    well i guess you didnt call me names, but your post was condescending and rude as hell. i stated my opinion dave wasnt the only influence and as i said you said i'd never listened to dave, because i guess to disagree with you must mean i dont know who the artist is, and of course i could never have a different opinion. you implied i was on drugs, which is an absurd thing to suggest as im straight edge, so its a lazy slur and comment. you also suggested to me that if i disagreed with you i was somehow daft and or arguing just to argue with you. again the implication is you arent just stating an opinion. which you are in fact doing. but you make it sound like what you said is fact and their isnt any other opinion that could be offered. Im sort of confused why you think this wouldnt irk me. telling me i cant disagree with you, that you think you are the only correct person, and that anyone who disagrees is on drugs or is delusional, thats quite a statement to suggest.

    i merely disagreed with you. you attacked me and said those things about me. I disagreed with your original post. I disagreed with the point of it. You choose to childishly attack me.

    has anyone actually done the simple act of googling this guy and reading interviews from the guy. maybe when interviewers ask him who his influences are, maybe he says something more than "i listened to only dave matthews and thats my only influence". if he does in fact state he had and has other influenced extending that to what he sounds like would be a natural progression.

    You said he was completely mimicking daves persona and style. I think it sets yourself up for criticism when you make such a blanket and specific comment. Do you honestly believe his only influence is dave? Are his vocal inflections and the dance moves, and the guitar playing, only indicative of dave? If he dances like that and sounds like the way he does is it THE ONLY explanation for that, that he listens and apes dave? or could another explanation be possible? Could it also be feasible he's copying the style of John Mayer? and Brett Dennen? And Damien Rice? And Ray Lamontagne?

    I'd love to hear a list you have of artists who dont sound anything like their influences. There have been many innovative and experimental and genrebending bands throughout music history, but im not aware of one band where they werent influenced and thus included that influence in the music itself.
  • Lifted wrote:
    you turned it personal, when you called me names

    what name did i call you besides 'musicismylife'?

    well i guess you didnt call me names, but your post was condescending and rude as hell. i stated my opinion dave wasnt the only influence and as i said you said i'd never listened to dave, because i guess to disagree with you must mean i dont know who the artist is, and of course i could never have a different opinion. you implied i was on drugs, which is an absurd thing to suggest as im straight edge, so its a lazy slur and comment. you also suggested to me that if i disagreed with you i was somehow daft and or arguing just to argue with you. again the implication is you arent just stating an opinion. which you are in fact doing. but you make it sound like what you said is fact and their isnt any other opinion that could be offered. Im sort of confused why you think this wouldnt irk me. telling me i cant disagree with you, that you think you are the only correct person, and that anyone who disagrees is on drugs or is delusional, thats quite a statement to suggest.

    i merely disagreed with you. you attacked me and said those things about me. I disagreed with your original post. I disagreed with the point of it. You choose to childishly attack me.

    has anyone actually done the simple act of googling this guy and reading interviews from the guy. maybe when interviewers ask him who his influences are, maybe he says something more than "i listened to only dave matthews and thats my only influence". if he does in fact state he had and has other influenced extending that to what he sounds like would be a natural progression.

    You said he was completely mimicking daves persona and style. I think it sets yourself up for criticism when you make such a blanket and specific comment. Do you honestly believe his only influence is dave? Are his vocal inflections and the dance moves, and the guitar playing, only indicative of dave? If he dances like that and sounds like the way he does is it THE ONLY explanation for that, that he listens and apes dave? or could another explanation be possible? Could it also be feasible he's copying the style of John Mayer? and Brett Dennen? And Damien Rice? And Ray Lamontagne?

    I'd love to hear a list you have of artists who dont sound anything like their influences. There have been many innovative and experimental and genrebending bands throughout music history, but im not aware of one band where they werent influenced and thus included that influence in the music itself.

    Lifted, and you dont get under peoples skin? I find what you said hurtful and negative. Lets disagree but lets keep personal insults out of it. What a stupid discussion
  • Lifted wrote:
    i view the cursory view of it as being similar to seeing a band with mop tops and saying "oh thats a band influenced by the beatles or is a beatles rip off". what band isnt influenced by the beatles number 1, and number 2, what other influences do they have.

    why do you find these over-the-top rants necessary? and then you wonder why you get under people's skin? are you really that passionate about this thread? cause i'm certainly not. the similarities between phil phillips and dave matthews are uncanny. simple as that. as i said, do a google search with the two...you'll find tons of discussion about it all over the internet. i call it a rip-off and you call it inspiration. whatever. either way, it's a valid observation.

    funny this whole thread since i posted a few days ago, youve said anyone who doesnt see the similarities and that he's a ripoff is on drugs, or is arguing for arguments sake.

    now you say my view that he isnt a ripoff is a valid observation?

    which one is it?

    when i posted the other day how i disagreed with you, why didnt you immediately respond, "i disagree, but you have a valid point", and then just leave it at that.

    you chose to take it personal.
  • LiftedLifted Posts: 1,836
    Lifted wrote:
    i view the cursory view of it as being similar to seeing a band with mop tops and saying "oh thats a band influenced by the beatles or is a beatles rip off". what band isnt influenced by the beatles number 1, and number 2, what other influences do they have.

    why do you find these over-the-top rants necessary? and then you wonder why you get under people's skin? are you really that passionate about this thread? cause i'm certainly not. the similarities between phil phillips and dave matthews are uncanny. simple as that. as i said, do a google search with the two...you'll find tons of discussion about it all over the internet. i call it a rip-off and you call it inspiration. whatever. either way, it's a valid observation.

    funny this whole thread since i posted a few days ago, youve said anyone who doesnt see the similarities and that he's a ripoff is on drugs, or is arguing for arguments sake.

    now you say my view that he isnt a ripoff is a valid observation?

    which one is it?

    when i posted the other day how i disagreed with you, why didnt you immediately respond, "i disagree, but you have a valid point", and then just leave it at that.

    you chose to take it personal.

    the only one taking this personally is you. and when i said that, i meant that my original post was a valid observation. sorry for the confusion. you are just being way over the top and creating an argument that isn't there.
  • interesting so i guess telling someone that if they disagree with you they are on drugs isnt personal? nor is being condescending, and snotty? And saying others are annoyed by me, is that a kind, respectful way to talk to anyone? The latter comment is especially laughable because built into it, is the suggestion you believe people on this board DONT view you as the things you said i was. Im choosing not to call you those things, im just pointing out, to make such a statement, you better be sure you are Mother Theresa or something.

    the second most popular comment on the original video you posted, the thriller audition, someone posted "he is not a dave matthews clone". second most popular comment

    So disagreeing with you on your original point isnt a valid argument. You really believe this topic has oonly one valid position in terms of this phillips guy.

    I think you went astray when you veered from your idea that this guy sounds like dave. thats a valid point to have. but to accuse the guy of being rubbish, a knock off, meaning a no talent guy, and then to attack anyone else who disagrees with your points, that i think is where you lost me

    i think its wise to remember not everyone comes to any situation with the same opinion. Sure millions of people may view this phillips guy as a dave matthews sound alike. But im sure im not the only person perceptive enough to know the guy obviously has heard and is influenced and sounds like a multitude of musicians, other than him Has the guy sung a dave matthews cover on the show? If he hasnt the logical conclusion would be he;s influenced and open to influence by more than one artist.

    i think its fine to have your opinion, but its an opinion. it just is. i dont expect you to think my point of view is the gods honest, but i do expect common courtesy and respect and that means if im expressing an opinion, its common courtesy to not revert back into 4 year old mode and say "my opinion is right and everyone else who disagrees with me is crazy or is out to get me".

    i also think its possible to hold and defend an assertion and to not call others names or belittle others.
  • 12345AGNST112345AGNST1 Posts: 4,906
    lol this is so stupid
    5/28/06, 6/27/08, 10/28/09, 5/18/10, 5/21/10
    8/7/08, 6/9/09
  • SeaSea Posts: 3,082
    Discuss, disagree and debate politely.
    If you can't agree to disagree perhaps it's time to back away from the keyboard.
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