Romney didn't win Maine......
Posts: 1,128
yet.......if even. ... blishment/ ... s-results/
ron paul get's boned again. ... blishment/ ... s-results/
ron paul get's boned again.
RC, SoDak 1998 - KC 2000 - Council Bluffs IA 2003 - Fargo ND 2003 - St. Paul MN 2003 - Alpine Valley 2003 - St Louis MO 2004 - Kissimmee FLA 2004 - Winnipeg 2005 - Thunder Bay 2005 - Chicago 2006 - Grand Rapids MI 2006 - Denver CO 2006 - Lollapalooza 2007 - Bonnaroo 2008 - Austin City Limits 2009 - Los Angeles 2009 - KC 2010 - St Louis MO 2010 - PJ20 Night 1 - PJ20 Night 2
Post edited by Unknown User on
Bummer- sorry to hear it but not surprised.
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
Up till now it's been mostly MEDIA MANIPULATION that has fucked with Ron Paul.
From what I now understand,
Washington County vote was DELAYED because of "1-3 inches of predicted snow" which never appeared.
The girl Scouts of Washington County didn't cancel their function, but the GOP canceled the vote.
Washington County is HEAVILY PRO-RON PAUL.
Scratches Head.
Go Establishment.
This WILL Bite You In The Ass,
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That's never happened before, has it?
(there's no way he won CPAC, either. The CPAC crowd are the more vile, extreme right-wing people in the country. There's no way they chose a Pro-social medicine, Smarmy mormon over Rick Santorum.)
So Romney can win the beauty contest...hopefully those kinds of things can keep happening so Santorum and Newt end their runs before the convention...if it is a choice between Romney and Paul it gets harder and harder to for "conservatives" to support Romney...
So fuck the GOP establishment for doing this shit so blatantly, ultimately it will be their own undoing...Just like the media's curtain got lifted, so will theirs
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
What a dick that Ron Paul.
:roll: :roll:
If I opened it now would you not understand?
yeah...I am a lost cause now!!
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
When they finish the tally in this one sparsely populated county on the border of Canada, Ron Paul may eek out a slight win (I doubt it though), but why does it matter? Either Romney wins 11 delegates and Paul wins 10, or vice versa. The other two candidates didn't spend any time or money in Maine... but where they do spend money, they do okay if not win... and Paul is always a distant 4th.
So Paul got about 2000 people to vote for him in Maine?
Can not any Paul supporter understand how laughably insignificant that is?
If 2000 votes is equated to nearly first place, dont' you think that your statement would apply to all the other votes for the other candidates as well? Why single out Paul supporters solely?
Your statement could apply just as well to Romney and would be even more applicable to Santorum and Gingrich.
I'm not really sure what your whole point is here. Can you not understand that the taking of a state makes news headlines regardless of whether or not the vote count was 2000 or 20,000? That news headlines generates momentum and donations for a campaign?
people dont actually care about the integrity of elections unless their candidate gets screwed.
Of course my statement applies to the other candidates, particularly Romney. It's laughable that he only got about 2000 votes as well! The whole Republican field is a joke! But despite all the passion of Ron Paul's supporters, they can't even beat these other clowns. If Ron Paul is so awesome, he should be pulling in way more than 2000 people in a state with a population of 1.3 million... especially in a rural state where people actually still talk with their neighbors.
when I still get the question, is he seriously running or just trying to get a spot at the convention?
when I still get the question, isn't he for isolationism and slashing the military budget?
when I hear on more than one occasion that his policies will allow corporations to run amok...(which is a fundamental misunderstanding of what a free market is by the way)
when you have Lawrence O'Donnell on national television after he finishes second in New Hampshire, calling him and his campaign a fraud and that he really doesn't want to win the nomination.
when you still have people that think Iraq had WMD's and that Osama was the president of Afghanistan and that Saddam worked with him...
when you still have people who think conservative means not wanting gays to marry and for military action all over the globe no matter the cost while we go bankrupt at home...
when you still have people who think that President Obama is a Kenyan hell bent on turning the US into a marxist communist state...
I could go on for hours...but an increase in support from 2008 no matter how "insignificant" it is to you, it says a lot to me. That people are wading through all the bullshit and getting out and supporting a candidate in a year when turnout is low and inspiration is even lower. His crowds are enthusiastic and positive...not negative and angry...they are really quite a site if you never have been...i would encourage you to go to one
what you should worry about is why the same marginalization of candidates who truly represent change to the system we currently have get derailed by the media and their own party...I mean there's....and then of course you cannot forget about...oh and the always outstanding...oh wait...there aren't any...
You can call Maine insignificant, you can say that it is a measly 2000 can say it doesn't matter in the end...but let's just remember what happened in 2000, and we may start to realize that one state can make a difference, one county can make a difference in the entire world's future for decades to come...we will never know what a difference winning Maine's straw poll would have made
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
fraudulent claims about society
what would those be?
actually never mind on the question, I realize now that you don't really care about a discussion. So i am glad you voiced your opinion and I think I got it...disagreeing with Kenny is irresponsible.
isn't democrats and republicans ruining the dollar through terrible fiscal and monetary management irresponsible? and libertarians are the irresponsible...
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
No, the only ones irresponsible are those who believe in freedom and personal liberties... :roll:
I think progressives understand personal liberties far better than conservatives ever have. Libertarianism is a tyrannical wolf in sheep's clothing. It makes dictators out of business owners while stripping away the rights of workers.
But you guys are losing now. Finally.
In the same token, I could say that Progressives are tyrant wolves in sheep's clothing. Everything you are stating about libertarianism is a weird distortion of what it actually is and says to me that you don't actually understand what it is about. Progressives believe in using force for the "good of the people". True Libertarians believe in the Non Aggression Principal which doesn't allow for the use of force no matter how delusional you may be about what is right and wrong.
Furthermore universal healthcare was settled MORE than 100 years ago. Problem is, no one wants to pay attention to the constitution and how if you want to change it there is a process set in place to do just that. As it stand today, universal healthcare is unconstitutional whether you like it or not.
If you think the message of liberty is losing I'd ask you to pay attention a little closer. While it is entirely possible that Ron Paul may not be the nominee for president, his message is spreading and growing with each day.
not sure what you mean by losing...when have libertarian ideals ever been embraced by the masses?
Libertarianism does not make dictators out of business I said earlier that is a fundamental misunderstanding of free markets. Also, the states are still around. Limited FEDERAL government, limited by the constiitution to perform its actual duties would benefit everyone. I should be paying more taxes to my state and local municipality than I ever should to a federal government. The difference between people who support a larger federal government and those who would want it limited by the constitution comes down to the name of the country.
Either you would like it to be called the United States of American where the feds are limited and the states have the right to offer things like healthcare if they so choose, or you would like it to be called the United STATE of America where the feds walk all over the constitution and its enumerated and implied powers. There is a process to change it. I suggest anyone who wants federal universal healthcare to go ahead and start a drive to amend the constitution, because without that, the federal government cannot mandate the purchase of any product like health insurance....that is up to the states.
but you can be glad we are losing...but I would suggest taking the dollar you currently have in your pocket out, look at it, say goodbye and tear it in half...because that is what it will be worth if we continue down this awful path of spending our way out of debt. Solid monetary policy and fiscal sanity is not irresponsible in any measure. you cannot add programs to an already bloated fed budget without first fixing your fiscal house. We will end up like greece, and then we are fucked. Dollar first, military second, and then and only then is it responsible to talk about a state take over of about 1/6th of our economy.
as an aside, I am glad you have good debates with your friends, sometimes on a message board things can come across a lot harsher than you meant to say them. But if you think libertarianism is irresponsible, I suggest you read a little bit more. It isn't the free-for-all you think it is
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
What I mean that is that economic libertarianism has long had a foothold in America, particularly in the Republican Party. America has never been a libertarian country on social issues, but economically speaking, there has always been a libertarian axe ready to hack away at progressive economic reforms that have been implemented over the years. A lot of the New Deal has been undermined, and I think we are in need of a modern New Deal. Conservatives won't like it... they'll think it's tyranny, but really it's about creating a more fair society... And may I be clear that I do not mean an equal society... because it's a lie to say we were all created equal. We're clearly not. Some of us are more talented than others. Some of us will naturally fall into leadership positions, and deserve to better compensated. But we all deserve equal protection and treatment under the law. Conservatives love the myth that we are all equal, because therefore they can blame poverty on the individual and not on the corruptions of the free market, which, when the libertarian ethos is applied, is really a tyrannical market.
agree. and when you let a government make laws that benefit some over the many you are undermining that principle. What you are talking about is crony capitalism. It is government protection of corporations without protecting the individual rights of the people. That is the difference it what you think is a free market and what actually a free market, corporations would be free to do what they want to the extent that they do not violate individual rights of every person in the process. It isn't the job of the federal government to do anything but protect an individuals rights from being violated. It is a fundamental misunderstanding of free markets to think that the government would simply allow tyranny or that we have had free markets without government intervention and manipulation. There would be no bail outs, there would be no corporate welfare and handouts, there would be no subsidies...the best ideas would come to the top and the rest would fall by the wayside, all the while the rights of the individual and private property would be strictly enforced. Do you think wanting the federal powers limited by the rules that set up the federal government is really that ridiculous? A mistrust of the markets is natural I suppose when they have been corrupted and abused for hundreds of years, but to say it would lead to tyrannical corporations is nothing short of demagoguery.
give the government less room for control and there is less room to corrupt...
Do not get what modern neo-conservatives say about free markets confused with what they truly should be...I think most conservatives who rail on and on about free markets do not understand them and even worse, think that they are hampered by democratic supported policies only...
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
What part of the New Deal do you think was fair, and also, what part do you think was good policy?
Was it the part that where government mandate prevented "disastrous overproduction"?
Or the part where the government interfered to restrict "unfair competition"?
Was it the part that said "We recognize the right of the individual to seek and to obtain his own fair wage, his own fair profit, in his own fair way — just so long as in the doing of it he does not push down or hold down his neighbor", or was it the part that actually slowed down a broader economic recovery by endorsing and licensing cartels and monopolies, hitting the consumer up with universally higher prices as a result?
Or maybe it was the part that brought criminal charges against poultry producers for allowing customers to PICK THEIR OWN CHICKENS. I mean, of COURSE that was "cutthroat competition", unfair, evil, and clearly indicated your were a selfish non-public-spirited person. Want to pick your own chicken out at the butcher so you don't end up with a sick bird and end up killing your entire family through disease? You are Un-American, and are part of the problem!
Restrict honest competition.
Restrict production.
But encourage mega-business collusion\cooperation & Cartels\Monopolies,
and most importantly, restrict consumer choice, while providing him with higher prices at the store for it.
all under the guise of Freedom and FAIRNESS.
If I opened it now would you not understand? ... 3561_n.jpg
that first one is fantastic
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
1st, sorry for the late response... I just kinda forgot about this discussion...
and maybe the discussion has moved on (although results from Washington Country will be here tomorrow, right?) but I should reply to this...
In my opinion we should be doing A LOT more to prevent overproduction, which has been extremely disastrous for our environment, and for our mental and physical health.
We don't need all this plastic shit piling up in landfills and the ocean. We also don't need it to be produced by people who are essentially slaves, especially given the conditions in China and other parts of the world. I think we can still have all of the same modern technology without exploiting people. American workers are generally exploited too, but not to the same horrible extent as in some other countries.
Labor conditions within the U.S. used to be atrocious as well. The New Dealers brought us the Fair Labor Standards Act which created a minimum wage and the 40 hour per week maximum at base pay. They brought us Social Security so that workers would at least have a basic pension at the end of their lives. Unfortunately they never succeeded at bringing us universal health insurance.
A modern New Deal should include not only Medicare-for-all and wipe out private health insurance, but also wipe out the need for private life insurance and retirement funds.
Yes, absolutely I think we should restrict competition, and to an ever greater extent. The best and brightest among us shouldn't be encouraged to participate in a market which values how much one can produce, but in a system that produces what is actually valuable. Our highest salaries should be paid to our teachers as well as our doctors. The highest paid jobs should in general be those that serve the public, and it should be a challenge to get those jobs, so that only the best minds will be in charge of our affairs.
We could all work in friendly work environments 25-30 hours per week and have everything we all need. We could all be employed (unless disabled of course) and have the leisure time we all deserve. Everyone would know someone, a family member or at least a friend, who works in government... it would no longer be anything to fear, or be suspicious of.
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
I dont agree with "all" of it but most of it for me makes sense. It is the intent to adopt at least some of the ideas.
I've NEVER heard of PROUT before, but the LAST thing in your link:
"- Prama' (dynamic equilibrium and equipoise) is to be established in the physical, psychic and spiritual spheres of life."
had me wondering what the fuck was really going on here.
I mean the whole model reads as "sort of Zeitgeist (the movie) ish" ... then i looked to the sidebar for PROUT and saw links on Vegetarianism, Meditation, and Neo-Humanism.
Then i said, "MMM HMMM".
Then i did a google search, and found the following PDF of a PROUT Book:
What's up, Esoteric Economy!
This is some sort of outwards economic manifestation of Occultism.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Who gets to determine what is actually valuable? You? Me? Some unelected bureaucrat?
like i said over on another Ron Paul thread, we'd be best to ignore SweetChildofMine.
I don't think that is the case.
I was just exclaiming because someone posted something of economic relevance to the discussion, but when I went to check it out it had deliberate Occult symbolism tied to it.
In otherwords PROUT is some sort of organization putting forward an agenda very much like the Zeitgeist Movement. It's intentions are arguably NOBLE, but YOU SHOULD BE AWARE OF WHAT LIES BACK OF THE PLATFORM -- Occultism\Illuminism\New Age etc ... for fucks sake, it is a goddman image of a Swastika in a Rising Sun with Obelisk Shaped Rays ... how much more do you need to see the connection.
Again, i'm not JUDGING the PROUT movement for this.
Just calling it for what it is.
It is an attempt in some form or another at an "Externalization of the Hierarchy"
Externalization of the Hierarchy
The Coming World Order
--- Some Problems Solved
The Economic Problem
If I opened it now would you not understand?