Repulsive progressive hypocrisy

Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
edited February 2012 in A Moving Train
great article, other than misuse of the word progressive and liberal i think greenwald nails it....what the left bitched and moaned about for 8 years they ended up polls show guantanamo has the highest support of the public it ever had??

i especially liked this paragraph:
"The Democratic Party owes a sincere apology to George Bush, Dick Cheney and company for enthusiastically embracing many of the very Terrorism policies which caused them to hurl such vehement invective at the GOP for all those years. And progressives who support the views of the majority as expressed by this poll should never be listened to again the next time they want to pretend to oppose civilian slaughter and civil liberties assaults when perpetrated by the next Republican President (it should be noted that roughly 35% of liberals, a non-trivial amount, say they oppose these Obama policies)."

ain't that the fuckin truth ... hypocrisy/

Repulsive progressive hypocrisy
By Glenn Greenwald

During the Bush years, Guantanamo was the core symbol of right-wing radicalism and what was back then referred to as the “assault on American values and the shredding of our Constitution”: so much so then when Barack Obama ran for President, he featured these issues not as a secondary but as a central plank in his campaign. But now that there is a Democrat in office presiding over Guantanamo and these other polices — rather than a big, bad, scary Republican — all of that has changed, as a new Washington Post/ABC News poll today demonstrates:

The sharpest edges of President Obama’s counterterrorism policy, including the use of drone aircraft to kill suspected terrorists abroad and keeping open the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have broad public support, including from the left wing of the Democratic Party.

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that Obama, who campaigned on a pledge to close the brig at Guantanamo Bay and to change national security policies he criticized as inconsistent with U.S. law and values, has little to fear politically for failing to live up to all of those promises.

The survey shows that 70 percent of respondents approve of Obama’s decision to keep open the prison at Guantanamo Bay. . . . The poll shows that 53 percent of self-identified liberal Democrats — and 67 percent of moderate or conservative Democrats — support keeping Guantanamo Bay open, even though it emerged as a symbol of the post-Sept. 11 national security policies of George W. Bush, which many liberals bitterly opposed.

Repulsive liberal hypocrisy extends far beyond the issue of Guantanamo. A core plank in the Democratic critique of the Bush/Cheney civil liberties assault was the notion that the President could do whatever he wants, in secret and with no checks, to anyone he accuses without trial of being a Terrorist – even including eavesdropping on their communications or detaining them without due process. But President Obama has not only done the same thing, but has gone much farther than mere eavesdropping or detention: he has asserted the power even to kill citizens without due process. As Bush’s own CIA and NSA chief Michael Hayden said this week about the Awlaki assassination: “We needed a court order to eavesdrop on him but we didn’t need a court order to kill him. Isn’t that something?” That is indeed “something,” as is the fact that Bush’s mere due-process-free eavesdropping on and detention of American citizens caused such liberal outrage, while Obama’s due-process-free execution of them has not.

Beyond that, Obama has used drones to kill Muslim children and innocent adults by the hundreds. He has refused to disclose his legal arguments for why he can do this or to justify the attacks in any way. He has even had rescuers and funeral mourners deliberately targeted. As Hayden said: ”Right now, there isn’t a government on the planet that agrees with our legal rationale for these operations, except for Afghanistan and maybe Israel.” But that is all perfectly fine with most American liberals now that their Party’s Leader is doing it:

Fully 77 percent of liberal Democrats endorse the use of drones, meaning that Obama is unlikely to suffer any political consequences as a result of his policy in this election year. Support for drone strikes against suspected terrorists stays high, dropping only somewhat when respondents are asked specifically about targeting American citizens living overseas, as was the case with Anwar al-Awlaki, the Yemeni American killed in September in a drone strike in northern Yemen.

The Post‘s Greg Sargent obtained the breakdown on these questions and wrote today:

The number of those who approve of the drone strikes drops nearly 20 percent when respondents are told that the targets are American citizens. But that 65 percent is still a very big number, given that these policies really should be controversial.

And get this: Depressingly, Democrats approve of the drone strikes on American citizens by 58-33, and even liberals approve of them, 55-35. Those numbers were provided to me by the Post polling team.

It’s hard to imagine that Dems and liberals would approve of such policies in quite these numbers if they had been authored by George W. Bush.

Indeed: is there even a single liberal pundit, blogger or commentator who would have defended George Bush and Dick Cheney if they (rather than Obama) had been secretly targeting American citizens for execution without due process, or slaughtering children, rescuers and funeral attendees with drones, or continuing indefinite detention even a full decade after 9/11? Please. How any of these people can even look in the mirror, behold the oozing, limitless intellectual dishonesty, and not want to smash what they see is truly mystifying to me.

One of the very first non-FISA posts I ever wrote that received substantial attention was this one from January, 2006, entitled “Do Bush Followers have an Ideology”? It examined the way in which the Bush-supporting Right was more like an “authoritarian cult” rather than a political movement because its adherents had no real, fixed political beliefs; instead, I argued, their only animating “principle” was loyalty to their leader, and they would support anything he did no matter how at odds it was with their prior ostensible beliefs. That post was linked to and praised by dozens and dozens of liberal blogs: can you believe what authoritarian followers these conservatives are?, they scoffed in unison. Here was the crux of my argument:

Whether one is a “liberal” — or, for that matter, a “conservative” — is now no longer a function of one’s actual political views, but is a function purely of one’s personal loyalty to George Bush. . . .

People who self-identify as “conservatives” and have always been considered to be conservatives become liberal heathens the moment they dissent, even on the most non-ideological grounds, from a Bush decree. That’s because “conservatism” is now a term used to describe personal loyalty to the leader (just as “liberal” is used to describe disloyalty to that leader), and no longer refers to a set of beliefs about government.

That “conservatism” has come to mean “loyalty to George Bush” is particularly ironic given how truly un-conservative the Administration is. . . . And in that regard, people like Michelle Malkin, John Hinderaker, Jonah Goldberg and Hugh Hewitt are not conservatives. They are authoritarian cultists. Their allegiance is not to any principles of government but to strong authority through a single leader.

As this post demonstrates, long before Barack Obama achieved any significance on the political scene, I considered blind leader loyalty one of the worst toxins in our political culture: it’s the very antithesis of what a healthy political system requires (and what a healthy mind would produce). One of the reasons I’ve written so much about the complete reversal of progressives on these issues (from pretending to be horrified by them when done under Bush to tolerating them or even supporting them when done by Obama) is precisely because it’s so remarkable to see these authoritarian follower traits manifest so vibrantly in the very same political movement — sophisticated, independent-minded, reality-based progressives — that believes it is above that, and that only primitive conservatives are plagued by such follower-mindlessness.

The Democratic Party owes a sincere apology to George Bush, Dick Cheney and company for enthusiastically embracing many of the very Terrorism policies which caused them to hurl such vehement invective at the GOP for all those years. And progressives who support the views of the majority as expressed by this poll should never be listened to again the next time they want to pretend to oppose civilian slaughter and civil liberties assaults when perpetrated by the next Republican President (it should be noted that roughly 35% of liberals, a non-trivial amount, say they oppose these Obama policies).

One final point: I’ve often made the case that one of the most consequential aspects of the Obama legacy is that he has transformed what was once known as “right-wing shredding of the Constitution” into bipartisan consensus, and this is exactly what I mean. When one of the two major parties supports a certain policy and the other party pretends to oppose it — as happened with these radical War on Terror policies during the Bush years — then public opinion is divisive on the question, sharply split. But once the policy becomes the hallmark of both political parties, then public opinion becomes robust in support of it. That’s because people assume that if both political parties support a certain policy that it must be wise, and because policies that enjoy the status of bipartisan consensus are removed from the realm of mainstream challenge. That’s what Barack Obama has done to these Bush/Cheney policies: he has, as Jack Goldsmith predicted he would back in 2009, shielded and entrenched them as standard U.S. policy for at least a generation, and (by leading his supporters to embrace these policies as their own) has done so with far more success than any GOP President ever could have dreamed of achieving.

UPDATE: The Advocacy Center for Equality and Democracy documents how much public opinion has changed on these issues under (and as a result of) the Obama presidency: “under the leadership of a President who campaigned with the promise to close the facility, . . . support for the detention center may be at its highest level ever.”
don't compete; coexist

what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,725
    Of the people I know- both conservative and progressive (or what ever you labels you want to use- I avoid them as much as possible myself) of those people who are truly committed to what they believe, have studied what they speak about, and can articulate their thoughts clearly- these people are never hypocritical. They may change their views on certain subjects, but only after much soul searching or scrutiny of facts or evidence. Yes, there are people that flip flop on issues, that float with the currents or that speak about certain issues in an attempt to impress others or win friends. However, to categorically describe progressives as repulsive hypocrites serves no meaningful purpose.
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • Funny, I haven't seen any left-wing support for keeping Guantanamo bay open.

    That's one of the things that even Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann rail on him for not doing.

    I wonder what their methods were for finding that number
  • Ever since President Obama got elected, it has been a weird twisted fight out of some nasty neonazi delusional dimension. Im a progressive. I listen and watch and keep myself well informed by many news media sources and even listen to what the teabaggers have to say. THAT article above is not true, Ive seen alot over the past three years. If you see what I see you know, the small amount of progressives are trying to push good policy into our government. Ive seen the whole country RISE AGAINST a buttload of dirty politics by the GOP. I dont get , these idiots will keep you on your brainwashed path into a hellhole. Co-opting anykind of progress and rewriting history to suit themselves, make themselves Gods or something that really is so far from the truth and I personally enjoy their tiny delusional heads explode in front of my eyes.
  • Congresses 10% approval rating at this moment were most likely going to see some more backlash from GOP. As Obama's rating go up while he acts without congress or against. *cough* What a spin! :mrgreen:
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    I really dislike labels, no one fits it perfect ...

    under the guise of more understanding comes less
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,306
    i don't recall ever seeing a liberal doing an about face and begin supporting obama for use of drones, keeping gitmo open, and assassinating bin laden. he gets sharp criticism for these things from many liberals.

    last i checked it was more than just a conservative hatchet job on him on this forum. there are plenty of progressives who are just as disgusted by his actions abroad as they were with bush's.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • I heard on NPR this morning, lol... while sipping a latte :D

    27% of Guantanamo releases went back to "terrorism". Of course that's a government owned study, so take it with a grain of salt regarding the number and what they define as terrorism.

    however, until we get ALL of our troops back from the Middle East (TODAY PLEASE!) I vote that we keep them in Guantanamo. Not that my vote means anything.

    another reason to vote for Ron Paul; bring home all the troops, shut down Guantanamo, fucking tomorrow!
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    Funny, I haven't seen any left-wing support for keeping Guantanamo bay open.

    That's one of the things that even Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann rail on him for not doing.

    I wonder what their methods were for finding that number

    this is an ABC poll result produced by
    83 percent of Americans in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll approve of Obama’s use of unmanned drones against terrorist suspects, 78 percent back the drawdown of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and 70 percent favor keeping open the Guantanamo Bay detention center – the latter a reversal by Obama of his 2008 campaign position.
    Strength of sentiment also is very much on the positive side. Strong approval far outpaces strong disapproval, by 55 points on drones (59-4 percent), 47 points on troop withdrawal (56-9 percent) and 29 points on keeping Gitmo running (42-13 percent)

    take these numbers as you will...but I wonder if they would be the same if the president had a R behind his name...they very well and probably would be...which makes most of the "outrage" simply lip service

    where are the protests, where is the constant talk about gitmo and the detainees on the news, where is the outrage that someone who gave himself a year to end gitmo when he could have done it over night...hasn't done it after 3...please...tell me where the outrage is...they may mention it in passing from time to time...but there is very little outrage on Obama's foreign policy except those on the right who are crazy enough to think he is any different than Bush was in regards to the "war on terror".
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    yes, yes, you all are ever so fraught over these policies of obama's, just as much so as when they were bush' who do ya think you all will vote for in november? :roll:

    i get it, 'i hate it and it's wrong buuuuuuuuuuuuuut.....i HAVE to vote for obama!'
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • I heard on NPR this morning, lol... while sipping a latte :D

    27% of Guantanamo releases went back to "terrorism". Of course that's a government owned study, so take it with a grain of salt regarding the number and what they define as terrorism.

    however, until we get ALL of our troops back from the Middle East (TODAY PLEASE!) I vote that we keep them in Guantanamo. Not that my vote means anything.

    another reason to vote for Ron Paul; bring home all the troops, shut down Guantanamo, fucking tomorrow!

    Are you suggesting that the Gubmint would IN-flate the numbers of prisoners that revert to "terrorism"?

    Remember, the Gubmint let them out- it hurts politically when reports of freed terrorists returning to jihad surface...

    If anything, the current Admin is DE-flating the numbers... IMHO.
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    mikepegg44 wrote:

    this is an ABC poll result produced by
    83 percent of Americans in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll approve of Obama’s use of unmanned drones against terrorist suspects, 78 percent back the drawdown of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and 70 percent favor keeping open the Guantanamo Bay detention center – the latter a reversal by Obama of his 2008 campaign position.
    Strength of sentiment also is very much on the positive side. Strong approval far outpaces strong disapproval, by 55 points on drones (59-4 percent), 47 points on troop withdrawal (56-9 percent) and 29 points on keeping Gitmo running (42-13 percent)

    take these numbers as you will...but I wonder if they would be the same if the president had a R behind his name...they very well and probably would be...which makes most of the "outrage" simply lip service

    where are the protests, where is the constant talk about gitmo and the detainees on the news, where is the outrage that someone who gave himself a year to end gitmo when he could have done it over night...hasn't done it after 3...please...tell me where the outrage is...they may mention it in passing from time to time...but there is very little outrage on Obama's foreign policy except those on the right who are crazy enough to think he is any different than Bush was in regards to the "war on terror".

    i guess we shouldn't let the numbers get in the way of their righteous indignation
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,725
    Ever since President Obama got elected, it has been a weird twisted fight out of some nasty neonazi delusional dimension. Im a progressive. I listen and watch and keep myself well informed by many news media sources and even listen to what the teabaggers have to say. THAT article above is not true, Ive seen alot over the past three years. If you see what I see you know, the small amount of progressives are trying to push good policy into our government. Ive seen the whole country RISE AGAINST a buttload of dirty politics by the GOP. I dont get , these idiots will keep you on your brainwashed path into a hellhole. Co-opting anykind of progress and rewriting history to suit themselves, make themselves Gods or something that really is so far from the truth and I personally enjoy their tiny delusional heads explode in front of my eyes.
    I made a strong effort to make my response as diplomatic as possible but I think this is a more honest answer. To categorize true progressive as repulsive hypocrites is bullshit. What the point of this article is besides to inflame is beyond me.
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • brianlux wrote:
    Ever since President Obama got elected, it has been a weird twisted fight out of some nasty neonazi delusional dimension. Im a progressive. I listen and watch and keep myself well informed by many news media sources and even listen to what the teabaggers have to say. THAT article above is not true, Ive seen alot over the past three years. If you see what I see you know, the small amount of progressives are trying to push good policy into our government. Ive seen the whole country RISE AGAINST a buttload of dirty politics by the GOP. I dont get , these idiots will keep you on your brainwashed path into a hellhole. Co-opting anykind of progress and rewriting history to suit themselves, make themselves Gods or something that really is so far from the truth and I personally enjoy their tiny delusional heads explode in front of my eyes.
    I made a strong effort to make my response as diplomatic as possible but I think this is a more honest answer. To categorize true progressive as repulsive hypocrites is bullshit. What the point of this article is besides to inflame is beyond me.

    I think the point of the article is to highlight to blatant hypocrisy of the left thaat is at the heart of the political disfunction ruining this great country... "What's bad for Bush is OK for Obama." Its everywhere.

    NOTE: Brianlux, you are true blue, and in no way do I think this article is referring to you. :)
  • brianlux wrote:
    Ever since President Obama got elected, it has been a weird twisted fight out of some nasty neonazi delusional dimension. Im a progressive. I listen and watch and keep myself well informed by many news media sources and even listen to what the teabaggers have to say. THAT article above is not true, Ive seen alot over the past three years. If you see what I see you know, the small amount of progressives are trying to push good policy into our government. Ive seen the whole country RISE AGAINST a buttload of dirty politics by the GOP. I dont get , these idiots will keep you on your brainwashed path into a hellhole. Co-opting anykind of progress and rewriting history to suit themselves, make themselves Gods or something that really is so far from the truth and I personally enjoy their tiny delusional heads explode in front of my eyes.
    I made a strong effort to make my response as diplomatic as possible but I think this is a more honest answer. To categorize true progressive as repulsive hypocrites is bullshit. What the point of this article is besides to inflame is beyond me.
    Its Greenwald wtf do you expect? I shot that out my ass, as opinion, as my experience and calling it as I see it. But that is truly how I feel about the situation in its entirety. I think Most of us have acted with integrity throughout this entire situation. Inflammatory negative bullying rhetoric is all these people know, then we wonder why the world is so fucked up full of jackasses. Look at the mouthpieces of their world.
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,725

    NOTE: Brianlux, you are true blue, and in no way do I think this article is referring to you. :)
    Thank you, Mayday Malone. I appreciate the vote of confidence. :)

    I do agree that there are many hypocrites on both sides of the fence. My biggest disagreement with the article is it's generalization about one side.
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    brianlux wrote:
    Ever since President Obama got elected, it has been a weird twisted fight out of some nasty neonazi delusional dimension. Im a progressive. I listen and watch and keep myself well informed by many news media sources and even listen to what the teabaggers have to say. THAT article above is not true, Ive seen alot over the past three years. If you see what I see you know, the small amount of progressives are trying to push good policy into our government. Ive seen the whole country RISE AGAINST a buttload of dirty politics by the GOP. I dont get , these idiots will keep you on your brainwashed path into a hellhole. Co-opting anykind of progress and rewriting history to suit themselves, make themselves Gods or something that really is so far from the truth and I personally enjoy their tiny delusional heads explode in front of my eyes.
    I made a strong effort to make my response as diplomatic as possible but I think this is a more honest answer. To categorize true progressive as repulsive hypocrites is bullshit. What the point of this article is besides to inflame is beyond me.
    Its Greenwald wtf do you expect? I shot that out my ass, as opinion, as my experience and calling it as I see it. But that is truly how I feel about the situation in its entirety. I think Most of us have acted with integrity throughout this entire situation. Inflammatory negative bullying rhetoric is all these people know, then we wonder why the world is so fucked up full of jackasses. Look at the mouthpieces of their world.

    no, the world is fucked up because people like you keep voting the whores in lol
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    brianlux wrote:

    NOTE: Brianlux, you are true blue, and in no way do I think this article is referring to you. :)
    Thank you, Mayday Malone. I appreciate the vote of confidence. :)

    I do agree that there are many hypocrites on both sides of the fence. My biggest disagreement with the article is it's generalization about one side.

    was it wrong to point out these things about bush supporters from 2000-2008?
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    edited February 2012
    the article never says every single liberal feels this way. he even says "progressives who support the views of the majority as expressed by this poll...." that is who it is addressing it to so stop yer whinin' and martyrdom and focus on it's point - what liberals were so vehemently against for 8 years many turned out to support those very things

    i hear you all, no liberal supports the use of drones....except this poll says 83% of the country does. no liberal supports keeping gitmo open....just 70% of the country.

    there is mass hypocrisy, instead of most even addressing the usual defense of 'i know i bitched about it for 8 years when it was a republican but now it's not that big a deal....he just needs more time (to stop signing things like the ndaa or to figure out he shouldn't appoint monsanto execs as food czar or pick jp morgan and citigroup execs as his chief of staff's)' i see a lot of crying martyrs.

    and while a good bit of you may personally disagree with these policies i would bet most of you will still end up voting for obama in november, so as long as that is the case your 'outrage' is just empty bluster and yes, that is hypocritical to have been so against it for 8 years when it was the other guy and demanding of his supporters 'how can you support a guy that'd do this!?' but then support a guy doing exactly 'that'
    Post edited by Pepe Silvia on
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • the article never says every single liberal feels this way. so stop yer whinin' and focus on it's point - what liberals were so vehemently against for 8 years many turned out to support those very things

    i hear you all, no liberal supports the use of drones....except this poll says 83% of the country does. no liberal supports keeping gitmo open....just 70% of the country.

    there is mass hypocrisy, instead of most even addressing the usual defense of 'i know i bitched about it for 8 years when it was a republican but now it's not that big a deal....he just needs more time (to stop signing things like the ndaa or to figure out he shouldn't appoint monsanto execs as food czar or pick jp morgan and citigroup execs as his chief of staff's)' i see a lot of crying martyrs.

    and while a good bit of you may personally disagree with these policies i would bet most of you will still end up voting for obama in november, so as long as that is the case your 'outrage' is just empty bluster and yes, that is hypocritical to have been so against it for 8 years when it was the other guy and demanding of his supporters 'how can you support a guy that'd do this!?' but then support a guy doing exactly 'that'

    The silence from the hardcore left on the Train is saying it all....
  • I enjoy these megatrolls. Im not inflamed at all. I expressed my colorful short opinion on the past three years of which there is not a thread for.
  • yes, yes, you all are ever so fraught over these policies of obama's, just as much so as when they were bush' who do ya think you all will vote for in november? :roll:

    i get it, 'i hate it and it's wrong buuuuuuuuuuuuuut.....i HAVE to vote for obama!'

    This is what happens when you live in an established two-party system. Voting for Obama in 2012 doesn't necessarily mean that you support hus policy decisions. I wonder how many progressives will vote for Obama simply because they are afraid of the opposition. As a Canadian I already find Obama to be very conservative. The Republican candidates are far more extreme. Even if there was a moderate Republican candidate (Paul) who had real integrity, I would still wory that his values would be subverted by the extreme right-leaning members of the party.

    In short; if Obama wins in November, it's just as likely that he was voted in because the moderates and left-leaning individuals in America are absolutely terrified of the alternative. I know I am.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Another flaming hate article. Really Pepe, and I asked Godfather this the other day when he posted a hate/racist filled article: do you like reading hate content? What's your goal with posting it and what kind of responses are you looking for when you post this crap? It was a piece of trash that throws labels and points fingers and nothing else. Do we really need to divide ourselves all the time? I know you are angry with Obama, but I fail to see how a trash article putting down "the other side" and throwing in some hypocritical content SOLVES anything. Most of the political threads on here aiming at blaming the 'other side' are a huge waste of time in my opinion. This hate article does nothing but embark on more hatred. :evil:

    Sorry for being like this, but I've had it with the need to flame each other due to political ideologies. There are not two sides to government, it is one system that throws up a scapegoat for everyone to hate and focus on while the system continues, year after year, to wreck our country, regardless what "side" is in charge. Until we recognize that WE are the ones being had here, nothing will ever change.
  • Jeanwah wrote:
    Another flaming hate article. Really Pepe, and I asked Godfather this the other day when he posted a hate/racist filled article: do you like reading hate content? What's your goal with posting it and what kind of responses are you looking for when you post this crap? It was a piece of trash that throws labels and points fingers and nothing else. Do we really need to divide ourselves all the time? I know you are angry with Obama, but I fail to see how a trash article putting down "the other side" and throwing in some hypocritical content SOLVES anything. Most of the political threads on here aiming at blaming the 'other side' are a huge waste of time in my opinion. This hate article does nothing but embark on more hatred. :evil:

    Sorry for being like this, but I've had it with the need to flame each other due to political ideologies. There are not two sides to government, it is one system that throws up a scapegoat for everyone to hate and focus on while the system continues, year after year, to wreck our country, regardless what "side" is in charge. Until we recognize that WE are the ones being had here, nothing will ever change.

    Flaming hate article? HAHAHAHA.

    What a joke.

    Thanks for proving the article right. Godfather: racist? I reject your flamethrowing argument and submit that you are a shining example of the hypocrisy highlighted in the OPs original post, respectfully.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Another flaming hate article. Really Pepe, and I asked Godfather this the other day when he posted a hate/racist filled article: do you like reading hate content? What's your goal with posting it and what kind of responses are you looking for when you post this crap? It was a piece of trash that throws labels and points fingers and nothing else. Do we really need to divide ourselves all the time? I know you are angry with Obama, but I fail to see how a trash article putting down "the other side" and throwing in some hypocritical content SOLVES anything. Most of the political threads on here aiming at blaming the 'other side' are a huge waste of time in my opinion. This hate article does nothing but embark on more hatred. :evil:

    Sorry for being like this, but I've had it with the need to flame each other due to political ideologies. There are not two sides to government, it is one system that throws up a scapegoat for everyone to hate and focus on while the system continues, year after year, to wreck our country, regardless what "side" is in charge. Until we recognize that WE are the ones being had here, nothing will ever change.

    Flaming hate article? HAHAHAHA.

    What a joke.

    Thanks for proving the article right. Godfather: racist? I reject your flamethrowing argument and submit that you are a shining example of the hypocrisy highlighted in the OPs original post, respectfully.

    You are just a happy victim. Good luck with that. And I didn't say Godfather is a racist.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    the article never says every single liberal feels this way. so stop yer whinin' and focus on it's point - what liberals were so vehemently against for 8 years many turned out to support those very things

    i hear you all, no liberal supports the use of drones....except this poll says 83% of the country does. no liberal supports keeping gitmo open....just 70% of the country.

    there is mass hypocrisy, instead of most even addressing the usual defense of 'i know i bitched about it for 8 years when it was a republican but now it's not that big a deal....he just needs more time (to stop signing things like the ndaa or to figure out he shouldn't appoint monsanto execs as food czar or pick jp morgan and citigroup execs as his chief of staff's)' i see a lot of crying martyrs.

    and while a good bit of you may personally disagree with these policies i would bet most of you will still end up voting for obama in november, so as long as that is the case your 'outrage' is just empty bluster and yes, that is hypocritical to have been so against it for 8 years when it was the other guy and demanding of his supporters 'how can you support a guy that'd do this!?' but then support a guy doing exactly 'that'

    The silence from the hardcore left on the Train is saying it all....

    actually, I would say OP is part of the hardcore left...

    I would be willing to bet that many lean to the left or are centrists...sadly, you won't be able to see that as you seem get a hard-on anytime someone posts something negative about O-bamma...
  • Jeanwah wrote:
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Another flaming hate article. Really Pepe, and I asked Godfather this the other day when he posted a hate/racist filled article: do you like reading hate content? What's your goal with posting it and what kind of responses are you looking for when you post this crap? It was a piece of trash that throws labels and points fingers and nothing else. Do we really need to divide ourselves all the time? I know you are angry with Obama, but I fail to see how a trash article putting down "the other side" and throwing in some hypocritical content SOLVES anything. Most of the political threads on here aiming at blaming the 'other side' are a huge waste of time in my opinion. This hate article does nothing but embark on more hatred. :evil:

    Sorry for being like this, but I've had it with the need to flame each other due to political ideologies. There are not two sides to government, it is one system that throws up a scapegoat for everyone to hate and focus on while the system continues, year after year, to wreck our country, regardless what "side" is in charge. Until we recognize that WE are the ones being had here, nothing will ever change.

    Flaming hate article? HAHAHAHA.

    What a joke.

    Thanks for proving the article right. Godfather: racist? I reject your flamethrowing argument and submit that you are a shining example of the hypocrisy highlighted in the OPs original post, respectfully.

    You are just a happy victim. Good luck with that. And I didn't say Godfather is a racist.

    Nothing happy about what Utopian-statists like yourself are doing to America.

    And I'm not the victim... Gov't dependency is YOUR "weapon of change". Self-reliance is mine.

    Good luck to you too, sweetie.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741

    Nothing happy about what Utopian-statists like yourself are doing to America.

    And I'm not the victim... Gov't dependency is YOUR "weapon of change". Self-reliance is mine.

    Good luck to you too, sweetie.

    then quite whining about the gov't, pull yourself up by the bootstraps and carry on...

    if you're truly about "self-reliance", whatever the gov't does should be of no concern to you...
  • inmytree wrote:

    Nothing happy about what Utopian-statists like yourself are doing to America.

    And I'm not the victim... Gov't dependency is YOUR "weapon of change". Self-reliance is mine.

    Good luck to you too, sweetie.

    then quite whining about the gov't, pull yourself up by the bootstraps and carry on...

    if you're truly about "self-reliance", whatever the gov't does should be of no concern to you...

    Respectfully, this is the dumbest statement I have ever heard on the Train.

    To contemplate the lack of understanding behind such a statement, will cause a working brain to stop.

    Think about it.... It is literally void of understanding.

    "Why would I care what my Gov't is doing, if I am self-reliant?" Holy crap.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    inmytree wrote:

    Nothing happy about what Utopian-statists like yourself are doing to America.

    And I'm not the victim... Gov't dependency is YOUR "weapon of change". Self-reliance is mine.

    Good luck to you too, sweetie.

    then quite whining about the gov't, pull yourself up by the bootstraps and carry on...

    if you're truly about "self-reliance", whatever the gov't does should be of no concern to you...

    Respectfully, this is the dumbest statement I have ever heard on the Train.

    To contemplate the lack of understanding behind such a statement, will cause a working brain to stop.

    Think about it.... It is literally void of understanding.

    "Why would I care what my Gov't is doing, if I am self-reliant?" Holy crap.

    respectfully, I see that you're not the brightest shocker there... :lol:
  • I am a charitable person. I would like to help you. But alas, I am here, and you are there.

    carry on.
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