"that fucker hurt," i tell him, as he has just put a needle full cortizone/then the synvisc, same needle unscrew screw on dealy into my R knee. cortizone is to keep me from having that septic bullshit this time. what was it, october 2012 hospital admitted? something like that. last synvisc go 'round we didn't cortizone with synvisc, this time we did. yes i get cortizone treatments by themselves as well.
well that whole being in the hospital experience held me back from having my knee aspirated or cortizone injections or synvisc refills. embrace the torture chamber will be my new saying. dad used to say, "embrace the box"
"embrace the torture chamber"... F that!
could be soo much worse though. imagine a massive brutal goon wearing a black hood twisting & beating & removing your knee cap & things & it only gets worse
the moral of the story, kids. please take care of yourselves so you can grow older & not be jammed up like your uncle chadwick.
i'm gonna go wrap up egg rolls or something. knock on my door if you hand out painkillers
i work in an orthopedic office and we use synvisc and synvisc one every day. for some reason the pseudoseptic response is most common on the second round of synvisc. as far as i know there is no known reason for this. that response is less than 1 out of 1000 cases, but more common on round 2. for that reason we have switched to synvisc one pretty much exclusively. it is the same thing as a synvisc series but in one injection instead of 3 separate ones. sure, we lose money by doing less procedures, but the doc i work with prefers to stick people less times. sometimes people complain that the synvisc one makes their knee feel too full. in those people we go back to the 3 injection series. if any of our patients have a bad reaction we switch to Euflexxa. it is not made from rooster. anybody with a poultry or egg allergy should not get synvisc.
best of luck chad!
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
great wording my man! yes it was my second go round. i had the series once before, all three injections a week apart. so we have 3 weeks of injections & possibly aspirations every week with the synvisc.
synvisc series one no problem months later i do synvisc series two & as you mentioned ...........it failed i was 1 out of 1000
today was procedure #1 of the 3 total & my 3rd go round with synvisc
thank you for the proper word useage & understanding of this bologna
what can we do for torn ligaments? & hey well the old news is bone on bone & no cartlidge in different places/sides of each knee. half of each knee has cushion, the other sides none. i always knew of the bone on bone, recently they did soft tisue MRIs. today is when he told me there are torn ligaments
great wording my man! yes it was my second go round. i had the series once before, all three injections a week apart. so we have 3 weeks of injections & possibly aspirations every week with the synvisc.
synvisc series one no problem months later i do synvisc series two & as you mentioned ...........it failed i was 1 out of 1000
today was procedure #1 of the 3 total & my 3rd go round with synvisc
thank you for the proper word useage & understanding of this bologna
the thing about synvisc, or any viscosupplementation for that matter, is it is a long term treatment for knee arthritis. it is not fda approved for any other joint, but in theory it would work well will hips and shoulders and ankles. they are still doing the studies to see if it is effective and safe in those other joints. i can not see a reason why it wouldn't be. but i am not the one doing the research.
you had the 3 series. some doctors prefer the 3 series because it is 2 ml of fluid injected 7 days apart for 3 weeks. synvisc one is 6 ml all at once. if people have had good success and are comfortable with the series of 3, we encourage them to stick with the series. if they have never had it, we steer them towards the one injections because it is more convenient for the patient and less needle sticks. the research shows it is just as safe and effective as the 3 series. it takes longer to work than the 3 series though for some reason.
if you don't have a bad respone to this injection you are probably going to be ok.
i do all of the preps and i assist in all the procedures. we do not aspirate for every injection, but if someone has a big effusion we will drain that sucker for 2 reasons. 1. it relieves pressure inside of the joint so it feels better, 2. the synvisc and cortisone is more effective without swelling in the joint. geneerally we would do a cortisone injection to get pain and inflammation under control and then a week or so later do the synvisc since it is a long term treatment and not an immediate one like the cortisone. i have done injections on the doctor that i work with, but because it is out of my professional scope of practice i legally can not do them on an actual patient.
pac means physicians assistant, certified.
i am an atc, athletic trainer, certified.
it depends on which ligament is torn. mcl and lcl will normally heal non surgically. acl and pcl do not heal on their own if torn.
it sounds as if you have single compartment osteoarthritis. it is very common in the medial compartment. because of the way humans bear weight, the medial compartment surfaces break down much faster than the lateral or patellofemoral compartments. most people we see have a significant degree of medial oa and mild oa in one or both other compartments. single compartment oa can be treated with an unloader brace as well, which we use a lot of them. it is a sturdy brace that causes forces and weight to be shifted away from the painful arthritic compartment onto the less painful less arthritic areas. they are kinda bulky, but they work well.
mris show bone and soft tissue. most times when you mri a knee you are looking for torn ligament or meniscus, but it will show things like bony swelling, stress fractures, and cartilagenous anatomy not seen on xray. we do a lot of mris, but we do not mrl a knee to look just at arthritis because the mri is not going to change the way you treat the arthritis.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Any questions on post joint replacement rehab and adaptation... I'd love to help too.
so what can i do to strengthen my knees? i have braces & those ace bandages. i suppose i should start wearing them again. how much am i harming my knees by trying to get out there & walk around an hour or so? water exercises i have covered. why is it so difficult to get pain meds again? - this is frickin crap
these are questions for your doctor, chad. without knowing your medical history and the history of your knee conditions, i am not comfortable telling you exactly what to do with regard to rehab. rehab should sddress more than just the knee. you might have weakness in the hip or somewhere further up the chain. we assess that with our patients. we give our patients a home rehab program to work on, just a couple of stretches and strengthening exercises. if it is something that they can't do at home then we will send them to formal physical therapy. the synvisc is more effective with some sort of rehab program.
my only guess as to why it is hard to get pain meds is most orthopedic docs are not in the business of prescribing long term narcotics for chronic pain. i know we don't do that.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
these are questions for your doctor, chad. without knowing your medical history and the history of your knee conditions, i am not comfortable telling you exactly what to do with regard to rehab. rehab should sddress more than just the knee. you might have weakness in the hip or somewhere further up the chain. we assess that with our patients. we give our patients a home rehab program to work on, just a couple of stretches and strengthening exercises. if it is something that they can't do at home then we will send them to formal physical therapy. the synvisc is more effective with some sort of rehab program.
my only guess as to why it is hard to get pain meds is most orthopedic docs are not in the business of prescribing long term narcotics for chronic pain. i know we don't do that.
um... i deal with my general practitioner for the pain meds, well, when i was. yep been to physical therapy quite a bit, done their stuff. im just looking for different opinions like the more the merrier
Biking is good low impact exercise for the damaged knees as long as you have the correct size bike otherwise it does more harm than good. Also a Registered Massage Therapist with lymph drainage training can help control the excess fluid build up in the knee which helps over strength and health of the knee. Yoga would help as well promotes over all muscle stretching and strengthening - again needs to be done properly and within your capabilities so as to not do further harm. The biking has truly saved me as far as getting out and not being in pain afterwards. I now bike between 60 - 170Km a week in the spring/summer/fall. Also reading this thread makes me feel like a guy getting kicked the balls must feel only about my knees.
Anything you lose from being honest You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
No problem, all my biking takes place outdoors otherwise I get bored and I don't do it. I forgot cross country skiing is great as well if you live somewhere where the weather makes it possible.
Anything you lose from being honest You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
these are questions for your doctor, chad. without knowing your medical history and the history of your knee conditions, i am not comfortable telling you exactly what to do with regard to rehab. rehab should sddress more than just the knee. you might have weakness in the hip or somewhere further up the chain. we assess that with our patients. we give our patients a home rehab program to work on, just a couple of stretches and strengthening exercises. if it is something that they can't do at home then we will send them to formal physical therapy. the synvisc is more effective with some sort of rehab program.
my only guess as to why it is hard to get pain meds is most orthopedic docs are not in the business of prescribing long term narcotics for chronic pain. i know we don't do that.
"that fucker hurt," i tell him, as he has just put a needle full cortizone/then the synvisc, same needle unscrew screw on dealy into my R knee. cortizone is to keep me from having that septic bullshit this time. what was it, october 2012 hospital admitted? something like that. last synvisc go 'round we didn't cortizone with synvisc, this time we did. yes i get cortizone treatments by themselves as well.
well that whole being in the hospital experience held me back from having my knee aspirated or cortizone injections or synvisc refills. embrace the torture chamber will be my new saying. dad used to say, "embrace the box"
"embrace the torture chamber"... F that!
could be soo much worse though. imagine a massive brutal goon wearing a black hood twisting & beating & removing your knee cap & things & it only gets worse
the moral of the story, kids. please take care of yourselves so you can grow older & not be jammed up like your uncle chadwick.
i'm gonna go wrap up egg rolls or something. knock on my door if you hand out painkillers
goodnight & goodbye
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
best of luck chad!
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
synvisc series one no problem
months later i do synvisc series two
& as you mentioned ...........it failed
i was 1 out of 1000
today was procedure #1 of the 3 total & my 3rd go round with synvisc
thank you for the proper word useage & understanding of this bologna
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
the guy who does me is a p.a. - c
physician's assisstant & whatever a C is, right?
what can we do for torn ligaments? & hey well the old news is bone on bone & no cartlidge in different places/sides of each knee. half of each knee has cushion, the other sides none. i always knew of the bone on bone, recently they did soft tisue MRIs. today is when he told me there are torn ligaments
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
you had the 3 series. some doctors prefer the 3 series because it is 2 ml of fluid injected 7 days apart for 3 weeks. synvisc one is 6 ml all at once. if people have had good success and are comfortable with the series of 3, we encourage them to stick with the series. if they have never had it, we steer them towards the one injections because it is more convenient for the patient and less needle sticks. the research shows it is just as safe and effective as the 3 series. it takes longer to work than the 3 series though for some reason.
if you don't have a bad respone to this injection you are probably going to be ok.
i do all of the preps and i assist in all the procedures. we do not aspirate for every injection, but if someone has a big effusion we will drain that sucker for 2 reasons. 1. it relieves pressure inside of the joint so it feels better, 2. the synvisc and cortisone is more effective without swelling in the joint. geneerally we would do a cortisone injection to get pain and inflammation under control and then a week or so later do the synvisc since it is a long term treatment and not an immediate one like the cortisone.
i have done injections on the doctor that i work with, but because it is out of my professional scope of practice i legally can not do them on an actual patient.
pac means physicians assistant, certified.
i am an atc, athletic trainer, certified.
it depends on which ligament is torn. mcl and lcl will normally heal non surgically. acl and pcl do not heal on their own if torn.
it sounds as if you have single compartment osteoarthritis. it is very common in the medial compartment. because of the way humans bear weight, the medial compartment surfaces break down much faster than the lateral or patellofemoral compartments. most people we see have a significant degree of medial oa and mild oa in one or both other compartments. single compartment oa can be treated with an unloader brace as well, which we use a lot of them. it is a sturdy brace that causes forces and weight to be shifted away from the painful arthritic compartment onto the less painful less arthritic areas. they are kinda bulky, but they work well.
mris show bone and soft tissue. most times when you mri a knee you are looking for torn ligament or meniscus, but it will show things like bony swelling, stress fractures, and cartilagenous anatomy not seen on xray. we do a lot of mris, but we do not mrl a knee to look just at arthritis because the mri is not going to change the way you treat the arthritis.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
awesomeness thanks, jose
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
6/19/95 Red Rocks
9/11/98 MSG
11/19/12 EV solo Tulsa
7/19/13 Wrigley 10/19/13 Brooklyn 2 10/21/13 Philly 1 10/22/13 Philly 2 10/25/13 Hartford
10/08/14 Tulsa 10/09/14 Lincoln
9/26/15 NYC Global Citizen
4/16/16 Greenville 4/28/16 Philly 1 4/29/16 Philly 2 5/1/16 MSG 1 5/2/16 MSG 2 8/7/16 Fenway 2 8/20/16 Wrigley 1
4/7/17 RRHOF New York City
9/2/18 Fenway 1 9/4/2018 Fenway 2
9/18/21 Asbury Park
2/4/22 EV Earthlings NYC 2/6/22 EV Earthlings Newark 9/11/22 MSG 9/14/22 Camden
9/3/24 MSG 1 9/4/24 MSG 2 9/7/24 Philly 1 9/9/24 Philly 2
so what can i do to strengthen my knees? i have braces & those ace bandages. i suppose i should start wearing them again. how much am i harming my knees by trying to get out there & walk around an hour or so? water exercises i have covered. why is it so difficult to get pain meds again? - this is frickin crap
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
my only guess as to why it is hard to get pain meds is most orthopedic docs are not in the business of prescribing long term narcotics for chronic pain. i know we don't do that.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
The biking has truly saved me as far as getting out and not being in pain afterwards. I now bike between 60 - 170Km a week in the spring/summer/fall.
Also reading this thread makes me feel like a guy getting kicked the balls must feel only about my knees.
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
yeah i've had a couple schwinn airdyne bikes in my recent years. these airdynes are pretty awesome tools. i'm gonna have to get another & or a outdoor riding bike.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce