Would you rather...



  • Monster RainMonster Rain Posts: 1,415
    It depends on if there's a tiger in the cage with me. I'd imagine a tiger wouldn't enjoy the ruckus very much.

    Would you rather live in a haunted house that was perfect in every other way or live in a house with major structural issues but no ghosts?
    work out clothes

    Would you rather do someone in a tiger cage or in jail
  • No ghosts please!

    Would you rather have a priceless painting stored away in a safe or a beautiful but cheap painting displayed
  • Monster RainMonster Rain Posts: 1,415
    Cheap and beautiful

    Would you rather receive $1,000 in $1 bills that are covered with an unknown sticky substance and they smell bad or be given your favorite meal but the chef is sick and you see him sneeze on your food several times but you have to eat it without sending it back?
    No ghosts please!

    Would you rather have a priceless painting stored away in a safe or a beautiful but cheap painting displayed
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    I'll take the $...
    i work with smelly sticky substances at work all the time :? and you can wash $ right?

    Would you rather write a song with Bob Dylan or Uncle Neil?
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • Uncle Neil

    Would you rather have your picture on the front page of the paper or flashed across the the tv. Both for bad reasons
  • Gibson72Gibson72 Posts: 1,245
    Paper-hoping less people would see it

    Would you rather...
    Be a rat bastard or a dumb ass ?
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    Rat bastard

    Would you rather be home alone with Joe Pesci or Daniel Stern?
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • conmanconman Posts: 7,493
    i guess Pesci

    would you rather have an encounter with a bear or a sasquatch
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    Definitely a sasquatch...

    Would you rather ride a unicorn or a pegasus?
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • conmanconman Posts: 7,493

    would you rather go camping or go to the beach
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    Camping at the beach :D

    Would you rather go camping in a camper or a tent?
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • conmanconman Posts: 7,493
    a tent, a camper kinda defeats the purpose

    would you rather climb a mountain or cross a desert on foot
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    I've never crossed a desert on foot..so I'll try that.

    Would you rather ride a camel or an elephant?
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • conmanconman Posts: 7,493
    elephants are cool

    would you rather travel by helicopter or plane
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    I've never been in a helicopter, so I'd have to try that.

    Would you rather go skydiving or take a ride in a hot air balloon?
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • conmanconman Posts: 7,493
    i'd like to both but i would go skydiving first

    would you rather be lost in the woods without a compass or lost on a desolate road without a map
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    Yikes..that's a tough one..my directional sense it horrible...i guess i'll go with the desolate road

    Would you rather see PJ 2 nights as part of a "destination weekend" or 4 separate nights at various venues?
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • conmanconman Posts: 7,493
    hmmm i've done both... i'll go with 4 shows at different venues

    would you rather see every pj show for the rest your life or never see pj again but go to every concert you want to for the rest of your life
  • Given to...Given to... Wyoming Posts: 4,997
    I'll take Pj for life please.

    Would you rather wear your jeans too long in the leg or too long in the crotch?

    (frigging work pants are buggin on me tonight and the AC in the control room is on the fritz! Imagine sweating in Wyoming right now... its 21 degrees F outside, 80 inside...)
    "...would you like some forks?" EV 12-02-06
  • conmanconman Posts: 7,493
    i prefer shorts but i'll go with pants too long in the crotch

    would you rather watch a movie at home or in the theater
  • The Waiting Trophy ManThe Waiting Trophy Man Niagara region, Ontario, Canada Posts: 12,158
    At home

    Would you rather spend one month eating nothing but bread and water, but sleeping in a big, comfy bed with soft, fluffy pillows- OR, one month eating anything you want, but sleeping on the floor, without a blanket or pillow?
    Another habit says it's in love with you
    Another habit says its long overdue
    Another habit like an unwanted friend
    I'm so happy with my righteous self
  • Bread and water and soft comfy bed please :)

    Would you rather particpate in the running of the bulls or the tomato fight?
  • of.the.girlof.the.girl Posts: 10,026
    Hands down Tomato Fight

    would you rather drink red wine or white wine?
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    usually red

    Would you rather have a beer or a glass of wine?
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • kellanazziekellanazzie Posts: 1,484
    I'm drinking red wine right now... :D

    Would you rather spend one year in a space-station or one year in the research centre in Antarctica?
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    Hmm..both would be interesting.. but if I had an opportunity to go to space..I'd have to take it.

    Would you rather live in a submarine for 3 months with other people or in a cabin in the woods for a year by yourself?
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • cabin

    Would you rather watch 2 and 1/2 men or big bang theory for 18 hours straight
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    I'll take Big Bang theory..I like the geek jokes.

    Would you rather watch the sunset or the sunrise?
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • Sunrise...it usually means it was a good night :lol:

    Would you rather not wash your hair for 2 weeks or your clothes
  • The Waiting Trophy ManThe Waiting Trophy Man Niagara region, Ontario, Canada Posts: 12,158

    Would you rather sloppy Poppy make you a special dinner, knowing he didn't wash his hands after using the toilet, or wear an embarrasing puffy shirt on television?
    Another habit says it's in love with you
    Another habit says its long overdue
    Another habit like an unwanted friend
    I'm so happy with my righteous self
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