Since I got lucky yesterday in getting Fenway tickets from a friend, I would definitely go back in time. Any show from 92-94, Soldier Field 95, Randall's 96, any show from 98-2003 would do. 06 Gorge is underrated. Honestly i'd probably do the 2003 Japan shows. I loved the Riot Act tour and have never been to Japan. That'd be something different.
Would you rather live in Montana or Colorado?
Worcester1 13, Worcester2 13, Hartford 13, San Diego 13, Los Angeles1 13, Los Angeles2 13 Trieste 14, Vienna 14, Gdynia 14, Leeds 14, Milton Keynes 14, Denver 14 Central Park 15 Fort Lauderdale 16, Miami 16, Tampa 16, Jacksonville 16, Greenville 16, Hampton 16, Columbia 16, Lexington 16, Philly1 16, Philly2 16, NYC1 16, NYC2 16, Quebec City 16, Ottawa 16, Toronto1 16, Toronto2 16, Fenway1 16, Fenway2 16, Wrigley1 16, Wrigley2 16
Congratulations on getting Fenway tickets! The Riot Act tour would be fantastic. I've listened to that album no less than 4 times today. I can't get Help, Help out of my mind.
It's a close call, but probably Colorado. It's hard to decide.
I had one yesterday that's why I asked. The place I went to had "The poundah" for $52. That's a whole lot of lobster and money. Just went with a double roll. They have the best seafood up there, i'd highly suggest it!
Worcester1 13, Worcester2 13, Hartford 13, San Diego 13, Los Angeles1 13, Los Angeles2 13 Trieste 14, Vienna 14, Gdynia 14, Leeds 14, Milton Keynes 14, Denver 14 Central Park 15 Fort Lauderdale 16, Miami 16, Tampa 16, Jacksonville 16, Greenville 16, Hampton 16, Columbia 16, Lexington 16, Philly1 16, Philly2 16, NYC1 16, NYC2 16, Quebec City 16, Ottawa 16, Toronto1 16, Toronto2 16, Fenway1 16, Fenway2 16, Wrigley1 16, Wrigley2 16
I think you won this.....
WYR use your phone for time or a watch
If they came back to life, WYR see Jim Morrison or Freddie Mercury?
WYR burn or drown to death
I guess I would have to say burn. I have an irrational fear of choking. Drowning would be in the same category.
WYR go back in time and go to any Pearl Jam show of your choice, or have tickets to next weekend's Fenway shows?
Would you rather live in Montana or Colorado?
Trieste 14, Vienna 14, Gdynia 14, Leeds 14, Milton Keynes 14, Denver 14
Central Park 15
Fort Lauderdale 16, Miami 16, Tampa 16, Jacksonville 16, Greenville 16, Hampton 16, Columbia 16, Lexington 16, Philly1 16, Philly2 16, NYC1 16, NYC2 16, Quebec City 16, Ottawa 16, Toronto1 16, Toronto2 16, Fenway1 16, Fenway2 16, Wrigley1 16, Wrigley2 16
It's a close call, but probably Colorado. It's hard to decide.
Beach or mountains
Second, definitely mountains. I just never liked the beach much.
WYR fly for an hour or drive for six?
WYR have a fresh lobster roll from Maine or Alaskan King Crab legs?
Trieste 14, Vienna 14, Gdynia 14, Leeds 14, Milton Keynes 14, Denver 14
Central Park 15
Fort Lauderdale 16, Miami 16, Tampa 16, Jacksonville 16, Greenville 16, Hampton 16, Columbia 16, Lexington 16, Philly1 16, Philly2 16, NYC1 16, NYC2 16, Quebec City 16, Ottawa 16, Toronto1 16, Toronto2 16, Fenway1 16, Fenway2 16, Wrigley1 16, Wrigley2 16
Trieste 14, Vienna 14, Gdynia 14, Leeds 14, Milton Keynes 14, Denver 14
Central Park 15
Fort Lauderdale 16, Miami 16, Tampa 16, Jacksonville 16, Greenville 16, Hampton 16, Columbia 16, Lexington 16, Philly1 16, Philly2 16, NYC1 16, NYC2 16, Quebec City 16, Ottawa 16, Toronto1 16, Toronto2 16, Fenway1 16, Fenway2 16, Wrigley1 16, Wrigley2 16
WYR see Eddie Vedder solo or a Foo Fighter's show
WYR do physical labor outside when its 95° or 15°?
WYR eat shrimp or prime rib
Wyr sparkling pure apple juice or grape juice
Miss a Pearl Jam show due to a flight layover, or get stung in the face by 3 bees.
wyr spend your money on drinking or spend your money on outfits..
WYR have Benaroya Hall on vinyl or all 3 Missing Link posters?
WYR get a backstage pass to PJ or get asked up to sing with the band
WYR go for a hike or bike ride?
Trieste 14, Vienna 14, Gdynia 14, Leeds 14, Milton Keynes 14, Denver 14
Central Park 15
Fort Lauderdale 16, Miami 16, Tampa 16, Jacksonville 16, Greenville 16, Hampton 16, Columbia 16, Lexington 16, Philly1 16, Philly2 16, NYC1 16, NYC2 16, Quebec City 16, Ottawa 16, Toronto1 16, Toronto2 16, Fenway1 16, Fenway2 16, Wrigley1 16, Wrigley2 16
WYR Sweet or savory?
If you had a terminal condition would you rather have a "short time" to live or "a little while"?
Trieste 14, Vienna 14, Gdynia 14, Leeds 14, Milton Keynes 14, Denver 14
Central Park 15
Fort Lauderdale 16, Miami 16, Tampa 16, Jacksonville 16, Greenville 16, Hampton 16, Columbia 16, Lexington 16, Philly1 16, Philly2 16, NYC1 16, NYC2 16, Quebec City 16, Ottawa 16, Toronto1 16, Toronto2 16, Fenway1 16, Fenway2 16, Wrigley1 16, Wrigley2 16
WYR get a free dinner or free drinks (same value)?
I'd take the free dinner.
WYR listen to an album or a bootleg?
Trieste 14, Vienna 14, Gdynia 14, Leeds 14, Milton Keynes 14, Denver 14
Central Park 15
Fort Lauderdale 16, Miami 16, Tampa 16, Jacksonville 16, Greenville 16, Hampton 16, Columbia 16, Lexington 16, Philly1 16, Philly2 16, NYC1 16, NYC2 16, Quebec City 16, Ottawa 16, Toronto1 16, Toronto2 16, Fenway1 16, Fenway2 16, Wrigley1 16, Wrigley2 16
WYR eat a caramel or a taffy
Listen to Pearl Jam "Can't Keep" or Ed solo ukulele version?
WYR listen to SIRENS or ALIVE
WYR hear Get Right or Hold on live?
Trieste 14, Vienna 14, Gdynia 14, Leeds 14, Milton Keynes 14, Denver 14
Central Park 15
Fort Lauderdale 16, Miami 16, Tampa 16, Jacksonville 16, Greenville 16, Hampton 16, Columbia 16, Lexington 16, Philly1 16, Philly2 16, NYC1 16, NYC2 16, Quebec City 16, Ottawa 16, Toronto1 16, Toronto2 16, Fenway1 16, Fenway2 16, Wrigley1 16, Wrigley2 16
WYR meet a spider or a gecko in the cupboard