A 6yr old's vision of what society should be...



  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    C'mon, even a 6 year old that still believes in Santa doesn't believe that Purdue is any good. :lol: I bet there are less than 10 kids that grow up dreaming of being a Boilermaker. :lol:
    I put the curse of the Hummel upon your knees.
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    Jason P wrote:
    C'mon, even a 6 year old that still believes in Santa doesn't believe that Purdue is any good. :lol: I bet there are less than 10 kids that grow up dreaming of being a Boilermaker. :lol:
    I put the curse of the Hummel upon your knees.

    Too late, already tore and fixed 1 ACL and probably tore the other. That ship has sailed.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • BhagavadGitaBhagavadGita Posts: 1,748
    This thread was an attempt to help some people feel there are still altruistic minds in this world and even if they are pie in the sky to some, it's smart people embracing ideas about change. I think the "sarcastic" tones and idiotic jokes about sports is just so caveman.

    Many humans revel in the thought of kicking another teams ass. We get off on it. And what does it do to move society forward if we enjoy watching the weaker lose and we become bad winners....so the jokes to take us off topic are not funny because unwittingly these are the minds that need change the most and sadly they are also the ones who would not give a penny or a thought to whats happening in this planet.

    And when a little girl says something really amazing and wonderful, rather than something ignorant like "I need an x box or mom, can we spend enormous amounts of money to support what basically is the old gladiator mentality and buy Super Bowl Tickets. I just don't know what to say.

    In Ethiopia, little girls are forced to marry as young a 7 or 8 years old to men three times their age. Why, because the parents hope their child will be safer in the world by marrying someone with money. But let's go ahead and make a joke about an 8 year old giving birth to a child that won't fit through her small body. What happens. They either die or they have a torn bladder..You know what happens then? They can't control their urine and due to that, they are shunned by society and even the parents who put them in the situation that cause them harm in the first place. Those little girls do not know what Santa means. To think that little adults (and that is what they are) matter nothing to the jokers on this board and assume all kids are spoiled and clueless like some adults do here in America. I bet that young woman with the ripped bladder would certainly find heaven in this child's vision of the world. This Ethiopian child would absolutely get it. Here......we don't even think about this horrific life many humans face daily, because who wants to watch a depressing documentary when THE SUPER BOWL IS ON! Keep watching, there is nothing wrong.

    I think there are few little bridges out there missing their trolls.

    I will twist a lyric we all know a bit to make my point.

    "The WISDOM that the old and the very young can't give away...."
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    This thread was an attempt to help some people feel there are still altruistic minds in this world and even if they are pie in the sky to some, it's smart people embracing ideas about change. I think the "sarcastic" tones and idiotic jokes about sports is just so caveman.

    Many humans revel in the thought of kicking another teams ass. We get off on it. And what does it do to move society forward if we enjoy watching the weaker lose and we become bad winners....so the jokes to take us off topic are not funny because unwittingly these are the minds that need change the most and sadly they are also the ones who would not give a penny or a thought to whats happening in this planet.

    And when a little girl says something really amazing and wonderful, rather than something ignorant like "I need an x box or mom, can we spend enormous amounts of money to support what basically is the old gladiator mentality and buy Super Bowl Tickets. I just don't know what to say.

    In Ethiopia, little girls are forced to marry as young a 7 or 8 years old to men three times their age. Why, because the parents hope their child will be safer in the world by marrying someone with money. But let's go ahead and make a joke about an 8 year old giving birth to a child that won't fit through her small body. What happens. They either die or they have a torn bladder..You know what happens then? They can't control their urine and due to that, they are shunned by society and even the parents who put them in the situation that cause them harm in the first place. Those little girls do not know what Santa means. To think that little adults (and that is what they are) matter nothing to the jokers on this board and assume all kids are spoiled and clueless like some adults do here in America. I bet that young woman with the ripped bladder would certainly find heaven in this child's vision of the world. This Ethiopian child would absolutely get it. Here......we don't even think about this horrific life many humans face daily, because who wants to watch a depressing documentary when THE SUPER BOWL IS ON! Keep watching, there is nothing wrong.

    I think there are few little bridges out there missing their trolls.

    I will twist a lyric we all know a bit to make my point.

    "The WISDOM that the old and the very young can't give away...."

    AH, ok, got me. Sorry for taking it off topic. Got caught up, no harm meant.

    As for your really long condescending lecture, seems to me like you just took it off topic yet again.

    And the young don't have wisdom, they have idealism. It is refreshing to be around young kids because they ask some good questions that we've just become complacent about. They also see the good in people and situations and never think of the bad or long term consequences (hence no wisdom). But that is also the problem, idealism is great as long as you mix in a healthy dose of realism. You can help work to make your world the ideal, but understand that it is more likely to fall short and that isn't failure.

    I can tell you this. I would like for everyone to have a place to sleep indoors at night. Yet I'm not going to be inviting all those people to live in my home. I'm sure some of it is for selfish reasons, but also for safety reasons and the reality that it would be an unsustainable reality for me to try and continually take care of others.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • BhagavadGitaBhagavadGita Posts: 1,748
    Lecture on...good luck when you need help the most.

    Yes, my tone is condescending because many people are just at the end of their rope angry with the selfish and dammit all we are trying to do is help you take off your defensive blinders and realize you don't have answer either and you don't care about the helpless. Fine.

    We are all connected. All of us. What happens on Earth will eventually happen to you.

    My prediction is that you have to get he last word in so you feel important. Go for it. Your compassion overwhelms me I want to hear more. :)
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    Lecture on...good luck when you need help the most.

    Yes, my tone is condescending because many people are just at the end of their rope angry with the selfish and dammit all we are trying to do is help you take off your defensive blinders and realize you don't have answer either and you don't care about the helpless. Fine.

    We are all connected. All of us. What happens on Earth will eventually happen to you.

    My prediction is that you have to get he last word in so you feel important. Go for it. Your compassion overwhelms me I want to hear more. :)

    Good luck when I need help the most? I'll be fine. I have a great family and friends. And I would help any of them out as well. But thanks for wishing me well. :lol:

    I already realize I don't have the answer. I thought that was clear. But again, thanks for judging me about not caring about the helpless, you don't know me for shit and that was an asshole remark. That's the compassion you are talking so much about?

    As far as last words go, what was your point? You attack me and then try to get me not to respond by saying I have to have the last word? It's a messageboard. People can post when they want to. You came here after your thread had run it's course to lecture everyone, last words huh?

    Please respond so I don't have to have the last words. Pretty please with condescending bullshit on top.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855

    that was a sweet lovely video

    thanks for posting I enjoyed

    I too want to come out of "here"
  • Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 9,325
    This thread was an attempt to help some people feel there are still altruistic minds in this world and even if they are pie in the sky to some, it's smart people embracing ideas about change. I think the "sarcastic" tones and idiotic jokes about sports is just so caveman.

    Many humans revel in the thought of kicking another teams ass. We get off on it. And what does it do to move society forward if we enjoy watching the weaker lose and we become bad winners....so the jokes to take us off topic are not funny because unwittingly these are the minds that need change the most and sadly they are also the ones who would not give a penny or a thought to whats happening in this planet.

    And when a little girl says something really amazing and wonderful, rather than something ignorant like "I need an x box or mom, can we spend enormous amounts of money to support what basically is the old gladiator mentality and buy Super Bowl Tickets. I just don't know what to say.

    In Ethiopia, little girls are forced to marry as young a 7 or 8 years old to men three times their age. Why, because the parents hope their child will be safer in the world by marrying someone with money. But let's go ahead and make a joke about an 8 year old giving birth to a child that won't fit through her small body. What happens. They either die or they have a torn bladder..You know what happens then? They can't control their urine and due to that, they are shunned by society and even the parents who put them in the situation that cause them harm in the first place. Those little girls do not know what Santa means. To think that little adults (and that is what they are) matter nothing to the jokers on this board and assume all kids are spoiled and clueless like some adults do here in America. I bet that young woman with the ripped bladder would certainly find heaven in this child's vision of the world. This Ethiopian child would absolutely get it. Here......we don't even think about this horrific life many humans face daily, because who wants to watch a depressing documentary when THE SUPER BOWL IS ON! Keep watching, there is nothing wrong.

    I think there are few little bridges out there missing their trolls.

    I will twist a lyric we all know a bit to make my point.

    "The WISDOM that the old and the very young can't give away...."

    The world would be a better place without your judgement. You might be surprised what a sports fan can bring to the table. It's called balance, and an understanding of where sports fit into the individual and group psychology of modern society.
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    So look at what your perspective of pure logic has gotten us. Look what kind of fucked up problems YOUR children are gonna have because we didn't open our minds, look to the future, or even care to think about the future because with your logic you would say, hey, it won't matter to me i will be dead. Is that something we should look at? Because mothers think differently. We don't have that sometime ugly chemical called testostrone. Man is always in charge even when women stand next to them and agree, the woman is an has been beaten down for ages. WE THINK DIFFERENTLY. We think more often in emotional feelings or to put it another way, we can so easily put ourselves into our children's shoes and feel what it might feel like to a child to be neglected. We have neglected our children's children. Hey what do I care....NOT my kid.

    Can you not agree that we have done to destroy the planet we live because we keep doing the same thing over and over and over again. We resist total change. If a Kkk member ass was being chased by some hollywood alien and do you think he would use logical mind if the only home that offered instant protection was that of a 'NIGGER" My opinion, he would not care because he ass was on the line and at the moment he may not be happy a black family offered him shelter, but he at least he is human. Not alien.

    It's time to accept that mankind has been thinking in a box. Woman kind have more intuition and think with the heart. You call us the weaker sex, but we knew as tribal women when the enemy was coming for the tribe before the men. The men were the strength they needed to protect them as a society. They worked in harmony. The heart has long been overlooked. If you are hitting yourself in the head and it hurts but you keep doing it and then you start doing it to your kid, you are insane. All you have to do is stop judging, hating craving and start saying What the fuck have we done to our children's world.?"

    A little off topic, but I am always thinking of how ironic it is that men and women marry and spend so much time together without killing each other. We are clearly very different. But then again, it might be the balance that makes it work so well. Anyways, I saw this article, and although its short and not that informative, I thought you might appreciate it:

    http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/20 ... 174812.htm
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Well doesn't this thread prove why people stay away from this forum and give it a bad name... A bunch of pessimistic posters insist that because the idea "isn't reality", that it can't be discussed reasonably. And that's the problem here. I didn't take the OP's posts as condescending at all, I think this thread proves that people refuse to attempt to open their minds to the ideal that money may be necessary but it does not have to preoccupy our existence. Just because we need it to survive does not make it necessary to stomp on a great ideal of living life based on helping others rather than one's self. There's a reason that greed is one of the seven deadly sins, and we have no one to blame but ourselves as adults for that. Kids have it right and we need to listen and learn from them.



    Right on, I agree with all four of these.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-AmSZV3 ... ata_player

    Love is something if you give it away, give it away, give it away
    Love is something if you give it away you end up having more
    Love is like a magic penny, hold it tight and you won't have any
    Spend it lend and you'll have so many it'll be rolling all all over the floor
    Love is something if you give it away, give it away, give it away
    Love is something if you give it away you end up having more

    Rip in peace Eva
    Everyday you inspire me to love love love
  • BhagavadGitaBhagavadGita Posts: 1,748
    OK since we have visuals.. Not lecturing. Just sharing something that goes along with my idea that an ideal world is possible if would just all unite against the unjustices of this world. It makes you think.

    Charlie Chaplin is the speaker, funny at first he looked like Hitler on acid. :lol:


    I can say it is the most passionate video i have ever seen on you tube.

  • PapPap Serres, Greece Posts: 29,391
    Athens 2006 / Milton Keynes 2014 / London 1&2 2022 / Seattle 1&2 2024 / Dublin 2024 / Manchester 2024
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363

    Charlie Chaplin is the speaker, funny at first he looked like Hitler on acid. :lol:


    I can say it is the most passionate video i have ever seen on you tube.


    That was awesome.
  • BhagavadGitaBhagavadGita Posts: 1,748
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Well doesn't this thread prove why people stay away from this forum and give it a bad name... A bunch of pessimistic posters insist that because the idea "isn't reality", that it can't be discussed reasonably. And that's the problem here. I didn't take the OP's posts as condescending at all, I think this thread proves that people refuse to attempt to open their minds to the ideal that money may be necessary but it does not have to preoccupy our existence. Just because we need it to survive does not make it necessary to stomp on a great ideal of living life based on helping others rather than one's self. There's a reason that greed is one of the seven deadly sins, and we have no one to blame but ourselves as adults for that. Kids have it right and we need to listen and learn from them.



    Right on, I agree with all four of these.


    You just gave me a present. To know that there are others who won't shune me and can get past my condescending tone, to see the bigger picture. You are the sunshine on gray Seattle day. It opens my heart further. Thank you.

    :cry: I am so not trying to yell at anyone, it think I just need to work on my word use and try to have sweeter speech. This post for me is a hug because I have been feeling really bad that we all can't come to a middle...So on this special morning for me..listening to Long Road, feeling defeated I came back to this thread and as I read down i was cringing. Then this! Another unknown person is validating what I dream of. I think many are taught from childhood that what you say to your parents does not matter. They don't take you seriously. So some always feel that what they say IS ultimately worthless.... if all these people dislike your thoughts maybe there is something wrong with me. I don't know how to attempt goodness either... It's not anyone's fault but my own belief that what I say means nothing. In my family, that was how it rolled and to this day it's still rolling. and so sorry I am long winded.. :)

    :cry: I'm apologize if anyone is feeling they are being lectured. I guess I come across angry. Tones are hard to see in text. You can't hear my voice..An image that represents my point is like the scene in PJ20, when Eddie sees a security guard taking out a kid quite violently. You hear his voice become angry. He felt empathy for that kid...and he went off. It makes the hair on my arms stand up and I wish I could sing like that...I wish I had the balls to run up to a cop who pepper sprayed an 88 year old woman, but I fear the police. Eddie has the power and can get away with it. It is sweet satisfaction to witness..but anyway...

    I just want to tell people it is OK to BELIEVE that it is possible. Your eyeballs see, thus everything you see is your world. Radio waves exist, science tells us there is unseen energy going through our bodies. We know. We forget. But, if someone said hey, we can put something in your eye so you can see things you have never seen before..like the color spectrum, or the heat coming off another persons body, would you want to go beyond your understanding?

    I'm just cracked open from a really bad experience last Jan. When one goes deep into depression and hopelessness, we have forgotten about that energy we can all harness. Just believing can cause amazing things to happen and once you yourself witness it, then we can say omg! There is another way to look at life. What can't my eyes see? What is that still small voice saying to me?

    :cry: I also apologize for rambling and essay writing. I have been trying to write about mental illness. I have not been able to get past the blank page. Everyone's passion here stirs me and suddenly I feel I'm not doing the typing anymore. Thank you for listening to me whine but unwittingly those that disagree are helping me change my mind too and the words and thoughts can finally come out for others if they choose to think about it. I'm not good at getting to the point. :)

    I wish that you all be happy. I wish that all of you be healthy. I wish you joy.
    This young girls ethos come from her family! Her parent.
    They like I teach our children
    It's good to share
    Its good to be kind
    It's good to help those less fortunate then ourselves
    These etho's are our own
    We just don't follow it, we have become selfish. But we still try to install these basic human principles in our children

    We could gave a world where we share.
    A man who tends to sheep , grows them fat for slaughter can share with the man who builds a table
    In turn he shares his skill with a man who shares hid grain
    Etc etc
    Our world now is controlled by the capitalist greedy.
    Our world could be about US
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Well doesn't this thread prove why people stay away from this forum and give it a bad name... A bunch of pessimistic posters insist that because the idea "isn't reality", that it can't be discussed reasonably. And that's the problem here. I didn't take the OP's posts as condescending at all, I think this thread proves that people refuse to attempt to open their minds to the ideal that money may be necessary but it does not have to preoccupy our existence. Just because we need it to survive does not make it necessary to stomp on a great ideal of living life based on helping others rather than one's self. There's a reason that greed is one of the seven deadly sins, and we have no one to blame but ourselves as adults for that. Kids have it right and we need to listen and learn from them.



    Right on, I agree with all four of these.


    You just gave me a present. To know that there are others who won't shune me and can get past my condescending tone, to see the bigger picture. You are the sunshine on gray Seattle day. It opens my heart further. Thank you.

    :cry: I am so not trying to yell at anyone, it think I just need to work on my word use and try to have sweeter speech. This post for me is a hug because I have been feeling really bad that we all can't come to a middle...So on this special morning for me..listening to Long Road, feeling defeated I came back to this thread and as I read down i was cringing. Then this! Another unknown person is validating what I dream of. I think many are taught from childhood that what you say to your parents does not matter. They don't take you seriously. So some always feel that what they say IS ultimately worthless.... if all these people dislike your thoughts maybe there is something wrong with me. I don't know how to attempt goodness either... It's not anyone's fault but my own belief that what I say means nothing. In my family, that was how it rolled and to this day it's still rolling. and so sorry I am long winded.. :)

    :cry: I'm apologize if anyone is feeling they are being lectured. I guess I come across angry. Tones are hard to see in text. You can't hear my voice..An image that represents my point is like the scene in PJ20, when Eddie sees a security guard taking out a kid quite violently. You hear his voice become angry. He felt empathy for that kid...and he went off. It makes the hair on my arms stand up and I wish I could sing like that...I wish I had the balls to run up to a cop who pepper sprayed an 88 year old woman, but I fear the police. Eddie has the power and can get away with it. It is sweet satisfaction to witness..but anyway...

    I just want to tell people it is OK to BELIEVE that it is possible. Your eyeballs see, thus everything you see is your world. Radio waves exist, science tells us there is unseen energy going through our bodies. We know. We forget. But, if someone said hey, we can put something in your eye so you can see things you have never seen before..like the color spectrum, or the heat coming off another persons body, would you want to go beyond your understanding?

    I'm just cracked open from a really bad experience last Jan. When one goes deep into depression and hopelessness, we have forgotten about that energy we can all harness. Just believing can cause amazing things to happen and once you yourself witness it, then we can say omg! There is another way to look at life. What can't my eyes see? What is that still small voice saying to me?

    :cry: I also apologize for rambling and essay writing. I have been trying to write about mental illness. I have not been able to get past the blank page. Everyone's passion here stirs me and suddenly I feel I'm not doing the typing anymore. Thank you for listening to me whine but unwittingly those that disagree are helping me change my mind too and the words and thoughts can finally come out for others if they choose to think about it. I'm not good at getting to the point. :)

    I wish that you all be happy. I wish that all of you be healthy. I wish you joy.


    Big hugs to you!
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