30 years ago- post-Carter, and embroiled in a Cold War.
I say needed. The spending created 20 million jobs, and reversed the effects of Carter's failed policies.
So government spending does create jobs..
Miltary spending.... but I appreciate that you took the opportunity to make a funny.
How do you figure that only military spending creates jobs, but not other types of spending?
30 years ago- post-Carter, and embroiled in a Cold War.
I say needed. The spending created 20 million jobs, and reversed the effects of Carter's failed policies.
Now- we've lost our credit rating, and our debt is SO big, that we may very well be living in a post-Ameican world already. That probably makes a few hearts flutter with glee on here, but if you think things are bad now- just wait til Obama's utopia gets here. I'd stay out of the cities if I were you....or me...
There has to be a limit. We have reached that limit.
To say that people who are opposed to more spending now, are opposed because they don't like black people, is nothing more than inflammatory race-baiting.
this is so scary....
as for race baiting...you're the person who brought up race (But if you oppose either, I say you hate half-black people) and now you bitch about race baiting....I love it, you race bait and then complain about race baiting...
How do you figure that only military spending creates jobs, but not other types of spending?
I see that sarcasm is not your thing...
perhaps sarcasm is not your thing....
a week later?
sorry I don't live here...
you mad...