Newt Gingrich: "Palestinians are an invented people"



  • usamamasan1usamamasan1 Posts: 4,695
    Good read, here is what makes sense to me from it....(taken from al jazeera article linked above)

    Gingrich also sharply criticised US President Barack Obama's approach to Middle East diplomacy, saying that it was "so out of touch with reality that it would be like taking your child to the zoo and explaining that a lion was a bunny rabbit."

    He said Obama's effort to treat the Palestinians the same as the Israelis is actually "favouring the terrorists".

    "If I'm even-handed between a civilian democracy that obeys the rule of law and a group of terrorists that are firing missiles every day, that's not even-handed, that's favouring the terrorists," he said.

    He also said the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, share an "enormous desire to destroy Israel".

    And there you have it. This is one of the many reasons why I support the GOP and Israels right to live in peace.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Look it up----
    Americans are most likely to say Ronald Reagan was the nation's greatest president -- slightly ahead of Abraham Lincoln and Bill Clinton. Reagan, Lincoln, or John F. Kennedy has been at the top of this "greatest president" list each time this question has been asked in eight surveys over the last 12 years.

    Now for some math. It's simple so everyone should be able to follow along....

    Greatest country in the history of mankind (other than Scandanavia) + greatest President of all time= Reagan was the fucking man!

    I almost think that goes beyond a hypothesis or theory...I will stamp it now to avoid confusion... FACT!

    Woot for the Reaganites!

    Reagan was a liar with the blood of hundreds of thousands on his hands. He shat on the U.S constitution and degraded the Presidency. His body should have burned in a trash bin.

    And Scandinavia isn't a country.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Good read, here is what makes sense to me from it....(taken from al jazeera article linked above)

    Gingrich also sharply criticised US President Barack Obama's approach to Middle East diplomacy, saying that it was "so out of touch with reality that it would be like taking your child to the zoo and explaining that a lion was a bunny rabbit."

    He said Obama's effort to treat the Palestinians the same as the Israelis is actually "favouring the terrorists".

    "If I'm even-handed between a civilian democracy that obeys the rule of law and a group of terrorists that are firing missiles every day, that's not even-handed, that's favouring the terrorists," he said.

    He also said the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, share an "enormous desire to destroy Israel".

    And there you have it. This is one of the many reasons why I support the GOP and Israels right to live in peace.

    In other words, despite already having provided you with the facts on this issue on countless occasions, you will insist on continuing to spout your mis-informed, hateful gibberish.
    You will follow the Republican line regardless. Even if that line happens to be a bunch of dangerous racist nonsense.

    Not that I expect any better. You lost all credibility with me a long time ago.

    And rather than risk a ban, I will do my best to ignore your trolling and baiting bullshit from now on.
  • usamamasan1usamamasan1 Posts: 4,695
    There is an ignore function you should try. I would appreciate it. This is not a place for anger and hate.
    Calling the Republican line racist is not ok. Please read the posting guidelines.
  • maybe the jews should go back to Egypt and work for the pharohs.
    fucking remove names and its fucking OPPRESSION
    you would think jews know a bit about how that feels

    I think you should probably be a bit more careful with your terminology. I assume (hope) you mean "the state of Israel", as a political entity, and not "the jews" as a ethno-religious group. Don't equate the two.

    haha this is typical, in a thread about NEWT saying that palestinian are arabs not Plaestinians im instructed to be "CAREFUL" about JEWS
    the last time I looked the state of ISREAL was full of em. and More jews from around the world are heading there and or supporting it.
    its ok for the JEWISH state of isreal to label any muslim as a terrorist isnt it
  • Byrnzie wrote:
    maybe the jews should go back to Egypt and work for the pharohs.
    fucking remove names and its fucking OPPRESSION
    you would think jews know a bit about how that feels

    Or they could simply stop stealing land that doesn't belong to them and return to the 1967 borders - with minor mutual adjustments - and allow the Palestinians to live in peace in their own state as they are entitled to do under international law - which the U.S has been blocking for the past 40 years.

    Yes of course but good luck convincing folks that live in a country they believe to be the promised land to simply leave.

    who is asking them to leave. How about share. Its only the stupid ignorant hardline fundamenalists from each sidewho fuck it up. I can only imagine that most who are moderate want peace. They fear each other now because the fundamentalists have created a war where either wont back down
  • Thoughts_ArriveThoughts_Arrive Melbourne, Australia Posts: 15,165
    once d I vided....

    Do you not have a problem with a country being taken over by another group, a group which expels those native to that land? And you think they should just 'share'?
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    There is an ignore function you should try. I would appreciate it. This is not a place for anger and hate.
    Calling the Republican line racist is not ok. Please read the posting guidelines.

    Says the moral authority on this message board :lol:
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    who is asking them to leave. How about share. Its only the stupid ignorant hardline fundamenalists from each sidewho fuck it up. I can only imagine that most who are moderate want peace. They fear each other now because the fundamentalists have created a war where either wont back down

    The Israeli's are being asked to leave the land they stole during and after the 1967 war. This is line with international law and the will of the whole World - excluding the U.S.

    That's all.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    edited December 2011
    When Gingrich said he was speaking the truth, Romney said: "We're going to tell the truth. But we're not going to throw incendiary words into a place which is a boiling pot."
    But Gingrich said he was simply doing what Ronald Reagan used to do, which was to tell the truth no matter how unpleasant. "I'm a Reaganite," he said.

    THIS ^^^^^
    leave little unspoken and sugar coat nothing. If I had a daughter instead of two sons, she would have been

    Look it up----
    Americans are most likely to say Ronald Reagan was the nation's greatest president -- slightly ahead of Abraham Lincoln and Bill Clinton. Reagan, Lincoln, or John F. Kennedy has been at the top of this "greatest president" list each time this question has been asked in eight surveys over the last 12 years.

    Now for some math. It's simple so everyone should be able to follow along....

    Greatest country in the history of mankind (other than Scandanavia) + greatest President of all time= Reagan was the fucking man!

    I almost think that goes beyond a hypothesis or theory...I will stamp it now to avoid confusion... FACT!

    Woot for the Reaganites!

    Here's some interesting information about your hero Reagan which you will ignore:

    Ronald Reagan Guilty of Treason & War Crimes

    As the mass media engaged in an orgy of adulation for Ronald Reagan in June of 2004, many thinking persons were remembering and mourning the deaths of the hundreds of thousands of victims of Ronald Reagan's policies and pondering the lasting damage that the man did not only to the United States but to the world.

    During Reagan's reign the United States experienced the beginning of the end of what could have been a great nation. Under Reagan, elements within the government engaged in massive criminal activity that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and the entrenchment of a vicious and evil criminal organization that is now firmly in power of not only the United States but much of the world.

    Reagan's crimes are many and started well before he was President when he and Bush committed treason and paid the Iranian's to not release the hostages in order to prevent the re-election of Jimmy Carter in 1980, not to mention his reign of stupidity as Governor of California. The hostages were released as promised as Reagan was sworn into office. Reagan then secretly sold chemical & biological weapons to Iraq and told CIA buddy Saddam Hussein to step up bombing of Iran while still selling weapons to Iran in a war that claimed an estimated one million victims. The criminal activities in the Mid East stretched around the world to Central America in the spectacle that came to be known as Iran-Contra.

    In Afghanistan, Reagan was busy funding Ossama bin Laden and a terrorist army to displace the Russians. Once the mighty 'Muhjadeen' had completed their task they were partially abandoned and became the Taliban and Al Queda. With no real replacement intended for the Russian backed government, the radical muslims quickly took power. Only later did the army without a war become the enemy so desperately needed by the US defense industry.

    In Central America, Reagan-Bush ran a massive criminal operation that imported hundreds of tons of cocaine into the US and shipped arms illegally to the terrorist Contras that Reagan affectionately called "Freedom Fighters". Coca paste was brought in from South America by plane to an airstrip near Puntarenas, Costa Rica owned by Reagan/Bush supporter Julio Calleja and processed on the ranch of CIA operative John Hull. From there the high-grade coke was shipped by plane to the Mina, Arkansas Airport under the protection of Bill Clinton and to various Air Force bases..

    Under direct US control, Reagan's 'Freedom Fighters' raped, tortured and murdered tens of thousands of innocent civilians in Nicaragua in an effort to bring down Nicaragua's first democratically elected government. The US had previously ruled Nicaragua through the brutal Somoza family dicatorship, once the dictatorship was overthrown by a popular revolution the US was quick to start an criminal campaign of terror against the government and civilians. The campaign of terror claimed 50,000 lives and crippled the entire nation.

    Nicaragua took its case to the World Court. The court found that the U.S. actions constituted "an unlawful use of force .... [that] cannot be justified either by collective self-defence ... nor by any right of the United States to take counter-measures involving the use of force." The court ordered the United States to pay reparations, estimated at between $12 billion and $17 billion, to Nicaragua. Two weeks after the verdict was issued, the U.S. Congress voted to give the Contras $100 million to continue their war of terror against the people of Nicaragua. The US has never recognized the World Court's ruling nor paid any of the compensation owed to Nicaragua.

    "The ripple effects of that criminal murderous intervention in my country will go on for 50 years or more." Fr. D'Escoto, Priest and former Nicaraguan Foreign Minister

    Reagan's blood-fest wasn't limited to Nicaragua, his puppet military dictators abducted, tortured, murdered and mutilated over 200,000 civilians in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras in the name of 'democracy' and fighting communism. Nor was the slaughter done only through the US controlled dictators. In operations that are still highly classified, US AC-130 gunships, crewed by US personnel, flew at night over mountainous areas with potential rebels and killed anything that gave off body-heat. The AC-130 is a highly sophisticated computerized killing machine that "incorporate side-firing weapons integrated with sophisticated sensor, navigation and fire control systems to provide surgical firepower or area saturation during extended loiter periods, at night and in adverse weather. The sensor suite consists of a television sensor, infrared sensor and radar." - US Air Force

    In 1999 the United Nations determined that the wholesale slaughter of Guatemalans, constituted "genocide." It was a genocide ordered and managed by the White House under Reagan.

    For their part in Iran-Contra fourteen high level government officials were charged, yet few of them were convicted and received any real penalty. Bush pardoned six of the criminal conspirators. Some of those involved in the Iran-Contra crimes are now back in power under the current Bush administration.

    Despite some environmental concessions to voters while Governor of California, Reagan's real views on the environment became clear during his Presidential campaign when he claimed that trees caused more air pollution than cars. During his criminal reign of terror he systematically dismantled environmental protection laws and rolled back decades of hard-won progress to protect the Earth and the health of its inhabitants.

    To help ensure the rape of the land he appointed lunatic James Watt as Secretary of the Interior who claimed "We don’t have to protect the environment, the Second Coming [of Christ] is at hand." It wasn't until Watt was trying to defend his decision to give away more than 1 billion tons of coal from federal lands in Wyoming that he was finally acknowledged for what he was. His defense for the coal giveway was that he was immune to criticism because members of his coal-advisory panel included "a black ... a woman, two Jews, and a cripple." This comment finally got him fired in 1983.

    His appointee for the EPA was the environment molester Anne Gorsuch who tried her best to gut the hard-won Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. Gorsuch's Superfund Director, Rita Lavelle, was jailed for lying to Congress under oath about the corruption in her division. Gorsuch was fired in 1983 when documents exposed by Congress revealed the corruption and crimes committed by the EPA under her direction.

    ...America's worst financial disaster since the Great Depression occured under Reagan with the collapse of the Savings & Loan system. Nearly $500 billion was looted from thousands of Savings & Loans by a criminal ring that included the Mafia, CIA and the Bush family. Neil Bush was involved in the collapse of Silverado Savings & Loan but never served any jail time. By the time the Federal government and elite is done milking the scam further, US taxpayers will have paid well over a trillion dollars.

    The full extent of Reagan's crimes may never be known because George W. Bush issued an executive order which countermands the 1978 Presidential Records Act and prevents the release of 68,000 pages of Reagan era documents. Given that Reagan lacked the intelligence to carry out most of the more elaborate crimes, the records are likely to shed light on the true role of the Bush crime family.

    Let us remember Reagan as he really was...

    o Liar
    o Thief
    o Mass murderer
    o War criminal
    o Traitor
    o Destroyer of freedom
    o Destroyer of the environment

    While Reagan may have not been entirely aware of what he was doing and how his decisions would impact the world, he was also much more sinister than the media has portrayed him. We can only hope that he gets to meet some of his many victims after joining the other thugs in hell.

    Reagan and Guatemala's Death Files

    By Robert Parry
    Post edited by Byrnzie on
  • Byrnzie wrote:
    When Gingrich said he was speaking the truth, Romney said: "We're going to tell the truth. But we're not going to throw incendiary words into a place which is a boiling pot."
    But Gingrich said he was simply doing what Ronald Reagan used to do, which was to tell the truth no matter how unpleasant. "I'm a Reaganite," he said.

    THIS ^^^^^
    leave little unspoken and sugar coat nothing. If I had a daughter instead of two sons, she would have been

    Look it up----
    Americans are most likely to say Ronald Reagan was the nation's greatest president -- slightly ahead of Abraham Lincoln and Bill Clinton. Reagan, Lincoln, or John F. Kennedy has been at the top of this "greatest president" list each time this question has been asked in eight surveys over the last 12 years.

    Now for some math. It's simple so everyone should be able to follow along....

    Greatest country in the history of mankind (other than Scandanavia) + greatest President of all time= Reagan was the fucking man!

    I almost think that goes beyond a hypothesis or theory...I will stamp it now to avoid confusion... FACT!

    Woot for the Reaganites!

    Here's some interesting information about your hero Reagan which you will ignore:

    Ronald Reagan Guilty of Treason & War Crimes

    As the mass media engaged in an orgy of adulation for Ronald Reagan in June of 2004, many thinking persons were remembering and mourning the deaths of the hundreds of thousands of victims of Ronald Reagan's policies and pondering the lasting damage that the man did not only to the United States but to the world.

    During Reagan's reign the United States experienced the beginning of the end of what could have been a great nation. Under Reagan, elements within the government engaged in massive criminal activity that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and the entrenchment of a vicious and evil criminal organization that is now firmly in power of not only the United States but much of the world.

    Reagan's crimes are many and started well before he was President when he and Bush committed treason and paid the Iranian's to not release the hostages in order to prevent the re-election of Jimmy Carter in 1980, not mention his reign of stupidity as Governor of California. The hostages were released as promised as Reagan was sworn into office. Reagan then secretly sold chemical & biological weapons to Iraq and told CIA buddy Saddam Hussein to step up bombing of Iran while still selling weapons to Iran in a war that claimed an estimated one million victims. The criminal activities in the Mid East stretched around the world to Central America in the spectacle that came to be known as Iran-Contra.

    In Afghanistan, Reagan was busy funding Ossama bin Laden and a terrorist army to displace the Russians. Once the mighty 'Muhjadeen' had completed their task they were partially abandoned and became the Taliban and Al Queda. With no real replacement intended for the Russian backed government, the radical muslims quickly took power. Only later did the army without a war become the enemy so desperately needed by the US defense industry.

    In Central America, Reagan-Bush ran a massive criminal operation that imported hundreds of tons of cocaine into the US and shipped arms illegally to the terrorist Contras that Reagan affectionately called "Freedom Fighters". Coca paste was brought in from South America by plane to an airstrip near Puntarenas, Costa Rica owned by Reagan/Bush supporter Julio Calleja and processed on the ranch of CIA operative John Hull. From there the high-grade coke was shipped by plane to the Mina, Arkansas Airport under the protection of Bill Clinton and to various Air Force bases..

    Under direct US control, Reagan's 'Freedom Fighters' raped, tortured and murdered tens of thousands of innocent civilians in Nicaragua in an effort to bring down Nicaragua's first democratically elected government. The US had previously ruled Nicaragua through the brutal Somoza family dicatorship, once the dictatorship was overthrown by a popular revolution the US was quick to start an criminal campaign of terror against the government and civilians. The campaign of terror claimed 50,000 lives and crippled the entire nation.

    Nicaragua took its case to the World Court. The court found that the U.S. actions constituted "an unlawful use of force .... [that] cannot be justified either by collective self-defence ... nor by any right of the United States to take counter-measures involving the use of force." The court ordered the United States to pay reparations, estimated at between $12 billion and $17 billion, to Nicaragua. Two weeks after the verdict was issued, the U.S. Congress voted to give the Contras $100 million to continue their war of terror against the people of Nicaragua. The US has never recognized the World Court's ruling nor paid any of the compensation owed to Nicaragua.

    "The ripple effects of that criminal murderous intervention in my country will go on for 50 years or more." Fr. D'Escoto, Priest and former Nicaraguan Foreign Minister

    Reagan's blood-fest wasn't limited to Nicaragua, his puppet military dictators abducted, tortured, murdered and mutilated over 200,000 civilians in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras in the name of 'democracy' and fighting communism. Nor was the slaughter done only through the US controlled dictators. In operations that are still highly classified, US AC-130 gunships, crewed by US personnel, flew at night over mountainous areas with potential rebels and killed anything that gave off body-heat. The AC-130 is a highly sophisticated computerized killing machine that "incorporate side-firing weapons integrated with sophisticated sensor, navigation and fire control systems to provide surgical firepower or area saturation during extended loiter periods, at night and in adverse weather. The sensor suite consists of a television sensor, infrared sensor and radar." - US Air Force

    In 1999 the United Nations determined that the wholesale slaughter of Guatemalans, constituted "genocide." It was a genocide ordered and managed by the White House under Reagan.

    For their part in Iran-Contra fourteen high level government officials were charged, yet few of them were convicted and received any real penalty. Bush pardoned six of the criminal conspirators. Some of those involved in the Iran-Contra crimes are now back in power under the current Bush administration.

    Despite some environmental concessions to voters while Governor of California, Reagan's real views on the environment became clear during his Presidential campaign when he claimed that trees caused more air pollution than cars. During his criminal reign of terror he systematically dismantled environmental protection laws and rolled back decades of hard-won progress to protect the Earth and the health of its inhabitants.

    To help ensure the rape of the land he appointed lunatic James Watt as Secretary of the Interior who claimed "We don’t have to protect the environment, the Second Coming [of Christ] is at hand." It wasn't until Watt was trying to defend his decision to give away more than 1 billion tons of coal from federal lands in Wyoming that he was finally acknowledged for what he was. His defense for the coal giveway was that he was immune to criticism because members of his coal-advisory panel included "a black ... a woman, two Jews, and a cripple." This comment got finally him fired in 1983.

    His appointee for the EPA was the environment molester Anne Gorsuch who tried her best to gut the hard-won Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. Gorsuch's Superfund Director, Rita Lavelle, was jailed for lying to Congress under oath about the corruption in her division. Gorsuch was fired in 1983 when documents exposed by Congress revealed the corruption and crimes committed by the EPA under her direction.

    ...America's worst financial disaster since the Great Depression occured under Reagan with the collapse of the Savings & Loan system. Nearly $500 billion was looted from thousands of Savings & Loans by a criminal ring that included the Mafia, CIA and the Bush family. Neil Bush was involved in the collapse of Silverado Savings & Loan but never served any jail time. By the time the Federal government and elite is done milking the scam further, US taxpayers will have paid well over a trillion dollars.

    The full extent of Reagan's crimes may never be known because George W. Bush issued an executive order which countermands the 1978 Presidential Records Act and prevents the release of 68,000 pages of Reagan era documents. Given that Reagan lacked the intelligence to carry out most of the more elaborate crimes, the records are likely to shed light on the true role of the Bush crime family.

    Let us remember Reagan as he really was...

    o Liar
    o Thief
    o Mass murderer
    o War criminal
    o Traitor
    o Destroyer of freedom
    o Destroyer of the environment

    While Reagan may have not been entirely aware of what he was doing and how his decisions would impact the world, he was also much more sinister than the media has portrayed him. We can only hope that he gets to meet some of his many victims after joining the other thugs in hell.

    Reagan and Guatemala's Death Files

    By Robert Parry

    We had a thread on that did we not?
  • usamamasan1usamamasan1 Posts: 4,695
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    We had a thread on that did we not?

  • Byrnzie wrote:
    who is asking them to leave. How about share. Its only the stupid ignorant hardline fundamenalists from each sidewho fuck it up. I can only imagine that most who are moderate want peace. They fear each other now because the fundamentalists have created a war where either wont back down

    The Israeli's are being asked to leave the land they stole during and after the 1967 war. This is line with international law and the will of the whole World - excluding the U.S.

    That's all.
    yes well they should agree to give back a lot that they have stolen.
    But the fact is that neither side is going anywhere. peace is the goal isnt it???
    well its mine anyways
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Wikipedia even has a full page dedicated to the crimes and scandals of the corrupt Reagan administration: ... n_scandals
    Reagan administration scandals
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any US president....'

    Anyway, let's try and keep this thread on topic.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    And... Al Jazeera Ladies and Gentlemen. ... 83540.html

    Gingrich's comments drew a swift rebuke from a spokesman for the American Task Force on Palestine, Hussein Ibish, who said: "There was no Israel and no such thing as an "Israeli people" before 1948.

    "So the idea that Palestinians are 'an invented people' while Israelis somehow are not is historically indefensible and inaccurate.

    "Such statements seem to merely reflect deep historical ignorance and an irrational hostility towards Palestinian identity and nationalism."

    Sabri Saidam, adviser to the Palestinian president, told Al Jazeera, "This is a manifestation of extreme racism and this is a reflection of where America stands sad, when Palestinians don't get their rights...this is sad and America should respond with a firm reaction to such comments that, if let go, more of which will come our way,"

    "Let me ask Newt Gingrich if he would ever entertain the thought of addressing Indian Americans by saying that they never existed, that they were the invention of a separate nation, would that be tolerated?"

    "Let's also reverse the statement; let's put ourselves in "the shoe of Jews who are listening now. Would they ever accept such statements being made about them?"

    Saidam said, "I think it's time that America rejects such statements and closes the door to such horrendous and unacceptable statements."
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    i have to say ... i usually laugh at the ignorant statements many republicans say ... but last nite was very troubling ...

    israel being bombed and rocket attacks daily!?? ... really!?? ... all palestinians are terrorists!?? ... really!?? ... it's frustratingly sad how ignorant those comments were and the applause in the audience ... i thought targeting all muslims at airports for racial profiling was bad but this just went too far ...

    what is also sad is that none of the conservatives here care to point out this ignorance and racism ... :cry:
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Gingrich's comments drew a swift rebuke from a spokesman for the American Task Force on Palestine, Hussein Ibish, who said: "There was no Israel and no such thing as an "Israeli people" before 1948.

    "So the idea that Palestinians are 'an invented people' while Israelis somehow are not is historically indefensible and inaccurate.

    "Such statements seem to merely reflect deep historical ignorance and an irrational hostility towards Palestinian identity and nationalism."

    Sabri Saidam, adviser to the Palestinian president, told Al Jazeera, "This is a manifestation of extreme racism and this is a reflection of where America stands sad, when Palestinians don't get their rights...this is sad and America should respond with a firm reaction to such comments that, if let go, more of which will come our way,"

    "Let me ask Newt Gingrich if he would ever entertain the thought of addressing Indian Americans by saying that they never existed, that they were the invention of a separate nation, would that be tolerated?"

    "Let's also reverse the statement; let's put ourselves in "the shoe of Jews who are listening now. Would they ever accept such statements being made about them?"

    Saidam said, "I think it's time that America rejects such statements and closes the door to such horrendous and unacceptable statements."

    exactly ... ron paul said the same thing but two major thumbs down for not calling it out as it really is ... an ignorant and racist comment ...
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037 ... criticised

    Newt Gingrich condemned for calling Palestinians 'terrorists'

    Palestinian officials say Republican frontrunner's claim children are taught to kill in textbooks is based on Israeli propaganda

    Phoebe Greenwood in Ramallah, Sunday 11 December 2011

    Leading Palestinian officials have rounded on the Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich for his description of Palestinians as an "invented" people and "terrorists".

    The Republican frontrunner insisted at a candidate debate on Saturday – to warm applause from the audience – that "these people are terrorists. They teach terrorism in their schools. They have textbooks that say, if there are 13 Jews and nine Jews are killed, how many Jews are left? We pay for those textbooks through our aid money.

    "It's fundamentally time for somebody to have the guts to stand up and say, enough lying about the Middle East."

    Palestinian officials said Gingrich's allegations were based substantially on material produced by an Israeli organisation, Palestinian Media Watch, which has published a long list of entries on its website under the heading 'Promoting Violence for Children'. An article from 2007 describes Palestinian textbooks paid for with US aid money that deny Israel's right to exist.

    But Xavier Abu Eid, a senior adviser to the Palestine Liberation Organisation, said the website and Gingrich's allegations were groundless.

    "[Gingrich] is welcome to come to Palestine so he can stop speaking from talking points and speak about reality. If he can produce a Palestinian textbook that proves his point, then he should do it. But they don't exist in our schools – he's quoting propaganda. It's very cheap what he's doing and not behaviour appropriate for a presidential candidate.

    "If you ask any 13-year-old Palestinian child, he will know there is a state called Israel. Go and see if you can find an Israeli kid of the same age who can find a green line [marking the border between Israel and occupied Palestinian territory] in his textbook."

    Gingrich first set out his position on the Palestinian people in an interview with the Jewish Channel on Friday in which he said the Palestinians were an "invented" people.

    Gingrich told the Jewish cable channel: "Remember there was no Palestine as a state. It was part of the Ottoman empire." He added that Palestinians were "an invented Palestinian people who are in fact Arabs".

    Palestinian officials dismissed Gingrich's comments as an attempt to curry favour with Jewish voters. Salam Fayyad, the Palestinian prime minister, urged him to apologise, describing his comments as both ridiculous and racist.

    The chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, said the comments were an incitement to terror. "These statements of Gingrich's will be the ammunitions and weapons of the Bin Ladens and the extremists for a long, long time," he told CNN.

    Speaking from Ramallah on Sunday, Ghassan Khatib, a senior Palestinian Authority official, said Gingrich's position indicated an alarming swing towards extremism among Republicans and revealed a trend within American politics towards partisan posturing on the Middle East that could only damage the peace process.

    "America is already suffering from criticism of not being impartial. Such an extreme position from a presidential candidate only adds to this perception," Khatib said. "This incident has seriously damaged the credibility of the United States."

    While the US Congress has raised alarm among Palestinians by threatening to cut aid to the Palestinian Authority if it pursues a reconciliation with Hamas, Gingrich is swimming against the tide of official US policy, which advocates a two-state solution. He is also at odds with the opinion of all but the most extreme elements of Israeli society.

    While the Israeli prime minister's office refused to issue a formal position on Gingrich's comments, which it claims are a matter of internal US politics, Binyamin Netanyahu, who leads a rightwing coalition government, has recognised the Palestinian people.

    Netanyahu advocates a peace agreement that would see the creation of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel and has recently insisted he will not annex Palestinian territory in the West Bank.

    Zalman Shoval, Israel's former ambassador to Washington, said on Sunday that whether Gingrich's comments were "factually true" or not, they were politically irrelevant. "Whether [Palestinians] existed before or not is neither here nor there. Palestinian Arabs for the last 50 or 60 years have defined themselves as a separate national unity. Their aspiration to a national unity and self-governance is the fact we should be dealing with."
  • I did not know that the "Palestinians" were a made up people!!

    Very interesting... Im gonna send Newt a little cash this week, to help him win the Presidency, and to defend Israel against these nomadic terrorists...

    What a informative article, thanks for posting OP.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    I did not know that the "Palestinians" were a made up people!!

    Very interesting... Im gonna send Newt a little cash this week, to help him win the Presidency, and to defend Israel against these nomadic terrorists...

    What a informative article, thanks for posting OP.
    by this rationale the israelis as a people were "invented" too.

    there was no israel until 1948, and that was established by the UN...the same body that the palestinians are petitioning to be recognized as a state.

    why is it fair for one and not the other?
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • I did not know that the "Palestinians" were a made up people!!

    Very interesting... Im gonna send Newt a little cash this week, to help him win the Presidency, and to defend Israel against these nomadic terrorists...

    What a informative article, thanks for posting OP.
    by this rationale the israelis as a people were "invented" too.

    there was no israel until 1948, and that was established by the UN...the same body that the palestinians are petitioning to be recognized as a state.

    why is it fair for one and not the other?

    These people are Jewish right? The Torah (and the bible for that matter) says that that land is their promised land given to them by God. I personally don't think it is fair but I am sure that they do.
  • I did not know that the "Palestinians" were a made up people!!

    Very interesting... Im gonna send Newt a little cash this week, to help him win the Presidency, and to defend Israel against these nomadic terrorists...

    What a informative article, thanks for posting OP.
    by this rationale the israelis as a people were "invented" too.

    there was no israel until 1948, and that was established by the UN...the same body that the palestinians are petitioning to be recognized as a state.

    why is it fair for one and not the other?

    "Around 930 BCE, the kingdom split into a southern Kingdom of Judah and a northern Kingdom of Israel."

    Looks like Israel has been around a LONG time.... Its in the Bible... So its true.

    1948? What a pipedream...

    These people are Jewish right? The Torah (and the bible for that matter) says that that land is their promised land given to them by God. I personally don't think it is fair but I am sure that they do.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310

    oh well you proved me wrong....if it is in the bible then it is true :roll: :roll:

    that is the most ridiculous assertion i have ever read....
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • ^^^^^

    oh well you proved me wrong....if it is in the bible then it is true :roll: :roll:

    that is the most ridiculous assertion i have ever read....

    It's not ridiculous if you believe in God. That's all that I'm saying. I'm not saying that you're wrong.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310

    oh well you proved me wrong....if it is in the bible then it is true :roll: :roll:

    that is the most ridiculous assertion i have ever read....

    It's not ridiculous if you believe in God. That's all that I'm saying. I'm not saying that you're wrong.
    i know what you mean, i was referrring to the man that said that 1948 was a "pipe dream" and all of that in his reply to you. sorry for the confusion.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • ^^^^^

    oh well you proved me wrong....if it is in the bible then it is true :roll: :roll:

    that is the most ridiculous assertion i have ever read....

    It's not ridiculous if you believe in God. That's all that I'm saying. I'm not saying that you're wrong.
    i know what you mean, i was referrring to the man that said that 1948 was a "pipe dream" and all of that in his reply to you. sorry for the confusion.

    Oh oh... Duh... Should have noticed the arrows... Sorry!
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    I did not know that the "Palestinians" were a made up people!!

    Very interesting... Im gonna send Newt a little cash this week, to help him win the Presidency, and to defend Israel against these nomadic terrorists...

    Nomadic terrorists, and a made up people?

    Pretty sad that this sort of racist filth is permitted here on the message board.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    "Around 930 BCE, the kingdom split into a southern Kingdom of Judah and a northern Kingdom of Israel."

    Maybe you should consider going back to school? A little education may help to fix the racist bullshit that you keep spewing.

    Michael Neumann:
    'In the case of a Jewish claim to Palestine, the claims are themselves dubious. Here it is not necessary to have decided on a truth, which may elude researchers forever. It is enough to show that there is serious controversy, and that is easily done. One account of recent findings can be found in 'The Bible Unearthed: Archeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the origin of It's sacred Texts'. It's authors are Israel Finkelstein, director of an archeological institute at Tel Aviv Uuniversity, and Neil Asher Silberman, director of a Belgian archeological institute and a contributing editor to 'Archeology' magazine. These writers display no political agenda and repeat to the point of saturation their admiration and respect for the Bible. Asher and Silberman introduce their work with the claim that:

    "The historical sage contained in the Bible - from Abraham's encounter with God and his journey to Canaan, to Moses's delverance of the children of Israe from bondage, to the rise and fall of the Kingdom of Israel and Judah - was not a miraculous revelation, but a brilliant product of the human imagination."

    This is the authors' exceedingly polite way of saying that the Biblical accounts are sometimes nonsense, sometimes deliberate lies, exaggerations, and distortions. The status of the Biblical Kingdom is particularly relevant to the Jewish claims to Palestine. One of Asher and Silberman's more devastating findings is that:

    "The Biblical borders of the land of Israel as outlined in the book of Joshua had seemingly assumed a sacred inviolability...the Bible pictures a stormy but basically continuous Israelite occupation of the land of Israel all the way to the Assyrian conquest. But a reexamination of the archaeological evidence...points to a period of a few decades [in which Israel existed], between around 835-800B.C.E..."

    In other words, they find that the "Great" Jewish Kingdom existed in something like it's fabled extent for a tiny fraction of the period traditionally alleged. Even then, their boundaries never came close to the "Greater Israel" of contemporary Jewish fundamentalism. The rest of the time. Judah and Israel are thought to have been, for the most part, very primitive entities, devoid of literate culture or substantial administrative structure, extending to only a small, landlocked part of what is now called Palestine. The great structures of the Biblical era are, all of them, attributed to Canaanite cultures. Moreover, the inhabitants of Biblical Israel and Judah seem to have, for most of the time and for the most part, practitioners of Canaanite religions rather than Judaism, or of various synthetic cults. These "Israelites" were not, that is, "Jewish" in one important sense of the term. The authors refer to the Biblical Kingdom at it existed as a "a multi-ethnic society." The idea that such a past could validate a Jewish historical claim to Palestine is simply ludicrous, even if it could be shown - which it cannot - that today's Jews are in some legal sense, heirs to the ancient Israelite Kingdoms.'

    Looks like Israel has been around a LONG time.... Its in the Bible... So its true.


    Too funny. This one goes into my collection of moronic, twisted comments on the AMT along with 'I love the Death Penalty'.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Fuck all bigots and racists!
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