Iran captures US Drone



  • BinauralJamBinauralJam Posts: 14,158
    I dont see Obama starting a war on the eve of an election year. It's possible, but i don't see it.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    This war with Iran has begun already folks...

    We want our drone back! :)

    "If you were Iran, and Pres O asked you to return our drone, what would you say??" Ari Fleischer, GOP public relations strategist and former spokesman for the George W. Bush White House, asked on Twitter.

    "'O: I asked Iran 2 return drone & we'll see how they respond," Fleischer wrote in another Twitter post mocking the request. Ronald Reagan "didn't ask Iran 2 return hostages. Iran feared him, so they were freed." ... 35747.html
    Truth be known... Ronald Reagan also negotiated with Terrorists in Iran in order to fund our little forray into Central America.
    The picture gets clearer when you step back and view the entire canvas, rather than focusing on one element of the painting.
    Also... WHY SHOULD Iran give back the drone? WE were spying on THEM. Would Ari Fleischer say the same... if the shoe were on the other foot? I didn't think so.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Cosmo wrote:
    This war with Iran has begun already folks...

    We want our drone back! :)

    "If you were Iran, and Pres O asked you to return our drone, what would you say??" Ari Fleischer, GOP public relations strategist and former spokesman for the George W. Bush White House, asked on Twitter.

    "'O: I asked Iran 2 return drone & we'll see how they respond," Fleischer wrote in another Twitter post mocking the request. Ronald Reagan "didn't ask Iran 2 return hostages. Iran feared him, so they were freed." ... 35747.html
    Truth be known... Ronald Reagan also negotiated with Terrorists in Iran in order to fund our little forray into Central America.
    The picture gets clearer when you step back and view the entire canvas, rather than focusing on one element of the painting.
    Also... WHY SHOULD Iran give back the drone? WE were spying on THEM. Would Ari Fleischer say the same... if the shoe were on the other foot? I didn't think so.

    did they say please?
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    did they say please?
    It's basically... when someone hits the ball too hard to the closed outfield and in goes over the fence into that mean old lady's house that no one wants to go over there to ask for the ball back because she will rattle off the mug for an hour about how irresponsible you are and there is not a good reason why she should give you the ball back and how dangerous it is because the ball could have hit one of her 22 cats in the eye and after thinking about it... we decide it's not even worth the hassle, so you collect enough empty Pepsi bottles from the neighborhood to get the 3 cent deposit and just buy another fucking ball from the toy aisle at the Safeway market because it ain't worth the hassle.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Cosmo wrote:
    did they say please?
    It's basically... when someone hits the ball too hard to the closed outfield and in goes over the fence into that mean old lady's house that no one wants to go over there to ask for the ball back because she will rattle off the mug for an hour about how irresponsible you are and there is not a good reason why she should give you the ball back and how dangerous it is because the ball could have hit one of her 22 cats in the eye and after thinking about it... we decide it's not even worth the hassle, so you collect enough empty Pepsi bottles from the neighborhood to get the 3 cent deposit and just buy another fucking ball from the toy aisle at the Safeway market because it ain't worth the hassle.

    so how many pepsi bottles you reckon itll take to buy a new drone???
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Cosmo wrote:
    did they say please?
    It's basically... when someone hits the ball too hard to the closed outfield and in goes over the fence into that mean old lady's house that no one wants to go over there to ask for the ball back because she will rattle off the mug for an hour about how irresponsible you are and there is not a good reason why she should give you the ball back and how dangerous it is because the ball could have hit one of her 22 cats in the eye and after thinking about it... we decide it's not even worth the hassle, so you collect enough empty Pepsi bottles from the neighborhood to get the 3 cent deposit and just buy another fucking ball from the toy aisle at the Safeway market because it ain't worth the hassle.

    so how many pepsi bottles you reckon itll take to buy a new drone???
    Several billion.
    But, seriously... either we should have been more careful with our billion dollar R.C. Toy or we shouldn't have been flying it over that mean old lady's house.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Cosmo wrote:
    Several billion.
    But, seriously... either we should have been more careful with our billion dollar R.C. Toy or we shouldn't have been flying it over that mean old lady's house.

    im thinking both.

    im also hoping the aliens dont come looking for those craft the US govt has got hidden in area 51. cause ive seen mars attacks and it aint pretty.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    im thinking both.
    im also hoping the aliens dont come looking for those craft the US govt has got hidden in area 51. cause ive seen mars attacks and it aint pretty.
    It's like when the DEA scores a huge drug bust in Arizona and the Mexican Drug Cartel thinks we should give them their drugs back. If they didn't want to lose their drugs... they shouldn't have sent it over here, right?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Cosmo wrote:
    im thinking both.
    im also hoping the aliens dont come looking for those craft the US govt has got hidden in area 51. cause ive seen mars attacks and it aint pretty.
    It's like when the DEA scores a huge drug bust in Arizona and the Mexican Drug Cartel thinks we should give them their drugs back. If they didn't want to lose their drugs... they shouldn't have sent it over here, right?

    they should only be returned if the drugs are faulty.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • pjl44pjl44 Posts: 9,950
    This war with Iran has begun already folks...

    We want our drone back! :)

    "If you were Iran, and Pres O asked you to return our drone, what would you say??" Ari Fleischer, GOP public relations strategist and former spokesman for the George W. Bush White House, asked on Twitter.

    "'O: I asked Iran 2 return drone & we'll see how they respond," Fleischer wrote in another Twitter post mocking the request. Ronald Reagan "didn't ask Iran 2 return hostages. Iran feared him, so they were freed." ... 35747.html

    So you want Obama to trade weapons for the return of our drone? I guess we can scrape up whatever we didn't give to the Mexican cartels.
  • usamamasan1usamamasan1 Posts: 4,695
    edited December 2011
    With this President, we slip into normalcy as a country every day.

    Case in point.

    Me, I say we blast Iran so they can't get nukes soon. They will get em someday, just blast em back for another decade or so. They are clearly state sponsors of terror and have bad intentions against the USA.

    But, I know these beliefs dont settle we'll with AMT.

    Easy to say "war is not the answer" from your secure living room that was paid for by the blood of our brave soldiers.

    Hippies don't get that part.

    Now for the "go enlist" comments.

    Bwahahaha! That is not the point. Just to say so in advance because I know that is a knee JERK reaction. That would be like saying if Obama wants a strike against a target he should do it.

    Open your mind
    Post edited by usamamasan1 on
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Me, I say we blast Iran so they can't get nukes soon. They will get em someday, just blast em back for another decade or so. They are clearly state sponsors of terror and have bad intentions against the USA.

    But, I know these beliefs dont settle we'll with AMT.

    Easy to say "war is not the answer" from your secure living room that was paid for by the blood of our brave soldiers.

    Hippies don't get that part.

    So when are you enlisting then?
  • usamamasan1usamamasan1 Posts: 4,695
    See post above, I was editing before you post that bc I knew that would be your response. Funny thing.
    And this isn't about me. Read the posting guidelines and discuss the topic. I don't want to report you.
  • With this President, we slip into normalcy as a country every day.

    Case in point.

    Me, I say we blast Iran so they can't get nukes soon. They will get em someday, just blast em back for another decade or so. They are clearly state sponsors of terror and have bad intentions against the USA.

    Easy to say "war is not the answer" from your secure living room that was paid for by the blood of our brave soldiers.

    Open your mind

    war is never an answer coming from somebody that has worn a uniform. didnt bleed but stood ready to serve
    Iran HAS been inspected by the IAEA and no weapon making equipment found. its that simple.
    people who sit in their loungerooms demanding that young brave american soldiers should risk their lives to bomb Iranian scientists and staff for what would be a GUESS that they will build a bomb should do it themselves.

    lies and guess's is what got us into the war in iraq. and look at what cost that was to people and $$$$

    the blood of our young is worthy of GUESS'S usamamasam ?????? :(

    I hold it in much higher regard than that and im disgusted at our politicians for not holding it the highest of considerations when discussing these type of subjects.

    bomb somthing few people die who cares

    they retaliate and a few people die ...who cares

    then we kill some more
  • usamamasan1usamamasan1 Posts: 4,695
    edited December 2011
    Just wearing a uniform does not make you an expert on matters of war. Clearly.
    I too stand ready to serve...
    And my family HAS bled.

    War is often the answer. To say it is never the answer is naive.

    "no weapon making equipment was found, it's that simple".

    Really? Come on

    That simple! Dint try to gain credibility by saying you wore a uniform and then say something like "IAEA" found nothing , case closed. How does that matter? For example, what if they found ......something :-/
    Would war still not be the answer? According to your logic, war is never the answer so why be so...simple?
    Post edited by usamamasan1 on
  • Just wearing a uniform does not make you an expert.
    I too stand ready to serve...
    And my family HAS bled.

    War is often the answer. To say it is never the answer is naive.

    war is only the last option. only ever the last option.

    Is it ok to walk up to sombody in the street and shoot him dead. your exuse " hell he looked cranky and he could have shot me".
    of course not .
    but thats what you want on an international scale.

    and wearing the uniform does give me the right to say. you seem to denegrate anyone "WHO HASNT SPILT BLOOD" but whaen somebody who stood ready for 10 years also is denegrated
    and my family still BLEEDS
  • usamamasan1usamamasan1 Posts: 4,695
    The right to oppose using force for peace, sure, you got that right. Never said otherwise. Just don't expect me to blindly agree with your view that that IAEA knows fuck all or that war is " never the answer"

    Also, the guy in the street you refer to is Iran. They are not some innocent guy with a bad look on their face. Blast their nuclear ambitions (and we will). Say I.

    Ready to serve
  • The right to oppose using force for peace, sure, you got that right. Never said otherwise. Just don't expect me to blindly agree with your view that that IAEA knows fuck all or that war is " never the answer"

    Also, the guy in the street you refer to is Iran. They are not some innocent guy with a bad look on their face. Blast their nuclear ambitions (and we will). Say I.

    Ready to serve

    so the guy on the street is a known bad guy. not convicted but everyone knows that he is up to no good most of the time . you shoot him DO you get away with it
    and remember your also known to shoot guys dead for no good reason ie ( having weapons of mass destruction) in your criminal history

    So who are the experts who KNOW that they are building bombs.

    Its ironic isnt it
    In that same region lies a nation that will not allow IAEA inspections. is KNOWN TO HAVE nuclear weapons. So why not suggest to bomb them. they are agressors in the region and a threat to peace
  • usamamasan1usamamasan1 Posts: 4,695
    When the blasting happens, before the elections, I will not say I told you so....
    Kidding. I will totally say that!

    The United States could lose its role as the “main player” in the Middle East if Washington fails to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons, according to a special envoy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    “The leaders in the Middle East look very carefully [to see] whether the United States is intent and serious about maintaining its position as the main player in the area or whether it’s going to give that up to someone like Iran, and that will depend on whether America is successful in stopping the Iranian nuclear effort,”
    If Iran builds a nuclear bomb, “people in the area … will say, ‘We can’t rely [on the United States] and maybe we should shore up our position with the Iranians,” Zalman Shoval warned.

    Israel SHOULD launch airstrikes against Iranian nuclear facilities

    The axis of evil must know we are locked and loaded. If sanctions don't work (won't) it's time to destroy/delay the facilities and those involved in creating nukes. N Korea too. They will just black market some shit to Syria and then what?

    It's just a matter if time. It's gonna happen. I just want freedom and democracy to last as long as possible.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Me, I say we blast Iran so they can't get nukes soon. They will get em someday, just blast em back for another decade or so.

    Didn't you recently get banned for a month for spouting this same hateful crap?

    Promoting racism and violence on the AMT is not cool.

    Read the posting guidelines.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Now for the "go enlist" comments.

    Bwahahaha! That is not the point.

    It is the point. You're the one coming on here calling for war, so it's only logical that you should be prepared to back your words up with action.

    You're clearly frothing at the mouth at the prospect of waging war on Iran - a country that has attacked no other country in over 200 years.
    If you're so desperate for these people to be maimed and killed then why don't you enlist? Why should other people be sent off to risk injury or death in order to satisfy the twisted blood-lust of people like you?

    I'm sure there must be an army recruitment office in your area, so why don't you get yourself down there and put your money where your mouth is?
  • so it becomes clear
    dont go and die for america
    go and die for isreal.

    Go fight your own war without the USA's backing
    Isreal is big and tough with america standing behind it.
    see if you can do it on your own.

    agressors of the middle east. now that more and more nations are waking to the arab spring, isreal is losing its freinds in the regions. if not freinds nations who tolerated it for US dollars.
    try it isreal maybe you will be swept to the sea
  • I should make it clear I hope nothing happen to isreal. I also hope nothing happens to iran.
    Iran has the right to use nuclear power like any other nation.
    if isreal wants a nuclear free middle east it should lead by example .
    God gave isreal to the jews. me thinks god would be pissed off that your not sharing it
  • pjl44pjl44 Posts: 9,950
    With this President, we slip into normalcy as a country every day.

    Case in point.

    Me, I say we blast Iran so they can't get nukes soon. They will get em someday, just blast em back for another decade or so. They are clearly state sponsors of terror and have bad intentions against the USA.

    But, I know these beliefs dont settle we'll with AMT.

    Easy to say "war is not the answer" from your secure living room that was paid for by the blood of our brave soldiers.

    Hippies don't get that part.

    Now for the "go enlist" comments.

    Bwahahaha! That is not the point. Just to say so in advance because I know that is a knee JERK reaction. That would be like saying if Obama wants a strike against a target he should do it.

    Open your mind

    And "just go bomb 'em" is easy to say when you're afraid that everyone is trying to kill you. Some of us would like a prosperous country rather than spending billions to assuage the cowards.
  • puremagicpuremagic Posts: 1,907
    With this President, we slip into normalcy as a country every day.

    Case in point.

    Me, I say we blast Iran so they can't get nukes soon. They will get em someday, just blast em back for another decade or so. They are clearly state sponsors of terror and have bad intentions against the USA.

    But, I know these beliefs dont settle we'll with AMT.

    Easy to say "war is not the answer" from your secure living room that was paid for by the blood of our brave soldiers.

    Hippies don't get that part.

    Now for the "go enlist" comments.

    Bwahahaha! That is not the point. Just to say so in advance because I know that is a knee JERK reaction. That would be like saying if Obama wants a strike against a target he should do it.

    Open your mind

    Maybe we should just bomb Israel and Iran, then we Americans, sitting in our secure living rooms, overlooking the beaches of Miami and Hollywood Hills wouldn’t have Middle East problem at all.
    SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    I should make it clear I hope nothing happen to isreal. I also hope nothing happens to iran.
    Iran has the right to use nuclear power like any other nation.
    if isreal wants a nuclear free middle east it should lead by example .

    you had me in agreeance right up until this:

    God gave isreal to the jews. me thinks god would be pissed off that your not sharing it
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • usamamasan1usamamasan1 Posts: 4,695
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Me, I say we blast Iran so they can't get nukes soon. They will get em someday, just blast em back for another decade or so.

    Didn't you recently get banned for a month for spouting this same hateful crap?

    Promoting racism and violence on the AMT is not cool.

    Read the posting guidelines.

    This isn't about me, discuss the topic. please read posting guidelines.

    I am promoting a preemtive attack on a country that is trying to get nukes and will probably try to "wipe Israel off the face of the map" and ally of my country...If you call that violence, fine with me. If current political beliefs are not welcome on this forum, ban me. I won't back down. I won't post here either and you can continue on in your little lala land. So if I am gone you can koomabya all you want and shit on Israel like you always do.

    I have never promoted racism. so again, please stop with the personal attacks. It is not ok and not welcome in this forum.

    NOW back on topic. Iran and what we are going to do about them.....

    Last week....

    Gingrich told Wolf Blitzer that if the Israelis were to call and notify him about an imminent military strike, his first response would be: “How can we help you?” He continued:

    An Iranian nuclear weapon is potentially a second holocaust. Israel is a very urban country. Two or three nuclear weapons wipes out most of the Jews who live in Israel. I believe Ahmadinejad would do it in a [inaudible]. When you have people put on body suits to walk into a crowded mall to blow themselves up, you better believe they put on a nuclear weapon. So, I think the world needs to understand, Iran is not going to get a nuclear weapon. All the world can decide is whether they help us peacefully stop it or they force us to use violence, but Iran is not going to get a nuclear weapon.
  • BinauralJamBinauralJam Posts: 14,158
    Why would Iran attack Isreal with nuclear weapons, when they know the response of Isreal , the U.S.A. and the U.N. would be to Erase them? It is Never going to happen, same reason North Korea is never going to use them.
  • usamamasan1usamamasan1 Posts: 4,695
    some terrorist would just put it in his trunk. this is how it goes down and it's not pretty.
  • BinauralJamBinauralJam Posts: 14,158
    some terrorist would just put it in his trunk. this is how it goes down and it's not pretty.

    This is what i would be afraid of, a dirty bomb smuggeled into Isreal, but if that were to happen you couldn't assume it was Iran's doing, Isreal like the U.S.A. has a long list of enemies. Only way to practical defend against that is what we are trying to do in NYC with radation detectors.
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