*** San Diego Fanviews 7/7 Here ***



  • Hopefully this link works...


    It is Ed climbing the ladder to sing Last Kiss to the behind the stage audience.

    Truly and epic show...epic.
  • Gators76Gators76 Posts: 160
    I was sitting lined up to that ladder to the height he climed it behind the stage. Last Kiss is a piss break song for me but last night it was great!
    Toledo 96, Cleveland 03, Pittsburgh 03, Vegas 06,
    San Diego 06.....Do I want some more? I said FUCK YEAH!!!!
  • GlttrGrrlGlttrGrrl Posts: 129
    SOLAT319 wrote:
    San Diego audience should have gotten a clue from the East Coast (specifically Chicago second night) and gotten up on their feet and showed some Love for the band.... No pogoing, no singing along (well maybe for Betterman just a little bit but not all that impressive comparing to some other shows I've been to) People around me were just so oblivious to what was going on stage, I actually felt embarrased.

    Wow, I totally disagree. And I think the band would disagree, too. Did you happen to notice how stoked Eddie was? That crowd was not embarassing at all.

    As for my own fanview:
    I've been to 10 PJ shows before this one. My first was in November 1991 at CBGB (which is closing in September). This was far and away the best Pearl Jam show I have ever been to. It was absolutely positively unreal. I think everyone has posted the highlights of the show for me. I was 5th row on Mike's side. I've never been on his side of the stage before, but it was so much fun. He was pointing at us and threw out dozen of picks.

    The story before Long Road brought a tear to my eye, too. Eddie said that he picked up that guitar in the studio that day when he heard Clayton Liggett died and strummed that chord for 8-10 minutes like he was ringing a bell as if to say "Hey, we lost a good one." It was truly touching.

    This guy in the third row had a big sign with a target in the middle that said "Tambourine Target." Ed loved it. The guy got a tambourine. I need to get me one of those signs!

    Right before the show I was saying that one of the songs I would love to hear was "You Are." When they started playing it, I seriously flipped out.

    The show was so incredible that it is all I have been able to talk about all day. My body is tired from all of the jumping, fist pumping and clapping. It was incredible. I'm almost reluctant to go to any other shows because there's no way they will be better than this show.
  • Amazing show! The band was flawless. Eddie climbing the ladder was crazy. I was in the 10th row and have a sweet picture on my cell phone. Pearl Jam at their best!
    Casper, WY 06/16/95
    Park City, UT 06/21/98
    Mountain View, CA 06/01/03
    San Diego, CA 07/07/06
    San Francisco, CA 07/15/06
  • PJammer4lifePJammer4life Los Angeles Posts: 2,657
    Anyone else remember in Satan's bed when they played the line, "I'll never suck Satan's Dick", the pause for a moment after and then the restart, it was hilarious..
    Bridge Benefit 1994, San Francisco 1995, San Diego 1995 1 & 2, Missoula 1998, Los Angeles 2000, San Diego 2000, Eddie Vedder/Beck 2/26/2002, Santa Barbara 2003, Irvine 2003, San Diego 2003, Vancouver 2005, Gorge 2005, San Diego 2006, Los Angeles 2006 1 & 2, Santa Barbara 2006, Eddie Vedder 4/10/08, Eddie Vedder 4/12/08, Eddie Vedder 4/15/08, 7/12/2008, SF 8/28/09, LA 9/30/09, LA 10/1/09, LA 10/06/09, LA 10/07/09, San Diego 10/09/09, Eddie Vedder 7/6/2011, Eddie Vedder 7/8/2011, PJ20 9/3/2011, PJ20 9/4/2011, Vancouver 9/25/2011, San Diego 11/21/13, LA 11/24/13, Ohana 9/25/21, Ohana 9/26/21, Ohana 10/1/21, EV 2/17/22, LA Forum 5/6/22, LA Forum 5/7/22, EV 10/1/22, EV 9/30/23
  • circlesdowncirclesdown Posts: 310
    Well it looks like most of the details havev been covered, so I'll just throw in a few of my highlights / observations from what was a great show:

    Wanted to hear either Oceans or Long Road as openers, got them both

    Seeing Unemployable live might finally get me liking this song

    Comatose is a serious, serious rocker

    Never seen the band in such a happy mood, Ed was obviously very pleased with the crowd and was just happy to be there. He was NOT working last night.

    Mike: Get this guy some ritalin

    Stone: What was that he was playing during Wasted? Badass guitar.

    My how things have changed. Back in the day Ed would climb the ladder, monkey bar the rafters and dangle in the middle before leaping into the crowd during a scorching Porch jam. Now he climbs halfway up a ladder during Last Kiss and everyone is gasping. Still fun to watch though Ed.

    Evenflow: never gets old. ever.

    Ed was trying to get the spotlight on Stone during Alive, that was cool.

    The debut of Big Wave was exceptionally tight. Finally got to hear Leash.

    Was anyone else distracted by the stripper behind Matt and her Marky Mark boyfriend all night?

    Star Spangled Banner: Sorry, but I think Mikey was suffering from multiple brain farts during this. He kept messing up and forgetting parts. But still, a Mike at 50% is better than most others.

    Great Great Great show overall.
  • The show was truley AWESOME!! My brother and I drove down the afternoon of, went to Shamrock's shack, had a couple of pitchers, and went to the show. Oceans was such a great intro! I haven't been to many show's but this show beats the VFC show in STL at the Fox (4400 people). The energy was great, the setlist was great, and the entire bands mood was uplifting. If you do not buy this boot you are really missing out. I will be at the forum tomorrow, and it is just going to be a bonus. I am not expecting anything great, because the buys put everything into this show!! Peace, J
    Ignore your rights and they'll go away!

    "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to have fun." Benjamin Franklin

    Biodiesel: No War Required!
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    Best show I have ever been to! EVER! Probably one of the best concerts in the history of music!!!!!! There was definitely a connection between The Guys and the audience.


    What an amazing crowd, and the best 10c seats I have ever had!!!! I knew it was going to kick ass when they opened with OCEANS,, but Brain of J, Satans Bed, You are! But, what did it for me, out of no fucking where, unexpectedly, CROWN OF THORNS!! That is all I can say about that. I totally freaked out and screamed so hard in my sons ear when I first heard the first few cords, he turned around and gave me that pissed off look! hahaha LEASH!!! We got treated like royalty! Big Wave is pumping live!!!
    and yes, Mike with the finishing touches with the Star Spangled Banner! WOW! Just incredible all around! I still dont have my voice back!
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • Gators76Gators76 Posts: 160
    yahamita wrote:
    What an amazing crowd, and the best 10c seats I have ever had!!!! I knew it was going to kick ass when they opened with OCEANS,, but Brain of J, Satans Bed, You are! But, what did it for me, out of no fucking where, unexpectedly, CROWN OF THORNS!! That is all I can say about that. I totally freaked out and screamed so hard in my sons ear when I first heard the first few cords, he turned around and gave me that pissed off look! hahaha LEASH!!! We got treated like royalty! Big Wave is pumping live!!!
    and yes, Mike with the finishing touches with the Star Spangled Banner! WOW! Just incredible all around! I still dont have my voice back!
    I saw Dylan before the show. He wouldnt trade tickets with me:(....haaa
    Toledo 96, Cleveland 03, Pittsburgh 03, Vegas 06,
    San Diego 06.....Do I want some more? I said FUCK YEAH!!!!
  • wehrmanwehrman Posts: 28
    Photos from my KICKASS 10C Stone side seat... Not only did I have a good seat but the show was amazing!

    From my phone

    From my camera

    More to come!!!
    lowerleftside.com or wehrmanweb.com if you want to know who I am.
  • LeilaMoonTurtleLeilaMoonTurtle Posts: 1,418
    Thank you very much!
    Hopefully this link works...


    It is Ed climbing the ladder to sing Last Kiss to the behind the stage audience.

    Truly and epic show...epic.
  • mwbeck10mwbeck10 Posts: 274
    I don't think anything more can be said about this show than what has already been said. Epic. Amazing. Absolutley incredible. This was my 11th show, first of 6 this tour. I have know idea how the shows in LA and the 3 in SF are going to follow this.
    10/27/00, 10/28/00, 10/20/01, 12/8/02, 6/1/03, 6/2/03, 6/5/03, 6/6/03, 10/25/03, 10/28/03, 7/7/06, 7/9/06, 7/10/06, 7/15/06, 7/16/06, 7/18/06, 10/21/06, 4/5/08, 4/7/08, 6/11/08, 6/12/08, 6/16/08
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    I have to admit... I wasn't as excited for this tour as ones in the past... probably due to the depression I'm in and other bullshit associated with living in the times we are experiencing. This was the kick off gig of my participation in the Pearl Jam Tour 2006. It turned out to be a great place to start.
    First off... and I have said this in the past... I think a lot has to do with so many other contributing factors that adds or subtracts from your personal enjoyment of a specific show. It was extremely nice to see all of the same people I see at these shows... even if I don't know the names, i recognize the faces. We're all cut from the same tribal cloth, so at least we all have one thin in common. You all know about the set list by now, so I won't get into that. Instead, I'll just give my overall impressions of the entrie night in general.
    The stand out moment for me was when Ed told the story of the San Diego teacher who had a profound affect on his life. When he learned for the death of his teacher, he was in the process of recording with Neil Young on the Mirror Ball/Merkin Ball sessions. He had excused himself from the rest of the group and sought solice in his guitar. From the opening bell, we all knew it was how 'Long Road' was concieved. As the bell of the D chord continued to ring, the other band members quietly joined in. It was truely a moment that... well, I don't know how it will translate solely through an audio medium... a moment that was truely moving and memorable. The most powerful version of this song... one of my all time favorites... that I have ever experienced. It's hard to explain... and I know this sounds lame and I apologise for saying it... but, I guess you had to see it to feel it.
    The night in general had a great feel... probably because it is Sandy Eggo and it was one of those sparkling Sandy Eggo days... and the band has found it's way back to the Pacific... that made the night feel great. The guys looked like they were kids, playing, not working. Miles of smiles from the stage and the aisles. The crowd fed off the happiness and love on the stage and the band fed off of the crowd's reciprocated love and respect.
    Playing the 'Club Show' to the back of the stage... the inclusion of those fans with seats behind the stage... shows that the band wanted everyone to participate, rather than simply attend. That's probably why Ed decided to climb the rigging ladder... to get a closer look at the faces in the crowd.
    'Alive' takes on a diffrent outlook to me, after seeing that 'Storytellers' show. We really ARE still alive and should appreciate that fact... something I think we all seem to lose in this rat race we are forced to run in to survive. I personally try to appreciate everything I can while I still above ground... but, I know I too often forget about the millions of little gifts that life gives me every day. It was nice to be given this reminder last night. I appreciated the moonlight glistening on the Pacific as we drove back to L.A. last night.
    And finally... 'Yellow Ledbetter'... Pearl Jam's "Hey, it was nice to see you again and spend a few hours with you... but, we really have to go. But, don't worry... we'll see you again" song. The Jimi tribute to end the show was pretty special. Nice work, Mike.
    Anyway... sorry to bore you with all of this... but, it helps me to get it out and out there. Last night was a great example of why I love this band so much. They inspire me by just being.
    Peace to all and hopefully our roads will cross in the future.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • tombellancatombellanca Posts: 120
    not sure what else to add to everyone else praise for this show. things just all came together perfect and it was one of those that seemed like it'd be epic even before the lights went down. had a real good crowd around me - 15ish row far stone side (same spot as many other previous 10c san deigo tix...)
    you know it's going to be special when they opened up with oceans ;-)
    ed was really enjoying his bottle of wine. he got a bit self-indulgent during mike's evenflow solo - was playing to the side/back crowd a bit much, but it was just that he was having such a good time.
    correct me if i'm wrong, but could the last 'long road' in the encore spot be 11/6/95 in san diego???
    ed intro's crown of thorns by saying this is a special song only played on special nights that hadn't been played in s.diego. at first i was thinking 'breath', but 'crown of thorns' made a lot more sense.
    rearviewmirror went wayyy out there and came back fast and hard - awesome main set ending.
    there were a couple other tags that i recall...something into 'you are' and i guess it was part of 'life wasted' that transitioned into rvm.

    i'll post some of my pictures later.
    i'm still hearing bits of songs in my head - it's a very nice buzz...
    kinda worried about the next 2 nights - hopefully they won't be too big of let down ;-)
    ed even mentioned LA has their work cut out for them---which led to a funny bit where he said he's badmouthing the previous crowd (vegas) and the next nights crowd (LA), but he'll never have anything bad to say about tonight :-)
    he actually spoke about vegas a bit more earlier in the show, sounded like there was some serious shit going on maybe internally/emotionally, and whatever was wrong with the show wasn't the crowds doing...fyi...

    ok - that's it for now.
    see ya'll tomorrow!

    btw- anyone know the pregnant gal with the 'future pearl jam fan' t-shirt? just wondering...
    6/24/95, 11/4/95, 11/7/95, 7/10/98, 7/12/98, 7/13/98, 10/24/00, 10/25/00, 10/27/00, 6/2/03, 6/3/03, 6/5/03, 7/7/06. 7/9/06, 7/10/06, +++ most socal pjam shows since...
  • sigh eternallysigh eternally Chicago Posts: 421
    the day began in las vegas as the yellow sunlight bled into the room my friend victor (drtymescin) my girl jasmin (yeild2pearljam) and i shared at the hard rock hotel after the MGM show.
    5 hours to san diego. 5 hours through desert. repeated landscapes. images of death and no rebirth in the godforsaken mojave desert on the I-15 South. construction work, burned vehicles of death. the further we got away from Lost Wages the better. a great show was gone, but there was more to experience north of the southern border (the one small corner on MY mind).

    after the long drive and a couple of beers later at a local restaurant near san diego state university, my friend victor and i met up with other board members like my amazing friend robert (labmonk-e) and his beautiful girl Ann-Rene (purple_rhino), the legend himself Alan, (Cosmo) the Rockstar of the board (Vedhead27) and a motley crue of fellow fans like PJammin, Coldie, Senrock, PJPixxie, and... (sorry if i left everyone else out,... it was a crazy night).

    Sonic Youth put on an amazing show as usual. love seeing kim dance around and thurston wailing away with the beautiful feedback that he has mastered into something more than just sheer noise. seeing them live added to the intensity of the night for me. two legendary bands on one bill. amazing.

    we had the 3rd row for the second night in a row thanks to my friend Victor's 10club number. I owe this man more than i can say. i am truly in debt to him.

    the lights are out and the band takes the stage. the sea of people erupt in cheers and screams. to what should have been an obvious choice to open the show: Oceans. but it still caught me off guard. appropriate song for a beautiful city. ... beyond that, i just remember certain moments like Ed climbing the ladder during Last Kiss, the BEAUTIFUL rendition of Long Road dedicated to his teacher who passed away during the mirrorball sessions, looking over to Victor to tell him how amazing the show was, the sweat soaking into my longish hair, Alive with Ed and Mike on the speakers...
    than there was Rockin' in the Free World.
    Kelly Slater takes the stage. At first when i was hearing Ed introduce him, i misheard and thought he said "one of the greatest singers ever", which made my brain run, like... is it going to be Robert Plant? the ghost of Freddie Mercury? Gibby Hayes of the Butthole Surfers?!!!
    then when introduced Kelly Slater i just said "oooohhhh, SURFERS". ok. cool.

    then out of nowhere i see Ed pointing at me. at this point i am exhausted from singing to every song and letting my mop of hair fly all around. so, when the lead singer of your favorite band points to you in the crowd, your body sort of goes into a small type of shock (mostly because i am a shy person and dont like much attention, but this was Ed Vedder, so i had to deal with a ton of emotions). at first i thought he might be trying to kick me out for not rocking hard enough. but after a while i noticed he was pointing at my t-shirt, which is black and in white letters has EVOLUTION written above a large white skull. the two rows in front of me opened up as if he was Moses parting a sea of humanity, and he sent a perfect throw out to my hand which caught his tambourine. i mouthed "thank you" and gave him a peace sign. he motioned to my shirt again and gave me a peace sign back. i quickly turned around and lifted my tambourine to all of my friends in the crowd. i could see some of them hop around like crazy and others were out of my view.

    ending the show with YL/Star Spangled Banner just put a cherry on top of a massive, too-good-to-be-true ice cream sundae of a show on a warm san diego evening. the band, the fans, the love,... it all made it quite possibly the best pearl jam show i have ever been to.

    thank you to everyone involved.

    i love you all.


  • jasonw1833 wrote:
    Photos from my KICKASS 10C Stone side seat... Not only did I have a good seat but the show was amazing!

    From my phone

    From my camera

    More to come!!!

    nice, bro.... had same 10c seats on Mike's side.... way better than being on the floor 20 rows back or whatever
  • then out of nowhere i see Ed pointing at me. at this point i am exhausted from singing to every song and letting my mop of hair fly all around. so, when the lead singer of your favorite band points to you in the crowd, your body sort of goes into a small type of shock (mostly because i am a shy person and dont like much attention, but this was Ed Vedder, so i had to deal with a ton of emotions). at first i thought he might be trying to kick me out for not rocking hard enough. but after a while i noticed he was pointing at my t-shirt, which is black and in white letters has EVOLUTION written above a large white skull. the two rows in front of me opened up as if he was Moses parting a sea of humanity, and he sent a perfect throw out to my hand which caught his tambourine. i mouthed "thank you" and gave him a peace sign. he motioned to my shirt again and gave me a peace sign back. i quickly turned around and lifted my tambourine to all of my friends in the crowd. i could see some of them hop around like crazy and others were out of my view.

    Wow, cool man. I totally saw that! I was up on Stone's side and remember just thinking how cool it was that Ed pointed to you and obviously wanted you to get a tamborine. I was just like, "MAN, I wish I was that guy!" LOL. Congrats!
    3-19-94, 8-18-98, 8-18-00, 10-08-00, 10-09-00, 11-06-00, 6-02-03, 6-03-03, 6-05-03, 6-06-03, 6-07-03, 10-25-03(bridge), 10-26-03(bridge), 10-28-03, 7-06-06, 7-07-06, 7-09-06, 7-10-06, 7-13-06, 7-22-06, 7-23-06, 8-5-07, 06-22-08, 06-24-08, 08-21-08(EV), 08-22-08(EV), 8-23-09, 8-24-09, 10-06-09, 10-07-09, 10-09-09, 05-07-10, 09-03-11, 09-04-11, 07-19-13, 10-16-14, 10-17-14, 10-19-14, 10-20-14, 04-26-16, 08-20-16, 08-22-16, 08-18-18, 08-20-18, 09-05-23, 09-18-23, 09-19-23.
  • it was the best concert i have ever seen, i couldn't have asked for a more amazing set. thanks guuuuuuuuuys.

    p.s. stoney was rockin.
  • Easily the best Pearl Jam show I have ever been to.....just blew me and my friends away.

    The First Casualties Of WorldWideSuicide.....Viva La Pearl Jam!
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    Gators76 wrote:
    I saw Dylan before the show. He wouldnt trade tickets with me:(....haaa
    We had terrific seats, he had a perfect view. He had a blast at these 2 shows. He met so many cool people he can't quit talking about. He's going to be a star someday, I just feel it...
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    Cosmo wrote:
    I have to admit... I wasn't as excited for this tour as ones in the past... probably due to the depression I'm in and other bullshit associated with living in the times we are experiencing. This was the kick off gig of my participation in the Pearl Jam Tour 2006. It turned out to be a great place to start.
    First off... and I have said this in the past... I think a lot has to do with so many other contributing factors that adds or subtracts from your personal enjoyment of a specific show. It was extremely nice to see all of the same people I see at these shows... even if I don't know the names, i recognize the faces. We're all cut from the same tribal cloth, so at least we all have one thin in common. You all know about the set list by now, so I won't get into that. Instead, I'll just give my overall impressions of the entrie night in general.
    The stand out moment for me was when Ed told the story of the San Diego teacher who had a profound affect on his life. When he learned for the death of his teacher, he was in the process of recording with Neil Young on the Mirror Ball/Merkin Ball sessions. He had excused himself from the rest of the group and sought solice in his guitar. From the opening bell, we all knew it was how 'Long Road' was concieved. As the bell of the D chord continued to ring, the other band members quietly joined in. It was truely a moment that... well, I don't know how it will translate solely through an audio medium... a moment that was truely moving and memorable. The most powerful version of this song... one of my all time favorites... that I have ever experienced. It's hard to explain... and I know this sounds lame and I apologise for saying it... but, I guess you had to see it to feel it.
    The night in general had a great feel... probably because it is Sandy Eggo and it was one of those sparkling Sandy Eggo days... and the band has found it's way back to the Pacific... that made the night feel great. The guys looked like they were kids, playing, not working. Miles of smiles from the stage and the aisles. The crowd fed off the happiness and love on the stage and the band fed off of the crowd's reciprocated love and respect.
    Playing the 'Club Show' to the back of the stage... the inclusion of those fans with seats behind the stage... shows that the band wanted everyone to participate, rather than simply attend. That's probably why Ed decided to climb the rigging ladder... to get a closer look at the faces in the crowd.
    'Alive' takes on a diffrent outlook to me, after seeing that 'Storytellers' show. We really ARE still alive and should appreciate that fact... something I think we all seem to lose in this rat race we are forced to run in to survive. I personally try to appreciate everything I can while I still above ground... but, I know I too often forget about the millions of little gifts that life gives me every day. It was nice to be given this reminder last night. I appreciated the moonlight glistening on the Pacific as we drove back to L.A. last night.
    And finally... 'Yellow Ledbetter'... Pearl Jam's "Hey, it was nice to see you again and spend a few hours with you... but, we really have to go. But, don't worry... we'll see you again" song. The Jimi tribute to end the show was pretty special. Nice work, Mike.
    Anyway... sorry to bore you with all of this... but, it helps me to get it out and out there. Last night was a great example of why I love this band so much. They inspire me by just being.
    Peace to all and hopefully our roads will cross in the future.
    Oh, thanks for mentioning Long Road..I feel like Ed is just letting go of alot of emotional baggage he has been carrying around, knowing it's ok to share these sort of things with us, and how much we love and appreciate him in so many deep, profound ways. He is cleansing his soul, and his soul is shining!
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • sonicfansonicfan Posts: 2

    This was a show that I will never forget................... I haven't seen the guys this animated since the good old days. I've been very fortunate to have been able to see this band come full circle. My appreciation of this band started when I first saw them at a small dive bar in Seattle in 91 as a student at the UW. The magic is back...........the intensity is still there, the love of performing is still there, after all these years. What can I say. Yesterdays show was special. Even without them playing 5 of my favorite all time songs, (once, why go, porch, black, and state of love and trust) they more than made up for that with their intensity and genuine appreciation for a energized crowd. The highlights for me were rvm, long road, alive, and crown of thorns. This latest album is one that makes sence for them................and for me as a fan. It's reallly cool to hear and see the guys having fun again!! Life wasted, world wide suicide, and big wave will be classics when its all said and done.

    I think when you talk about the "best show" it is a personal "experience" thing. I've been fortunate to see many amazing shows over the years...................from small club gigs to huge concerts. I can tell you this, last night was the most happy I've seen the guys play in over ten years!!!! Ed was having the time of his life.....................very, very happy and genuinely appreciative of the crowd. I've seen them play roughly 15 times or so over their 16 years, and I've never, ever, seen them take hands and bow at the end of a performance. Very cool, and I think it shows how much love they have for true fans. As I stood there during Alive looking around the arena...................it looked like every single person was on their feet with their arms pumping in the air, I was in awe at what I was experiencing. The band feeding off of the crowd, and the crowd feeding off of the band. It just doesn't get any better than this. I felt like it was a Seattle crowd!! (I moved from Seattle to SD 4 years ago) Way to go San Diego!!! Happy to have witnessed a truly memorable show!!!
  • RobynRAZRobynRAZ Posts: 56
    I've been to 15 shows I think, & this was EASILY in the top 3(Seattle in 2000 & my first concert in 1994 are the only ones that come close)....I think after I have time to absorb it may be the best ever! This band never ceases to amaze. Here are 10 reasons why this show will be remembered forever!

    1. Songs they haven't played much or at all this tour! Oceans, Brain of J, Crown of Thorns, BIG WAVE!! The whole setlist was AMAZING!
    2. The crowd was nuts...period
    3. Eddie & the band seemed to be in the best mood I have ever seen. They had smiles on their faces the whole nighT!
    4. Eddie was ON FIRE!! He was all over the place. I think he fell down about 20 times. He was throwing the mike stand & running all over the place.
    5. Eddie climbed a mother-fucking rope ladder & sang to the back of the crowd...Coolest thing I've seen at a PJ concert since '94! It was even during my least favorite song, but I didn't care. It was great!
    6. Best versions of about 10 songs that I've ever heard. Every little thing that they SOMETIMES do to songs they did to every song. Modern Girl at the end of Not For YOu, awesome Save it For Later tag, the little improv after Life Wasted...unbelievable.
    7. Alive was out of control!! Eddie climbed the speakers with Stone & Mike on BOTH sides of the stage. I'm surprised the roof didn't literally fly off during that song! Fist pumps all around!
    8. The story at the beginning of Long Road was great...Not to mention just the fact that they PLAYED Long Road in the middle of the set!
    9. Eddie bringing out Kelly Slater & telling him this was his big wave was awesome!
    10. Eddie himself said that he would NEVER say anything bad about this show and that they would remember it forever!!

    I'm sure I've left a lot out. You all will hear it though I'm sure, because this will no doubt be the best selling boot this year!

    My voice is gone...Here comes LA & Santa Barbara...not to mention the Gorge!! wooohooo.

    haven't read everyone's review yet - but yours pretty much equals everything I was thinking - flying from Phoenix was sooooo worth it! This is by far the best I've seen out of the few I've been to (6 with SD). Now I want to travel to all their favorite destinations to see them in their glory and hell ya the crowd played a huge part!
    I'm too young to be old and too old to be young; I just don't fit anywhere.

    5/9/10 - Cleveland, OH
    9/28/09 - SLC, UT 6/17/08 - Virginia Beach, VA
    7/7/06 - San Diego, CA 9/1/05 - George, WA
    6/7/03 - Phoenix, AZ 10/21/00 - Phoenix, AZ
    7/8/98 - Phoenix, AZ 10/7/96 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
  • tombellancatombellanca Posts: 120
    not sure and don't think it's been mentioned,
    but there was an amazing chant/clapping thing going on during the break between the main set and 1st encore.
    totally spontaneous and very energized. i'm sure the band picked up on the vibe.
    reminded me of the good 'old grateful dead ending a set with 'not fade away' and the crowd carring the 'you know our love will not fade away' chant all the way thru the encore break.

    good stuff!
    6/24/95, 11/4/95, 11/7/95, 7/10/98, 7/12/98, 7/13/98, 10/24/00, 10/25/00, 10/27/00, 6/2/03, 6/3/03, 6/5/03, 7/7/06. 7/9/06, 7/10/06, +++ most socal pjam shows since...
  • RobynRAZRobynRAZ Posts: 56

    I am so jealous... maybe one day I'll make it to third row!!!
    I'm too young to be old and too old to be young; I just don't fit anywhere.

    5/9/10 - Cleveland, OH
    9/28/09 - SLC, UT 6/17/08 - Virginia Beach, VA
    7/7/06 - San Diego, CA 9/1/05 - George, WA
    6/7/03 - Phoenix, AZ 10/21/00 - Phoenix, AZ
    7/8/98 - Phoenix, AZ 10/7/96 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
  • yield_sd5yield_sd5 Posts: 7
    It's all been said, but the show was so great I felt compelled to get a membership to this board and throw in my two cents.

    It was by far the best of the four shows I have been lucky enough to see since 1997. You don't have to have seen 100 PJ shows to know you have witnessed a masterful performance like this one.

    The best part was Ed's incredible level of energy. It may very well have been the two bottles of wine, but who cares? He seemed happy and passion dripped from every word he sang.

    A lot of you out there think ALIVE and some of the old tunes are a waste of time, but this version of ALIVE was worth the entire price of admission. It was an absolutely incredible 5-7 minutes. It was so good that I was actually inspired. I hope the bootleg does it justice.

    Ed's flopping around, landing on the floor and instantly grabbing his bottle of vino and draining a few sips while still on the ground was legendary.

    The climb up the ladder was just icing on the cake.

    And...the Star Spangled Banner was epic.

    Finally, I have never seen a band join hands and take a bow like they did. I thought that was very cool, too.
  • RobynRAZRobynRAZ Posts: 56
    yield_sd5 wrote:
    Finally, I have never seen a band join hands and take a bow like they did. I thought that was very cool, too.

    Did any get any picts of that? It was classic and you could almost feel the love (the love of a family that has been through a lot and never gave up on each other)
    I'm too young to be old and too old to be young; I just don't fit anywhere.

    5/9/10 - Cleveland, OH
    9/28/09 - SLC, UT 6/17/08 - Virginia Beach, VA
    7/7/06 - San Diego, CA 9/1/05 - George, WA
    6/7/03 - Phoenix, AZ 10/21/00 - Phoenix, AZ
    7/8/98 - Phoenix, AZ 10/7/96 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
  • PopozaoPopozao Posts: 7
    I liked when Ed passed the bottle to the crowd and they all took sips...I just sat back and kept thinking "wow, that is so unsanitary"...I mean, it's cool when you drink right after Eddie Vedder...but drinking it when you're like 34th down the line...that's pushing it for my tastes.

    But that's what life is for. For living.

    San Diego was a blast and that's all you can ask for! And I was unaware how good of dancers PJ fans were!

    Edit to say Mike MCCready that night was worth the price of the ticket alone.
  • yield_sd5yield_sd5 Posts: 7
    I was kind of hoping they would pass the bottle back to Ed. I thought that would have been cool.

    Whomever the first guy to get the bottle was, he just took a swig and passed it down. Good for him. I think I would have been in shock.
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